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Abstract: Failure of fusion of medial nasal prominences results in a rare anomaly known as midline cleft lip, which is one of the least common types of cleft lip. This article provides a comprehensive review of the surgical management of midline cleft lip, focusing on a unique case treated in Sudan with the modified V-incision surgical technique. This study explores embryological foundations, classification systems, and various surgical approaches, highlighting challenges and advancements. This case presentation illustrates the successful application of inverted V incision modification in a 5-year-old patient with an incomplete midline cleft lip.......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Evaluation For Efficacy of 3d Cortical Plates Versus Conventional Cortical Miniplates For Internal Fixation Of Parasymphysis And Symphysis Fractures Of Mandible |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Priya Agrawal || Dr. Ajay Kumar Pillai || Dr. Neha Jain || Dr. Pushpraj Singh || Dr. Shishir Dubey || Dr. Nitin Kumar Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2306090509 |
Abstract: Mandibular fractures usually result from direct impact to the lower jaw. The present study was conducted to compare conventional 2D miniplates vs 3D miniplates in mandibular symphysis & parasymphysis fractures. Materials & Methods: 40 cases of mandibular fractures of both genders were equally divided into 2 groups. Group1 patients were treated with 2.0mm conventional 2D miniplates & group 2 patients were treated with 2.0mm 3D miniplates. Results: Both groups showed similar outcomes in terms of treatment efficacy, fixation stability, and postoperative......
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Abstract: Dilated cardiomyopathy is a syndrome characterized by cardiac enlargement and impaired systolic function of one or both ventricles. Due to increased awareness of this condition and improved diagnostic techniques, dilated cardiomyopathy is being recognized as a significant cause of morbidity and mortality. The current study aimed at understanding DCM in the correlation of clinical profile, QRS duration ECG, LV end diastolic diameter on 2D ECHO. Material and methods: A total of 100 patients of dilated cardiomyopathy were studied. ECG, 2D ECHO was done among all these patients using standard techniques. Diagnosis of dilated Cardiomyopathy done by Echocardiography.....
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Abstract: Background: The obturator nerve is one of the very important nerves of the thigh region, which has importance in the field of Anatomy and in various clinical fields. Objective: This study was the first attempt to analyze the distances of the obturator nerve exit zone (ONEZ) of the obturator foramen (OF), from the various important landmarks of thigh region, involving Malaysian cadavers. Materials and methods: This study was conducted on seventy-eight adult (cadaveric and disarticulated), lower limb specimens of both genders and different ethnicity. All measurements were recorded with the help of digital vernier caliper (DVC.....
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Abstract: Background: Pneumonia is the most common cause of mortality for children worldwide, with the majority of these deaths occurring in environments with insufficient resources. Approximately 152 million children under five worldwide get clinical pneumonia each year, primarily in low- and middle-income nations. 8.7% of them developed severe pneumonia that needed to be hospitalized. There are, however, few statistics that may be used to identify children.....
Key words: Risk Factors, Pneumonia, Children
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Abstract: Background: Sleep is a vital process in human physiology. The prevalence of sleep problems and sleep disorders are increasing day by day. In modern-society, the shift working is also growing to provide service to people round the clock. The effects of shift work especially night shifts are sleep difficulties, poor quality of sleep, daytime sleepiness, impaired cognition, fatigue, increased risk of injuries and accident and poor quality of life. Chronic Sleep deprivation following night shifts may lead to serious health problems like hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, depression.....
Keywords: Night shift, sleep quality, Bangladeshi female nurses
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Abstract: Background: Mandibular third molar impaction is a common dental condition that can lead to various complications if not managed timely and effectively. Understanding the pattern of impaction is crucial for proper treatment planning and intervention. However, there is limited information on the pattern of mandibular third molar impaction. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the pattern of mandibular third molar impaction in Matlab Uttar Upazila of Chandpur, with a focus on determining the prevalence and distribution of various impaction types and positions.....
Keywords: Pattern, Mandibular 3rd molar, Impaction
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