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Abstract: Midline incisions has advantage of rapid and wide access to the abdominal cavity with minimal damage to muscles, nerves, and the vascular supply of the abdominal wall, hence causing minimal long-term morbidity.1 However, wound complications after any laparotomy increases burden on resources of the health care system. 2 Wound complications after laparotomy include surgical site infection, stitch abscess, incisional hernia, wound dehiscence, evisceration.1 Wound infection and wound dehiscence after laparotomy are likely to be followed by incisional hernia within months or perhaps a few years. Acute wound failure (wound dehiscence.......
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Abstract: Background: The semiology of temporal lobe epilepsy in children can be profoundly affected by age and brain development. Children with temporal lobe epilepsy are more likely to demonstrate specific semiology. Our aim was to analyze clinical presentation, EEG and radiological assessment of childhood temporal lobe epilepsy in the population of Algiers. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 32 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. We took into account familial and personal medical history, clinical examination, EEG, radiological assessment based on cerebral magnetic resonance imaging and evolution.......
Key words: Temporal lobe epilepsy; childhood; clinical features
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Abstract: Background: The semiology of frontal seizures is enriched with age. frontal seizures having a more crude semiology in young children than in older children .Our aim was to describe the clinical semiology of childhood-onset frontal lobe epilepsy in the population of Algiers. Materials and Methods: 29 patients were identified with frontal lobe epilepsy. The patients had childhood-onset frontal lobe epilepsy before age 15 years, which had been documented between January 2012 and December 2013.The age at seizure onset, onset seizure type, antecedent (illness or event) before the onset of frontal lobe epilepsy, semiology, and EEG recordings were studied.......
Keywords: Frontal lobe epilepsy, Childhood, Semiology
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Abstract: Background: In hemorrhoids, the anal canal venous plexuses become engorged. It can lead to bleeding, thrombosis, prolapse, pain. Study of clinical profile helps to educate the patients to take proper precautions to avoid the severe forms of it. The objective of the study was to study the clinical profile of patients with hemorrhoids at a tertiary care hospital. Methods: Present study was hospital based retrospective study. It was carried out at Government Dharmapuri Medical College in the department of general surgery among 100 patients who underwent hemorrhoidectomy during the study period from October 2020 to October 2021........
Keywords: Hemorrhoids, Symptoms, clinical profile
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Abstract: Résumé Introduction : La BPCO est une maladie respiratoire très fréquente, aux conséquences sévères en termes de morbi-mortalité qui sera selon certaines estimations la 3ème cause de décès en 2030 [1]. Elle pose donc un réel problème de santé publique. Cependant, elle reste une pathologie mal connue des patients, et sans doute mal prise en compte par le médecin généraliste notamment dans la phase de dépistage. Son principal facteur de risque est le tabagisme. Seule la prise en charge précoce peut stopper ou freiner la détérioration de la fonction respiratoire. Le dépistage paraît donc nécessaire et devrait être large chez les fumeurs........
Keywords: BPCO, dépistage, spirométrie.
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Abstract: L'invagination Intestinale Aiguë (I.I.A.) est le télescopage d'un segment intestinal dans le segment d'aval. C'est une affection grave et dramatique du tube digestif nécessitant un diagnostic précoce et un traitement d'urgence. Nous rapportons un rare cas d'invagination intestinale aigüe chez un nourrisson de 4 mois reçu 4 jours après le début de la symptomatologie. Ce dernier a présenté toute la triade clinique d'Ombredane. Après une réanimation pré-opératoire, la laparotomie exploratrice a été réalisée. Une invagination iléo-coeco-colo-colique a été retrouvée et dont l'épine irritative retrouvée en per-opératoire est une appendicite aigue dans sa forme méso-coeliaque. Une désinvagination......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sjogren's syndrome presenting as a hypokalemic quadriparesis-a case report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. siddharth Ragupathi |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2104113235 ![]() |
Abstract: a 27-year-old female presented to the emergency department with complaints of difficulty in using both upper and lower limbs for the past two days. The patient was asymptomatic for two days after which she developed difficulty in using both her lower limbs after which she developed weakness in both her upper limbs. She had no complaints related to cranial nerves and her sensory system. however, she had a history of joint pain in all small and large joints for the past two years without any swelling. she had a history of a similar illness for which she was treated and her previous records were not available. she had complaints of dryness in her mouth for the past 2 years and dryness in her eye.....
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Abstract: Résumé : Introduction : L'accident vasculaire cérébrale est une pathologie préoccupante. Plusieurs étiologies peuvent être en cause. L'hypercoagulabilité constitue une des rares causes de l'AVC, notamment chez le sujet jeune. Matériels et Méthodes : Nous rapportons le cas d'une jeune patiente sans antécédents particuliers, qui a présenté un AVCI et dont le bilan étiologique a objectivé un excès du facteur VIII.....
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Abstract: Résume : Les schwannomes sont des tumeurs nerveuses bénignes rares, développées à partir des cellules de Schwann, dont la localisation pleurale est très rare. Nous rapportons un cas de schwannome pleural malin primitif chez un homme âgé de 76 ans, qui a consulté pour une douleur thoracique chronique avec une altération d'état générale, le bilan radiologique a objectivé une masse pleurale postérieure droite, et dont le diagnostic est confirmé par une étude immunohistochimique d'une biopsie scannoguidée et par biopsie sous thoracoscopie réalisée à visée diagnostique et thérapeutique. Mots clés :Schwannome pleurale , malin , localisation rare........
Keywords: Pleural Schwannoma, malignant, rare location
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Abstract: Introduction: Maxillary transverse deficiency is one of the most commonly undiagnosed problem. MARPE has generated much interest in the recent times, with good amount of supporting evidences. Thus, in this study, we are performing micro osteoperforation, a minimally invasive technique of accelerated orthodontics in the mid palatal suture region for Rapid Maxillary Expansion (RME) using mini- implants for skeletal anchorage to investigate whether micro osteoperforation makes mid palatal suture opening more predictable by reducing the resistance and optimizing its opening.......
Keywords: MARPE, Micro osteoperforation, Maxillary expansion, Maxillary skeletal expansion, Mid palatal suture, Cone beam computed tomogram
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Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes is one of the Challenging epidemic diseases of the Medical History. Impaired fasting glucose (IFG), also known as pre-diabetic state of hyperglycemia which refers to a condition in which the fasting blood glucose level is consistently elevated above than normal levels, however, it is not as high enough to be diagnosed as diabetes mellitus. Objective: To see the frequency of Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) in hypertensive patients. Study design: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study. Study setting and duration: This study was conducted in an Out Patient Diabetic Clinic at Hyderabad city, duration of study was six months after approval from Ethical Review Committee......
Keywords: Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) and hypertension (HTN)
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