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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Diameter of the Femoral Artery |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.Rajeswari || Dr.P.Ramalingam |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1706010104 ![]() |
Abstract: Background-The arterial variations of the lower limb, especially the femoral artery and its branches have gained popularity recently because of its close association with femoral hernia repair and in coronary angiographies. The diameter of the femoral artery is important to diagnose diseases like aneurysms. The correct placement of large bore catheters plays an important role in the management of hemodialysis patients. Material and methods- The study material consists of 50 adult lower limb specimens from the Institute of Anatomy , Madras Medical College , Chennai and Adult 64 slice computerized tomographic scans from 20 clinical cases from the Bernard Institute of Radiology, Government General Hospital, Chennai............
Key words: femoral artery; diameter; aneurysms.
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Abstract: Background: Leprosy, a public health problem, and its elimination in terms of prevalence of less than one case per 10,000 population was achieved at global level in 2001 and by India in 2005 at the national level. In order to achieve elimination of leprosy in all districts of the country leprosy activities were integrated through general health care system. Objectives: The present study was conducted to assess the basic knowledge of health workers on leprosy, its control and their ability to screen leprosy and nerve function impairment using the simplified tool developed by National Leprosy Elimination Program. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was carried in two randomly selected blocks of Purba Bardhaman district - Bhatar and Mongolkote between April and...........
Key words: Knowledge, leprosy, screening, skill, Sensory and Voluntary Muscle Test
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Abstract: We indented to study the prevalence and reasons for late presentation in STEMI in a metropolitan city like Chennai in our centre between May 2016 and April 2017 with a detailed questionnaire. Out of 1278 STEMI patients, 274(21.9%) patients presented late. The causes for late presentation were patient factors (51.8%), atypical symptoms (29.6%),delay in the first medical contact health centre( 12.3%),non availability of ambulance (2.3%), traffic jams (2.2%) and non allopathic doctor consulation (1.8%). The most common cause for delay in the FMC centre was in the waiting hall or waiting for the ECG report. Even among the late presentors, the time delay was shorter in patients who came in ambulance compared to patients who arrived by themselves or other mode of transport. .
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Abstract: Despite medical advances, duodenal ulcer perforation remains a surgical emergency. A prospective observational study was conducted from January 2013 to October 2014 involving 100 Tribal patients with suspected perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) admitted in department of Surgery, Bankura Sammilani Medical College & Hospital (BSMCH) aiming to assess preoperative risk factors and find out therapeutic outcome with its determinants. Data were collected via interview, clinical examination and necessary investigations using predesigned proforma. Maximum (47.0%) patients belonged to 40-60 years age group with 10.1: 1 male- female ratio. One third, 69% and 36% participants were addicted to alcohol, tobacco smoking and using NSAID, respectively. One fourth (26%) had one or more co-morbidities. Around one third attended BSMCH after one day of onset of symptoms. On admission, pain/tenderness and free fluid in abdomen and gas under diaphragm were almost universal. Obliterated........
Keywords: perforated-peptic-ulcer, tobacco smoking, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, omental patch repair, conservative management
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Abstract: A cross sectional type of study was carried out to compare nutritional status among, 6-10 years old 750 school children of three different socioeconomic statuses during January 2012- January 2013. METHOD: weight and height was recorded. Analysis was done using statistical software graph pad prism 5 (for ANOVA test and paired T test). ANOVA test was used to compare socioeconomic status while T test was used for comparing gender. RESULT: The study revealed significantly (p < 0.05) lower heights of both male and female children of low SES compared with of high SES.............
Key Words- SES - socioeconomic status, school children
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Abstract: Objective of the Study: To know the various various morphological shapes of Coronoid Process of the Mandible. Materials and methods: The study was carried out using 100 dry mandibles comprised of both sexes in the department of Anatomy of S.V.Medical College,Tirupati,A.P. The different shapes of the coronoid process were found for both the right and left sides and the data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: The current study has illustrated various morphological shapes of the Coronoid Process of the Mandible and 82% of mandibles showed bilateral similarity and 18% showed difference from the opposite side. The most common shape of the coronoid process was observed to be Hook shaped costituting 47.5%, Traingular shape constitutes 28.5% and Round shape Coronoid process consists of 24%. Conclusion: Knowledge of the variant morphological shapes of the...........
Key words: Mandible, Coronoid process, Triangular, Rounded, Hook.
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Abstract: Background and Objectives: It has been recognized that the association between recurrent respiratory infections and poor dental hygiene are potentially important because of the high occurrence of dental infections. Dental infections are also a common occurrence among children. We conducted a study to assess the status of poor dental hygiene as a causative factor for recurrent respiratory infections among paediatric population. Methods: This was a cross sectional study conducted in 100 children aged between 2 – 18 years, with history of recurrent respiratory infections. The patients were checked for presence of plaque using plaque disclosing agent. The patients were also examined for dental caries, gingivitis, tartar and extracted teeth. Results: The percentage of children...........
Key words: children; recurrent respiratory infection; dental hygiene; association.
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Abstract: Background:. The worrisome aspect of HIV/AIDS is not limited to the disease itself, but co-infection with Tuberculosis is also one of the challenging problems in developing countries. Materials and Methods: After obtaining approval from ethics committee, A cross-sectional descriptive type of study was conducted ART centre, Gwalior J. A. Group of Hospitals, G. R. Medical College, Gwalior (MP). Total 500 patients was included in this study underwent a detailed interview and physical examination which was recorded according to the pre-designed, pre-tested and semi-structured questionnaire used for data collection then analyzed. Duration of the study was From 1st August, 2014 to 31st July, 2015.........
Keywords: HIV-TB Co-infection, Socio-demographic profile
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Abstract: Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome is the commonest endocrine disorder in women of reproductive age as this syndrome affect about 5-10% of premenopausal women. Objective : To determine Doppler flow changes within ovarian stroma in women with polycystic ovary syndrome and compare the ovarian stromal blood flow and serum LH,FSH concentration in fertile women with normal ovaries and primary in fertile women with polycystic ovary syndrome . Method : Samples of women who will attend to our gynecologic clinic in Elwyia maternity teaching hospital in Baghdad/Iraq ,from beginning of March to end of September 2014. Fifty cases of fertile women with normal ovaries control group and fifty cases of study group .Primary infertile women with PCOS confirmed by clinical examination ,investigation.........
Keywords : Ovarian stromal blood flow, PCOS , 3D power Doppler .
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Abstract: Contraceptive utilization is a key component of the Sustainable Development Goal agenda and a major contributor to national health. In spite of the importance of contraceptive uptake among couples of reproductive age, meeting the reproductive health rights of women remains an issue due to multi-faceted obstacles within complex environments. The issues which impact women's reproductive health rights in relation to contraception relate to availability, accessibility, affordability, literacy, tradition, and culture. This study describe the knowledge and utilization of contraceptives among women accessing family planning services at a Specialist hospital, Sokoto-Nigeria...........
Key words: Contraceptives, Birth Control, Women, Choices, Reproductive Health
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Abstract: Objectives: The goal of the study is to evaluate the diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography in the diagnosis of urinary bladder mass. Methodology; This cross-sectional study was conducted in the department of Radiology & Imaging and department of Urology of Shear-E-Bangla Medical Collage & Hospital(SBMCH), Barisal and LAB AID limited(diagnostic), Barisal during the period from July 2017 to march 2018, enrolling 50 patients of 25 to 75 years of age range who are referred by Urology department of SBMCH, Barisal & LAB AID limited(diagnostic), Barisal , as clinically suspected cases of urinary bladder mass for CT scan of whole abdomen, during the period of July 2017 to march 2018...........
Key words: Computed Tomography (CT), Urinary bladder mass, Haematuria, Histopatliological.
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Abstract: Background: Dermatophytoses has always been the most common cause of superficial fungal infections in India. In recent years dermatologists across the country are facing an onslaught of chronic and recurrent dermatophytosis in volumes never encountered previously. Over the last 3-4 years, the frequency of such cases has increased alarmingly. Methods: In order to evaluate this drastic change in the epidemic profile of dermatophytosis in India, we aimed to assess the level of awareness of its risk factors among the population, and also since the infection is now more chronic and recalcitrant in its course, we used the Dermatology Quality of Life(DLQI) index to evaluate the morbidity associated with dermatophyte infection............
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Abstract: Compression therapy is widely accepted as the corner-stone of venous leg ulceration treatment and often has a dramatic effect on outcome, with patients reporting reduced pain and improved mobility and improved quality of life as a result of ulcer healing. The present study has been done to evaluate the efficacy and safety of four layer compression bandage in comparison to short stretch compression bandage for healing of venous ulcer. The study was done in 40 patients of venous ulcer divided in two groups of 20 each by draw of ballots. Group A was treated with four layer compression bandage and Group B patients were treated with single layer short stretch bandage. Level of exudates.........
Key words: Venous ulcer, Four layer bandage, Single layer short stretch bandage, Leg ulcer
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Abstract: Left ventricular thrombus (LVT) formation post myocardial infarction (MI) particularly after anterior wall MI is well known to occur. The incidence of LVT formation is still a frequent complication even today despite of the prevailing aggressive reperfusion therapy options available. Occurrence of LVT can be related to deterioration in left ventricular (LV) function, ventricular aneurysm or ventricular dyskinesia. Echocardiography still remains the most commonly used diagnostic methodology for detecting LVT but the current gold standard is contrast induced magnetic resonance imaging. Mural and mobile thrombi have an increased risk of systemic embolization. Current guidelines state patients with LVT or who are at high risk to develop the same are to be treated with oral anticoagulants.........
[1]. Nesković AN, Marinković J, Bojić M, Popović AD. Predictors of left ventricular thrombus formation and disappearance after anterior wall myocardial infarction. Eur Heart J 1998; 19:908.
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Abstract: Introduction: Regional anesthesia in children was first studied by August Bier in 1899. Since then, spinal anesthesia was practiced for years, and a number of cases were published in 1909-1910. After some years, it fell into disuse owing to the introduction of various muscle relaxants and inhalational agents. In early 1980s, it was reintroduced as an alternative to general anesthesia (GA), especially in high-risk and preterm infants. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in 40 patients Attending Pediatric OPD in MGM Medical College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand. Informed consent was obtained from parents of each child included in this study. All paediatric patients from 2 to 8years of age group, American society of anesthesioly grade I-II, without any cardiorespiratory abnormality.....
Key Words: Regional anesthesia, undescended testis, hypospadiasis, fracture shaft femur
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