Series-10 (January 2020)January 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Introduction: Retained placenta remains a potentially life-threatening condition because of the associated hemorrhage and infection to its removal. The incidence of retained placenta varies greatly around the world, affecting between 0.1 and 33% of vaginal deliveries depending on the population studied. In spite of many developments in the field of obstetrics, retained placenta primarily be responsible for maternal deaths globally as it is associated with a high case fatality rate. Objective: To assess the management of patients presenting with retained placenta. Material & Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. This study carried out in the department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Dhaka Medical College Hospital (DMCH), Dhaka, Bangladesh. During the study period from January 2010-June 2010. A total number of 50 cases were selected for the study. The data was collected by pre-designed.....
Key Words: Management, Hemorrhage, Retained Placenta
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Abstract: Back ground ; Dysfunctional Uterine bleeding is a form of abnormal uterine bleeding and it is one of the most common presenting complaints in Gynaecology out patient in all age groups,unassociated with tumor,inflammation and pregnancy. The histological diagnosis of DUB is very essential for adequate management especially in perimenopause and post menopausal females. Aim and Objective: The present study aimed to study the clinical features and various histological patterns of Endometrium in DUB Method; Present study is descriptive type of study conducted over 100 cases over a period of one year from April 2015- April 2016 . study was conducted in department of OBG katuri medical college China ,kondrapadu,NTRuniversity of health sciences.the study included atypical uterine bleeding out of which 100 cases of DUB are included based on clinical features and detailed investigations.endometrial tissue was collected by D&C procedure and.....
Key words: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding,Histopathology,Menorrhagia, endometrium
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Abstract: The most common cause of thyroid dysfunction in iodine sufficient areas of the world is thyroid autoimmunity. The main hallmark of autoimmune thyroid disease is the development of thyroid antibodies and the simplest way to confirm the autoimmune cause of thyroid dysfunction is the presence of significant levels of thyroid antibodies.This study was conducted at Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal to ascertain the autoimmune cause of thyroid disorders. The study was done on 50 hypothyroid or hyperthyroid patients and 50 apparently healthy subjects with no history of thyroid disease and normal thyroid function tests.Serum Anti Thyroid Peroxidase Antibody (TPOAb) and serum Anti Thyroglobulin Antibody (TgAb) were estimated by Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) technique for the two groups. Thyroid antibodies were positive in 22(70.96%) out of 31 hypothyroid patients, in 14(73.68%) out of 19 hyperthyroid patients and in 6(12%) out of 50 control subjects. The mean levels of serum TPOAb and TgAb in the hypothyroid group were found to be 199.97 IU/ ml and 616.51 IU/ ml....
Key Words: Autoimmune thyroid disease, thyroid antibodies, hypothyroid, hyperthyroid
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Abstract: Background: Posterior urethral valve represents the most common cause of congenital obstructive uropathy leading to childhood renal failure1. The prognosis for children with urethral valves is improving and current management is gradually rewriting the historical data Early (prenatal) recognition, control of infection, appropriate and selective surgery recognition of harmful urodynamic abnormalities, modern nephrology management and eventual dialysis and transplantation all combine to increase survival now to an extent unheard of in the past2. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, we registered 52 cases of posterior urethral valves out of which 7 cases are antenatally diagnosed, 24 cases were in the new born period, 13 cases were between 1 to 12 months of age group, 8 cases were between 1 to 4 years of age group.we analyze the various described prognostic factors, in our antenatally.....
Key Word: Ureterostomy, Prognosis in PUV, Bladder outlet obstruction
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Abstract: Blunt injury abdomen is becoming the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the present decade . A total of twenty five cases of blunt injury were studied. The commonest cause was road traffic accident. The maximum incidence was noted in the 20 to 30 age group in the general population . Majority involved being males comprising about 80% of the cases of blunt injury to the abdomen . The commonest presenting complaint was pain abdomen. Tenderness was the commonest sign. Spleen was the most common organ involved. Ultrasound(FAST) was the best investigation in the study. Common mode of treatment opted was surgery. Wound infection is the common after surgery for blunt injury abdomen. Septicaemia was the commonest cause of death.
Key Words: Blunt injury abdomen, Road traffic accident, liver laceration, ultrasonography, operative management.
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Abstract: Background: Most high school students are adolescents, at a stage that involves many physiological and psychological changes. They are particularly vulnerable to academic and psychological stress, as profound transitional changes occur both at the individual and social levels. Hence, the present study was carried out to determine the prevalence of depression, anxiety, and stress among high school students of Manipur, India. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among class IX-X students in a sub-urban school in Manipur using Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS) questionnaire-42. Data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 21. Results: A total of 86 students in class X and 24 in class IX responded to the study. Almost all participants were around 14 years of age on an average in both classes. Students in Class IX as compared to Class X reported higher scores for all three but more for....
Key Words: Anxiety;DASS-42;Depression;Stress;High school students, sub urban
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors predicting the outcome of patients in peptic ulcer perforation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Madhu .B.S || DrManojkumar. P |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1901103236 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Peptic ulcer perforation is a major surgical problem. There are many risk factors that influence morbidity and mortality in perforated peptic ulcer disease. The aim of our study was to determine relations between postoperative morbidity and perioperative risk factors in perforated peptic ulcer. Materials and Methods: : In total, 100 patients who underwent emergency surgery for perforated peptic ulcer in Mysore medical college, General Surgery Department, between June 2018 and june 2019 were included in this study. The clinical Data regarding age, gender, complaints, time elapsed between onset of symptoms and hospital admission, physical examination findings, co-morbid diseases, laboratory and imaging findings, operative methods, post operative complications, length of hospital stay ,morbidity and mortality were collected retrospectively......
Key Word: Pepticulcer perforation, morbidity, mortality, risk factors, time to admission
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Abstract: Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) is a common and serious infectious disease associated with high morbidity and mortality. • It is the sixth leading cause of death and the most common infectious cause of death worldwide . • Despite effective antibiotic therapy, about 12–36% patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) with severe CAP die within a short time....
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Abstract: Background: TORCH agents' causes ranges of infection in pregnant women and also in fetus, causing congenital anomalies and intrauterine fetal death. Detection of antibodies to these infections helps to establish primary, recurrent or past infections. Our aim of the study was to detect IgG and IgM antibodies against these infections agents among pregnant women by the CLIA Technique. Methods: A total of 104 samples from pregnant women were studied. These samples were tested for IgG and IgM antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella, CMV and HSV by LIAISON IMMUNOASSAY ANALYSER by CLIA Technique. Data were analysed using SPSS. Result: The IgG/IgM seropositivity to Toxoplasma gondii, Rubella, CMV and HSV ½ were found to be 11.54%/1.92%, 95.19%/0.0%, 91.35%/0.96% and.....
Keywords: TORCH, CLIA, IgG, IgM, Antibodies, Pregnant women
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Abstract: En dépit des progrès réalisés dans le domaine chirurgical, les infections du site opératoire (ISO) demeurent un défi majeur pour la sante publique. Elles se situent au premier rang en matière de morbidité pour les patients soumis à des procédures chirurgicales, entrainant d'une part une durée de séjour supplémentaire et un surcoût, et d'autre part une gravité des séquelles qui peut aller jusqu'au décès des patients. L'infection du site opératoire est une infection nosocomiale qui se révèle dans les 30 jours suivant une intervention chirurgicale, ou dans l'année en cas de mise en place d'un implant, d'une prothèse ou d'un matériel prothétique (2, 3,4, 5, 6,7). Aux États-Unis, elles....
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Abstract: Aim: The aim of this article is to report a successful treatment of traumatised young immature central incisors. Background: Root canal treatment in teeth with open apices along with periapical infection is difficult to treat. Apexification can be defined as a method to induce a calcified barrier in a root with an open apex or the continued apical development of teeth with incomplete roots and a necrotic pulp. Case description: Here, a case of traumatized upper anterior teeth 11 and 21 in a 10 year old boy is presented. The radiographic evaluation revealed open apices with blunderbuss canals, the canals were cleaned using intracanal instruments and saline (0.9%w/v). To obtain canal disinfection slurry of triple antibiotic paste was temporized in the canal. In subsequent appointments, 4-5mm apical plug was created with MTA and allowed to set. Subsequently, the root canals were obturated. The patient was asymptomatic after 3 months follow up. Conclusion: Managing a tooth with open.....
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