Version-6 (March-2018)
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Abstract: Background: Emergency peripartum hysterectomy (EPH), although rare in modern obstetrics , remains a life saving procedure in cases of severe obstetric hemorrhage. Objectives: To determine the epidemiological factors, incidence , risk factors, indications, outcome and complications of emergency peripartum hysterectomies performed in a tertiary care hospital in RAJASTHAN, INDIA during a 3 yrs period with total deliveries of 65,720 . Method: The medical records of 60 patients who underwent EPH between june 2014 to june 2017 were reviewed retrospectively. Maternal characteristics and details of present pregnancy and delivery, indication of hysterectomy , operative complications, postoperative conditions and maternal and fetal outcome were evaluated. Results: There were 60 EPH out of 65,720 deliveries with a rate of 0.91 / 1000 deliveries. 16 were performed with cesarean deliveries......
Keywords: Intactable haemorrhage, Peripartum hysterectomy
[1] A.C .Rossai,R. H. Lee, and R. H Chmait, "Emergency postpartum hysterecomyfor uncontrolled postpartum bleeding:a systemic review,"obstetrics and gynecology ,vol. 115, no.3,pp.637-644,2010.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | MTA: A review of literature with clinical applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Madhumitha Jayakumar || Shashikala K || H Murali Rao |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1703060411 ![]() |
Abstract: Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is a calcium silicate-based cement. It has remained a widereaching material in endodontics since its introduction in the 1990's. Several studies have illustrated its use in various clinical applications. MTA has been extensively studied and is currently used for perforation repairs, apexifications, regenerative procedures, pulp capping, root-end filling materials. This article will review the history, composition, setting reaction, properties, mechanism of action and various clinical applications of MTA in the field of Endodontics with four different case reports.
Keywords: Apexification, MTA, Open apex, Perforation.
[1] Wang, Z., 2015. Bioceramic materials in endodontics. Endodontic Topics, 32(1), pp.3-30.
[2] Tawil, P.Z., Duggan, D.J. and Galicia, J.C., 2015. MTA: A Clinical Review. Compendium of continuing education in dentistry
(Jamesburg, NJ: 1995), 36(4), p.247.
[3] Parirokh, M., Farzaneh, S. and Hallajmofrad, A.R., 2016. Conservative Management of Unset Mineral Trioxide Aggregate Root-
[4] End Filling: A Case Report. Iranian endodontic journal, 11(3), p.241.
[5] Camilleri, J. and Pitt Ford, T.R., 2006. Mineral trioxide aggregate: a review of the constituents and biological properties of the.
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Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the morphology of congenital cataracts presenting to us and their subsequent surgical management and visual rehabilitation. Material and Methods: A total of 92 eyes of 46 patients in the age range from 3 months to 25 years with unilateral or bilateral congenital cataract (diagnosed at any age), with no other associated ocular pathology of the anterior or posterior segment, no history or features of trauma, and without systemic or syndromic associations, presenting to the Department of Ophthalmology, M.L.B. Medical college, Jhansi UttarPradesh between 1st February, 2017 to 31January, 2018 were included in this prospective, interventional study. Results:The most common morphological type of isolated congenital cataract found in our study was lamellar cataract......
Keywords: Congenital cataract,morphology, surgical management, visual rehabilitation..
[1] Rajavi Z, Mokhtari S, Sabbaghi H, Yaseri M. Long-term visual outcome of congenital cataract at a Tertiary Referral Center from
2004 to 2014. J Curr Ophthalmol 2016;27:103-109.
[2] Lai FH, Lok JY, Chow PP, Young AL. Clinical outcomes of cataract surgery in very elderly adults. J Am Geriatr Soc
[3] Nagamoto T, Oshika T, Fujikado T, Ishibashi T, Sato M, Kondo M, et al. Surgical outcomes of congenital and developmental
cataracts in Japan. Jpn J Ophthalmol 2016;60:127-134.
[4] Lin H, Yang Y, Chen J, Zhong X, Liu Z, Lin Z, et al. Congenital cataract: Prevalence and surgery age at Zhongshan Ophthalmic
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[5] Tomkins O, Ben-Zion I, Moore DB, Helveston EE. Outcomes of pediatric cataract surgery at a tertiary care center in rural southern
Ethiopia. Arch Ophthalmol 2011;129:1293-1297
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Abstract: The formation of secondary dentin leads to an age related decrease in the pulp cavity. Hence the pulp volume can be useful for age estimation using the three-dimensional processing of the radiographic images of the teeth- such as the modern Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) which allows the adoption of a non-destructive, reliable and rather accurate method for dental age estimation. Aim: The aim of the present study was to develop a non-invasive, conservative, reliable, accurate and simple method of dental age estimation by mean of the analysis of the volume decrease phenomenon which affects the pulp cavity of the teeth using three-dimensional radiographic images of the CBCT. Materials and Methods: The sample of single rooted teeth wasselected from20 CBCT radiographs in North Indian subjects of any gender and age between 15 and 60...............
Keywords: Age Estimation, Pulp/ Tooth Volume Ratio, cone beam CT, Forensic Odontology
[1] Kvaal SI, Kolltveit KM, Thomsen IO, Solheim T. Age estimation of adults from dental radiographs. Forensic Sci. Int.
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[2] Talerja P. Ashith B, Acharya B, Venkatesh G. Naikmasur. An assessment of the versatility of Kvaal's method of adult
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[4] Panchbhai A. Dental radiographic indicators, a key to age estimation; Dentomaxillofacial Radiol. 2011;40:199-212.
[5] Vandevoort, Frieda M, Lars B, Johan V, Cleynenbreugel, Dider J, Bielen, Paul L, Martine W, Anne P. Age calculation
using X-ray micro focus Computed Topographical Scanning of Teeth. Forensic Sci. 2004; 49(4), 787-90..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of serum Amylase levels in type 2 Diabetes Mellitus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.P.Kiranmai MD || Dr.V.Ratnakumari MD |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1703062428 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Pancreas is a mixed function gland with both Exocrine and endocrine portions. . Due to close proximity of the two portions disease of one part may have effect on the other part.Our study was conducted to find a possible correlation between the exocrine and endocrine functions of the pancreas by comparing serum Amylase levels in cases of Type 2 Diabetes mellitus and age matched healthy controls. Materials and Methods:The study was conducted in 75 cases of established diabetes divided into two groups Ia and Ib based on duration of diabetes <5 yrs and >5 to 10 yrs respectively. 50 age matched healthy individuals formed the control group. In both study and control groups fasting venous sample was collected and serum Amylase, Fasting Blood glucose, Serum Cholesterol and serum Triglycerides were analysed on automated analyser. Statistical analysis was.............
Keywords: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Serum Amylase
[1] Bertelli, E. and Bendayan, M. (2005) association between endocrine pancreas and ductal system. More than an epiphenomenon of endocrine differentiation and development. J HistochemCytochem.; 53(9): 1071-86.
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[4] Hayden, M.R. (2008) Attenuation of endocrineexocrine pancreatic communication in type 2 diabetes: pancreatic extracellular matrix ultra structural abnormalities. J CardiometabSyndr. 3: 234–43.
[5] American Diabetes Association. Diagnosis and classification of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2010, 33(Suppl 1):S62–69..
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Abstract: Introduction: Integrated Disease Surveillance Project is intended to detect early warning signals of impending outbreaks and help to initiate an effective response in a timely manner in urban and rural areas. Communicable diseases, risk factors for non-communicable diseases 3 certain core conditions are included in the project. (1) Malaria (2) acute diarrheal diseases (3) typhoid(4) Tuberculosis(5) measles (6) polio (7) road traffic accidents (8) plague(9) HIV (10) water quality monitoring (10) NCD risk factors-Anthropometry ( physical activity , BP, Tobacco, Nutrition etc .Additional conditions related to health and specific for particular geographical area may also be included for surveillance. Objectives: 1. To promote integration of various service departments at the district level, with medical Integrated Disease Surveillance Program. 2. Surveillance of not only communicable diseases but............
Keywords: IDSP, Kadapa
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[4] Revati k Phalkey, Sharvari Shukla, Shavita Shardul, Nutan Ashtekar Sapna Valsa Pradip Avate and Michael Marx. Assessment of
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[5] Arun Kumar, Manish Kumar Goel, Ram Bilas Jain and Pradeep Khanna. Tracking the Implementation to identify gaps in integrated
disease surveillance Program in a Block of District Jhajjar (Haryana). Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 2014; v3 (3)
213-215(doi; 10.4103/2249-4863.141612):.
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Abstract: Backround : Chronic right lower quadrant abdominal pain is still a diagnostic challenge. When other pathologies are ruled out and conservative modalities fail, elective laparoscopic appendicectomy has got a definitive role in this subset of patients.Aim : To study the role of elective laparoscopic appendectomy for chronic or recurrent right lower quadrant pain .Methodology :It is a prospective and observational study which includes patients with chronic or recurrent right lower quadrant pain for more than three months in Rajiv Gandhi Government General Hospital during the time period of Jan 2015 to Sep 2015..After laparoscopic appendicectomy patients were followed up at 6 weeks and 3 months and a pain score was assigned. Histopathology of removed appendix.............
Keywords: Acute appendicitis, Chronic right lower quadrant pain, chronic appendicitis, Laparoscopic Appendicectomy,Pain score.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis is a disease caused by bacteria called mycobacterium tuberculosis. The bacteria usually attack the lungs, but they can also damage other parts of the body. Alcoholic liver disease is frequently linked to increased incidence of TBP particularly in the western countries. The mechanism behind the increased susceptibility of ALD patients to TBP remains unknown. The aim of the study is to study the prevalence and clinical profile of tuberculosis peritonitis among the Cirrhosis of liver patients. This prospective observational study was conducted for a period of 24 months i.e. from January 2016 to December 2017 at general medicine department in Rajiv Gandhi institute of medical sciences, kadapa. A total of 90 patients were included based on inclusion criteria. Abdominal pain was observed in 14 patients (82%), fever was observed in 12 patients (70.59%), in a total of 17 patients with TBP among cirrhotic ascites patients. Ascitic fluid total protein > 2.5 gm/dl is seen in almost 100% of patients with......
Keywords: Tuberculosis, peritonitis, incidence, cirrhosis of liver, Ascites
[1] Radhika S, Rajwanshi A, Kochhar R, Kochhar S, Dey P, Roy P.Abdominal tuberculosis: diagnosis by fine needle aspiration
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Abstract: Hypertensive disorders are the most common medical disorders encountered during pregnancy and are responsible for 15% of the maternal deaths in India.There is still controversy regarding choice of antihypertensive therapy in hypertensive emergencies in pregnancy. Currently Intravenous Hydralazine, oral Nifedipine and intravenous Labetalol are recommended for the treatment of severe hypertension in pregnancy.The objective of study was to compare the efficacy,safety, side-effects of intravenous labetalol and oral Nifedipine, mode of delivery in two groups, fetal outcome in patients receiving either Labetalol or Nifedipine in hypertensive emergency.A randomized control trial consisting of50 patientswas done over a period of one yearin Department of Obstetric and Gynaecology Dr.BabaSahebAmbedkar Hospital in Delhi. Efficacy of treatmentbasedside effects of drugs, number of doses required to attain target blood pressure,mode of delivery whether spontaneous or induced, normal.......
Keywords: Hypertensive disorders,Nifedipine,Labetalol
[1]. Chabbra S, Kakani A. Maternal mortality due to eclamptic and non eclamptic hypertensive disorders: a challenge. J ObstetGynaecol 2007;27:25- 9.
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Abstract: The aim of the present study is to study the safety and feasibility of emergency appendicectomy in appendicular mass and to compare the complications, morbidity and mortality in emergency appendicectomy versus conservatively treated appendicular mass.Patients and methods: This hospital based prospective study includes60 consecutive casesdiagnosed with appendicular massadmitted in Siddhartha Medical College and General Hospital between July 2016 to December 2017. Results: Males (70%) were commonly affected with male to female ratio 2.66:1. Pain abdomen was the commonest symptom with which patient presented. There is no significant difference in the operative problems faced between the two lines of management studied here. More complications were noted.........
Keywords: Appendicular mass, Interval Appendicectomy, OchsnerSherren Regimen, Early Appendicectomy
[1]. Jordan JS, Kovalcik PJ, Schwab CW: Appendicitis with a palpable mass. Ann Surg; 1981; 193:227-9
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Abstract: Aim: - the aim of present study was to assess the correlation between clinical and Histopathological diagnosis of oral Exophytic lesions.
Methods and Material: - 40 patients with Exophytic oral lesions were evaluated in the department. Specialist gave their provisional diagnosis, and then the biopsy sample was taken. Correlation between the clinical and Histopathological diagnosis were determined. Statistical analysis used: The recorded data was compiled and entered in a spread sheet (Microsoft Excel) and then exported.......
Keywords:exophytic lesions, verrucous carcinoma, peripheral ossifying fibroma, angioleiomyoma, squamous cell carcinoma, pseudo epithelial hyperplasia (PEH)
[1]. Van Dis ML. Swellings of the oral cavity.DermatolClin. 1996;14(2):355-70.
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Abstract: Background: Since 2013 till date, Malaria and Typhoid fever has been the major cause of fever for consultation in health centers. Epidemiological, Cultural and Drug Sensitivity Prospective study spanning 4 years was conducted in Unijos Health Services, this study purposed to describe and document the findings of the epidemiology and drug sensitivity pattern of Plasmodium species and Salmonellosis as evidence base data for the eradication of Malaria and Typhoid fever in Nigeria and the world at large.Method: Two hundred and fifty patient's blood and stools samples were diagnosed; age, gender, microscopy, culture and sensitivity were the variables, the drug effects of P-Alaxin, Artemether Lumefantrine and Artesunate Amodiaquine was determined. Similarly, the in-vitro effects of ciprofloxacin, cefuroxime and azithromycin and their synergic activities also determined. Result: The prevalence...........
Keywords: Drug effects, Prevalence, Plasmodium, Salmonella.
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Abstract: Objectives: The purpose of the study was to determine the preferences in imagistic techniques and to evaluate the frequency for CBCT among dentists. CBCT represents a major change in dental radiology giving three dimensional images with 10 times less radiation dose than conventional CT scanners do. Materials and methods: An anonymous survey consisting of 13 questions was distributed among 110 dentists with different dental specialties and from various cities of Romania. Results: The imagistic methods preferred by the respondents were panoramic radiography (93,6%) and periapical radiography (95,5%). A total of 60,9% of respondents use also CBCT........
Keywords: Survey, CBCT, radiography.
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Abstract: Background- Bronchiectasis can present at any age but increases with age and the highest prevalence is in older females. Objective- The aim 0f this study was to evaluate the prevalence of bronchiectasis in COPD patients. Material and Methods-We evaluated, 64 clinically diagnosed patients of COPD according to the criteria laid down by NHLBI/WHO-GOLD 2014 as having FEV1/FVC <70% as confirmed by spirometery, reaching GOLD stages I, II, III, and IV. Results-Out of 64 patients, 41 ( 64.06%) cases were male and remaining 23 ( 35.94%) patients were female. In 41 males, only 10 (15.63%) cases with bronchiectasis having prevalence 2.53 where as in out of 23 females, 9 (14.06%) with bronchiectasis showing the prevalence 6.62. It is observed COPD patients........
Keywords: Bronchiectasis, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), High resolution computed tomography (HRCT),
[1] Bronchiectasis; NICE CKS, August 2010 .
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Abstract: Introduction: Lung cancer is the most common cancer in the world and the leading cause of cancer deaths. Though the use of combined-modality therapy including radiation and chemotherapy is recommended for locally advanced NSCLC but majority of our patients do not tolerate this treatment. With this study ,we aim to find out whether we can achieve better or comparable local control, tolerability and survival with AFRT (which may be helpful in patients of advanced cases of lung cancer as majority of these patients are not fit for CRT because of borderline or poor general condition and related comorbid conditions) in comparison to that of conventional chemo-radiation. Aim and objectives: We did this study to compare the disease response, loco-regional tumorcontrol,quality of life and toxicity profile in accelerated radiation (six fractions per week) and conventional chemoradiation in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer........
Keywords: carcinoma non –small cell lung ,chemotherapy , radiotherapy
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