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Abstract: Ojectives: the aim of the study is to analyse the morphometry regarding shape, symmetry, length and diameters of anterior communicating arteries along with anatomical variations like absence, duplication and abnormal origin, aplasia or hypoplasia etc. Introduction: The Circle of Willis is an anastomotic vascular network at the base of the brain in the interpeduncular fossa. Its major role is to provide efficient collateral circulation to cerebral and cerebellar tissue to prevent ischemia, and subsequent transient ischemic attack or stroke. Its anterior part is formed by the anterior cerebral artery......
Keywords: - Circle of Willis, Arterial variation, Neuroanatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Anterior communicating Artery, Hypoplasia, Aplasia, Duplication, Triplication
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management Of Haemorrhoids By Trans Anal Suture Rectopexy [Chivates Procedure]: Experience At A Tertiary Care Center |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. R. Jaswanth || Dr. G. Akhilesh || Dr. Darivemula Israel |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2306121316 |
Abstract: Background: Haemorrhoids can occur at any age, and they affect both men and women. Most of the haemorrhoidal surgeries have many post-op complications, prolonged hospital stay and analgesic need. To overcome this post-op morbidity and long term recurrence, a new surgical method was devised by D. Chivates. This procedure includes trans anal circumferential suturing of lax mucosa and submucosa of rectum. The main etiological factor for the development of recurrence of haemorrhoids is, the development of collaterals. The current study was undertaken to know the outcomes of patients......
Keywords: Haemorrhoids, Surgery, Constipation, Chivate procedure, Collaterals, Complications
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Abstract: Diffuse neurofibromas are rare benign tumors, mostly located in the cephalic extremity, and are associated with neurofibromatosis type 1 in 10% of cases. They are known in the literature for their clinical appearance, haemorrhagic surgery and prognosis. In this article, we report the case of a patient with beret-shaped diffuse neurofibroma of the scalp occurring in the context of Von Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis..
Keywords: Diffuse Neurofibroma, neurofibromatosis type 1, scalp.
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Abstract: To evaluate the effectiveness and safety of ultrasound versus anatomical femoral nerve block in
emergency rooms for isolated lower limb injuries in order to increase patient cooperation during immobilisation
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Sandby ‑ Thomas M, Sullivan G, Hall Je. A National Survey Into The Peri – Operative Anaesthetic Management Of Patients Presenting For Surgical Correctionof A Fractured Neck Of Femur. Anaesthesia 2018;63:250‑8.
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Kapral S, Krafft P, Eibenberger K, Fitzgerald R, Gosch M, Weinstabl C. Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Approach For Regional Anesthesia Of The Brachial Plexus. Anesthesia And Analgesia.1994;78(3):507–513
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Abstract: Background: Despite being a middle-income country, Bangladesh faces a rising tide of hypertension, a major contributor to non-communicable diseases globally. Aim: To investigate the spectrum of target organ damage (TOD) in patients with hypertension admitted to a tertiary level hospital, Dhaka. Methods: This retrospective observational study included ninety patients (68 males, twenty-two females; aged 20-over 70) with hypertensive complications admitted to the hospital from January to June 2015. Study focused on hypertension duration, risk factors, and past medical history. Inclusion criteria were diastolic BP > 90 mmHg, systolic BP > 140 mmHg, or isolated systolic hypertension (systolic BP > 160 mmHg, diastolic BP < 90 mmHg). Obesity (BMI > 30) and diabetes (fasting glucose > 7.....
Keywords: Hypertension; Target Organ Damage; Sedentary lifestyle Stroke; Medication Adherence
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Abstract: Silver diamine fluoride effectively treats dental caries by forming a protective layer on decayed surfaces, increasing mineral density and hardness, inhibiting enzyme activity, and directly attacking bacteria, but it can cause tooth discoloration, prompting research into additives like potassium iodide and glutathione to reduce staining. Aim: This in vitro study aimed to address the limited research available on the potential impact of adding KI and GSH to SDF by exploring their antimicrobial efficacy against Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus acidophilus. In addition.....
Keywords: Silver diamine fluoride; glutathione; Potassium iodide; antibacterial. Highlights:
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Abstract: Cardiomyopathy weakens the heart muscle, affecting blood circulation and potentially leading to heart failure. It can be either acquired or hereditary, impacting individuals of all genders, ages, and backgrounds. Chronic alcohol consumption can lead to alcoholic cardiomyopathy (ACM), which causes structural and functional changes in the heart. ACM results from toxic alcohol byproducts damaging the heart muscle, leading to weakened and enlarged.....
Key Word: Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy, Enlarged heart chambers, Alcohol cessation, Severe heart failure, Mortality rate
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Abstract: In dentistry, enamel discoloration is a prevalent concern, particularly in younger patients. Numerous factors, including fluorosis, caries, and pulpal alterations, may be the reason for this. The Minimal Invasive Dental (MID) approach has been the subject of a recent dental evidence base for the treatment of such lesions. The treatment of fluorosis with microabrasion and resin infiltration has been described in this case report.
Key Word: :fluorosis,microabrasion,resin infiltration
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Abstract: Background: The posterior pillar is formed by the calcaneus, the major bone of the longitudinal arch. It is in charge of taking in and transferring the weight of the body to the plantar arch below. The three facets on the ventral surface—the anterior, middle (where the ant. facet extends), and posterior—articulate with the corresponding talus facets. The central facet is located on the upper surface of the sustentaculum tali, whereas the anterior and posterior facets are located on the body. Incidence in variations of these facets on calcaneum is seen quite often.7.....
Key word: calcaneum, anatomy, sustentaculum tali, additional facet, facets, foot rehabilitation, foot surgeries
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