Version-14 (June-2018)
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Abstract: Background: Warren Snodgrass advocated a versatile Tubularised incised plate (TIP) procedure for most cases of hypospadias repair, which showed favourable cosmetic and functional results. Vascularity is one of the major factors in any reconstructive surgery, as in hypospadias, for a successful outcome. Several options for providing vascularised soft tissue cover to the neourethra have been described. Both dartos fascia and tunica vaginalis provide robust cover to the urethra and act as a barrier between the suture lines. We attempt to evaluate and compare the outcomes between two common soft tissue covers; i.e. tunica vaginalis flap and dartos flap for tubularised incised plate urethroplasty in.....
Key words: tunica vaginalis flap, dartos flap, tubularised incised plate urethroplasty
[1]. Snodgrass WT, Lorenzo A. Tubularised incised plate urethroplasty for proximal hypospadias.BJU Int 2002;89: 90-3
[2]. Baskin LS, Erol A, Li YW et al. Anatomical study of hypospadias.J Urol 1998; 160: 1108-15
[3]. Dhua AK,Aggarwal SK, Sinha S,Ratan SK.Soft tissue covers in hypospadias surgery: Is tunica vaginalis better than dartos flap? J Indian Pediatric Surg. 2012 Jan-Mar; 17(1): 16-19.
[4]. Chatterjee US, Mandal MK,Basu S, Das R, Majhi T. comparative study of dartos fascia and tunica vaginalis pedicle wrap for the tubularised incised plate in primary hypospadias repair.BJU Int.2004;94:1102-4
[5]. Smith D. A de-epithelialised overlap flap technique in the repair of hypospadias. Br J Plast Surg.1973;26:106-14..
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Abstract: Introduction: Stroke is a common medical emergency and is the most common cause of physical disability. Diabetes mellitus is known to increase the risk of ischemic stroke by 2-4 folds. The prevalence of recognized diabetes mellitus in acute stroke patients is between 8-20% and 6-42% of patients may have undiagnosed diabetes mellitus before presentation with stroke. Aim: To study the prevalence and prediction of unrecognized diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose tolerance following acute stroke and to measure the accuracy of hyperglycemia and elevated glycosylated hemoglobin concentration in predicting the presence of unrecognized diabetes mellitus at 3 weeks post stroke. Materials and Methods: This a prospective observational study conducted on acute stroke.........
Key words: Acute stroke, Diabetes mellitus,
[1]. Allen CMC, Lueck CJ, Dennis M, Doon NA, College NR, Walker BR, Hunter JA. Cerebrovascular Diseases .Davidson's Principles and Practice of Medicine.20th ed. Churchill living Stone Elsevier; 2006.1200.
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[5]. Fu JH,L CZ, Hong Z, The observation of the recurrence and prognosis of ischemic stroke in diabetic patients. Chin J Diabetes .2003;11:386-390
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Abstract: Background: Radioiodine (I-131) is one of the first line therapy for Toxic Diffuse Goiter (TDG) / Graves Disease (GD) with three possible outcomes – patient becomes euthyroid or remains thyrotoxic or permanently hypothyroid. Aim: The present retrospective study aims to evaluate and estimate percentage of patients developing hypothyroidism often treatment with Radioiodine for TDG and assess its efficacy during concomitant use of thionamide medication. Materials & Methods: 74 case records of patients attending Nuclear Medicine department of King George Hospital between 2012 Feb to 2013 Jan were reviewed thyroid hormones T3, T4, TSH were estimated by Radioimmunoassay (RIA) and Radioactive Iodine uptake (RAIU) was performed on 19 men and 55 women with a median age of 35 years. 22 patients were pretreated with Thionamide medication I-131 ablation was done with 2.5- 5.5 mci of calculated therapeutic dose. Result: 74 patients were evaluated 19.......
Key words: Radioactive Iodine, Toxic Diffuse Goiter, Hypothyroidism, Antithyroid drugs (ATD)
[1]. Solomon B, Glinoer D, Lagasse R, et al. current trends in the management of graves disease. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 1990; 70: 1518-24.
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Abstract: Prevalence of risk factors of non communicable diseases among undergraduate medical students is essential to intervene modifiable risk factors and make them future healthy physicians. A cross-sectional study was carried out among 196 undergraduate medical students of two different batches to find out NCD risk factors prevalence among them. Data were collected by predesigned, pretested, semistructured study proforma, anthropometric measurements and blood biochemistry. Data were analysed by percentages, χ 2 test.Positive Family history of non communicable diseases were quite prevalent among the students. Majority of the students were not doing any exercises........
Key words:Anthropometry, Non communicable diseases, Risk factors, Undergraduate medical student.
[1]. WHO.Global Action Plan for the Prevention and control of NCDs,2013-2020:3-6.
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[3]. [3]. Dalia S. Desouky,Mohammad S Omar, Dalal M Nemenquan, Jamiel Jabbar,Nighat M Tarak-Khan. Risk Factors of Non communicable diseases among female university students of the Health Colleges of Taif University.Int Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences,March 2014,vol 6(3):97-107.
[4]. [4]. Aroor Bhagyalaxmi, Trivedi Atul and Jain Shikha. Prevalence of Risk Factors of Non- communicable diseases in a district of Gujrat,India.J Health Popul Nutr,2013 Mar;31(1):78-85
[5]. [5]. Dalia S.Desouky,Moha S. Omar,Dalal M. Nemenguan,Jawed Jabbar and Nighat M. Tarak Khan. Risk Factors of non-communicable diseases among female University students of Health Colleges of Taif University. Int Journal of Medicine & Medical Sciences,March 2014,Vol 6(3):97-107.
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Abstract: Background: Ocular manifestation may be the primary indication of underlying haematological malignancy and are varied. Both high vascularity and unique vascular anatomy of eye play a role in the ocular manifestations of hematological diseases.Blood malignancies may present with ocular involvement or ocular manifestations may arise during the course of disease or during treatment. Objective:To study the prevalence of ocular manifestation in patients diagnosed to have haematological malignancies in a rural medical college in South India over a period of 18 months. Methodology:The study covered 100 patients who were diagnosed to have haematological malignancy of any type who attended the ophthalmology OPD directly or in other........
Key words: Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL), chronic myeloid and lymphoid leukemias (CML,CLL), multiple myeloma, lymphoma
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Abstract: Uterine anatomic abnormality is an important cause of recurrent pregnancy loss. A wide variety of genital malformations can occur due to developmental anomalies of the mullerian duct system that ranges from duplication of the uterus and vagina to uterine and vaginal agenesis. The most common mullerian duct anomalies are septate, bicornuate, arcuate, didelphys or hypoplastic uteri1,2. The exact incidence of mullerian anomalies is not known as uterine malformations are often undetected at birth. Women with third trimester miscarriages and recurrent abortions have an incidence of 5-10%3.recurrent pregnancy loss and infertility are the commonly reported complications that are encountered by the obstetricians and gynaecologists. Different advanced surgical procedures have resulted in improved obstetric outcomes and fertility. Recently we have operated 30 women with uterine malformations and achieved successful pregnancy outcome in 22 mothers........
[1]. Acien P. Incidence of Mullerian defects in fertile and infertile women. Hum Reprod. 1997l;12(7):1372-6
[2]. Nahum CG. Uterine anomalies. How common are they, and what is their distribution among subtypes? J Reprod Med.1998;43(10):877-87.
[3]. Raga F, Bauset C, Remohi J, Bonilla-Musoles F, Simon C, Peciller A. Reproductive impact of congenital Mullerian anomalies. Hum Reprod. 1997 Oct;12(10):2277-81
[4]. Strassman EO. Operations for double uterus and endometrial atresia .Clin Obstet Gynecol. 1961;4:240
[5]. Golan A, Langer R, Bukovsky I, Caspi E. Congenital anomalies of the Mullerian system. Fertil Steril 1994 Jul;62(1):210...
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Abstract: Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSCs) are able to modulate the immune response by altering the proliferation and function of various types of immune cells. hMSCs tends to secrete various paracrine factors including immunomodulatory factors such as IDO, PGE-2, TGF-B1, HLA-G IL-10 etc. Among these, HLA-G is aunique molecule because of its property to show immune responses in both forms, soluble and surface expression. In present study, we have explored the immunomodulatory property of hMSCs derived from various tissues sources {(bone marrow (BM), adipose (AD) & dental pulp (DP)} by evaluating HLA-G expression at transcriptional and translational by qRT-PCR, Immunofluorescence, flow cytometry and ELISA assay. To evaluate the immunosuppressive......
Key words: Mesenchymal Stem Cells; Immunomodulation; Dental pulp derived stem cells; HLA-G; Allogenic
[1]. Lee JM, Jung J, Lee HJ et al. Comparison of immunomodulatory effects of placenta mesenchymal stem cells with bone marrow and adipose mesenchymal stem cells. IntImmunopharmacol. 2012 Jun;13(2):21924.
[2]. Sara m. Melief, Willem e. Fibbe, Helene et al. Adipose Tissue-Derived Multipotent Stromal Cells Have a Higher Immunomodulatory Capacity Than Their Bone Marrow-Derived Counterparts. SCTM 2013; 2:455– 463.
[3]. Le Blanc K, Rasmusson I, Sundberg B, et al. Treatment of severe acute graft-versus-host disease with third party haploidentical mesenchymal stem cells. Lancet 2004; 363: 1439.
[4]. Gebler A., Zabel, O., Seliger B. et al. The immunomodulatory capacity of mesenchymal stem cells. Volume 18, Issue 2, February 2012, Pages 128–134.
[5]. Dominici M., Le Blanc,K., Mueller I. et al. Minimal criteria for defining multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells. ISCT Cytotherapy. 2006;8(4):315-7..
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Abstract: Hepatic Space Occupying Lesions (SOLs) are increasingly being detected due to the widespread use of imaging modalities.It is important to label the lesion as benign or malignant.It is also essential to categorise the malignant lesion as primary or secondary.Knowledge of the underlying key pathologic features with biochemical indices and imaging findings of liver masses on MDCT(MultidetectorComputed Tomography) allows characterization in most cases. Some masses, however, may exhibit overlapping and nonspecific radiologic features, and in such cases percutaneous image-guided biopsy may become necessary. This study was performed to review the CT characteristics of malignant hepatic lesions with biochemical and pathological correlation.61patients who underwent......
Key words: 128-sliceMDCT,common malignant hepatic lesions,PHNEC,desmoplastic round cell tumour.
[1]. Lamba R, Fananazapir G, Corwin MT, Khatri VP. Diagnostic Imaging of Hepatic Lesions in Adults. Surg Oncol Clin N Am. 2014 Oct;23(4):789–820.
[2]. Oliva MR, Saini S. Liver cancer imaging: role of CT, MRI, US and PET. Cancer Imaging. 2004 Apr 2;4(Spec No A):S42–6.
[3]. Choi J-Y, Lee J-M, Sirlin CB. CT and MR Imaging Diagnosis and Staging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Part II. Extracellular Agents, Hepatobiliary Agents, and Ancillary Imaging Features. Radiology. 2014 Oct;273(1):30–50.
[4]. Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in India [Internet]. [cited 2018 Jun 12]. Available from:
[5]. Bergquist A, von Seth E. Epidemiology of cholangiocarcinoma. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol. 2015 Apr;29(2):221–32..
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Abstract: This study was designed to examine the effect of the heart rate response and blood pressure response to a stressor like IHG exercise over a short term period like five days in young healthy subjects. Ten healthy subjects were recruited for the isometric handgrip exercise. Same task was repeated by the same individuals for 5 successive days. There is a significant decline in DP increments to sustained isometric handgrip from day 1 through day 5 (P = 0.002) with a linear trend (P < 0.0001). In contrast, HR response to isometric handgrip exhibited a nonlinear trend (P < 0.04). It shows that the individuals become more and more familiar with a particular task if it is carried out repeatedly. Therefore it can be concluded that when a person gets expose to a similar type of work repeatedly, the magnitude of the cardioacceleratory response would wane without a rise in heart rate..
Key words: Short term effect of HR and BP, Familiar stressors, autonomic reflex test, isometric handgrip exercise.
[1]. Sneddon J. Cadiovascular autonomic function testing. In measurement in cardiology, Sutton P (Ed). The Parthenon publishing group, Lancashire, 1999: 101-112.
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[3]. Rinku Garg, Varun Malhotra, Avnish Kumar et al. Effect of isometric handgrip exercise training on resting blood pressure in normal healthy adults. Journal of Clinical and Diagnosis Research. September 2014. 8(9), BC08-BC10.
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Abstract: Wound healing process especially for burn injury had been talked about recently, pain burden and disability of burn injury encouraged for an effective treatment, one of the treatment include micrografting. The application of Platelet Rich Plasma on micrografting are able to speed up wound healing in burn injury. Methods: This study is a clinical experimental study, nine patients with burn injury who underwent micrografting are treated in two different manner, first half of total area covered with micrografting are given platelet rich plasma, while the other half are left as it is. Epithelization are measured histologically by the appearance of macrophage, fibroblast and collagen; clinically and percentage on graft take. Results: Significant increased p<0,05 on histology appearance; macrophage in platelet rich plasma group are 11.222 and 4,111 in non platelet rich plasma group; fibroblast in platelet rich plasma group are 16,444 and 6,556 in non platelet rich plasma........
Key words: micrografting, platelet rich plasma, macrophage, fibroblast, collagen, epithelization, graft take
[1]. Hadjiiski O. 2000. The Method of Micrografting in Treatment of Large Area Full-Thickness Burns. Annals of Burns and Fire Disaster. 13:3.
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[5]. Anitua E., Andia I., Ardanza B. 2004. Autologous platelets as a source of proteins for healing and tissue regeneration. Thromb. Haemost. 91: 4...
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Abstract: Introduction: Birth weight is not only a critical determinant of child survival, growth and development but also a valuable indicator of maternal health, nutrition and quality of life. LBW is closely associated with fetal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. The various risk factors related with term low birth weight neonates have been a subject of various studies in India. The present study was undertaken to understand the current situation of various maternal determinants which influence the birth weight of newborn in this part of country. Materials and Methods: A hospital based cross sectional study was done over a period of one year. 400 term neonates..........
[1]. Kotabal R, Hebbali LP, Ratnagaran R.Study on the factors associated with low birth weight among newborns delivered in a tertiary-care hospital, Shimoga, Karnataka. International Journal of medical science and public health 2015; 4 (9):1287-129
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[4]. United Nations Children's Fund, World Health Organization. Low Birth weight: Country, Regional and Global Estimates. New York, NY UNICEF 2004:1-27
[5]. Sachdev HPS. Low birth weight in South Asia. Int J DiabDevCountries 2001;21:13-29.
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Abstract: The lack of rapid and accurate diagnostic testing is an important impediment to global tuberculosis control. For rapid diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, majority of the laboratories are restricted to AFB sputum smear microscopy but the low sensitivity is the major problem. Recently, loop mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay has been developed as a novel technique for nucleic acid amplification. LAMP can amplify DNA with high specificity and efficiency under isothermal conditions using six sets of primers that recognize eight distinct regions on the target sequence. All samples were done for AFB sputum smear microscopy, culture in Lowenstein- Jensen media, conventional PCR targeting IS6110 and LAMP assay targeting 16SrRNA.........
Key words: Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay(LAMP), PulmonaryTuberculosis, 16srRNA, IS6110, Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
[1]. Aryan E, Makvandi M, Farajzadeh A, Huygen K, Bifani P,Mousavi SL, Fateh A, Jelodar A, Gouya MM, Romano M A novel and more sensitive loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay targeting IS6110 for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Microbiol Res(2010) 165, 211–220
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[5]. Geojith, G., Dhanasekaran, S., Chandran, S.P. and Kenneth, J. Efficacy of Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplifi- cation (LAMP) Assay for the Laboratory Identification of MycobacteriumTuberculosis Isolates in a Resource Limited Setting. Journal of Microbiological Methods,(2010) 165, 211-220
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Metabolic Syndrome in HIV Individuals |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.G.Madhavi || Dr.J.Balachandrudu |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1706146977 ![]() |
Abstract: BACKGROUND: As Prevalence of metabolic syndrome in HIV infected people is inreasing& the risk for cardiovascular diseases will be more in people with hiv infection. The metabolic complications may result from HIV diseases, Highly active anti retroviral therapy & its complications and opportunistic infections. AIMS........
Key words: HIV Metabolic syndrome, Highly active antiretroviral therpy, Waist circumference, Serum HDL cholesterol & triglycerides.
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Abstract: Traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane can cause pain, bleeding, hearing loss,tinnitus and vertigo. It can be caused by various etiologies. Diagnosis is based on otoscopy. Treatment is conservative. Antibiotics may be needed for infection.Surgery may be needed for perforations persisting more than 3 months, distruption of ossicular chain or injuries affecting inner ear. Many perforations are small and heal spontaneously. The ear should be kept dry during healing.
[1]. Susan EV, Mehta RP, Rosowki JJ, Neil EO, Merchant SN. Determinants of hearing loss in perforation of tympanic membrane. Otol Neurotol 2006;27(2):136-43.
[2]. Sarojamma S, Raj S, Satish HS. A clinical study of traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane. IOSR J Dental and Med Sci 2014;13(4):24-8.
[3]. Ott MC, Lundy LB. Tympanic membrane perforation in adults: how to manage, when to refer. Postgrad Med J 2001;110(2):81-4.
[4]. Juboori AN. Evaluation of spontaneous healing of traumatic tympanic membrane perforation. General Med 2015;2(2):129-31.
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Abstract: Von Hippel-Lindau syndrome (VHL) is an autosomal dominant multisystem neoplasticdisease (8). It is caused by germline mutations of the tumor suppressor gene VHL, on the short arm of chromosome 3(2). Diagnosis of VHL is incited by clinical suspicion and confirmed by radiological and molecular testing (2). The spectrum of clinical manifestations of this disease is broad and includes hemangioblastomas (retinal and central nervous system), endolymphatic sac tumors, renal cysts and tumors, pancreatic cysts and tumors, pheochromocytomas, and epididymal cystadenomas (1). The aforementionedfindings can be demonstrated with imaging modalities such as ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and nuclear medicine (1). Genetic testing is important for screening of asymptomatic gene carriers but imaging plays a key role in early detectionof abnormalities, consequent follow-up and long-term surveillance of lesions as the lesions in VHL disease are treatable hence may enhance the patient's length and quality of life (1). Here a case of Von hippel lindau is discussed with imaging findings.
Key words:von Hippel-Lindau; hemangioblastoma; pheochromocytoma, endolymphatic sac tumor; renal cyst and tumors.