Version-2 (December-2017)
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Abstract: Teratomas are tumours of one or more of the three germ cell layers. It originates from remnant totipotent embryonic cells (primitive streak) during migration. Teratoma in neonates, infants and children (<4year), in adults is rare. Sacrococcygeal region is the most common site. The present study is a case report of sacroccygeal teratoma in a 30 week still birth foetus. The study was conducted in Department of Anatomy, RIMS and the case was found among the routinely collected foetuses for thesis and research purposes, from the Obs & Gyna, Dept. RIMS. The mass was measured, radiologically examined using digital X-Ray, dissected and then histologically examined by routine H&E staining. Mass measured 17x14 cm and 15x12 cm on right and left sides. Solid, cystic areas and brownish paste like haemorrhagic......
Keywords –Foetal sacrococcygeal teratoma, totipotent, primitive streak..[1]. Moore KL, Persaud TVN, Torchia MG. The developing human-clinically oriented embryology. 9th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders;
[2]. Winderl LM, Silverman RK. Prenatal identification of a completely cystic internal sacrococcygeal teratoma (type IV). Ultrasound
Obstet Gynecol. 1997 Jun. 9(6):425-8.
[3]. Girwalkar-Bagle A, Thatte WS, Gulia P. Sacrococcygeal teratoma: A Case report and review of literature. Anaesth Pain & Intensive
Care 2014;18(4):449-51.
[4]. Sadler TW. Langman's Medical Embryology. 12th ed. Philadelphia: Wolter Kluwer; 2012.p.59.
[5]. Sherwani RK, Akhtar K, Qadri S, Rafey M, Zaka-ur Rab A. Sacroccygeal teratoma: A report of 2 cases with review of literature.
International Journal of Research in Medical & Applied Sciences 2015;1(4):18-28.
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Abstract: To compare the pulmonary function tests parameters in follicular phase and luteal phase of menstrual cycle.Methods: 100 healthy medical students of SreeMookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, with regular menstrual cycle were consented for this cross sectional study. Detailed history including height and weight are recorded in a separate form. Pulmonary function tests were done in follicular phase and luteal phase of menstrual cycle using Spiro excel (Medicaid systems, Chandigarh) computerized programme in the research laboratory of Department of Physiology. The parameters taken were FVC(L),FEV1(L), FEV1/FVC(%), PEFR (L/sec) and MVV(L/min). Results: Pulmonary function tests parameters were found to be significantly higher in luteal phase of menstrual cycle compared to follicular phase. Conclusion: The increase in pulmonary function tests parameters in luteal phase could be due to the bronchial relaxation effect of progesterone.
Keywords: pulmonary function tests, follicular phase, luteal phase, menstrual cycle[1]. Padubidri VG, Daftary SN, editors. Howkins and Bourne Shaw's textbook of Gynaecology. 13thed. New Delhi: Elsevier; 2004. 26-
[2]. Jain AK Textbook of Physiology. Fourth ed. New Delhi: Avichal publishing company; 2011. 410-433, 824-831p.
[3]. Guyton AC, Hall JE. Text book of medical physiology. 10th ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier; 2000.433-479,929-938.
[4]. Pal GK. Text book of Medical Physiology. 2nded. New Delhi: Ahuja; 2011.751p.
[5]. Barrett KE, Barman SM, Boitano S, Brooks HL, editors. Ganong's Review of Medical Physiology. 23rded. New Delhi: McGraw-
Hill; 2010. 411-421p..
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Abstract: To evaluate the efficacy of 40 mg pre-operative and 80 mg post- operative doses of intravenous methylprednisolone (Solumedrol) in the reduction of post-operative complication after surgical removal of impacted mandibular third molars. Materials And Methods: A prospective randomised double blind study was carried out in The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery, GITAM Dental College and Hospital, Visakhapatnam On fifty patients with impacted mandibular third molars randomly divided into two groups of twenty five patients each after obtaining the ethical committee approval. Parameters taken for consideration are swelling, pain and trismus preoperatively, immediate post operative, 2nd and 7th post operative days. WBC count on pre operative and 7th post op day. The study solution was administered intravenously just before administration of local anesthesia. Post operative dose of the drug was given 6 hours after the pre operative dose.......
Keywords: Impacted mandibular third molars, Intravenous Methylprednisolone, Pain, Swelling, Trismus.
[1]. Kaur B, Sheikh.S. Status of third molars in Indian population - A radiographic survey. Ind Dent J. 2009; 54: 284–292.
[2]. Liedholm R, Knutsson K, Norlund A. Economic aspects of mandibular third molar surgery. J.Acta Odontol Scand 2010; 68(1): 43-
[3]. Osundae OD, Adebola R.A, Omeje. Management of inflammatory complications in third molar surgery: A review of literature. J
African Health Science. 2011; 11(13):530-537.
[4]. Bustamante EV, Lorens JM, Albiol JG, Nieto MS. Efficacy of Methylprednisolone injected into the masseter muscle following the
surgical extraction of impacted lower third molars. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2008; 37:260-263.
[5]. Panwar SK. The role of oral prednisolone on swelling, trismus and pain after impacted mandibular third molar. Jour of Med Sc and
Tech. 2012; 1(13):44- 52..
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Abstract: This study was carried out with the objectives to study the clinical profile and to find the outcome of children admitted to Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of Gauhati Medical College and Hospital, Assam. This retrospective study was done in children aged more than 28 days to 12 years admitted in PICU from 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2015 when a total of 790 patients were admitted. Out of these, 529 (66.96%) cases were males and 261 (33.04%) cases were females. Maximum number of patients were in the age group of more than 28 days to 1 year which constituted 415 (52.53%) cases. This was followed by 1 year to less than 5 years age group which constituted 220 (i.e. 27.85%) cases. Under 5 years aged children constituted 635 (80.38%) cases. Next most common age group admitted was 5 years to 10 years with 123 (i.e. 15.57%) cases and 10 to 12 years age group constituted 32......
[1]. Wheeler DS, Wong HR, Shanley TP, eds. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine. London: Springer, 2009. p.1
[3]. WHO/Under five mortality :>gho>child-health>morality/mortality_under_five_text/en/
[4]. Michael Georges dos Santos El Halal, Evandro Barbieri, Ricardo Mombelli Filho, Eliana de Andrade Trotta, Paulo Roberto
Antonacci Carvalho. Admission source and mortality in a pediatric intensive care unit. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine.
April – June 2012; vol. 16 Issue 2; 81-86.
[5]. Blessing I. Abhulimhen – Iyoha, Suneel Kumar Pooboni and Nanda Kishore Kumar Vuppali. Morbidity Pattern and Outcome of
Patients Admitted into a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of India. Indian Journal of Clinical Medicine 2014: 5; 1-5.
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Abstract: Corrosive ingestion for suicidal purpose is common in Indian society. Mucosal injury begins immediately after corrosive ingestion and continue for a variable period resulting into mild to severe complications. These complications affect the nutritional status and psychological condition of the patients reducing their quality of life. Objective: to explore the management strategy, long and short term complications and their final outcome. Methodology: A prospective study was conducted in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery at RGKar Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata among patients with corrosive injury..........
Keywords: corrosive injury, oesophageal stricture, dysphagia, dilatation, feeding jejunostomy.
[1]. Murray CJL, Lopez AD. The global burden of disease: a comprehensive assessment of mortality and disability from diseases,
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Abstract: Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with different morphological features and clinical behavior [1]. One of its subtypes is Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) which means no expression of Estrogen & Progesterone receptor and Her 2- neu status.[2,3]
Aim of this study is to evaluate recurrence pattern & survival in patients diagnosed with TNBC fro April 2010 to March 2015 in a rural medical college of West Bengal. Total no of patients included in this study (n) was 239. Disease free survival ( DFS) and overall survival (OS) were calculated using the Kaplan – Meier method. Results - Median age at the time of diagnosis was 40 yrs( range 22-72 yr) . Majority of patients were in stage II and stage III disease. After 3 yrs total 84 patients (35.14%) developed......
[1]. Hammond ME, Hayes DF, Dowsett M, et al. American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists guideline
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[5]. Hamm C, El-Masri M, Poliquin G, et al. A single-centre chart review exploring the adjusted association between breast cancer phenotype and prognosis. Curr Oncol. 2011;18:191–196. doi: 10.3747/co.v18i4.815.[PMC free article] [PubMed] [Cross Ref]....
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Abstract: Episcleritis is a benign inflammatory affectation of the deep subconjunctival connective tissues including superficial scleral lamellae and frequently affects both eyes; but may not be simultaneous1. Topical Flurbiprofen was compared with placebo in the treatment of episcleritis . Sixty patients were included in this study. Rapid spontaneous improvement in symptoms and signs was noted in the majority of cases. There was no significant difference between the cure-rates of patients treated with Flurbiprofen and placebo over a 3- week trial period.
Keywords: Episcleritis, Flurbiprofen, Placebo, Scleritis[1]. Parsons'Diseases of the eye,22nd edition, section IV, chapter 16, 225-226
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[5]. Topical Flurbiprofen: an Effective Treatment for Episc1eritis?, C. J. LYONS, K. N. HAKIN, P. G. WATSON(Eye ISSN 1476-
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Abstract: Liver disease is a general term for any damage that reduces the functioning of the liver. As a large organ the liver shares with many other abilities to perform its functions with extensive reserve capacity. Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is a membrane bound enzyme that plays a key role in the synthesis of the antioxidant glutathione. The current study on fifty two subjects have undertaken to explore serum gamma glutamyl transferase as a diagnostic marker in alcohol induced hepatotoxicity..It was observed that serum levels of GGT usually showed a marked rise in alcoholic liver disease. It is suggested that measurement of serum levels of GGT is particularly helpful in the clinical assessment of alcoholic cirrhosis and in the diagnosis of primary and secondary hepatic neoplasm.
Keywords: Alcoholic liver disease, Cirrhosis of liver, Gamma Glutamyl transferase (GGT).
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Abstract: Corrective osteotomy is performed most often to correct angular or rotational deformities in the lower limbs. Many deformities in growing children have potentials for spontaneous corrections while some will require corrective osteotomy to effect corrections. The aim of this study is to see the common indications for corrective osteotomy in our centre and their common complications. Methods: This is a retrospective study in which clinical information were retrieved from the case notes of patients who had corrective osteotomy at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals' Complex over a 15 year period (March 2000 to February 2015). Information on age, the diagnosis, types of deformities, severity and complications of the surgeries were retrieved............
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Abstract: To determine the levels of TNF-α, IL-4 and IL-6 in the plasma of patients with benign and malignant prostate enlargements in Port Harcourt. Subjects and Methods: Plasma of 30 patients with benign prostate enlargement, 30 patients with malignant prostate enlargement and 20 healthy controls at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) were analysed with the ELISA method to determine the levels of TNF-α, IL-4 and IL-6. The ages, PSA levels and volume of the prostate gland were retrieved from the patients' case notes and analyzed along with the levels of the cytokine using the SPSS version 21. Results: The mean age of the patients with benign........
Keywords: TNF-α, IL-4, IL-6, Prostate enlargements.
[1]. De Miguel MP, Royuela M, Bethencourt FR et al. Immuno-expression of tumour necrosis factor alpha and its receptors 1 and 2
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Abstract: The aim of the study is to compare the two extra oral approaches to the TMJ viz preauricular and retromandibular approach in management of condylar fractures of mandible. Methods and Materials: Patients with fractured dislocation and displacement of mandible condyle in medial direction were managed by preauricular approach. Patients with lateral displacement of mandibular condyle
were managed by retromandibular approach. OPG, & Reverse towne's view, were taken in all the cases prior to surgery to assess the pattern of displacement. Results: In our study both approaches have given excellent access and visibility to the condylar fractures but
with limitations in each technique. Minimal intraoperative............
Keywords: Preauricular approach; Retromandibular approach ;TMJ approaches
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Abstract: Well-aligned teeth not only contributes to dental health but also equate to good acceptable physical appearance and personality of the person. Improper occlusion(Malocclusion ) may affect the normal oral functions such as speech, swallowing, increased periodontal diseases leading to psychosocial problems and affecting the person's personality. Aims & Objectives:1. To estimate the prevalence of Class II malocclusion in Karaikal population. 2.To find the gender association with Class II malocclusion in Karaikal population. Methodology: Across-sectional study was done in Karaikal population. After getting informed consent, the patients were examined for Class II malocclusion according to Angle's classification......
Keywords :Prevalence, Malocclusion, Angle's classification, Gender.[1]. Perillo L, Masucci C, Ferro F, Apicella D, Baccetti T. Prevalence of orthodontic treatment need in southern Italian schoolchildren. Eur
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Abstract: The liver plays a key role in several metabolic pathways.The most important among these is the metabolism of plasma lipids and lipoproteins. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect an abnormal lipid profile in patients with severe liver dysfunction. Cirrhosis of liver is defined as a chronic disorder of liver characterized by degeneration of liver cells followed by fibrosis and disordered regenerating nodules leading to portal hypertension and its complications. Chronic liver diseases due to various causes are often associated with dramatic reductions in plasma triglyceride and cholesterol level due to reduced lipoprotein biosynthetic capacity. Cholestasis is associated with hypercholesterolemia as the major excretory pathway of cholesterol is blocked in this disorder............
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Abstract: Multiple visit root canal treatment was an established protocol in endodontics, but it has many disadvantages like inter appointment micro leakage and flare ups or loss of temporary seal, long time spending in root canal treatment leading to patient tiredness, operator fatigue, inability to do esthetic restorations in time in case of traumatically damaged crowns and discontinued treatment leading to failures.Single visit root canal treatment has been the debate within the dental community. Objectives:The aim of this study was to investigate the Arab dentists points of view related to single and multiple visit root canal treatment, identifying the basis on which the choice is made and how the information necessary for the choice is acquired............
Keywords:Single visit, multiple visits, pain, exudate, lesion, flare up
[1]. Kakehashi S, Stanley H, Fitzgerald R . The effect of surgical exposures of dental pulps in germ free and conventional laboratory rats. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.20, 1995,340–9.
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Abstract: Antiplatelet drugs are used in primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular problems. Dental treatments of patients taking antiplatelet drugs still unclearly defined .The discontinuation of antiplatelet therapy raises the risk of thrombotic complications, whereas the continuation of antiplatelet therapy is assumed to increase the bleeding complications after dental surgical procedures. Objectives:The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and attitude of internship dentists of Alfarabi dental college toward the management of patients on antiplatelet therapy. Materials and methods:Anonymous survey (11 questions) forms were distributed among the internship dentist in Alfarbi dental college. 119 dentists filled the questionnaire completely. The data were collected, statistically analyzed, and results were obtained............
Keyword:Antiplatelet drugs, complication, Bleeding, Aspirin, and Anticoagulant
[1]. Stafford RS, Monti V, Ma J. Underutilization of aspirin persists in US ambulatory care for the secondary and primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. PLoS Med 2005; 2:353.
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[5]. Santhosh Kumar. Knowledge, Attitude and practice of dental students toward dental management of patients on antiplatelet therapy. Asian J Pharm Clin Res,2016; 9(30: 270-276
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Abstract: The World Health Organization reported that tobacco smoking killed 100 million people worldwide in the 20th century. Tobacco smoking rates have decreased in industrialized countries. In India smoking is a common habit prevalent in both urban and rural areas irrespective of mode of smoking. Pulmonary function tests is a generic term used to indicate a battery of studies or maneuvers that may be performed using standardized equipment to measure lung function. The tests provide an assessment of respiratory system in terms of its function. The aim of our present study was to assess the pulmonary efficiency parameters of smokers in rural areas. The study population included 100 male subjects comprising of 50 smokers and 50 non smoker controls aged between 20-40 years. The pulmonary function tests were performed with the help of computerized RMS Med-spirometer. Spirometric measurements............
Keywords: Tobacco smoking, Pulmonary function test
[1]. WHO Report: Tobacco Could Kill One Billion by 2100, Science Daily; Aug 2008; 24: 71
[2]. Anonymous. IUALTD: The world tobacco situation. IUALTD News Bull Tobacco Health 1998; 11: 19-21.
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[5]. Bulletin of the WHO, International Journal of Public Health, June 2006, Vol. 2006 ; 84(6) : 495.
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Abstract: The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of two learning approaches: traditional lecture and self-learning video in preclinical pediatric dentistry course teaching stainless steel crown preparation and restoration of the second primary molar through assessing knowledge gained by third-year dental students. Methods: A video and PowerPoint presentation of stainless steel crown preparation and restoration were produced and assessed for accuracy and validity. All female third-year dental students were randomly assigned to traditional lecture or self-learning video. Immediately after each method, students were asked to take an assessment consisting of a questionnaire, which was based on the material, and information presented and included 16-item questions (multiple choice and true/false) as an outcome measure. Data from resulting evaluations between the..........
Keywords: Dental Education, Live Lecture, Video Demonstration, Preclinical Pediatric Dentistry,Learning Technology[1]. Boynton JR, Johnson LA, Nainar SM, Hu JC. Portable digital video instruction in predoctoral education of child behavior management. J Dent Educ 2007;71:545-549.
[2]. Cardall S, Krupat E, Ulrich M. Live lecture versus video-recorded lecture: are students voting with their feet?Acad Med 2008;83:1174-1178.
[3]. Kalwitzki M, Meller C, Beyer C. Does teaching method affect students' perceptions regarding communication patterns in pediatric dentistry? A comparison of lecture and video methods.J Dent Educ 2011;75:1084-1091.
[4]. Cottrell S, Linger B, Shumway J. Using information contained in the curriculum management information tool (CurrMIT) to capture opportunities for student learning and development.Med Teach 2004;26:423-427.
[5]. Billings-Gagliardi S, Mazor KM. Student decisions about lecture attendance: Do electronic course materials matter? Acad Med 2007;82(10 suppl):S73-S76.
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Abstract: Background And Objectives :HRCT, a modification of routine CT, provides a direct visual window into thetemporal bone providing minute structural details. Purpose of the present is to evaluate thenormal variations, pathological processes (infections, tumours and congenital anomalies)and their extent involving the temporal bone. Methods: A prospective study of 50 cases in patients with signs and symptoms of temporalbone pathology was done from February 2016 to October 2017. Patients were scanned inboth the coronal and axial planes with thin 2mm sections using ultra high algorithmobtaining both contrast and nonenhanced images. Results were tabulated usingpercentages.............
Keywords: Neuroma, Acoustic; Cholesteatoma middle ear; Otitis media with suppuration; Mastoiditis; Temporal bone; Ear neoplasms
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Abstract: Sciatic nerve having rich vascularity, has a very high tendency to develop neuroma formation after being cut in above knee amputation1. We compared neuroma formation at its cut end after ligating the cord to its being left open in patients who undergo above knee amputation. Patients were assessed for nerve thickening by comparing it with opposite site at same level with a sonogram. Patients with cut ends ligated had less chance of developing neuroma formation. We thus conclude that it is better to ligate the cut end of sciatic nerve in above knee amputation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Traumatic Tracheo-Oesophageal Fistula: A Case Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sushant Mittal || Dr. Anand Prakash Verma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1612029398 ![]() |
Abstract: Traumatic tracheoesophageal fistula is a rare and potentially fatal condition. The rarity of this emergency makes it challenging to obtain exclusive clinical experience and it is also challenging to obtain firm scientific evidence that informs patient management and clinical decision-making. If done at the earliest then radiological investigations are important for patient management as they result in timely diagnosis and suggest necessary interventions thereafter. Good attention to all symptoms and signs and timely diagnosis based on imaging may translate into better outcomes for these patients, no matter young or elderly. Surgical operation is then an option for the patient, but a nonoperative approach, with or without use of an endoscopic stent, should be considered when the clinical situation allows for a less invasive approach.
Keywords : Critical care, Emergency, Fistula, Oesophagus, Traumatic
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