Series-19 (January 2020)January 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: The present study tried to have a comparative analysis among the sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value of Ultrasonography and Fine needle Aspiration Cytology in the detection of breast cancer among tribal population. 92 tribal females attending surgical outdoor with breast lumps were included in the study. There demographic parameters, mode of presentation, time lapse since first noticed, presence and absence of well-known breast cancer risk factors were studied. All patients were subjected to FNAC & USG and the findings of these two investigations were compared with the Histopathology reports when the patients came for a follow-up. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences software version 17 for Windows. Percentage, sensitivity, specificity, and positive.....
Key words:- Breast cancer, Tribal female, Presentation, Diagnostic accuracy
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[4]. Xi-Wen Wang& ,Yun-Hui Xiong2&, Xiao-Qing Zen, Hai-Bo Lin,Qing-Yi Liu. Diagnostic Accuracy of Ultrasonograph Guided Fine-needle Aspiration Cytologic in Staging of Axillary Lymph Node Metastasis in Breast Cancer Patients: a Meta-analysis. Asian Pacific J Cancer Prev, 13 (11), 5517-5523.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | "Maternal and Perinatal Outcome in Cases of Antepartum Eclampsia" |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr.Dandra Bhavya || Dr.Beeram Sumalatha |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901200512 ![]() |
Abstract: BACKGROUND:- Eclampsia is the consequence of disease progression in preeclampsia characterized by grandmal tonic clonic seizures in a patient with no other neurological and medical disorders. Eclampsia is a life threatening emergency that continues to be a major cause of maternal and perinatal mortality worldwide. Incidence of eclampsia in developed countries is 1 in 2000 deliveries, in developing countries 1 in 100 to 1 in 1700 cases. In india incidence of eclampsia has been quoted as 1.56%. With better antenatal care, early recognition and hospital treatment of severe pre-eclampsia patients, the incidence of eclampsia can be decreased. The present....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Acrochordon: A Giant Fibroepithelial Polyp of Vulva |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR.R.Mahalakshmi || Dr.P.Prem kamal || Dr.K.Srikanth |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901201316 ![]() |
Abstract: Acrochordon is a rare benign condition of the vulva occurring in women of reproductive age group during pregnancy . A case of huge vulval mass presented to the department of general surgery for which excision was done.Histopathological report confirmed the diagnosis .
Keywords: Acrochordons, Fibroepithelial polyp of vulva.
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Abstract: Aims and Objectives: The general adaptation syndrome is protective and adaptive and, as applied to orthopedic patients, it is primarily a switch from metabolism to catabolism of substrates in order to ensure optimal conditions for reparative regeneration in the fracture zone. Borrowing substrates such as proteins and minerals from other segments of the musculoskeletal system generally has minimal negative consequences for a young and compensated patient, while at the same time in elderly and decompensated patient metabolic stress is fraught with the development of complications described above. Goals the study to analysis of metabolic and motor activity indicators in the postoperative period was performed in patients undergoing reconstruction of the proximal femur.....
[1]. Kornilov N.N., Kulyaba T.A., Saraev A.V., Ignatenko V.L. MODERN TRENDS IN ORTHOPEDICS: THE KNEE ARTHROPLASTY. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia.2012;(2):5-15. (In Russ.) 2-5-15
[2]. Vorontsova T.N., Cherniy A.G., Luchaninov S.S. TRAUMATISM AND ORTHOPEDIC DISEASES INCIDENCE IN ADULTS 2008-2011 AND ACTIVITY OF TRAUMA AND ORTHOPEDIC CARE SYSTEM. Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia.2012;(4):110-119. (In Russ.)
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[4]. Ignatenko V.L., Kornilov N.N., Kulyaba T.A., Selin A.V., Petukhov A.I., Croitoru I.I., Saraev A.V. ARTHROPLASTY AT VALGUS DEFORMITY OF THE KNEE (REVIEW). Traumatology and Orthopedics of Russia.2011;(4):140-146. (In Russ.)
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Abstract: Background: perforated peptic ulcer is one of the most common indications for emergency gastrointestinal surgery. Delayed treatment, older age, presence of shock on admission and co-morbid disease risk factors for prediction of complication and mortality. A delay of more than 24 hours increases the lethal status seven to eight fold and complications rate by three folds. Methods: A study was undertaken with 100 diagnosed patients of peptic ulcer disease to predict their morbidity and mortality using risk stratified Boey Score. Results: Perforated peptic ulcer was more common in males with younger age group and risk significantly increases with increase in Boey score. Pulmonary.
Keywords: Perforated peptic ulcer.
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Abstract: Vocal fold (VFP) paresis caused by recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) injury is a well known complication of thyroid surgery and it has been widely documented in the literature.
• However , a systematic review by Jeannon and colleagues demonstrated a high variation in screening methods and VFP rates between previously published studies.
• The rates of transient VFP ranged from 1.4 to 38.4% (mean 9.8%) and from zero to 18.6% (mean 2.3%)for permanent VFP.
• The incidence of VFP may be underestimated unless routine vocal fold evaluation is performed.
• Postoperative RLN injury is considered permanent if complete vocal fold immobility or dysfunction lasts more than 1 year.....
[1]. Jeannon JP, Orabi AA, Bruch GA, Abdalsalam HA, Simo R (2009) Diagnosis of recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy after thy-roidectomy: a systematic review. Int J ClinPract 63:624–629
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[5]. Joliat GR, Guarnero V, Demartines N, Schweizer V, Matter M (2017) Recurrent laryngeal nerve injury after thyroid and parathyroid surgery: incidence and postoperative evolution assessment. Medicine (Baltimore) 96:e6674
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Abstract: Purpose - to study the clinical profile of patients of posterior blepharitispresentingto the tertiary health care centre. Methods- This was a prospective observational study that involved 100 eyes of 50 patients with posterior blepharitis complaining of pain, redness, dryness, swollen eyelids, itching, burning, gritty sensation and sensitivity to light and presented to MLB Medical College,Jhansi. Slit lamp examinationwas done in all the patients. Results-There were 33 males and 17 females and the age group taken was 30 to 70 years. 5 patients belonged to the age group of 30 to 40 years, out of which 3 were males and 2were females. 7 patients belonged to age group of 41 to 50 years, out of which 6 were males and 1 was female. 22 patients belonged to the age group of 51 to 60 years , out of which 14 were.....
Keywords: Posterior blepharitis , photophobia, Meibomian gland dysfunction,meibomianseborrhorea and rmeibomianitis.
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Abstract: Background: Family history of seizure and history of birth trauma are known risk factors of epilepsy. These risk factors may be present or absent among patients of epilepsy. This study has been conducted to find out the presence or absence of family history of seizure and history of birth trauma among new patients attending epilepsy clinic of a metro city in India. Materials and Methods: In this observational descriptive study all 85 new patients registered in the Epilepsy Clinic of Bangur Institute of Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Kolkata, West Bengal, India during the study period were enrolled. Family history of seizure and history of birth trauma were meticulously collected from the study subjects.....
Key Word: Family history of seizure, history of birth trauma, epilepsy
[1]. Commission of epidemiology and prognosis. International League Against epilepsy, Epilepsia 34(4); 1993:592-596
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[4]. V. Mung'ala-Odera, S. White, R. Meehan, G. O. Otieno, P. Njuguna, N. Mturi, T. Edwards, B. G. Neville, C. R. J. C. Newton, Prevalence, incidence and risk factors of epilepsy in older children in rural Kenya, Seizure, Volume 17, Issue 5, July 2008, Pages 396-404
[5]. Olubunmi A. Ogunrin, Ademola Adeyekun, Philomena Adudu, Etiologies of epilepsy and health-seeking itinerary of patients with epilepsy in a resource poor setting: Analysis of 342 Nigerian Africans, Seizure Volume 22, Issue 7, September 2013, Pages 572-576
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Abstract: Vitiligo is a disease that causes loss of skin colour in blotches .It can affect the skin or any part of body. It may also affect the hair, the inside of the mouth and even the eyes. There are a few major hypotheses for the pathogenesis of vitiligo. :1.Autoimmune pathogenesis is a longstanding and popular hypothesis.2.The neural hypothesis suggests that nerve endings release neurochemical substances that can decrease melanin production or damage melanocytes.3.The biochemical hypothesis implicates the accumulation of toxic intermediate metabolites of melanin synthesis and defective free radical defense and the buildup of excessive quantities of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a cause for destruction of melanocytes. Other hypothesis include genetic factors ,defects in the structure and function of melanocytes, and deficiency in melanocyte growth factors are playing a role in the depigmentation process. Vitiligo can be triggered by stress to the melanin pigment producing cells of the skin ,melanocytes.The triggers which range from sunburn to mechanical trauma and chemical exposures, ultimately.
Keywords: Vitiligo vulgaris Melanin pigment producing cells of skin, Melanocytes, Genetic factors, Medical history, autoimmune pathogenesis
[1]. Agarwal S, Kaur G, Randhawa R, Mahajan V, Bansal R, Changotra H, et al. Liver X receptor-αpolymorphisms (rs11039155 and rs2279238) are associated with susceptibility to vitiligo. Meta Gene 2016;8:33-6.
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Abstract: Teratoma is a solid tumor composed of different histological components and usually involves more than 2 germ layers. Most common sites are gonads, sacrococcygeal, mediastinal, retroperitoneal. We report a case of 26yr old female patient who presented to the OPD with the chief complaint of pain and lump in the right upper abdomen gradually progressing in size to occupy the entire abdomen over a duration of 10 days. CT abdomen revealed a large hypodense lesion with wall calcifications and thin septa – likely arising from retroperitoneum. The patient was posted for surgery and intraoperatively the cyst was found to be arising from the right adrenal gland. Postoperative HPE revealed the features to be s/o mature cystic teratoma with carcinoid features. Postoperative period was uneventful.
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Abstract: Background: To study and compare response rate and toxicities of Induction chemotherapy with Low dose fractionated radiation followed by conventional radiotherapy versus conventional concomitant chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer. Materials & Method: Between February 2009 to August 2010 ,60 cases of locally advanced head and neck cancer were treated either inARM A receiving 2 cycles of induction therapy (q 3 weeks ) with paclitaxel (day 1) and cisplatin (day 2), with Low dose fractionated radiation to gross disease followed by radiotherapy or in ARM B receiving chemoradiotherapy with 3 weekly cisplatin. After treatment all patients underwent clinical and radiological evaluation at the end of first three months, then six monthly till end point. Result: The overall response rate (CR +PR) was (63% + 17%) 80% in the study arm (ARM A) and( 50% + 13%) 73% in the control arm (ARM B).After a median......
Key Words: Lowdose fractionated radiation, carcinomas of head and neck, chemoradiotherapy, chemosensitiser
[1]. Vokes, E. E., W. R., Lippman, S. M., and Hong, W. K. Head and neck cancer. N. Engl. J. Med., 328: 184–194, 1993.
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Abstract: Background: HemovigilanceProgramme is a part of pharmacovigilance as blood is also considered as a drug. Hemovigilance is a system that include monitoring, identification, reporting, investigating and analysis of adverse events related to transfusion and manufacture of blood products. It was launched in 2012.This study is planned to know the knowledge, attitude, practice of hemovigilance among post-graduates. Materials and Methods: : In this cross-sectional study ,questionnaire was pre-validated and designed for assessing the Knowledge, attitude, practice of post-graduates regarding transfusion reaction reporting and were distributed among 120 post-graduates in King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam, AndhraPradesh. Results:Total 120 post-graduates were included in the study. All the post-graduates had knowledge about transfusion reactions. Only 41.6% of the post-graduates.
Key Word: Hemovigilance, Transfusion reactionreporting, Underreportin,HvPI, ATR
[1]. Bisht A. HaemovigilanceProgramme of IndiaOrganization structure. 2014. Available at:
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[4]. National Institute of Biologicals. Haemovigilance Newsletter. Available at:,%20issue%206,%20julydecember%202015_ctc%20(1).pdf.
[5]. Sreekumar P, Kumar TP, Sarathi G, Gupta D. Haemovigilance-roles and global status in transfusion safety: a review. IRJP. 2016;7(12):5-7.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Multimodality Management of Carcinoma Breast |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. R. Ramesh Babu || Dr. P.A. Ramani |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901206668 ![]() |
Abstract: Carcinoma Breast has identified as a malignant neoplasm with its ability to locally recur and capacity to metastasizes distantly. This study was conducted at King George Hospital Visakhapatnam with 40 patients of both sexes. According to TNM staging Stage II cases are 18 in number, Stage III as 22 in number. These cases are treated with Modified Radical Mastectomy followed by adjuvant treatment with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy. Side effects are medically manageable Grade I, Grade II reactions which are treated with medication. Out of 40 patients, 37 patients showed complete response, and 3 patients showed progressive disease..
Key Word: Carcinoma Breast, modified radical mastectomy, adjuvant chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and hormonal therapy.
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[5]. Haagensen CD, Stout AP. Carcinoma of the Breast: II. Criteria of operability. Ann Surg. 1943;118:859.
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Abstract: Dental trauma is, unfortunately, not uncommon and may be even more prevalent in high-risk populations such as children , special needed/handicapped individuals , sportsmen, and military personnel . Additional preventable risk factors for tooth injury include, among others, lip or tongue piercing with intraoral ornaments and other para functional habits. Various psychological, economic and physiological damages can be the result of a tooth injury. It should be understood and acknowledged that many cases of dental trauma could have been prevented. Better late than never, adverse progression and future complication of dental trauma can be prevented by appropriate and prompt management.......
[1]. Levin L, Zadik Y. Education on and prevention of dental trauma: it's time to act! Dent Traumatol 2012;28:49–54.
[2]. Murali K, Krishnan R, Kumar VS, Shanmugam S, Rajasundharam P. Knowledge, attitude, and perception of mothers towards emergency management of dental trauma in Salem district, Tamil Nadu: a questionnaire study. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2014;32:202–6.
[3]. Soubra BN, Debs NN. Impact of audiovisual method in educating children facing dental avulsion. Dent Traumatol 2014;30:216–21.
[4]. Al-Sane M, Bourisly N, Almulla T, Andersson L. Laypeoples' preferred sources of health information on the emergency management of tooth avulsion. Dent Traumatol 2011;27: 432–7.
[5]. Khatoon B, Hill KB, Walmsley AD. Can we learn, teach and practise dentistry anywhere, anytime? Br Dent J 2013;215:345–7..
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Abstract: Background: Eczema is a chronic, relapsing and disfiguring dermatological disorder associated with various Psychiatric co morbidities which can further worsen it. There is a dearth of studies regarding this field, thus there is need to recognise Psychiatric co morbidities and treat them in these patients. Aim and Objective: The present study was conducted to assess the psychiatric morbidity and their prevalence amongst Eczema patients. Methodology: Sixty consecutive clinically diagnosed patients of Eczema were interviewed by "Mini International Psychiatric Interview (MINI)" for screening Psychiatric morbidity in Eczema patients and ICD-10 criteria were used to confirm......
Key Words: Eczema, Psychiatric co-morbidity, MINI, Depression, Anxiety, Alcohol Dependence.
[1]. Sohn A, Frankel A, Patel RV, Goldenberg G. Eczema. Mt Sinai J Med. 2011 Sep-Oct;78(5):730-9. doi: 10.1002/msj.20289. PMID: 21913202.
[2]. Kumar S, Kachhawha D, Das Koolwal G, Gehlot S, Awasthi A. Psychiatric morbidity in psoriasis patients: A pilot study. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2011;77:625.
[3]. Thomsen SF. Atopic dermatitis: natural history, diagnosis, and treatment. ISRN Allergy. 2014;2014:354250. Published 2014 Apr 2. doi:10.1155/2014/354250
[4]. Asher MI, Montefort S, Björkstén B, et al. Worldwide time trends in the prevalence of symptoms of asthma, allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, and eczema in childhood: ISAAC Phases One and Three repeat multicountry cross-sectional surveys. The Lancet. 2006;368(9537):733–743. [PubMed]
[5]. Adult Patients with Atopic Eczema have a High Burden of Psychiatric Disease: A Finnish Nationwide Registry Study; Saana Kauppi et al Acta Derm Venereol 2019; 99: 647–651..