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Abstract: Laparoscopic surgery has dramatically taken over many conventional surgical techniques of the past ,anesthetic techniques for same have also been refined to anticipate these differences[1]. In past, cuffed tracheal tube was considered as ideal device for providing safe glottic seal, especially for laparoscopic procedures under general anaesthesia as it provided adequate ventilation and protected against pulmonary aspiration but required laryngoscopy & initiated hemodyanamic stress response during insertion. So this warrants searching for a newer alternative device which reduces haemodynamic variations along with other complications[2,3]. To overcome this, Supraglottic Airway Devices (SADs) were introduced. Their use in laparoscopic surgeries has been described as inconventional but feasible.
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[3]. Badheka JP, Jadliwala RM, Chhaya VA, Parmar VS, Vasani A, Rajyaguru AM. I-gel as an alternative to endotracheal tube in adult laparoscopic surgeries: A comparative study. J Minim Access Surg 2015;11(4):251–6.
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[5]. Eschertzhuber S, Brimacombe J, Hohlrieder M, Keller C. The Laryngeal Mask Airway Supreme TM - a single use laryngeal mask airway with an oesophageal vent. A randomised, cross-over study with the Laryngeal Mask Airway ProSeal TM in paralysed, anaesthetised patients. Anaesthesia 2009;64(1):79–83.
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Abstract: Angioid streaks are considered a rare disorder. They are breaks in a degenerated and mineralized Bruch's membrane, that typically radiate outward from the optic disc. They are bilateral And may be idiopathic or associated with pseudoxanthoma elasticum, Sickle cell disease, acromegaly, Paget disease of the bone, and other diseases.Angioid steaks are usually asymptomatic but may be associated with choroidal neovascularization (CNV), causing metamorphopsia and/or visual decline. They are a risk factor of subretinal bleeding after minor trauma.Angioid streaks are usually asymptomatic and do not need any treatment. In the other hand, the complicated forms need to be treated
Key words: Angioid streaks, Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum , neovascularisation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Investigation of Soft Skills in Providing Medical Care In Hospital |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. Darina Mineva |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2104131418 ![]() |
Abstract: The article presents a methodology for measuring soft skills according to the SERVQUAL methodology in a successful organization - a hospital in the health system. The aim of the study is to present a mechanism for testing soft skills in a hospital. Statistical method and questionnaire method of "Expectations for medical service" and "Perceptions of medical service" were used according to the five criteria of the SERVQUAL methodology: The aim of the study is to present a mechanism for testing soft skills in a hospital. Statistical method and survey method of "Expectations for medical service" and "Perceptions of medical service" were used according to the........
Key words: soft skills, hard skills, Grönroos concept, Method SERVQUAL.
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Abstract: This study investigated the prevalence and predictors of tuberculosis among people living with diabetes in Rivers State. The study assessed the level of knowledge of diabetes as a risk factor for tuberculosis among diabetic patients. It also determined the prevalence of tuberculosis among people living with diabetes, predictors of TB in persons living with DM and associations between socio-demographic variables and predictors of TB. The study adopted a descriptive survey research design. The population of the study was estimated at 47,264 patients with diabetes in Port Harcourt and Obio/Akpor LGAs of Rivers State while the sample size was 400.......
Keywords: Tuberculosis, Diabetes, Predictors, Rivers State
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Abstract: Background Lymphatic filariasis is targeted for elimination in India through mass drug administration (MDA) with diethylcarbamazine (DEC) combined with albendazole (ABZ). For the strategy to be effective, >85% of those living in endemic areas must be covered by MDA. Methods A sample 40 family clusters each from one urban areas and 40 each from three rural areas, both male and female, aged two years or above – were selected interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire. Results.....
Keywords: MDA ,DEC,ABZ,Compliance
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Abstract: Background: Non-traumatic myelopathies (NTM) have a broad and heterogeneous group of etiologies, can be divided into compressive and non-compressive myelopathies. Infections, demyelinating process, neoplastic, metabolic, vascular diseases and congenital malformations are frequently observed as etiologies of NTM. Considering scarcity of literature regarding this topic in our country context, the study was designed to evaluate the clinical and etiological profile of non-traumatic myelopathy patients attending in a Tertiary Care Hospital. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the clinical and etiological profile of non-traumatic myelopathy patients.......
Keywords: Clinical, Etiological profile, Non-traumatic, Myelopathy, Spondylosis
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Abstract: Introduction: Multiple myeloma is characterized by malignant proliferation of plasma cells producing monoclonal protein. Accurate detection and interpretation not only assist in counseling patients regarding anticipated outcome but also helps in choice of drugs and in selecting overall therapeutic strategy. Risk stratification is very important for the treatment, therapeutic modalities and probable outcome of patients who are suffering from multiple myeloma Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the risk stratification of multiple myeloma patients in haematology department of a tertiary medical college hospital. Materials & methodology: This......
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Abstract: Proximal femoral fracturesoccur in the old and the young. The locking compression plate for proximal femur by biological plating with screws into the neck and head of femur in 58 consecutive patients allowed early mobilization and avoid complications with acceptable results even in osteoporotic bone and comminuted fragments irrespective of the type of fracture. The intra operative radiation was found to be less compared to other series .
Key words: Locking compression plate, lesser radiation, biological plating, proximal femur fractures
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Abstract: Lateral internal sphincterotomy cures chronic anal fissure by preventing internal sphincter hypertonia. However, cutting sphincter predisposes to sphincter dysfunction, manifests as incontinence of gas, liquid, or stool.[1] Surgeons, therefore, can be too cautious in its use, making ineffective superficial incisions or avoiding the operation altogether. MATERIALS AND METHODS A case series of 50 patients at the Surgery Department of Government Dharmapuri Medical College and Hospital over a period of 1Year that included cases of chronic fissure-in-ano in the age group of 18 yrs and above for surgical management....
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Abstract: Trauma is the leading cause of death in India. Thoracic trauma is the third most common traumatic death, after head and spinal cord injury. The incidence of chest trauma is reported 10% of trauma admissions and mortality rate is variable ranging from about 10% to 60%.Trauma to thoracic region has a wide spectrum from chest wall injury to vital organs within the thoracic cavity. Thoracic injuries may be penetrating or blunt and management varies from conservative to invasive. Though multiple studies have been done to evaluate factors that predict morbidity and mortality in thoracic trauma, few have developed into scoring systems.. There are global poly-trauma scales, like Injury.......
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Abstract: Osmotic demyelination syndrome also known as central pontine myelinolysis, is a rare disorder characterized by non-inflammatory demyelination in the central pons. Diagnosis of incipient central pontine myelinolysis was based on acute brain-stem dysfunction, serum electrolyte disturbances, malnutrition in combination with typical neuroradiological findings..
Keywords: Demyelination, quadriparesis, conjugate palsy, Hypokalemia, alcoholism.
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Abstract: A case of a 16 years old boy, who presented with multiple episodes of vomiting, sore throat and difficulty in swallowing. Within 2 days of initial presentation he was comatose and following was intubated. His SARS-CoV 2 IgG antibody report came positive and CSF analysis showed albumin-cytological dissociation. The patient recovered with intravenous methylprednisolone and intravenousimmunoglobulin therapy, which was given for 5 days. Non- specific GI symtoms could be an initial symptom of post covid encephalitis and these patients may require immunosuppressive therapy.
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