Version-8 (December-2017)
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Abstract: Objectives: To determine the prevalence, types and place of occurrence of medical emergencies in dental practice and factors associated with their number and occurrence in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia. Subjects and Methods: Across- sectional study using self-administered questionnaire was distributed to a random sample of 500 dentists working in private, governmental hospitals and clinics as well as colleges of dentistry in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Results: Four hundred and nine dentists returned the questionnaire giving a response rate of 81.8%. There were 739 instances of medical emergencies during the previous year. The most commonly occurring emergencies were syncope(33.7%) and hypoglycaemia (18.9%). Approximately half (47.4%) of the subjects had at least one medical emergency.............
Keywords: medical emergencies, prevalence, medical history and vital signs.
[1]. Banchezhiyan S, Bavras S, Vennila K, Renukadevi R, Mahabob M, Sentilkumar B, S.Raja. Awareness of dental office medical emergencies among dental interns in Southern India: An analytical study. Dent Educ 2013;77(3): 364-9.
[2]. Josh S, Acharya S. Medical emergencies in dental practice-A Nepal Study. Ortho J of Nepal 2015; 5(2): 33-37
[3]. Arsati F, Montalli VA, Florio FM, Ramacciato JC, Cunha FL. Cecanho R, Andrade ED, Motta RHL. Brazilian dentists' attitudes about medical emergencies during dental treatment. J Dent Educ 2012; 74(6):661-6.
[4]. ChapmanPJ. Medical emergencies in dental practice and choice of emergency drugs and equipment: a survey of Australian dentists. Aust Dent J 1997; 42(2):103-8.
[5]. Carvalho RM, Costa LR, Marcelo VC. Brazilian dental students' perceptions about medical emergencies: A Qualitative exploratory study. J Dent Educ 2008; 72(11)1343-8..
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Abstract: The accuracy and dimensional stability of addition silicone impression materials have been the subject of numerous investigations and is well established [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. Research has primarily focused on 1) degree of polymerization shrinkage [8] 2) length of storage time [9] 3) effect of humidity [10]. Few studies have addressed the effect of temperature on the dimensional stability of impression material.Mccabe JF [11] stated that addition curing silicone do not produce a by-product during polymerization so that any change in dimension depends on thermal contraction of the material when the temperature is reduced from the mouth temperature of 37ºc to room temperature of 23ºc. Marco corso [12] reported that though poly vinyl siloxane showed less consistent results when impressions were heated to 40ºc followed by allowing the impressions to reach room temperature of 23ºc, it tended to improve......
[1]. Linke BA, Nicholls N and Faucher RR(1985). Distortion analysis of stone casts made from impression materials. J. Prosthet Dent; 54(6): 794-799.
[2]. Stackhouse JA(1970). The accuracy of stone dies made from rubber impression materials. J Prosthet Dent; 24: 377-386.
[3]. Stannard JG and Sadighi nouri M(1986). Retarders for polyvinyl siloxane impression materials. Evaluation and recommendations. J Prosthet Dent; 55:5 7.
[4]. Ciesco JN, Malone WFP, Sandrik JL And Mazur B (1981). Comparison of elastomeric impression materials used in fixed prosthodontics. J Prosthet Dent; 45(1):89-94.
[5]. Custer F, Updegrovel And Ward M (1964). Accuracy and dimensional stability of silicone rubber base impression materials. J prosthet dent; 14:115-118..
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Abstract: The study is aimed at observation of any teratogenic /adverse effects upon histology of the chick kidney when exposed to two different embalming fluid vapors containing different concentrations of formalin during their incubation period (21 days). 100 fresh fertilized eggs of Gallus gallusdomesticus were taken and divided in to three groups. group I contained 20 eggs as control group, not exposed to any embalming fluid but allowed to incubate and hatch in normal conditions. Group II and group III having 40 eggs each were exposed to vapors of embalming fluid containing 106 mmol/lt of formalin and 53mmol/litre of formalin respectively. The hatchability rate of Group I, II and III was 60%, 42.5% and 52.5% respectively. On dissecting the kidney of all 3 groups, no gross pathological changes were.......
Keywords: Formalin, Embalming fluid, chick Kidney, Hatching, Teratogenic
[1]. Azmani ML(1998) Embalming principles and legal apect.Jay Pee Brothers Medical Publication. New Delhi
[2]. Bansal N, Uppal V, Anuradha A (2011) Nephrotoxic effects caused by formaldehyde exposure in rabbits:A histomorphochemical study. Indian journal of Animal sciences 81( 9):935-7.
[3]. BedinoJH(.2004) Formaldehyde exposure hazards and health effects: A comprehensive review for embalmers. Expanding encyclopedia of morturary practice 650: 2633-49.
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[5]. Coleman R, KoganI (1998) An improved low-formaldehyde embalming fluid to preserve cadavers for anatomy teaching. J Anat192 (3) : 443-6...
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Abstract: Non-union frequently follows distal clavicle fracture. Several surgical techniques have been developed in order to reduce the non-union rate and improve functional outcome. This study shows result of tension band wiring technique in which the acromioclavicular joint is spared. Fourteen patients with displaced distal clavicle fractures received open reduction and fixation with Kirschner wires (K-wires) and tension-band wires, from June 2012 to May 2013. The indication for surgery was type IIa fracture or fracture with displacement. The age group of the patients were 16-60 years. Cases were followed up for an average of seventeen months post operatively. Assessed as per CONSTANT score for functional results. Excellent result was seen in around 92.85 % patients and good results seen in........
Keywords: Distal clavicle fractures, open reduction, functional outcome, tension band wiring.
[1]. Michael D. McKee. Clavicle fractures. In Heckman JD, Court-Brown CM. Rockwood and Green's Fractures in Adults. 8th edition, vol 1:1427-1474.
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[3]. A. Kanda, K. Kaneko, A. Mogami, K. Kirimura, and H. Iwase, "Surgical treatment of distal claviclar fracture using Scorpion plate-Clinical and biomechanical study," JSFR, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 383–388, 2006.
[4]. E. V. Craig, "Fractures of the clavicle," in The Shoulder, pp. 367–412, WB Saunders, Rockwood, Calif, USA, 1990
[5]. Y. Lee, M. Lau, Y. Tseng, W. Chen, H. Kao, and J. Wei, "Comparison of the efficacy of hook plate versus tension band wire in the treatment of unstable fractures of the distal clavicle," International Orthopaedics, vol. 33, no. 5, pp. 1401–1405, 2009..
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Abstract: AHF is defined as rapid or gradual onset of signs and symptoms of heart failure that results in urgent unplanned hospitalizations/ office/ Emergency Department visits1.Heart Failure is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality in the industrialized world. During the last decade, there has been growing interest in the field of research with the publication of first randomized, placebo-controlled AHF trials in 2002.2.
[1]. Gheorghiade. M,Zannad F, Sopko G, et al: Acute heart failure syndromes: current state and framework for future research. Circulation 2005; 112:3958-3968.
[2]. Braunwalds Heart Disease. A Text Book of Cardiovascular Medicine, 8/ed, Page583, Libby et al, Philadelphia, 2008 PA 19103-2899;
[3]. Euro Heart Failure Survey II (EHFS II) : a survey on hospitalized acute heart failure patients : description of population; Markku S. Nieminen,Dirk, Brutsaert ,Kenneth Dickstein et al Eur Heart J (2006) 27 (22) :2725-2736
[4]. F.Follath, M.B Yilmaz, J.F Delgado et al: Clinical presentation,Management and Outcomes in Acute Heart Failure Global Survey of standard treatment (ALARM-HF)
[5]. Zannad F, MebazaaA, JuilliereY, ETAL: Clinicalprofile,contemprory management and one-year mortality in patients with severe acute heart failure syndromes: The EFICA study. Eur J Heart Fail 2006; 8:697-
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Abstract: Purpose: To report a novel method of temporary tarsorraphy for exposure keratitis
Methods: Five consecutive patients with exposure keratitis due to various etiologies were recruited. All patients received Fevikwik glue to partially close the eye lids. Patients followed up after 3 days, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 wks. The procedure repeated to a maximum 3 times in 3 months. Success is defined as intactness of tarsorraphy on every follow-up, Progressive clearing of exposure keratitis from serial digital and slit lamp photos, failure is defined as need for surgical intervention and progression of keratitis or appearance of new corneal lesions with in 3 months and loss of tarsorraphy effect even after 3 attempts.
Results: Procedure was successful in 4 out of 5 patients i.e 80% ( 95% CI= 60.4 - 99.6). One patient needed surgical tarsorraphy after 1 month..........
[1]. Mercieca F, Suresh P, Morton A, et al: Ocular surface disease in intensive care unit patients. Eye 1999; 13:231-236
[2]. Hernandez EV, Mannis MJ: Superficial keratopathy in intensive care unit patients. Am J Ophthalmol 1997; 2:212-216,
[3]. Ezra DG, Lewis G, Healy M, et al: Preventing exposure keratopathy in the critically ill: A prospective study comparing eye care regimes. Br J Ophthalmol 2005; 89:1068- 1069,
[4]. King DJ, Healy M: Prevention of eye disease in intensive care-A telephone survey. Intensive Care Med 2003; 29:15S
[5]. McHugh J, Alexander P, Kalhoro A, et al: Screening for ocular surface disease in the intensive care unit. Eye 2007 Aug 24
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Abstract: Purpose: To report successful management of occlusive papillae and complicated cataract in patients who came for blindness certificates. Methods: Case-1 F/60 came for blindness certificate,LE was eviscerated due to trauma. she had PL+PR accurate in RE with occlusive pupillae. CASE 2 M/20 presented for blindness certificate due to bilateral loss of vision. RE PL +Ve and LE PL negative. RE occlusive pupillae, LE phthisis bulbi. Case-3 F/45 presented with sudden decrease of vision 3 days after cataract surgery. RE PL PR+ with occlusive pupillae. Case-4 M/60 presented with LE occlusive pupillae with history of trauma 10yrs ago. All 4 underwent B-SCAN, YAG LASER and additional surgery as needed along with medical treatment.........
[1]. Natarajan S. Meet the challenge. Indian J Ophthalmol 2013 Jun 28;61:251-2
[2]. Rao NA. Uveitis in developing countires. Indian J Ophthalmol 2013;61:253-4.
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[4]. (J AAPOS. 1999 Aug;3(4):250-1. Successful treatment of tractional corectopia using 2 mJ of energy with an Nd:YAG laser. Griener E, Lambert SR. Emory Eye Center, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.)
[5]. Indian J Ophthalmol. 2013 Jun;61(6):284-290. Surgical management in patient with uveitis. Murthy SI, Pappuru RR, Latha KM, Kamat S, Sangwan VS...
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Abstract: Objective: The investigation of sudden or unexpected death has got immense importance where the vital objective of the investigation is to exclude an unnatural cause of death. Method: Data of 50 cases of sudden unexpected death brought for medicolegal autopsy at J.L.N.M.C.H Bhagalpur in the year 2015 were studied and information were collected from the postmortem records. Data was entered in the proforma. The histopathological examination findings of relevant cases were studied. Results: Most of the sudden deaths were in the middle age group i.e. 31-50 years of age. Male predominates female among all sudden deaths with male: female ratio 1:0.178. Cardiovascular causes were the leading causes of death followed by respiratory causes among all sudden deaths. Death due to coronary artery disease amounts to almost half of all sudden deaths (42.85%).........
[1]. Sarkoija T. and Hirvonen J., Causes of Sudden Unexpected Deaths in Young and Middle-aged Persons, Forensic Science International, 24, 1984,PP 247-261.
[2]. Siboni Anders and SimonsenJorn, Sudden Unexpeted Natural Death in Young Persons, Forensic Science International, 31, 1986,PP 159-166.
[3]. Meina Singh A., Subadani Devi S, Nabachandra H., Fimate L., Sudden Deaths in Manipur - A Preliminary Study. Journal of Forensic medicine & Toxicology, Vol. 19, No.2, July-Dec. 2002, PP 26-28.
[4]. Nordrum I., Edid T.J., Jorgensen L., Unexplained and explained Natural Deaths Among Persons above 1 year of Age in a Series of Medico-legal Autopsies. Forensic Science International, 93, 1998, PP 89-98.
[5]. Kagne R.N., Kamble S.R., Godbole H.V., Borde B.S., Study of Sudden Natural Death, JFMT, Vol. 16,No.1, Jan to June 1999, PP 31-33.
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Abstract: Introduction: Osteoarthritic disorders (OADs) are degenerative and painful diseases, which found worldwide, also in India. The present study was aimed to determine an association between calcium-phosphorus ratio and parathyroid hormone levels in the serum of patients having OADs. Methods: In the present study, a total 100 patients, aged (40 -≤ 80) years old (female: 73 and male :27) having OADs in right and/ or left knee joints, hip joints, ankle joints and degenerative changes in cervical and lumbar vertebrae as experimental subjects and 100 subjects with same age group (female:male = 73:27) having no OADs in any joint of the body as control subjects were considered. 5ml of peripheral blood samples were taken from each subject of both the groups and serum was used for the analysis of calcium, phosphorus, calcium-phosphorus ratio and intact-parathyroid hormone levels............
Key words: Calcium-phosphorus ratio and parathyroid hormone, Osteoarthritic disorders and diagnostic tool, Hypocalcaemia, Hypophosphatemia, Hyperparathyroidism
[1]. D.T. Felson, Epidemiology of hip and knee osteoarthritis, Epidemiol. Rev., 10, 1988, 1-28.
[2]. J.W. Bijlsma, F. Berenbaum and F.P. Lafeber, Osteoarthritis: an update with relevance for clinical practice, Lancet, 377, 2011, 2115-2126.
[3]. V.L. Johnson and D.J. Hunter, The epidemiology of osteoarthritis, Best Pract. Res. Clin. Rheumatol., 28, 2014, 5-15.
[4]. T. Mabey and S. Honsawek, Role of vitamin D in osteoarthritis: Molecular, cellular, and clinical perspectives, Int. J. Endocrinol., 2015, 2015 (
[5]. H. Li, C. Zeng, J. Wei, T. Yang, S-G. Gao, Y-S. Li, W. Luo, W-F. Xiao, Y-L. Xiong and G-H. Lei, Serum calcium concentration is inversely associated with radiographic knee osteoarthritis A cross-sectional study, Medicine, 95(6), 2016 (DOI: 10.1097/MD.0000000000002838)...
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Abstract: Stump Gall Stones Can Present As Abdominal Pain Or Jaundice, Months To Years Later After Cholecystectomy.Remnant Stump Of Gall Bladder (With Stones) Left During Difficult Cholecystectomy,Frozen Calots With Subtotal Cholecystectomy Or Inexperienced Lap Surgeon Is Usually The Cause. These Cases Are Extremely Difficult To Diagnose By Routine Imaging. We Describe Redo Cholecystectomies In 9 Such Patients.
Keywords: Laparoscopic, Redo, Stump
[1]. Flörcken H. Gallenblasenregeneration Mit Steinrecidiv Nach Cholecystectomie. Deutsch Z Chir 1912; 113:604.
[2]. Shaw C, O'Hanlon DM, Fenlon HM, Mcentee GP. Cystic Duct Remnant And The Post-Cholecystectomy Syndrome. Hepatogastroenterology. 2004;51:36-8.
[3]. Rogy MA, Fugger R, Herbst F, Schulz F. Reoperation After Cholecystectomy: The Role Of The Cystic Duct Stump. HPB Surg. 1991;4:129-34.
[4]. Clemente G, Giuliante F, Cadedu F, Nuzzo G. Laparoscopic Removal Of Gall Bladder Remnant And Long Cystic Stump. Endoscopy. 2001;33:814-5.
[5]. Chowbey PK, Bandyopadhyay SK, Sharma A, Khullar R, Soni V, Baijal M. Laparoscopic Reintervention For Residual Gallstone Disease. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech. 2003;13:31-5.
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Abstract: This is an observational study of 31 clinically suspected cases of ocular surface squamous neoplasia (OSSN) at a tertiary care center over a period of two years. The commonest age group involved was above 60 years (58.o6%).Males were predominantly affected (70.96%). Patients presented either with a growth only in the conjunctiva or involving the cornea. Systemic predisposing factors include AIDS in two patients(6.45%). Gelatinous form was found to be commonest (61.3%). On histology invasive squamous cell carcinoma was seen in 17 cases (54.83%). Surgical excision was done in 26 cases(83.87%) and Recurrence was seen in 4 patients (12.90%). In OSSN, early and prompt surgical intervention is frequently curative.
Key words: Ocular Surface Squamous Neoplasia, Impression cytology, Conjuctival growth
[1]. Lee GA, Hirst LW.Ocular surface squamous neoplasia.Surv Ophthalmol.1995; 39:429-50.
[2]. Lee GA, Hirst LW.Incidence of ocular surface epithelial dysplasia in metropolitan Brisbane: a 10 year survey. Arch Ophthalmol.1992; 110:525-27.
[3]. Erie JC, Campbell RJ, Liesegang TJ. 1986. Conjunctival and corneal intraepithelial and invasive neoplasia. Ophthalmology, 93:176–83.
[4]. McKelvie 2002McKelvie PA, Daniell M, McNab A, Loughnan M, Santamaria JD. Squamous cell carcinoma of the conjunctiva:a series of 26 cases. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2002; 86(2):168–73
[5]. Tiong T, Borooah S, Msosa J, et al. Clinicopathological review of ocular surface squamous neoplasia in Malawi.Br J Ophthalmol. 2013 Aug; 97(8):961-4.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: To study the role of elective laparoscopic appendectomy for chronic or recurrent right lower quadrant pain. To study the relationship between clinical improvement and histopathological findings of removed appendix
Methods: 50 cases who underwent laparoscopic Appendectomy in a period of 9 months were included in the prospective observational study and followed up at 6 weeks , 3 months , were assessed with pain score and aslo histopathological reports of the removed appendix. Results: Right lower quadrant abdominal pain was the chief complaint in all of the 50 patients and 5 patients(10%) had fever and 6 patients (12%) had vomiting. In this study, it shows that 40 patients (80%) had complete relief of right lower quadrant pain after 6......
Keywords: Appendix , Laparascopic Appendectomy, Lower Quadrant pain
[1]. Carr NJ. The pathology of acute appendicitis. Ann DiagPathol 2000:4:46-58
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[4]. Mattei P, Sola JE, Yeo CJ. Chronic and recurrent appendicitis are uncommon entities often misdiagnosed. JAmCollSurg 1994; 178: 385–389
[5]. Leardi S, Delmonaco S, Ventura T, Chiominto A, DeRubeis G, Simi M. [Recurrent abdominal pain and chronic appendicitis]..
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Abstract: Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women today (After lung cancer) and is the most common cancer among women, excluding non-invasive non-melanoma skin cancers. Worldwide, breast cancer comprises 22.9% of invasive cancers in women and 16% of all female cancers.1 Mammography has been the basic screening tool in diagnosing breast lumps. It is still the first line of the imaging investigation. USG has emerged as the most important adjunct to mammography in patients with breast lumps and normal or inconclusive mammographic findings. This is a prospective study on 50 patients reporting with complaints of breast lump in surgical OPD at Mahatma Gandhi Hospital, Sitapura, Jaipur.
[1]. WHO (2008). The global burden of disease: 2004 update.
[2]. Tabár L, Vitak B, Chen H-H, Duffy SW, Yen M-F, Chiang C-F, Krusemo UB, Tot T & Smith RA (2000) The Swedish Two-County Trial twenty years later: updated mortality results and new insights from long-term follow-up. RadiolClin North Am 38:625–651.
[3]. American Cancer Society. Breast Cancer Facts and Figures 2011-2012.
[4]. Tabár L, Fagerberg CJ, Gad A, Baldetorp L, Holmberg LH, Gröntoft O, Ljungquist U, Lundström B, Månson JC, Eklund G, et al. Reduction in mortality from breast cancer after mass screening with mammography. Randomised trial from the Breast Cancer Screening Working Group of the Swedish National Board of Health and welfare.; 1(8433):829–832.
[5]. Malik MAN, Salahuddin O, Azhar M, Dilawar O, Irshad H, Sadia, Salahuddin A. Breast diseases; Spectrum in WahCantt; POF Hospital Experience. Professional Med J Sep 2010; 17 (3): 366-372.
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Abstract: The incidence of isolated Zygomatic arch fractures in a maxillofacial trauma is most common or second after nasal fractures. Various authors have presented different methods for its effective management.. We present a case report based on KEENS BUCCAL SULCUS APPROACH using rowes Zygoma elevator which we found to be less time consuming, with no scar formation, no major intervention of vasculature and economical .
Keywords: Zygomatic arch fracture, Rowes zygoma elevator
[1]. Brown J, Barnard D (1993) The trans-nasal Kirschner wire as amethod of fixation of the unstable fractures of the zygomaticcomplex. Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg 21(3):208–213.
[2]. Courtney DJ (1999) Upper buccal sulcus approach to fractures ofthe zygomatic complex—a retrospective study of 50 cases. Br JOral Maxillofac Surg 37(6):464–466.
[3]. Dunley RE (1978) A simple device for post reduction protectionof the fractured zygoma. J Oral Maxillofac Surgery 36:648–650
[4]. Edward E, Winai K (1996) Analysis of treatment of the isolatedzygomaticomaxillary complex fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg54(4):386–400.
[5]. Evans J, Vaillant JM, Bertrand JC, Leyder P (1979) The reductionof zygomatic fracture using a straight mouth gag. J Oral SurgOral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 37(4):274–275.
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Abstract: The primary goal of endodontic treatment is to keep the pulpal space free of microorganisms and to prevent recurrent infection. Oral bacteria and their by‑products can penetrate this space if there is inadequate coronal or apical seal. Microbial contamination through the occlusal surface, leading to coronal leakage constitutes a large percentage of failed root canal treatments. The purpose of this article is to highlight the clinical and biological implications of coronal leakage and the means to prevent the same.
Keywords: coronal leakage, intra-orifice barrier, IRM,Resilon, smear layer
[1]. Coronal leakage: Clinical and biological implications in Endodontic Success, American Association of Endodontics 2002.
[2]. Z. Mohammadi, M. Khalesi,On the importance of coronal seal in Endodontics, International Journal of Clinical Dentistry ISSN: 5(3), 2012, 1939-5833.
[3]. GettlemanBH, Messer HH, El Deeb ME, Adhesion of sealer cements to dentin with and without the smear layer,J. Endod., 1991, 17: 15-20.
[4]. Vassiliadis L, Liolios E, Kouvas V, Economides N, Effect of smear layer on coronal microleakage, Oral Surg. Oral Med. Oral Pathol. Oral Radiol. Endod, 1996, 82: 315-320.
[5]. Gomes BP, Sato E, Ferraz CC, Teixeira FB, Zaia AA, Souza-Filho FJ, Evaluation of time required for recontamination of coronally sealed canals medicated with calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine,Int. Endod. J., 2003, 36: 604-609.
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Abstract: Primary fallopian tube carcinoma is a rare tumor and bilateral involvement of tubes is still rare.It is very rarely diagnosed pre-operatively. We hereby report a case of bilateral primary fallopian tube carcinoma with focal involvement of both ovaries, which presented with complaints of abnormal uterine bleeding. The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salphingo-oopherectomy.Post-operatively on histopathological examination it was diagnosed as bilateral primary fallopian carcinoma.
[1]. Vyas M N, Rai S, Manjeera L, Shetty D. Bilateral primary fallopian tube carcinoma with the classical clinical features: a case report. J Clin Diagn Res. 2013 Apr;7(4):726-8. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2013/4518.2894. PubMed PMID: 23730659; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3644457.
[2]. Markman M, Zaino RJ, Fleming PA, Barakat RR. Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology.Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2000. Carcinoma of the fallopian tube. In: Hoskins WJ, Perez CA,Young RC (eds) pp. 1099–112.
[3]. Shikha Madan1, Monika Dalal2, Smiti Nanda3, Pardeep Kumar Fallopian tube carcinoma presenting as ovarian mass: a case report. International Journal of Community Health and Medical Research Vol2 Issue 1 2016. 2016;2(1):27-30
[4]. Ma Y, Duan W. Clinical and survival analysis of 36 cases of primary fallopian tube carcinoma. World J Surg Oncol. 2014 Oct 12;12:311. doi:10.1186/1477-7819-12-311. PubMed PMID: 25307473; PubMed Central PMCID:
[5]. PMC4200227
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Utility of Sacubitril/Valsartan in Heart Failure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Melvin George || Damal Kandadai Sriram |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1612088386 ![]() |
Abstract: Despite the significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of heart failure (HF), the disease predisposes individuals to a higher risk of re-hospitalization, mortality and morbidity worldwide. Inspite of the presence of several drugs such as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI), beta-adrenergic blockers, angiotensin receptor blockers (ARB), and aldosterone antagonists for HF, patients with the illness continue to have a downward spiral due to the disease progression. After more than a decade, a new fixed dose combination has been approved for HF, namely Sacubitril-valsartan. While valsartan is a well-known molecule that blocks angiotensin type 2 receptor, sacubitril is a neprilysin inhibitor. Sacubitril/valsartan an ARNI (angiotensin receptor antagonist/neprilysin inhibitor) has been approved for the treatment of HF with reduced ejection fraction in USA, Europe and Canada. The drug has demonstrated an excellent safety profile, and the drug is purported to become a block-buster for the treatment of HF based on its commendable results in the PARADIGM-HF trial.
[1]. Denolin H, Kuhn H, Krayenbuehl HP, Loogen F, Reale A. The definition of heart failure. Eur Heart J., 4(7), 1983, 1983, 445–8.
[2]. Chaturvedi V, Parakh N, Seth S, Bhargava B, Ramakrishnan S, Roy A, et al. Heart failure in India: The INDUS (INDia Ukieri Study) study. J Pract Cardiovasc Sci, 2, 2016, 28-35.
[3]. Yancy CW, Jessup M, Bozkurt B, Butler J, Casey DE, Drazner MH, et al. 2013 ACCF/AHA guideline for the management of heart failure: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology Foundation/American Heart Association Task Force on practice guidelines. Circulation, 128(16), 2013,1810–52.
[4]. Menendez JT. The Mechanism of Action of LCZ696. Card Fail Rev., 2(1), 2016, 40–6.
[5]. Tyler JM, Teerlink JR. The safety of sacubitril-valsartan for the treatment of chronic heart failure. Expert Opin Drug Saf., 16(2), 2017; 257–63..
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Abstract: Dual-Energy CT Gemstone Spectral Imaging (DECT GSI) is a new application of a fundamental physics concept that uses rapid kV switching to acquire the dual energy samples almost simultaneously to generate material density data that can be used for the separation of materials and derivation of monochromatic spectral images using a projection based reconstruction algorithm. DECT GSI of lungs allow for detection and Characterization of lung lesions including solid and ground glass nodules (GGNs) [1, 2]. Spectral CT plays a pivotal role in the detection, characterization, and staging of lung cancer. It acquires CT datasets at both low- and high-kVp settings that can improve diagnostic information for clinicians to quantify and separate materials – such as calcium, iodine and water – enhancing image quality, and reducing artifacts from implanted devices [3]. In this review article............
Keywords: Dual-energy CT, Gemstone Spectral Imaging, Lung Cancer, Ground-glass nodules, Characterization
[1]. .(1)
[2]. Benjamin L Odry, Jing Huo, Li Zhang , Carol L. Novak, David P. Naidich. Solid Component Evaluation in Mixed Ground Glass Nodules Proc of SPIE Vol. 6512, 65120R, (2007) .(2)
[3]. Leesha Lentz, A Different Energy — CT Manufacturers Develop Different Approaches to Spectral Scanning, Radiology Today Vol. 15 No. 3 P. 14. 14.March 2014.(3)
[4]. Pareesha Aggarwal, Rishi Kumar,Detection of Ground Glass Nodules in Human Lungs Using Lungs CT scan iimages, International journal of current engineering and technology.ISSN 2277-4106.Vol.3,No.2.June 2013. (4)
[5]. Eun Jin Chae, MD, PhD, Jae-Woo Song, MD, PhD, Bernhard Krauss, PhD, w Koun-Sik Song, MD, PhD,Choong Wook Lee, MD, Hyun Joo Lee, MD, and Joon Beom Seo, MD, PhD. Dual-energy Computed Tomography Characterization of Solitary Pulmonary Nodules. Journal of Thoracic Imaging.2010 Nov;25(4):301-10. (5)
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Abstract: Jejuno-gastric intussusception is a highly uncommon condition occurring as a rare complication of gastrojejunostomy ~ less than 300 cases have been reported of this entity since it was first reported in 1914 by Bozzi. Here we report a case of a 57 year old male who came with complaints for bilious vomiting and vague abdominal pain whose ultrasound and CT findings showed intussusception of the proximal ileal loop into the efferent jejunal loop which in-turn prolapsed into the stomach. The patient had undergone a gastro-jejunostomy 18 years ago for a peptic ulcer, further details about past history were not known.
Keywords: Post-operative complications, peptic ulcer, compound ileo-jejuno-gastric intussusception
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Abstract: Surgical management of acetabular fractures is a complex area of orthopaedics that is being continually refined. Due to complex surgical anatomy and displacements often pose diagnostic and surgical dilemmas to the managing orthopaedic surgeon. Aims: the aim of this study is to observe outcome of surgical treatment of complex acetabular fractures both clinically and radiologically and correlate radiological finding with clinical outcome at followups. Materials And Methods: This pilot project was conducted in a tertiary care cente of eastern india with institutional ethical clearance and informed consent of the subjects. Ten patients were selected according to inclusion criteria. They were followed up after operative........
Keywords: acetabulum, anterior coloumn fracture, transverse fracture, posterior column fracture
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