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Abstract: Background: Puberty menorrhagia is a common gynaecological problem and can pose significant adverse effects on adolescent girl's health, when associated with serious complications such as anemia and hypoproteinemia. Early diagnosis of etiology and individualized treatment are the key factors in the management of puberty menorrhagia. Obective: To determine the etiology of puberty menorrhagia. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective observational study, included 44 patients who presented with menorrhagia in the pubertal age group to gynaecology OPD at SMS Medical College, Jaipur from October 2019 to March 2020. Patients thoroughly investigated to evaluate etiology of puberty menorrhagia. Results: In 70.45% (n = 31) patients anovulatory.....
Key Word: Puberty Menorrhagia, Menarche, Etiology, Anovulation
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Abstract: Background: Predication the number of oocytes prior to oocyte retrieval is long-term process in IVF treatment. But AMH level, AFC and number of Final Follicles Countare major important biomarker, which can predict the quantity of oocytes in ovary. Aim: The aim of the present study was to correlate the quantity of oocyte recovery with .AMH Level, AFC and Final Follicles count in different age of IVF women. Subject and method: Total 147 number of IVF/ICSI patients were involved in this retrospective study and categorized in four age groups. All patients' AMH hormone level, AFC, Final Follicles Count, duration of infertility, number of total oocytes........
Key Words: AMH, AFC, Follicles, Oocyte, Age
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Abstract: Acute coronary syndrome is the most important cardiac event in the golden years of life and therefore needs to be understood and managed well. The severity and its outcome has direct impact on the survival of mankind and therefore of great value .Rather than the traditional nomenclature of unstable angina , non-Q and Q wave myocardial infarction( acute coronary syndrome) are now classified based on ECG as either ST elevation or non ST elevation .This helps in stratifying patient who requires acute reperfusion therapy. The evolution of specific cardiac markers indicates whether myocardial infarction has taken place or not .This nomenclature underlines the mechanism of dynamic cardiac events which helps in better understanding and management. High sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hs-....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Guidelines for Extraction in Irradiated Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kainat Anjum || Dr. Abhisek De Sarkar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907022731 ![]() |
Abstract: Extractions in irradiated patients present high rates of complications due to less cellular, less vascular and less oxygenated tissues which lead to delayed healing. There is a controversy for dental extraction before or after radiation therapy as osteoradionecrosis is the most severe post radiotherapy sequelae. This article would be an attempt to understand the core of literature regarding dental extractions performed before and after radiotherapy, focusing on indications, contraindication, precautions (if any), criteria and special surgical techniques.....
Keywords: Dental extraction, Radiation therapy, Osteoradionecrosis, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, Pentoxifylline and Tocopherol.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) surgery is a procedure that aims to eliminate obstruction within the lacrimal sac, and relief the epiphora. A DCR procedure involves removal of bone adjacent to the nasolacrimal sac and incorporating the lacrimal sac with the lateral nasal mucosa in order to bypass the nasolacrimal duct obstruction.external dacryocystorhinostomy has been the procedure of choice since a century but advent and advancement on endoscope has brought revolution in minimal invasive transnasal procedure there by giving usEndonasaldacryocystorhinostomy procedures. Here we compare both the procedure to asses the best possible treatment option for Epiphora and dacryocystitis. METHODS: The prospective study involved all the patients with Chronic dacryocystitis who comply with inclusion and exclusion criteria......
Keywords: Chronic dacryocystitis, Dacryocystorhinostomy, externaldacryocystorhinostomy, Endoscopicdacryocystorhinostomy
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cystic Neck Lesions: A Clinico-Anatomical Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Malabika Debi || Dr.Arupjyoti Sarma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907023639 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Cystic lesions of neck include a wide range of congenital & acquired lesions which reflect abnormal embryogenesis in the head and neck development . A thorough knowledge of embryology and anatomy is critical in the diagnosis and treatment of these lesions. Materials and Methods: Studywas conducted in the Deptt.of Otolaryngology, Tezpur Medical College in collaboration with the Deptt. of Anatomy of the same institute. A total of 25 cases were studied over a period of six months (January, 2019 to July,2019). Patients were assessed clinically and were investigated with USG& CT scans of the neck apart from routine investigations......
Key Word: Neck lesions, Cystic, Thyroglossal, Branchial, Cyst
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Palliative Care for Cancer Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ishanee Mazumder || Ankita Chakraborty || Chandrashish Roy || Riya Ghosh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907024044 ![]() |
Abstract: Palliative Care is a developing speciality in India which needs to be highlighted to the general public who don't know about the benefits of it.There is a huge need to expand Palliative Care in the whole of India.Patients with advanced cancer often experience symptoms of diseases including pain,fatigue,insomnia,etc. and treatment that contribute to distress and diminish their quality of life (QOL).Palliative Care aims to relief these symptoms. It considers the psychological and the spiritual aspects of patient care and offers a support system to help patients live as actively as possible until death.This review highlights the use of Palliative Care during treatment of cancer patients and also discusses about the importance of Palliative Care as a course for clinical students and junior doctors
Key Word: Palliative Care; Cancer patients; Education; Pain syndrome; India
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[4]. Mojgan Ansari, Maryam Rassouli, Mohhamad Esmaiel Akbari, Abbas Abbaszadeh, Ali Baba Akbari, Shahpar Haghighat. Process Challenges in Palliative Care for Cancer Patients: A Qualitative Study. Middle East Journal of Cancer; 2019; 10(1): 43-53 [5]. Fuesun Terzioglu, Fatma Uslu Sahan,Handan Boztepe.Palliative Care to the Cancer Patient: Turkish Nurses' Perspectives. 2015. J Palliat Care Med S5:004.
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Abstract: Introduction: Asthma is a complex, recurrent disease of the airways that causes shortness of breath, wheezing, and cough (particularly at night or early in the morning). Asthma is episodic in nature and usually reversible, either spontaneously or with treatment. However, chronic inflammation, associated with persistent symptoms, may contribute to airway remodeling that may not be completely reversible. Airflow limitation occurs as a result of varying degrees of airway hyper responsiveness, airway edema and bronchoconstriction. Materials and Methods: The study group consists of 106 school students living in Delhi for past 6 years. The prevalence of children having asthma is 7.5%. The control group, consist of sex and age matched 80 normal healthy individuals, who are school students. Taking 26 individuals as other group.Spiro-metric method was used to estimate lung function. In addition to.....
Key Words: Asthma, FEV1/FVC, CNG
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Abstract: Background: Obstructive jaundice is a type of jaundice, due to blockage in flow of bile from liver to intestine. This result in redirection of excess bile and bilirubin into circulation. Differentiation of benign and malignant etiology of biliary obstruction is difficult with imaging alone. Aim of this study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of 3-Tesla MRCP in differentiating benign from malignant biliary obstructive diseases in correlation with surgical, ERCP and HPE findings as gold standard. Material and method: This is a hospital based prospective cross sectional study. Time bound study with 30 samples of suspected cases of obstructive jaundice, 30 patients with clinical and laboratory finding suggestive of biliary obstruction underwent 3 Tesla MRCP. All patients above the age of 18 years with clinical suspicion of biliary obstruction and/ altered LFT and Cases......
Keywords: Biliary Obstruction, MRCP, Benign, Malignant, Choledocholithiasis, HPE.
[1]. Katabathina VS, Dasyam AK, Dasyam N, Hosseinzadeh K. Adult Bile Duct Strictures: Role of MR Imaging and MR Cholangiopancreatography in Characterization. RadioGraphics. 2014;34(3):565–86.
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[3]. Schwartz LH, Lefkowitz RA, Panicek DM, Coakley F V, Jarnagin W, Dematteo R, et al. Breath-hold magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in the evaluation of malignant pancreaticobiliary obstruction. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2003;27(3):307—314.
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Abstract: Ovarian cancer represents the most fatal among gynaecological malignancies. The high mortality rate may be due to its late-stage diagnosis in lack of relevant diagnostic markers for early detection. There is a strong need for biomarkers that facilitate detection at an early stage. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), representing a new class of biomarkers are being explored. They are single-stranded short sequence RNAs that do not encode proteins but regulate target genes post-transcriptionally. They play a role as suppressors and promoters of ovarian carcinoma being involved in growth, inhibition of apoptosis, metastasis, invasion, and angiogenesis. The research done in this field has shown that miRNAs can facilitate discrimination of patients with ovarian carcinoma from healthy controls suggesting their use as diagnostic biomarkers. This review will summarize the current knowledge and clinical......
Keywords: Circulating miRNA, Ovarian cancer, diagnosis, prognosis
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