Version-8 (March-2018)
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Abstract: Background: Noise is an undesirable sound, with potential of damaging the inner ear and remains a common occupational hazard in our environment. A grinding machine is a milling device used in crushing food substances by passing between two revolving abrasive surfaces, with rapidly rotating blades. The frictional force between the spinning surfaces generate so much sound which could be as high as 110dB, capable of causing hearing loss depending on the duration of exposure. Pepper (capsicumspp) grinding as a profession is common in Gwagwalada area council, which is strategically located in FCT, Abuja. It has about 60% rural and 40% urban population. This makes this place a thriving zone for grinding business with heavy noise especially within the markets...........
[1]. Smith AW, Prevention of Deafness and Hearing Impairment. Noise Health,1998;1(1);6-12
[2]. Omokhodion FO, Adeosun AA, Fajola AA. Hearing impairment among mill workers in small scale enterprises in southwest Nigeria. Noise Health. 2007;9:75–77.
[3]. Olusanya BO, Bamigboye BA, Somefun AO: Permanent Hearing Loss among Professional SpiceGrinders in an Urban Community in the Southwest Nigeria Journal of Urban Health. 2012 ; 89: 185–195.s
[4]. Zuskin E, Skuric Z, Kanceljak B, Pokrajac D, Schachter EN, Witek TJ. Respiratory findings in spice factory workers. Arch Environ Health. 1988;43:335–339.
[5]. Sumer: surveillance médicale des risquesprofessionnels 2003, Magaud-Camus 2005.
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Abstract: Background: Shivering is known to be a frequent complication in patients undergoing surgery under regional anaesthesia. Dexmedetomidine and clonidine (α2 adrenergic agonist) have been used as a sedative agent and are known to reduce the shivering threshold. The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the efficacy, haemodynamics and adverse effects of dexmedetomidine with those of clonidine, when used for control of post spinal anaesthesia shivering. Methods: A prospective , randomized and double blind study was conducted in 90 American Society of Anaesthesiologist Grade I and II patients of female sex, aged 18-45 years, scheduled for lower abdominal surgeries under spinal anaesthesia. The patients were randomised into three groups of 30 patients each. Group D received dexmeditomidine 0.5μg/kg , group.............
Keywords: Clonidine,Dexmedetomedine,Shivering
[1]. De Whitte J, Sessler DI. Perioperative shivering: Physiology and Pharmacology. Anaesthesiology 2002;96(2):467-84.
[2]. Sessler DI, Ponte J. Shivering during epidural anaesthesia. Anesthesiology 1990;72(5):816-21.
[3]. Sessler DI, editor. Miller's Anaesthesia. 7th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone; 2010.
[4]. Bhatnagar S, Saxena A, Kannan TR, Punj J. Tramadol for postoperative shivering: a double blind comparison with pethedine. Anaesth Intensive care 2001;29(2):149-54.
[5]. Katyal S, Tewari A. Shivering: anesthetic considerations. J Anaesth Clin Pharmacol 2002;18(4):363-76...
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Abstract: Scrub typhus, an acute febrile illness caused by Orientia tsutsugamushi, is essentially a vasculitic disorder which if left untreated or improperly treated can lead to serious end organ damage and death. So its early diagnosis is of utmost importance. As peak season of Dengue and Scrub typhus overlaps (June to November) and both show similar clinical features, there is a tendency to overlook the latter where dengue is endemic. As the catchment area of our hospital is a dengue endemic zone with history of occurrence of epidemics in the past, there is an inherent tendency to be biased towards dengue. In 2017 we found 1259 cases to be reactive for Dengue NS1 out of 5228suspected cases tested for it(24% positivity), and 717 cases were reactive for Dengue IgM out of 3474 suspectedcases tested for it (20.7% positivity). In contrast only 62suspected cases were tested for........
Key words: Orientia tsutsugamushi, Scrub typhus, Immunochromatographic test, eschar.
[1]. Mahajan SK, Kashyap R, Kanga A, Sharma V, Prasher BS, Pal LS. Relevance of Weil-Felix test in diagnosis of scrub typhus in India. J Assoc Physicians India. 2006;54(AUG.):619–21.
[2]. Rapsang AG, Bhattacharyya P. Scrub typhus. Vol. 57, Indian Journal of Anaesthesia. 2013. p. 127–34.
[3]. Raoult D. Orientia tsutsugamushi. In: Mandell GL, Bennett JE, Dolin R, editors. Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases. 7th ed. Philadelphia: Churchill Livingstone; 2009. pp. 2529–30.
[4]. Dumler JS, Siberry GK. Scrub Typhus (Orientia Tsutsugamushi). (Part XVI. Section 11. Chapter 226) In: Kliegman RM, Behrman Re, Jenson HB, Stanton BF, editors. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 18th ed. Philadelphia: Saunders, Elsevier; 2007. pp. 1295–6.
[5]. Hornick RB. Rickettsial Diseases. In: Bennett JC, Plum F, editors. Goldman: Cecil Textbook of Medicine. 21st ed. Philadelphia, USA: WB Saunders Company; 2000. pp. 1911–2. (Chapter 371)..
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Abstract: Background: Various techniques namely Krishner wire fixation, Knowles pin fixation, Elastic intra-medullary nailing and intra-medullary fixation has been described for the treatment of grossly displaced fractures of mid one third Clavicle. Various types of open reduction and internal fixations with reconstruction plates and anatomical ' S ' shaped plates and were popularly done for the same indication. While there is agreement that grossly displaced fractures and comminuted fractures should be internally fixed, selecting the best form of fixation is debatable. Commonly done plating is at the superior surface. It is associated with neuro-vascular injury and striping of muscles which may lead on to non-union. In this study we did plating on anterior-inferior surface and studied our results............
Keywords: Fracture clavicle, Anterior plating 3.5 mm Dynamic Compression plate, pendulum exercises
[1]. Altamimi SA, McKee MD, Canadian Orthopaedic Trauma Society Nonoperative treatment compared with plate fixation of displaced midshaft clavicular fractures. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2008;90(Suppl 2):1–8. doi: 10.2106/JBJS.G.01336. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
[2]. Bostman O, Manninen M, Pihlajamaki H. Complications of plate fixation in fresh displaced midclavicular fractures. J Trauma. 1997;43:778–783. doi: 10.1097/00005373-199711000-00008. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
[3]. Celestre P, Roberston C, Mahar A, et al. Biomechanical evaluation of clavicle fracture plating techniques: does a locking plate provide improved stability? J Orthop Trauma. 2008;22:241–247. doi:10.1097/BOT.0b013e31816c7bac. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
[4]. Chin-En Chen, Rei-Jahn Juhn, and Jih-Yang Ko., Anterior-inferior plating of middle-third fractures of the clavicle,Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2010 Apr; 130(4): 507–511.Published online 2009 Nov 10. doi: 10.1007/s00402-009-0993-7
[5]. Collinge C, Devinney S, Herscovici D, et al. Anterior-inferior plate fixation of middle-third fractures and nonunions of the clavicle. J Orthop Trauma. 2006;20:680–686. doi: 10.1097/ [PubMed] [Cross Ref].
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Abstract: Introduction: Number of patients of chronic kidney disease(CKD) due to urinary lithiasis are increasing worldwide and episodes of UTI in this population are common in occurrence. This study is done to clear the role of cranberries in prevention of UTI in DJ stented CKD patients. Material and methods: This study was conducted in PGIMS, Rohtak, India. Total 60 DJ stented CKD patients included in the study which were divided into two groups. Patients of group-I received cranberry extract and patients of group-II did not receive cranberry extract. Single dose of prophylactic antibiotic given to patients of both the groups. Results: In group-I, total 6 patients developed episodes of UTI within 3 months of DJ stenting. In group-II, total 18 patients developed.......
Keywords: Cranberries, Cranberry extract, DJ stented CKD patients, UTI prevention.
[1]. Nugent RA, Fathima SF, Feigl AB, Chyung D. The burden of chronic kidney disease on developing nations: a 21st century challenge in global health. Nephron Clin Pract. 2011;118(3):269-77.
[2]. 2.Thomas R, Kanso A, Sedor JR. Chronic Kidney Disease and Its Complications. Primary care. 2008;35(2):329.
[3]. Zhang QL, Koenig W, Raum E, Stegmaier C, Brenner H, Rothenbacher D. Epidemiology of chronic kidney disease: results from a population of older adults in Germany. Prev Med. 2009 Feb;48(2):122-7.
[4]. Valiquette L. Urinary tract infections in women. Can J Urol. 2001;8:6–12.
[5]. Chen SL, Jackson SL, Boyko EJ. Diabetes mellitus and urinary tract infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis and proposed studies in animal models. J Urol. 2009;182(6):51–56.
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Abstract: This study was designed to assess the efficacy of prednisolone therapy in relation to improving the quality of life in terminal cancer patients. • To Assess Whether Oral Prednisolone Is An Effective Intervention To Improve The Quality Of Life Of Terminal Cancer Patients • To Examine The Effects Of Prednisolone On Symptom Clusters Related To Quality Of Life In Patients With Advanced Cancer
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Abstract: To study the role of Saccharomyces boulardii in treatment of acute watery diarrhoea in children aged 6months to 5 years OBJECTIVE: To compare the duration of diarrhea and frequency of stools in case and control groups . SETTING: Study will be conducted in tertiary care hospital. STUDY DESIGN: prospective single blinded randomized controlled study. TIME FRAME : Study will be conducted from October 2016 to January 2018. POPULATION: Children of both sexes aged 6 months to 5 years admitted to paediatric ward of Bokaro General Hospital with acute watery diarorhea were studied............
[1]. Wardlaw T, Salama P, Brocklehurst C, Chopra M, Mason E.Diarrhoea: why children are still dying and what can be done. Lancet. 2010 Mar 13;375(9718):870-2. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(09)61798-0. Epub 2009 Oct 14.
[2]. Rahman AE, Moinuddin M, Molla M, Worku A, Hurt L, Kirkwood B. Et al. Childhood diarrhoeal deaths in seven low- and middle -income countries. Bull World Health Organ. 2014 Sep 1;92(9):664-71. doi: 10.2471/BLT.13.134809. Epub 2014 Jun 23.
[3]. Walker CL1, Aryee MJ, Boschi-Pinto C, Black RE. Estimating diarrhea mortality among young children in low and middle income countries. . PLoS One. 2012;7(1):e29151. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029151. Epub 2012 Jan 3.
[4]. Sarkar R, Tate JE, Ajjampur SS, Kattula D, John J, Ward HD.Et al. Burden of diarrhea, hospitalization and mortality due to cryptosporidial infections in Indian children. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2014 Jul 24;8(7):e3042. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003042. eCollection 2014.
[5]. Avachat SS, Phalke VD, Phalke DB, Aarif SM, Kalakoti P. A cross
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Abstract: Primary brain tumors occur in around 25,000 people a year, and 13,000 deaths in the United States. The incidence of CNS tumors in the United States, Israel, and the Nordic countries is relatively high; Japan and Asian countries have a lower incidence. Less developed countries have lower incidence of tumors due to undiagnosed tumor related deaths. Exposure to vinyl chloride or ionizing radiation is associated with brain tumors. Research studies have not shown link between cell phone or mobile radiation and brain cancer. WHO has classified mobile radiation on IARC, scale into Group B-possibly carcinogenic.Primary and secondary brain tumors present with similar symptoms, depending on the location of location, size, and rate of growth of tumor. Headaches as a result of intracranial............
Key Words: Braintumor, Clinical presentation. Treatment and outcome
[1] General Information about Adult Brain Tumors (Http:// www. cancer. gov. cancertopics/ pdq/ treatment/adultbrain/Patient/page1/All pages).NCI.14 April.
[2] Adult Brain Tumors Treatment (http:// www. Cancer .gov/ cancertopics/ pdq/treatmentadultbrain/HealthProfessional/page 1/Allpages).NCI.28 February 2014.
[3] Chapter 5.16.World Cancer Report 2014) /World Cancer -Report-2014)World Health Organization.2014.ISBN 9283204298
[4] World Cancer Report 2014.World Health Organization.2014.pp.Chapter1.3 ISBN 9283204298.
[5] Krishmatreya M,Kataki AG,Sharma JD,Bhattacharya M,et al.Brief descriptiveEpidemiology of primary Malignant Brain Tumors from North- East India.AsianPac JCancer Prev.2014;15(22):9871-73...
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Abstract: Annular pancreas manifesting in adulthood is rare and presentation after the age of 60 is rarer. We discuss our experience with one case of annular pancreas which presented with recurrent acute pancreatitis and duodenal obstruction. A 60 years old male presented with abdominal pain and features of gastric outlet obstruction. As malignancy is an important differential diagnosis to be considered at this age, the radiological features consistent with annular pancreas (CT &MRI) played a crucial part in clinching the diagnosis preoperatively. Laparotomy confirmed the preoperative findings and areas of saponification around the annulus was also seen. A lateral duodenojejunostomy was done and intraoperative core biopsy of the annular tissue was taken. Postoperative course was uneventful. Biopsy confirmed pancreatic tissue with fibrocollagenous tissue with no evidence of malignancy.This case is being presented for its rarity..
Keywords: Annular pancreas,Duodenal obstruction,Adults,case report
[1] Paraskevas G, Papaziogas B, Lazaridis C, Gigis P, Papaziogas T. Annular pancreas in adults: embryological development, morphology and clinical significance. SurgRadiolAnat 2001; 23:437-42. [PMID 11963628]
[2] Mavridis G, Soutis M, Sakellaris D, Keramidas D. Annular pancreas. ActaChirHellen 1995; 67:597-600.
[3] Lecco TM. Zurmorphologie des pancreas annulare. Sitzungberichte de KaiserlichenAkademie der Wissenschaften 1910; 69:391-406.
[4] Hollender L, Marie A. PankreasAnnulare. In: ChirurgischeGastroenterologie, von Alllgower M, Harder F, Hollender F, Peiper J (eds) ChirurgischeGastroenterologie Berlin: Springer,1981;1058-60.
[5] Ladd AP, Madura JA. Congenital duodenal anomalies in the adult. Arch Surg 2001; 136:576-84. [PMID 11343551]..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Internet Addiction In Undergraduate Medical Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | D. Ade || Dr. A. Khare || Dr S. Kayande |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1703085155 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The use of Internet has now become indispensable. College students are a group particularly vulnerable to internet addiction as they spend a major proportion of their time in accessing the internet for both academic and extracurricular purposes. Pathological internet use can lead to depression, anxiety, lack of physical energy, dysfunction, emotional and behavioral symptoms, and social adaptation problems. It is an urgent necessity to consider obsessive internet usage as a complete and distinct mental illness. With this background the present study was conducted to study the internet use and addiction among undergraduate medical students.........
Keyword: Internet, addiction.
[1]. Muniandy B. Academic use of internet among undergraduate students: a preliminary case study in a Malaysian University. Int J Cyber Society Educ. 2010;3(2):171-178.
[2]. Majumder MAA, AzimMSS , Rahman S. Technology-enhanced learning in Asia: New educational possibilities for the the tomorrow‟s doctors and tomorrow‟s cures. South East asia J Public Health. 2013;4(2):50-53.
[3]. Teong KV, Ang MC. Internet use and addiction among students in Malaysian public Universities in East Malaysia: some empirical evidence. J Manage Res. 2016;8(2):21-178
[4]. Moraham-Martin, J. And. Schumacher, P. (2000). Incidence and correlates of pathological Internet use among college students. Computers in Human Behavior,16,13-29.
[5]. Niemz K, Griffiths M, Banyard P. Prevalence of pathological Internet use among university students and correlations with self-esteem, the General Health questionnaire (GHQ), and disinhibition. CyberpsycholBehav. 2005;8(6):562-570.[PubMed]
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Abstract: Introduction:Sciatic nerve is the thickest and longest nerve in the human body, consists mostly of lumbosacral fibres consisting L4, L5, S1, S2, S3, they are both sensory and motor. Sciatica has been torturing mankind for hundred if not thousands of years. Sciatica refers to a burning, stinging and numbing pain that is felt in the buttock, thigh, leg and foot which not be associated with low back pain. The sciatic nerve is frequently involved in daily medical practice of neurology, orthopedics, rehabilitation of anesthesia. Sciatic nerve present significant variability concerning its topography and division into terminal branches (common peroneal nerve and tibial nerve). Methods: In the present study, 100 lower limbs of 50 embalmed adult cadavers which were formalin fixed from the Department of Anatomy of Sri Venkateswara Medical College, Tirupati, and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa.............
Keywords: Sciatic nerve, piriformis muscle, tibial nerve, common peronial nerve, division
[1]. Standring S: Gray‟s Anatomy. The anatomical basis of clinical practice. 40th edition. New York: Elsevier Churchill Livingstone; 2008 (p: 1337-1384).
[2]. W.Henry Hollinshead, Anatomy for Surgeons volume 3 in 1937, Page No. 692 to 694.
[3]. P Diogo et al. Sciatic nerve high division: Two different anatomical variants, Acta Med Port, 2013; 26(3): 208- 211.
[4]. Brooks JBB, Silva CAC, Soares SA, Kai MR, Cabral RH, Fragosa YD. Anatomical variations of the sciatic nerve in a group of Brazilian cadaver. Rev dor, 2011;12(4):332-336.
[5]. Beaton LE, Anson BJ. The relation of the sciatic nerve and its subdivisions tothe piriformis muscle. Anat Rec 1937;70(1):1-5...
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Abstract: Le but de notre travail est d'analyser les caractéristiques cliniques de la maladie de Behçet dans notre service de médecine interne. C'est une étude monocentrique rétrospective au sein du service de médecine interne à partir des dossiers de patients suivis pour maladie de Behçet. Les critères d'inclusion étaient ceux du Groupe international d'étude sur la MB. Cette série a comporté 343 patients avec 182 hommes et 161 femmes . Le sex-ratio était de 1,13. L'âge moyen de nos malades au moment de la première hospitalisation est de 34.44, avec des extrêmes de 3 ans et de 72 ans.La fréquence des manifestations cliniques était comme suit : aphtose buccale : 100 %, aphtose génitale : 92 %, pseudofolliculite : 85%, atteinte articulaire:65%, atteinte oculaire : 33 %, atteinte vasculaire: 14 %.L'atteinte oculaire, les thromboses veineuses et l'atteinte artérielle étaient significativement plus fréquentes chez les hommes et l'érythème noueux et les manifestations articulaires étaient significativement plus fréquents....
Keywords: -Behçet -uveite -blindness -anevrisme
[1] International Study Group for Behçet's disease : Criteria for diagnosis of Behçet's disease. Lacet 1990;335:1078-80.
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Abstract: Introduction: Needle stick injuries (NSIs) are wounds caused by needles in health care setup that accidentally puncture the skin and may result in exposure to blood or other body fluids. NSI is a major occupational health and safety issue faced by health care professionals globally. Needle prick injuries (NPI) are the commonest route by which blood- borne pathogens such as HIV and hepatitis B and C are transmitted from patients to healthcare workers. Such infections serve as high occupational risks and threats to healthcare workers, especially where basic rules of occupational safety and health are not implemented. Nurses have the highest rate of needle stick injury among all the health care workers.Objectives:a) To assess the knowledge of Needle stick injuries (NSI) among nurses in RIMS, Imphal b) To determine the practices of Needle stick injuries (NSI) among nurses in RIMS, ImphalMaterials...........
Keywords:Cross-sectional study, needle stick injuries, nurses
[1] Bilski B. Needlestick Injuries in nurses – The Poland study. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2005; 18(3):251-4.
[2] Zia M, Afzal M, Sarwar H, Waqas A and Gilari SA. Knowledge and Practices of Nurses about Needle Stick Injuries at Lahore Hospital. Saudi J Med Pham Sci 2017; 3(6): 571-81
[3] Li Z, Sengane ML And Setswe KG. Knowledge and experiences of needle prick injuries among nursing at a university in Gauteng, South Africa. SA Fam Pract 2008; 50(5): 48-50.
[4] Salelkar S, Motghare DD, Kulkarni MS and Vaz FS. Study of Needle stick injuries among Health Care Workers at a Tertiary Care Hospital. Indian J Public Health 2010; 54(1): 18-20.
[5] Laishram J, Keisam A, Phasaw E, Tarao MS, Laloo VJ and Devi HS. Prevalance of needle stick injuries among nurses in a tertiary care hospital and their immediate response. Int J Med Public Health 2013; 3:257-60.
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Abstract: Tuberculosis is one of the earliest diseases affecting the mankind. Abdominal tuberculosis constitutes a common public health issue in developing countries like ours. Gastrointestinal tuberculosis often involves the ileo-caecal region. Surgery in case of abdominal tuberculosis is required to overcome the deleterious effects of the disease like tissue disorganization, obstruction and perforation.Aims And Objectives: 1. To study the various clinical profiles of gastrointestinal tuberculosis in patients undergoing laparotomy;2. To study the surgical pathology of gastrointestinal tuberculosis; 3. To study the various surgical treatment modalities based upon the intraoperative findings and its outcome.......
Keywords: gastrointestinal tuberculosis, laparotomy, obstruction, perforation
[1] Sherman S, Rohwedder JJ, Ravikrishnan KP, Weg JG. Tuberculous enteritis and peritonitis: report of 36 general cases. Arch Intern Med. 1980 Apr;140(4):506-8.
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[4] Ahmed S, Muttaqi AE, Aurangzeb M, Khan TM. Abdominal
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