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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Outcome and Complications of Panel –A Single Centre Experience |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ar.Balaji || R.Chellapandian |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1706110105 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Kidney stones are a common problem affecting all population groups across the globe. Percutaneous extraction of renal stone has become a standard well-established procedure for the management of renal stones. Materials and methods: A total of 105 cases of renal calculi who underwent PCNL from August 1, 2016 to November 30,2017 were studied. Intraoperative findings and immediate postoperative complications were noted. They were followed up for 1 month after the surgical procedure. Results: Mean age of cases was 42.5 years. Multiple calculi were seen in 15.24%, while a staghorn calculus was seen in 9.5%. Stone clearance was.......
Key words: Minimally invasive, Nephroscopy, Percutaneous nephrolithotomy, Renal calculi.
[1]. Koga S, Arakaki Y, Matsuoka M, Ohyama C. Staghorn calculi – long-term results of management. Br J Urol 1991 Aug;68(2):122-124
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Abstract: To evaluate the MR findings of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis using T1W, T2W, FLAIR, DWI, SWI and MR Venogram . A study of 70 patients were carried in the Department of Radio-diagnosis, Deccan college of medical sciences, Hyderabad. Patients from all the age groups including both men and women & confirmed by MRI & MRV were included. Patients who were initially diagnosed as CVT but MRI,MRV were normal, with MR incompatible devices or implants ,with claustrophobia were excluded. In my study Of 70 cases , higher age of occurrence is 25-32,more commonly seen in females in puerperal period with 25 cases ,with common clinical presentation headache , seizure , focal neurological deficit . In my study common sinus thrombosis in combination occurred are superior sagittal thrombosis 40 cases , transverse sinus thrombosis 26 cases , followed by sigmoid sinus thrombosis 20 cases. parenchymal haemorrhage better detected in T1/T2 flair , SWI.........
Key words: MRV,DWI,SWI,FLAIR,cerebral venous thrombosis , cerebral sinuses
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[4]. Ferro JM, Canhao P, Stam J, Bousser MG, Barinagarrementeria F. Prognosis of cerebral vein and dural sinus thrombosis: results ofthe International Study on Cerebral Vein and Dural SinusThrombosis (ISCVT). Stroke 2004;35:664–70.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Data Logger in Blood Bank |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. R. Synthia Selvakumari || Dr. A. Mangaiyarkarasi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1706111314 ![]() |
Abstract: Blood is a precious resource which cannot be replaced by any artificial preparation. Storage of blood and blood products and maintenance of cold chain is mandatory in order to issue a safe blood. Modern blood transfusion deals with optimal use of blood with optimal quality of blood. Blood is collected in a pyrogen free sterile blood bags and stored at 2⁰ to 6⁰ C or -20⁰ to - 80⁰ C depends on the component , after screening for transfusion transmitted infections. One unit of blood is separated into packed cells, fresh frozen plasma, platelet concentrate and cryo precipitate. Blood bank equipments like BBR, platelet agitator, plasma freezer, and refrigerated centrifuge can be connected with the data logger. Data logger is a specialized instrument that is extremely accurate in recording........
Key words: Blood safety, Data logger, Quality regulation
[1]. Baboo S., and Shereef K., "Applicability of Data Mining Techniques for Climate Prediction – A Survey approach," International Journal for Computer Science and Information Security, Volume 8 No.1.April 2010
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[4]. Zubir AC "Clinical impact of blood storage lesions. Am J Hematol; 2010; 85:117-22.
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Abstract: Introduction: One of the most complex Head injury is involvement of the skull base fractures of different types with varying degree of severity . Vital structures in the temporal bone are bluntly ignored at the time of emergency trauma centre management. The Middle ear cavity, Facial cannel & Otic capsules are the vital structure to be counted & taken care of. Missing of diagnosis of the vital structure injury may lead to future complication like deaf, facial palsy & neurologogical symptoms.1 Aim and objectives: To Study the Temporal bone fracture in Head injury patients associated with the common vital structures injuries of the Temporal bone directly or indirectly. Study design: Observational study.........
Key words: Temporal bone fracture, ear cavity, longitudinal fracture.
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[5]. Brodie HÁ, Thompson TC. Management of complications from 820 temporal bone fractures. The American Journal of Otology. 1997, 18(2):188-97..
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Abstract: Gestational trophoblastic tumors are a range of tumors that arise from the trophoblast in early pregnancy, after an embryo has failed to develop. The degenerated trophoblast has a vesicular appearance and has been described to resemble a "bunch of grapes". These tumors produce large amount of beta-HCG and therefore, it is the mainstay for diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic diseases. A hydatidiform mole is an abnormal pregnancy that is characterized by trophoblastic proliferation and villous edema within the placenta [1]. There are two distinct entities of molar pregnancy: partial and complete mole. Partial moles are characterized by the presence of fetal or embryonic tissues, chorionic villi of different sizes featured by their focal trophoblastic.........
[1]. P. Vassilakos, G. Riotton, and T. Kajii, "Hydatidiform mole: two entities. A morphologic and cytogenetic study with some clinical considerations," American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology, vol. 127, no. 2, pp. 167–170, 1977. View at Publisher · View at Google Scholar · View at Scopus
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: This study was planned with an aim to identify the nature and distribution of cranial lesions on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and its correlation with clinical and laboratory data in eclampsia and severe preeclampsia. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 40 patients admitted for indication of severe preeclampsia or eclampsia with or without neurological signs were first stabilized and then underwent cranial MRI. Following MRI they were divided into two groups; Group MP (n=24) including patients with positive finding on the cranial MRI and Group MN (n=16) which included patients with normal Cranial MR imaging. Nature and distribution of the lesions were documented and statistical comparison was made on the basis of clinical findings, arterial blood pressure and laboratory data in both the groups. Patient with cerebral changes in the MRI were also called back for repeat MRI postnatal after two 2 months.........
Key words: Posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome, PRES, Eclampsia, Severe Preeclampsia, MRI, Endothelial dysfunction
[1]. Report of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program. Working group report on high blood pressure in pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000; 183: S1–S22.
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Abstract: OBJECTIVE: To find whether placental laterality as determined by ultrasound can be used as predictor for the development of preeclampsia. METHODS: This prospective study was conducted on pregnant women attending the antenatal clinic of Vardhman Institute of Medical Sciences, Pawapuri, Bihar, from July 2016 till July 2017; 475 pregnant women attending antenatal clinic both OPD and IPD at 18–24 weeks of gestation without any high risk factor were subjected to ultrasound examination and placental location was determined. These cases were followed for the development of signs and symptoms of preeclampsia. RESULTS: Out of the total 475 women, 263(55.4%) had laterally located placenta and of them 45(17.1%) developed preeclampsia, while the remaining........
Key words: Placental laterality, Preeclampsia, Central placenta
[1]. Report of the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2000;183(1):1-22.
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[4]. Shivamurthy HM, Sharada KS, Giridhar SA, et al. Placental laterality as a predictor of pre-eclampsia-An ultrasonic prospective study. J Pub Health Med Res 2014;2(1):38-40.
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Abstract: Otitis externa is a common ailment that affects approximately 3% of the out-patient in RIMS Hospital, Manipur. Water entering the ear and local injury to the ear canal were the main predisposing factors. Treatment usually consisted of local debridement where possible followed by topical ear drops with or without oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. Aural packing was done in those cases with canal obstruction. Incision and drainage was done in only approximately 2% of the cases where there was a furuncle or abscess.........
Key words: Otitis externa, incidence, furuncle, otomycosis.
[1]. Carney, A.S. Scott-Brown's Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. (7th ed.). Great Britain: Hodder Arnold;2008.
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[3]. Mittal A, Kumar S. Role of pH of External Auditory Canal in Acute Otitis Externa. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2014;66(1):86–91. doi: 10.1007/s12070-013-0684-0.
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[5]. Abdelazeem M, Gamea A, Mubarak H, Elzawawy N. Epidemiology, causative agents, and risk factors affecting human otomycosis infections. Turk J Med Sci. 2015;45(4):820–6..
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Abstract: Introduction : Blood transfusion is an important concern for the society, as it is life saving for patients. The safest blood donors are voluntary, non-remunerated blood donors. The blood centres find it difficult to recruit new donors and to retain them for arranging a regular blood supply for needy people, specially in developing countries. Objective: To determine Knowledge , attitude and the practice of donors in a voluntary blood donation camp. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was done on all blood donors who gave informed consent at a voluntary blood donation camp at Mullick Bazar, Kolkata. The donors were interviewed after blood donation, during resting and refreshment by a predesigned pretested structured questionnaire..........
Key words: knowledge of voluntary blood donation, transfusion transmitted diseases, motivating factors
[1]. National Blood Policy. National AIDS Control organization, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.
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[5]. Gillespie TW, Hillyer CD. Blood donors and factors impacting the blood donation decision. Transfusion medicine Reviews. 2002; 16:115-17.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Mifepristone is Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulators (SPRMS) and is emerging as a best medical treatment increasing the quality of life as well as saving the patient from surgery. This drug has shown great effectiveness, e.g.: 2.5 mg, 5 mg and 10 mg, but with less reduction in uterine volume as well as reduction in fibroids size. AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and improvement of life pattern using 10 mg and 25 mg daily doses of Mifepristone for six months with a nine month follow-up period for the regress of fibroids as well as uterine volume to improve quality of life without any surgery in premenopausal women with complaint of menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, abdominal discomfort, dyspareunia, rectal pain, urinary problem and weakness due to anaemia.........
Key words: Mifepristone, Group A (10 mg) and Group B (25 mg), Fibroids.
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Abstract: Introduction: Post operatively Various adjuvants have been used along with local anaesthetics for prolongation of analgesia post operatively in neuraxial blockade. Opioids are most commonly used analgesics for managing postoperative pain. The aims of the present study was to compare the efficacy and safety of nalbuphine and fentanyl for postoperative pain relief in surgical procedure. Nalbuphine is an opioid drug with mixed μ antagonist and κ agonist properties. Materials and methods: Ninety patients who were posted for various surgical procedures belonging to ASA I & II were taken into the study. They were........
Key words: Nalbuphine, postoperative, fentanyl, analgesia
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Abstract: Introduction: Cerebral Palsy (CP) is one of the commonest developmental disorders of early childhood which persist throughout life. A child of CP has several care-needs and the quality of life (QOL) of the care-giver is an important determinant for the proper rehabilitation of the CP child. Objective: To compare the QOL between mothers of CP children and their age-matched controls and to examine relationship between QOL of mothers and certain socio-demographic variables. Methodology: It was an analytical, retrospective case control study with cross-sectional design. 100 cases of less than 12 years aged CP children attending CP clinic and OT department of National Institute of Orthopedically Handicapped (NIOH) and 100 matched controls from community were selected. WHOQOL.........
Key words: Quality of life, Mothers, Children with cerebral palsy, Kolkata
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Abstract: Introduction: Symptomatic improvement after sub-acromial steroid injections, in the initial part of treatment, has led us to conduct this study that compares the effects of physiotherapy alone, and combined with sub-acromial injection and also combined with both intra-articular and sub-acromial steroid injections for primary frozen shoulder. Material and Method: 75 patients with primary frozen shoulder were randomly divided into 3 groups: group 1 for physiotherapy only, group 2 for the sub-acromial injections followed by physiotherapy and group 3 for sub-acromial and intra-articular injections followed by physiotherapy. Patients were evaluated using a visual analog scale for pain, Constant score, range..........
Key words: adhesive capsulitis, frozen shoulder, glenohumeral, physiotherapy, steroid injections, subacromial.
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Abstract: This study was carried to find out the common sinuses diseases and evaluate the significance of computerized tomography (CT) scan in diagnosing sinus lesions and to determine the correlation between radiological and endoscopic findings as well to evaluate diagnostic value of nasal endoscopy and CT in diagnosing sinuses disease. The current study was obtained during the period extended from 2015 to 2017, at Prince Abdalazeez hospital - Arar -Saudi Arabia. A total of 98 patients with clinical evidence of sinonasal diseases were evaluated. All patients were subjected to thorough ENT examination. Nasal Endoscopy was done. CT of paranasal sinuses was performed in patients whose symptoms, examination and clinical picture were sufficient to warrant the procedure. 63 (64.3%) were.........
Key words: CT, Paranasal sinus, Endoscope
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Abstract: Acne vulgar is a common chronic skin disease involving blockage and/ or inflammation of pilosebaceous unit ( hair follicle ) and their accompanying sebaceous glands) . Acne develops as results of an interplay of the following four factors one of them the presence and activity of commensal bacteria Propionibacteriumacnes . Methods:( 438) samples were collected from ( 312) infected patients with acnes from both sexes ( 132 males ) and ( 180 female ) for the period from January 2015 to February 2016 where the comedone samples were( 116 ) and pustules samples (322) samples . Samples were distributed in different agricultural medium where identified their.........
Key words: Acne vulgaris , topical treatment, clinical findings , Bacteriological findings
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Abstract: In recent decades there have been many advances in methods for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. These advances have resulted in improved health care for many patients, including longer lifespan and a better quality of life. They have also increased the complexity of medical decisions and created an opportunity for industrial and systems engineering (ISE) and operations research (OR) methods to assist medical decision making. This article summarizes some of the active areas of research and describes several examples of open problems.
Key words: Medical decision making, disease screening, treatment
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