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Abstract: Aortic anomalies with associated cardiac and extra cardiac anomalies present a diverse spectrum of diseases that often demand implementation of diverse methods of repair and correction. Among various techniques, encompassing the spectrum from performing Bentall surgery to anatomic and extra-anatomic bypass like ventralization of aorta and using diverse perfusion maneuvers lay the foundation of achieving desirable outcomes in dealing with complex anatomic and physiological challenges offered by these anomalies. Critical and efficient decision making both on table and off table by the operating surgeon/ team is mandatory for balancing the aim of ensuring absolute anatomical.......
Keywords: Aortic Aneurysm, Bentall Surgery, Aortic dissection, Extra anatomic bypass, Coarctation of aorta, Ventralization of aorta
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Abstract: Purpose - To study the clinical profile of patients of ocular trauma following road traffic accident presenting to the tertiary health care centre. Methods- This was a prospective observational study that involved 200 eyes of 100 patients with ocular trauma presenting with periorbital ecchymosis , subconjunctival haemorrhage ,lid laceration ,orbital fracture and posterior segment involvement. Diagnostic tests were done in all the patients. Results-There were 76 males and 24 females and the age group taken was 20 to 65 years. 59 patients belonged to the age group of 20 to 35 years, out of which were 46 males and 13 were females. 31 patients belonged to age group of 36 to 50 years, out of which 22 were males and 9 were females. 10 patients belonged to the age group of 51 to 65 years , out of which 8 were males and 2 were females. There were 88% closed globe injuries and 12% open......
Key words: ocular trauma , road traffic accident ,ecchymosis ,laceration , berlin's edema
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Abstract: Purpose - To study the ophthalmoscopic findings in patients of pathological myopia. Methods- This was a prospective observational study that involved 50 eyes of 25 patients with pathological myopia complaining of diminution of distant vision. Complete ophthalmic examination was done in diffuse light followed by direct and indirect opthalmoscopic examination. Results-There were 11 males and 14 females .The most common myopia-related macular finding in patients with high myopia was staphyloma (22%), followed by chorioretinal atrophy (18%),tigroid fundus (16%), lacquer crack (12%), retinal hemorrhage (4%),....
Keywords: pathological myopia, peripapillary atrophy,fuchs spots,choroidal neovascular membrane
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Abstract: Purpose - To study the fundus findings in patients of diabetes mellitus. Methods- This was a prospective observational study that involved 50 eyes of 25 patients with diabetes mellitus complaining of diminution of vision. Complete ophthalmic examination was done in diffuse light followed by direct opthalmoscopic examination and optical coherence tomography. Results-There were 15 males and 10 females .Fundus findings in patients of diabetes mellitus include microaneurysms in all the patients followed by dot blot haemorrhages in 88% patients , flame shaped haemorrhages in 76% patients, cotton wool spots in 62% patients, venous beading in 55% patients ,maculopathy in 46% patients and neovascularization in 42% patients. Optical coherence......
Key Words: diabetic retinopathy, intraretinal microaneurysm , cotton wool spots, maculopathy, neovascularization
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hyphema Due to Blunt Injury |
Country | : | india |
Authors | : | Dr. Jitendra Kumar || Dr.Anjali || Dr. Priyanka Chanana |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907082326 ![]() |
Abstract: Purpose - To study the causes, associated ocular findings and visual acuity on presentation, complications and visual outcome following treatment in patients of hyphema due to blunt injury. Materials and Methods- A retrospective study was performed in 100 patients with hyphema due to blunt injury admitted in Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College, Jhansi between August 2019 to January 2020. The gender, age, race, cause of blunt injury resulting in hyphema, eye involved, vision at admission, other associated ophthalmological findings, complications and visual outcome were noted from the case records of patients. The data were analyzed using SPSS programme.....
Key Word: blunt injury, hyphema, sports injury, blood staining of cornea
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Abstract: Introduction:Vertebral compression wedging leads to a high rate of morbidity and impaired physical and quality of life due to chronic backpain and progressive kyphotic deformity. Minimal invasive surgery techniques such as percutaneous cement augmentation with vertebroplasty restore stability to the vertebral coloumn and treat the debilitating pain unresponsive to conservative measures. Case report: We present the management protocol of a 56 year female with pathological wedging of D10, D11 vertebra treated with diagnostic transpedicular biopsy and percutaneous vertebroplasty. Discussion:Vertebroplasty is an excellent procedure for pain relief in these patients provided the following criteria are met: The vertebral height.....
Keywords: Pathological compression wedging,Percutaneousvertebroplasty.
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Abstract:Purpose: Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a spectrum of conditions affecting multi system disorder caused by infection with the retrovirus, Human immuno deficiency virus (HIV) . Ocular manifestations in HIV positive patients range from simple blepharitis to severe blinding condition like CMV retinitis. The virus infect T lymphocytes resulting in profound immunodeficiency leading to opportunistic infections and neoplasms. The severity of ophthalmic sequel of HIV infection increases as immune competency decreases, which is related to CD4+ T cell count. One marker of immune activation, CD38 expression by CD4 and CD8 cells, has been shown to be an important prognostic marker for mortality or disease progression that.....
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, CD4 count, Ocular manifestations, anterior and Posterior segment lesions
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Abstract: Traumatic injuries in childhood may disrupt root development leading to a tooth with open apex. The absence of an apical constriction makes the teeth more vulnerable to extrusion of a foreign body to the periapical region during conventional root canal treatment. This could cause endodontic failure by triggering inflammation and foreign body reaction. The aim of the present case report is to describe the endodontic surgical treatment of an iatrogenic displacement of a foreign body (Gutta percha) into periapical tissues and its clinical and radiographic follow up over a period of 6 months.
Key Words: Traumatic injury, Open Apex, Gutta Percha, Apicoectomy, Periapical Lesion, Foreign Body reaction.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Extraction of Large CBD Stones by Open Method |
Country | : | india |
Authors | : | Dr.Jagram meena || Dr. Sajal Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1907084549 ![]() |
Abstract: For complicated common bile duct stones (CBDS) that cannot be extracted by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), management can be safely by open or laparoscopic CBD exploration (CBDE). The study aimed to assess these surgical procedures after endoscopic failure. Common bile duct stones (CBDSs) may occur in up to 6%–10% of all adult patients for whom cholecystectomy is performed. Patients presenting with CBD stones have symptoms including: biliary colic, jaundice, cholangitis, pancreatitis or may be asymptomatic.The clinical presentation of the patient, number of stones, size of CBD, available resources and technical expertise at hand are an important consideration for the ideal management in different conditions.
Key Words: CBD stones , ERCP, open cholecystectomy
[1]. Tarantino G., Magistri P., Ballarin R., Assirati G., Cataldo A.D., Benedetto F.D. Surgery in biliary lithiasis: from the traditional "open" approach to laparoscopy and the "rendezvous" technique. Hepatobiliary Pancreat. Dis. Int. 2017;16:595–601. [PubMed] [Google Scholar]Tarantino G, Magistri P, Ballarin R, Assirati G, Cataldo AD, and Benedetto FD. Surgery in biliary lithiasis: From the traditional "open" approach to laparoscopy and the "rendezvous" technique. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int 2017; 16:595-601. [PubMed].
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Abstract: AIM: To study the role of ultrasound elastography (USE) in differentiating benign and malignant breast masses with FNAC correlation. To analyze and compare the sensitivity, specificity, predictive value and accuracy of USE in diagnosing malignant breast lump. Material and Methods: A total of 106 Patients who presented with breast lesion at the department of Surgery, Assam Medical College and Hospital (AMCH), India, from September, 2017 to march, 2019, were included. Thorough history and detailed clinical examination of all the patients were done. All the patients underwent USE using 12 MHz linear transducer at the department of Radio-diagnosis, AMCH and FNAC at the department of Pathology, AMCH and further subjected to excision biopsy/definitive surgery, the result of which were further compared with the HPE results to determine the sensitivity, specificity, predictive value and accuracy of USE and FNAC....
Key Words: Carcinoma breast, USE-Ultrasound elastography, FNAC
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Abstract: Hernioplasty is one of the commonest general surgical procedures performed in a surgical unit. Surgical outcome has improved tremendously due to improvements in surgical techniques, prosthetic materials and a better understanding of how to use them. Post operative pain, prolonged hospital stay and recurrence are a common problem associated with hernia surgery1. Modified lichenstein surgery was the default surgery option for the treatment of inguinal hernia for decades2. But in recent years surgeons performing laparoscopic hernioplasty claim that there is definite benefits as compared to open hernioplasty3 which confers a significant advantage in utilising hospital resources. The aim of this study is to look into these differences between the two operative methods to help in deciding which among the two is the better surgical option.
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[2]. Amid PK, Shulman AG, Lichtenstein IL. Open "tension-free" repair of inguinal hernias: The Lichtenstein technique. Eur J Surg 1996; 162: 447–453.
[3]. Gould J. Laparoscopic versus open inguinal hernia repair. SurgClin North Am. 2008;88:1073–1081. doi:10.1016/j.suc.2013.06.013
[4]. Salma U, Ahmed I, Ishtiaq S. A comparison of post operative pain and hospital stay between Lichtenstein's repair and Laparoscopic TransabdominalPreperitoneal (TAPP) repair of inguinal hernia: A randomized controlled trial. Pakistan journal of medical sciences. 2015 Sep;31(5):1062.
[5]. Quispe MR, Salgado Júnior W. Transabdominalpreperitoneal (TAPP) versus open Lichtenstein hernia repair. Comparison of the systemic inflammatory response and the postoperative pain. Actacirurgicabrasileira. 2019;34(2)..