Series-12 (January 2020)January 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: Achieving the patient satisfaction upon restoring single anterior tooth poses the greatest esthetic challenge for the clinician. Selecting the shade of the restoration depends in part on the material used for the understructure, and there is a wide variety of materials available from to choose. New materials are constantly being introduced by manufacturers. Since there are no studies comparing lithium disilicate and Bio HPP materials we have selected this study to evaluate patient satisfaction and dentist shade match of Bio HPP versus lithium disilicate crowns in anterior esthetic zone. Materials and Methods: twenty-four full coverage crowns (12 in each group) were fabricated for teeth requiring full coverage crowns. Patients were divided into two groups according to the type of material used. Group I: IPS e.max crowns and Group II: Bio HPP crowns.....
Key Words: Patient satisfaction, Shade match, Rating, USPHS, Bio HPP, Lithium disilicate
[1]. Al-wahadni, A., Ajlouni, R., Al-1. Omari, Q., Cobb, D. & Dawson, D. Shade match perception of porcelain-fused-to-metal restoration. J. Am. Dent. Assoc.133, 1120-1225, 2002.
[2]. Batson, E. R., Cooper, L. F., Duqum, I. & Mendonca, G. Clinical outcome of three different crown systems with CAD/CAM technology. J. Prosthet., 05.002, 2014.
[3]. Kahng Mr, Material Selection and Shade Matching for a Single Central Incisor. The Journal of Cosmetic Dentistry - Volume 22 – Number 1, 2006.
[4]. Ishikawa-Nagai, s., Yoshida, M., Kristiansen, j. & Da Saliva, j. Clinical evaluation of perception of color differences between natural teeth and all ceramic crowns. J. Dent. Assoc.138, 805-808, 2007.
[5]. Samorodnitzky-Naveh, G. R., Geiger, S. B. & Levin, L. Patient satisfaction with dental esthetics. J. Prosthet. Dent. 103, 80-90, 2010.
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Abstract: The maxillofacial fractures represent a major public health problem and cause high patient morbidity and a high cost to the public health system. The zygomatic complex, due to its projected position on the face, is often traumatized. The diagnosis of these fractures is based on clinical findings and complementary imaging exams, playing a very important role in establishing treatment. This study presents a report of a 46-year-old male motorcycle accident victim who sought the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology Service of the Teresina Emergency Hospital with facial trauma immediately after the accident, presenting pain, difficulties. mouth opening, edema, facial asymmetry, followed by ecchymosis in the periorbital region and loss of zygomatic projection. The clinical and imaging diagnosis was left zygomatic complex fracture, left zygomatic arch and left fronto-orbital.....
Key Words: Fractures, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Trauma, Frontal Bone, Diagnosis
[1]. BRASILEIRO BF, PASSERI LA. Epidemiological analysis of maxillofacial fractures in Brazil: a 5-year prospective study. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2016 Jul; 102(1): 28–34.
[2]. CARTER TG, BAGHERI S, DIERKS EJ. Towel Clip Reduction of the Depressed Zygomatic Arch Fracture. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Aug; 63(8):1244-6.
[3]. HOGG NJV, STEWART TC, ARMSTRONG JE, GIROTTI MJ. Epidemiology of maxillofacial injuries at trauma hospitals in Ontario, Canada, between 1992 and 2017. J Trauma 2000 Sep; 49(3):425–32.
[4]. HOLLIER LH, THORNTON J, PAZMINO P, STAL S. The management of orbitozygomatic fractures. Plast Reconstr Surg 2013 Jun;111(7):2386–92, quiz 2393.
[5]. KELLEY P, HOPPER R, GRUSs J. Evaluation and treatment of zygomatic fractures. Plast Reconstr Surg 2017 Dec; 120(7 Suppl 2):5S–15S.
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Abstract: Excessive cardiovascular mortality is seen in patients of Diabetic nephropathy of Type 2 Diabetes with background hypertension. Echocardiography in recent years has become the gold standard in detecting structural changes in heart of these patients. As the prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes is increasing in India as well as in world, the objective of this study was to find out the prevalence of structural cardiovascular ailments in Type 2 Diabetic patients with nephropathy and background hypertension. This study will help clinicians with screening, diagnosis and timely intervention to reduce mortality and also in future and ongoing research. The study was conducted over 100 patients with Diabetic nephropathy of Type 2 Diabetes with background hypertension attending the outpatient and.....
Keywords: Echocardiography , Diabetic nephropathy , Type 2 Diabetes mellitus , Background hypertension.
[1]. Katie Bennett, Bhandari Sumer Aditya : An overview of Diabetic nephropathy, Epidemology Pathophysiology and
[2]. Wang Y, Marwich TH. Update on Echocardiographic assessment in Diabetes mellitus. Current cardiology reports.2016 Sep 1;18(9):85
[3]. Lorenzo Almoros A , Tumon J , Orejas M, Cortes M, Egido J, Lorenzo O. Diagnostic approaches for Diabetic cardiomyopathy. Cardiovascular diabetology 2017 Dec; 16(1):28
[4]. Mogensen CE: The kidney and hypertension in diabetes mellitus, Kluwer Acad Publ,Boston,1994,415-516
[5]. Al Hroob AM , Abukhalil MH, Hussein OE, Mahmud AM, Pathophysiological mechanisms of Diabetic cardiomyopathy and the therapeutic potential of epigallocatechin-3-gallate. Biomedicine & Pharmacolotherapy.2019 Jan 1:109:2155-72
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Abstract: Introduction : Duodenal ulcer perforation is a common surgical emergency in our institution. It is associated with significant morbidity and mortality as many patients present in a later stages with shock and hypovolemia which needs aggressive resuscitation and management .99% of dudodenal ulcers have H.Pylori infection. Hence control of H.Pylori may reduce the catastrophe and significant burden. Aims and objectives : The aim of this study is know the presence of H.pylori in patients with perforated duodenal ulcer by using Rapid Urease Test. Materials and methods : The study included 30 patients who underwent Emergency laparotomy for perforation peritonitis under general anaesthesia. Per....
Key words: H.Pylori, Rapid Urease Test, Duodenal perforation
[1]. Marshall BJ, Warren JR. Unidentified curved bacilli, Word J gastroenterol October 28,2006 Volume 12 Number 40 stomach of patients with gastritis and peptic ulceration. Lancet 1984; 1: 1311 – 1315.
[2]. Tovey FI, Hobsley M, Holton J. Helicobacter pylori virulence factors in duodenal ulceration: A primary cause or a secondary infection causing chronicity. World JGastroenterol 2006; 12: 6-9
[3]. Segal I, Ally R, Sitas F, Walker AR. Co-Screening for primary billary cirrhosis and celiac disease. Helicobacter pylori: the African enigma. Gut 1998 ; 43: 300 – 301.
[4]. Boulos PB, Botha A, hobsley M, Holten J, Osjowo AO, Tovey FI. Possible absence of Helicobacter pylori in the early stages of duodenal ulceration.QJM 2002: 95: 749-752.
[5]. Pest P, Zarate J, Varsky C, Man F, Schraier M. Helicobacter pylori in recently-diagnosed versus chronic duodenal ulcer. ActaGastroeenterolLatinoam 1996; 26: 273-276
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Abstract: Introduction: Diagnosis of neck swellings is always been very difficult and challenging. Commonest occurring swellings are lymphoid, thyroid, salivary glands .Apart from these, Lateral neck swellings (LNS) are seen commonly in primary and secondary malignant lesions. Any neck swelling greater than 2cms has 80% chance of being malignant origin. Goitre being most common among benign and Squamous cell carcinoma in malignant. FNAC is the primary diagnostic investigation in cases of LNS. Aims and objectives: The aim of this study is to compare the clinical and pathological diagnosis of lateral neck swellings. To find out incidence of different lateral neck swellings and to find the commonest cause of cervical lymphadenopathy in this study. Materials and methods : The study....
Key words: lateral neck swelling, FNAC, Tuberculous lymphadenitis, secondaries
[1]. Thandar A. M, Jonas N. E: An Approach To The Neck Mass. CME 2004; 22(5): 266-69.
[2]. O'Brien CJ, Neck Swelling. Neck Swellings. In: Tjandra JJ, Gordon Clunie, Kaye A, Smith J (eds). Textbook of surgery. 3rd ed. Massachusetts; Blackwell publisher; 2006. 605-12.
[3]. Biswas P. K, Begum S. M. Non-thyroid Neoplastic Neck Swelling Clinical and Histopathological Evaluation. The Journal of Teachers Association RMC, Rajshahi. 2008; 21(2): 152-4.
[4]. Popat V.C, Vora D, Shah H: Clinico – Pathological Correlation Of Neck Lesions – A Study Of 103 Cases. The Internet Journal of Head and Neck Surgery. 2010; 4(2). 1-12.
[5]. V. Rambabu, J. Kishore, N. Dinesh Kumar Reddy, G. Santhosh Kumar. A Clinico-Pathological Study of Neck Swellings Excluding Thyroid. Journal of Evidence based Medicine and Healthcare; September 2015; 2(38), Page: 6046-6050.
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Abstract: Background: Acute appendicitis is the most frequent surgical emergency encountered worldwide. Diagnostic errors are common resulting in median incidence of perforation 20% and negative appendicectomy 2% to 30%.This study was conducted to compare the efficacy of Alvarado scoring and Tzanaki scoring in diagnosing acute appendicitisand to reduce the negative appendicectomy rate. Methodology: Prospective observational nonrandomized study conducted at Rajendra institute of medical sciences, Ranchi. which included 50 clinically diagnosed cases of acute appendicitis who underwent emergency open appendicectomy from Jan 2019 to Dec 2019.Final diagnosis was based on histological findings given by the pathologist.....
Keywords: Acute appendicitis; Tzanakis score; Alvarado score
[1]. Flum DR, Koepsell T. The clinical and economic correlates of misdiagnosed appendicitis. Arxh Surg. 2002; 37:799-804.
[2]. Rothrock SG, Pagane J. Acuet appendicitis in children: emergency department diagnosis and management. Ann Emerg Med. "006; 6:39-51.
[3]. Shelton T, Mckinlay R, Schwartz RW. Acute appendicitis: current diagnosis and treatment. Curr Surgery 2003; 60:502-505.
[4]. John H, Neff U,Kelemen M. Appendicitis diagnosis today:clinical and ultrasound deduction. World J Surg. 1993; 17:243-9.
[5]. Saidi RF, Ghasemi M Role of Alvarado score in diagnosis and treatment of suspected acute appendicitis. Am J Emerg Med. 2000; 18:230-1.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Soft tissue sarcoma: an imaging diagnostic challenge |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mrinal Goyal || Dr. Priyanka Khilari |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901123032 ![]() |
Abstract: Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is a rare tumour, comprising <1% of all malignancies in the body. Because of the rarity and the myriad imaging features, it can pose diagnostic and management challenges. Imaging of such swellings, including US and MRI, can lead to misdiagnoses and as such lead to delay in proper management of the same. Here, we report a patient presenting with a soft tissue swelling in the left lower limb for over a year. The swelling had persisted with increase in symptoms since then. On initial imaging, including ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic possibilities ranging included granulomatous infection, vascular malformation or a neoplastic aetiology, but the final diagnosis was possible only after wide local excision and histopathological analysis. Advanced imaging, including MRI fails to distinguish between low flow vascular malformations and slow growing soft tissue sarcomas which leaves clinical examination with high index of suspicion as the key in timely diagnosis and management of soft tissue sarcomas
[1]. Cormier JN, Pollock RE. Soft Tissue Sarcomas. CA Cancer J Clin [Internet]. 2004 Mar 1 [cited 2020 Jan 13];54(2):94–109. Available from:
[2]. Kransdorf MJ. Malignant soft-tissue tumors in a large referral population: distribution of diagnoses by age, sex, and location. Am J Roentgenol [Internet]. 1995 Jan [cited 2020 Jan 13];164(1):129–34. Available from: http:// 10.2214/ajr.164.1.7998525
[3]. Noebauer-Huhmann IM, Weber MA, Lalam RK, Trattnig S, Bohndorf K, Vanhoenacker F, et al. Soft Tissue Tumors in Adults: ESSR-Approved Guidelines for Diagnostic Imaging. Semin Musculoskelet Radiol. 2015 Dec 1;19(5):475–82.
[4]. Doyle AJ, Miller M V., French JG. Ultrasound of soft-tissue masses: Pitfalls in interpretation. Australas Radiol. 2000;44(3):275–80.
[5]. Hughes P, Miranda R, Doyle AJ. MRI imaging of soft tissue tumours of the foot and ankle. Vol. 10, Insights into Imaging. Springer Verlag; 2019.
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Abstract: The study was conducted to examine the effects of yoga and physical exercise on self concept. One hundred twenty subjects in four groups viz. light exercise group, heavy exercise group, yoga performers group and control group were administered as a measure of self-concept. All the subjects are male in the age range of 18 to 25 years. Data were analyzed by simple ANOVA suitable for multi-group design. Results revealed that the control group had significantly self-concept than the exercise and yoga performing group.
Keywords: Yoga, mental health, exercise, stress, self concept
[1]. Catherine W. exploring the therapeutic effects and yoga and its ability to increase quality of life. International Journal of Yoga. 2011; 4:49-54.
[2]. Chen KM, Lin M, Fan M. Effects of yoga on sleep quality and depression in elders in assisted living facilities. Nursing, 2010; 18:53-61.
[3]. Hamid D, Maryam A, Mahvash N. The effect of yoga training on stress and self-esteem and its relation to emotional intelligence. Journal of Research in Applied Sciences. 2014; 1:109-112.
[4]. Javnbakht M, Hejazi KR, Ghasemi M. Effects of yoga on depression and anxiety of women. Complement and Therapeutic Clinical Practice, 2009; 15:102-105.
[5]. Nityananthan V, Kalpana B. Impact of yoga on stress and self-confidence among the middle aged men. Management Health, 2014; 18:36039.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Study of Open and Closed Drainage of Breast Abscess |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr G.K. Venkatachalam || Dr D.Euvalingam |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901123643 ![]() |
Abstract: Breast abscess remains one of the major problems in both lactating and non-lactating woman worldwide. Incidence ranges from 0.5 to 11%in lactating women. In non-lactating women, the age of incidence is usually around fourth decade of life. Mainstay of treatment would be incision and drainage. In this comparative study of 60cases we are comparing open drainage vs. closed drainage of breast abscess with respect to Post-operative pain, Residual abscess, Duration of hospital, stay, Time required for complete healing and Appearance of scar. Patients were divided in to two groups with each group containing 30patients. Outcome of the study revealed closed drainage to be beneficial to the patient compared to open drainage, since it reduces overall complications and post-operative outcome is better.
Key words: breast abscess, open drainage, closed drainage.
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[5]. Harish MSK. The catheter drainage of breast abscesses: is it going to be the future treatment of choice for puerperal breast abscess disease? The Breast Journal Nov. 1997; 3(6): 357-359.
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Abstract: Aim of study- This study has been done to analyse and assess the surgical ease and post-operative cosmetic and healing benefits of single transverse mid-cervical incision to perform functional neck dissection. Methods- Our study is a retrospective single centre study including 25 patients operated for a period of nine months diagnosed with Oral cavity Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) with metastatic cervical lymph nodes identified in majority of cases. Total 32 neck dissections were done (21 modified radical neck dissections, 7 selective neck dissections, and 4 radical neck dissections) by application of single mid-cervical transverse incision. Results- Adequate surgical accessibility and comfort was experienced during the entire surgical procedure for complete retrieval of regional cervical lymph nodes from desired levels of neck and involved structures along with primary resections. Minimum post operative complications reported with adequate wound healing with improved function and aesthetics was appreciated.....
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Abstract: Background: Alcohol dependence syndrome is a chronic condition. Patients with Alcohol dependence syndrome are commonly have relapse before attaining complete abstinence. Many factors are interplaying in alcohol relapse. Aim: To find out the relationship of Stressful life events, social support between relapsed and abstinent Alcohol dependent patients. Materials and Methods: Study populations who satisfied ICD-10 Criteria for alcohol dependence syndrome were selected from de-addiction clinic in Department of Psychiatry, Chengalpattu Medical College. 60 patients who relapsed after one month period of abstinent were selected for case study. Sixty patients who satisfied the same diagnostic criteria and abstinent....
Key words: Alcohol dependence, Stress life events, alcohol relapse.
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Abstract: Background: Gingival Crevicular Fluid (GCF) is the principal target in the search for biomarkers of periodontal disease, because its protein composition may reflect disease pathophysiology. The objective of this study was to evaluate and compare the levels of membrane-organizing extension spike protein (Moesin) in GCF of individuals with and without severe chronic periodontitis. Materials and Methods: Forty systemically healthy subjects satisfying the required inclusion criteria were selected and equally divided into two groups: Group A – with no periodontitis and Group B – with severe chronic periodontitis. Periodontal parameters were recorded at baseline. GCF samples were collected and evaluated for Moesin levels in both the groups using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Scaling and root planing were performed in Group.....
Keywords: Gingival crevicular fluid, Moesin, Periodontitis
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Abstract: Cholelithiasis is found in 10 – 15 % of the adult population on an average, with majority of the affected individuals being asymptomatic, almost more than 80 %.The prevalence of gallstones is related to many factors, including age, gender and ethnicity. Aim of the study the effect of liver flushing with olive oil and lemon juice on the lithogenicity in gall bladder stone formation.Gall bladder stone is detected by an ultrasonography scan.After detection, patient is given 100 ml olive oil and 10 ml lemon juice daily in fasting for 12 days followed by an interval of 3 days repeated for 3 cycles and then the ultrasonography scan is repeated.Size of stone and presence or absence of sludge before and after 3 cycles of 12 days, each followed by an interval of 3 days of experimentation is compared. Maximum number of subjects – 31 subjects out of 50 showed an absence of gall bladder stones after the....
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Abstract: Ironically called the ""wisdom teeth,‟‟ third molars are commonly blamed for a variety of complicationsand so are advice for extraction. Probably the excessive high rate of asymptomatic third molar extraction in orthodontic patients is due to a lack of reliable and simple predictive tools and unavailability of facts that how orthodontic treatment is going to affect its position.
[1]. Gohilot A, Pradhan T, Keluskar KM. Effects of first premolar extraction on maxillary and mandibular third molar angulation after orthodontic therapy. J Oral Biol Craniofac Res. 2012;2(2):97-104.
[2]. Jain S, Valiathan A. Influence of first premolar extraction on mandibular third molar angulation. The Angle Orthod. 2009;79(6):1143-8.
[3]. Årtun J, Thalib L, Little RM. Third molar angulation during and after treatment of adolescent orthodontic patients. The Eur J Orthod. 2005;27(6):590-6.
[4]. Golovcencu L, Zegan G, Gelețu G. Comparative analysis regarding two methods for predicting lower third molar impaction. Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2012;4(1):22.
[5]. Patel AK, Deshmukh SV, Naik CR, Jethe S, Patel KA. Radiographic assessment for predicting the mandibular third molar eruption after orthodontic treatment in first premolar extraction group and non-extraction group: a-retrospective study. Int J Dent.2015;1:1-6.