Series-19 (January 2020)January 2020 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Impact of Stress on the Medical Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Lanka.Keerthi || Dr.I.Madhuri |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901190103 ![]() |
Abstract: Stress is defined as a state of physiological and psychological imbalance resulting due to difference between individual's ability and situational demand.For youngsters ,college is the best time in life.During college days only students enjoys the healthy phase of vibrant environment ,company of friends and prepares for adulthood.There are rapid changes in physical and mental development. Atpresent cross sectional study was conducted in August-September 2019 among 270 medical students at Siddhartha Medical College ,Vijayawada regarding the impact of stress on medicos. Academic stress was found to be the major cause of stress followed by other stressors like emotional stress, social stressors ,intrapersonal and interpersonal stressors,financial stressors etc. Majority of students in the study were found to have mild to moderate stress .
Key words:- Medical undergraduates, stressors, stress
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of a Huge Cervical Fibroid by Laproscopy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Shivani || Dr.Rekha Verma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901190407 ![]() |
Abstract: Minimally invasive hysterectomy is a standard procedure. Different approaches, as laparoscopic assisted vaginal hysterectomy, vaginal hysterectomy, and subtotal and total laparoscopic hysterectomy, have been described and evaluated by various investigations as safe and cost-effective methods , In particular, in comparison to abdominal hysterectomy, the minimally invasive methods have undoubted advantages for the patients. . Management of symptomatic cervical fibroid is hysterectomy or myomectomy and need an expert hand. Here we report a case of huge anterior cervical fibroid of 15x12 CM with an unusual presentation of post-menopausal spotting and no urinary symptoms. Inspire of the fibroid being huge and impacted, hysterectomy was done successfully without any injury to bladder and ureters......
Keywords: fibroid, myomectomy
[1]. Kaur AP, Saini AS, Kaur D, et al. Huge cervical fibroid- unusual presentation. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India 52 (2002): 164.
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[4]. Brummer TH, Jalkanen J, Fraser J, Heikkinen AM, Kauko M, Mäkinen J, Seppälä T, Sjöberg Tomás E, Härkki P. FINHYST, a prospective study of 5279 hysterectomies: Complications and their Risk factors. Hum Reprod. 2011; 26:1741–1751. doi: 10.1093/humrep/der116. [PubMed] [CrossRef] [Google Scholar]
[5]. Ceccaroni M, Roviglione G, Pesci A, Quintana S, Bruni F, Clarizia R. Total laparoscopic Hysterectomy of very enlarged uterus (3030 g): Case report and review of the literature. Wideochir Intec Maloinwazyjne. 2014;9:302–307. [PMC free article] [PubMed] [Google Scholar]7/20/2019 Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for large uterine cervicalmyoma 11/11
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Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the level of knowledge about dental traumatic injuries among dental internsMaterials and Methods: A self‑administered questionnaire comprising 10 close‑ended questions was used in this survey. The questions were to asses knowledge regarding dental trauma. Data of 200 respondents were analyzed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Studies) version 22.0 Results: The response rate was 76.8%. Around 75% of students could correlate between age, developmental stageof teeth and treatment modality. 60% of students had a good theoretical knowledge in contrast only 11.5% could correlate theoretical knowledge clinically 70% could correctly identify the media of storage of an avulsed tooth, only 59% of the students knew the proper method of transportation......
Key Words: dental trauma, interns, knowledge, survey.
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Abstract: Background: Patients with ILD have a reduced exercise capacity due to a number of factors, such as impaired respiratory mechanics and circulatory problems. 6-minute walk test is a self-paced submaximal exercise test that reflects the exercise level of everyday activities. Whereas DLCO is a sophisticated lung function test that helps in diagnosing and interpreting the severity ofILD. Aims And Objectives: In the present study, we aimed at establishing a relationship between the results of 6-minute walk test and DLCO in patients with radiologically confirmed ILD. Materials and Methods A total of 32 patients who presented with chronic dyspnoea and who were clinically and radiologically suggestive of ILDwere included in the study. All of them underwent the 6-minute walk test and DLCO which were later compared.
Key Words: 6-minute walk test, DLCO, ILD, desaturation
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Abstract: Dementia is an important disorder of public health importance. Memory Loss in dementia necessitates caregiver care. Thus caregiver burden assessment is thus also very important part in dementia. Zarit Care Giver Burden Scale is widely used scale for assessment of caregiver burden assessment in persons with dementia. Thus Bengali validation of this scale in Bengali is also very important for the persons with dementia who can understand only Bengali but not English. In this study the present study was planned with the following objectives of to validate the English version of Zarit caregiver burden in Bengali and to establish the reliability of the Bengali version of the Zarit caregiver burden scale. The study was carried out at the Dementia Clinic, Department of Psychiatry, RG Kar Medical College. The scale to be validated into Bengali, the Zarit Care Giver Burden Scale is a 22 item scale. According to the rule of validation the minimum sample size required for the validation....
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Abstract: Cancer has become a major global health problem and remains leading cause of death globally.It is very important to know the actual cancer pattern of the country. That can help the authority for proper utilization of resources. A retrospective, descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in theNorth East Cancer Hospital, Sylhetduring a 36 months period from January 2016 to December 2018.Present study comprised of 1043 cases of histologically proven cancer patients who received radiotherapy,of which 600 (57.52%) were male, and 443 (42.48%) were female. The male female ratio was 1:1.38. The age range was from 7 to 110 years with an average of 54.67 years. The cases were divided into nine age-groups according to decades, the highest number of patients to be in 5th decade..
Key Words: Cancer, Radiotherapy, Head neck cancer, Breast cancer, Lung cancer
[1]. Baskar R, Ann Lee K, Yeo R, Yeoh K, Cancer and radiation therapy: Current advances and future directions, Int. J. Med. Sci 2012; 9 (3): 193-199
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Abstract: Background/Aim: Choledochoduodenostomy (CDD) has been reported as an effective treatment of Choledocholithiasis. The risk of causing recurrent cholangitis led to a decline without detailed evidence for the same. There has been a renewed interest in CDD in the last three decades, with several publications carefully evaluating CDD. Aim of this study is to evaluate the outcome of CDD in the treatment of Choledocholithiasis and discuss its various other indications. Material and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted at Government Medical College,Amritsar over a period of 2 years from July 2017....
Keyword: CBD, CDD, Choledochoduodenostomy, Choledocholithiasis
[1]. Cotton PB, Geenen JE, Sherman S, Cunningham JT, Howell DA, Carr-Locke DL, et al. Endoscopic sphincterotomy for stones by experts is safe, even in younger patients with normal ducts. Annals of surgery. 1998 Feb;227(2):201.
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Abstract: Atrophy of the residual alveolar ridge in completely edentulous patients poses a clinical challenge to a prosthodontist. The condition leads to an increased interarch space which results in the fabrication of a heavy prosthesis. This calls out for an approach that will ensure the success of the prosthesis with better retention, stability, esthetics and the masticatory efficiency. One solution to the above problem is the fabrication of a hollow maxillary denture. In the literature, many techniques have been mentioned for the fabrication of a hollow denture. The techniques used earlier had some of the disadvantages which needed to be overcome. Thus, this case report describes a simple, unique and precise method for the fabrication of a hollow maxillary denture using a caramel spacer. The technique offers ease in retrieval of the caramel spacer through a small exit hole, thus creating a hollow cavity and producing a light weight maxillary complete denture. It allows for better retention and stability of the denture as well as enhanced comfort for the patient.
Key Words: Increased interarch space, Hollow maxillary denture, Caramel spacer, Light weight denture.
[1]. Caculo SP, Aras MA, Chitre V. Hollow Dentures: Treatment Option for Atrophic Ridges. A Clinical Report: Hollow Dentures: Treatment Option for Atrophic Ridges. J Prosthodont. 2013;22(3):217–22.
[2]. Bhushan P, Aras MA, Chitre V, Mysore AR, Mascarenhas K, Kumar S. The Hollow Maxillary Complete Denture: A Simple, Precise, Single-Flask Technique Using a Caramel Spacer: Hollow Maxillary Complete Denture Using Caramel. J Prosthodont. 2019; 28(1):13–7.
[3]. Kaira L, Dabral E. Hollow maxillary denture: A new modified technique for improving retention in resorbed maxillary ridges. SRM J Res Dent Sci. 2014;5(1):51.
[4]. Chaturvedi S, Verma AK, Ali M, Vadhvani P. Hollow Maxillary Denture: A Simplified Approach. M Ali. 2012;5(2).
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Abstract: Abuse of topical corticosteroids (TC) is prevalent worldwide, including India. It is more common among young people. The practice is associated with significant adverse effects among the general public. The most serious concern is its inappropriate use in symptomatic treatment for varied dermatological disorders like acne, primary bacterial and fungal infections, undiagnosed skin rash and as fairness cream as advised by unqualified medical practitioners or pharmacist. These people are not qualified to treat dermatological disorders and prescribe topical steroids which often provide quick symptomatic relief, without treating the underlying pathology of the disease. Ironically, the Indian market is flooded with several fixed dose combinations (FDCs) of corticosteroids with antibacterial and fungal agents, which in no way can.....
[1]. Rathod, P. R., Shankar, R. & Sawant, A. Clinical study of topical corticosteroids misuse. Int J Recent Trends Sci Technol 15, 322–3 (2015).
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[3]. Dey, V. K. Misuse of topical corticosteroids: A clinical study of adverse effects. Indian Dermatol. Online J. 5, 436 (2014).
[4]. Meena, S. et al. Topical corticosteroids abuse: A clinical study of cutaneous adverse effects. Indian J. Dermatol. 62, 675 (2017).
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Abstract: Introduction:ILD refers to a heterogeneous collection of more than one hundred distinct lung disorders that are grouped together as they share similar clinical, radiographic, and pathologic features. Clues from the clinical history along with the examination and radiologic findings provide the initial basis for prioritising diagnostic possibilities for a patient with ILD. Aims and Objectives:TO Determine the accuracy of clinical evaluation and HRCT chest in the diagnosis of ILD without the need for surgical lung biopsy (SLB).Materials and Methods:ThoroughRespiratory system examination, 6-minute walk test, Chest x-ray PA view, Pulmonary function test, DLCO, HRCT chest.Results: The diagnosis was suggestive of ILD basedon clinicalassessment,spirometry, DLCO and 6-minute walk test in 90% patients. Through HRCT we could conclude ILD in 93% cases. In 2 cases out of 30, the HRCT was not conclusive, so we had to go for a CT guided biopsy which finally confirmed....
Keywords: ILD, clinical evaluation, HRCT chest, Surgical lung biopsy.
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Abstract: Pancreatic Pleural Effusion is a rare complication of pancreatitis and is defined as significant fluid accumulation in the pleural space with high Amylase content. Pancreatico-Pleural Fistula (PPF) is a rare complication seen in patients with Pancreatitis. It requires a high index of clinical suspicion as patients typically present with pulmonary symptoms related to the pleural effusion rather than Pancreatitis. It has been predominantly (90%) seen in alcoholic middle-aged men, usually presenting with dyspnea and left-sided pleural effusion. Rarely it can be right-sided or bilateral. The diagnosis should be suspected if a patient presents with pleural effusion in a setting of pancreatitis or alcohol intake. The significantly raised amylase in the pleural fluid offers an vital clue to the diagnosis. Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) can aid in visualizing the fistula. We present a case of massive right pleural effusion secondary to a PPF due to Pancreatitis....
Keywords: Pancreatic pleural effusion, Pancreatico-pleural fistula
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[5]. Altasan T, Aljehani Y, Almalki A, Algamdi S, Talag A, Alkattan K, et al. Pancreaticopleural fistula: An overlooked entity. Asian Cardiovasc Thorac Ann 2014;22:98‑101.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Blaschkoian Lichen Planus- A rare presentation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Jayakumar Marikanti |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901195759 ![]() |
Abstract: Lichen planus (LP) is common immune mediated papulosquamous disorder characterized by pruritic, flat topped papular eruptions. Common variants of LP include eruptive generalized LP, hypertrophic LP, mucosal LP, follicular LP etc. We report a rare presentation of LP with lesions present along the lines of blaschko with polymorphic appearance.
[1]. Hossein Kavoussi, Mazaher Ramazani, Elias Salimi et al Journal of Pakistan Association of Dermatologists 2013;23 (2):153-158.
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[4]. Taniguchi Y, Minami kawa M et al, Linear lichen planus mimicking creeping eruption J dermatol 1993: 20: 118: 21..
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis remains a major health problem affecting one third of the population. The effective control is based on immediate detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Though conventional method of TB detection exists; Genexpert MTB/RIF assay represents a perfect method in the diagnosis of TB and MDR TB by simultaneous detection of M. tuberculosis and rifampicin resistance. However, MTB/RIF assay is limited to few places in the country. METHODS: A total of 157 expectorated sputum samples from patients with signs and symptoms of suggestive of tuberculosis at Midwestern Regional hospital Surkhet, Nepal were tested directly by ZN staining and GeneXpert MTB/RIF.....
Key words: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay, Smear microscopy.
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[2]. Boehme CC, Nicol MP, Nabeta P, Michael JS, Gotuzzo E, Tahirli R, Gler MT, Blakemore R, Worodria W, Gray C, Huang L, Caceres T, Mehdiyev R, Raymond L, Whitelaw A, Sagadevan K, Alexander H, Albert H, Cobelens F, Cox H, Alland D, Perkins MD (2011) Feasibility, diagnostic accuracy, and effectiveness of decentralised use of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF test for diagnosis of tuberculosis and multidrug resistance: a multicenter implementation study Lancet; 377: 1495–1505.
[3]. David R. Boulware (2013) Utility of the GeneXpert MTB/RIF Assay for Diagnosis of Tuberculous Meningitis Plos one Med 10: 1-7.
[4]. Guenaoui K, Harir N, Ouardi A, Zeggai S, Sellam F, Bekri F. Touil SC (2016) Rapid diagnosis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis by Gene eGeneXpert MTB/RIF assay in Western Algeria Basic Research Journal of Microbiology ISSN 2354-4082. 3:12-17
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Abstract: Background: Onychomycosis is defined as fungal infection of nails caused by dermatophytes, yeasts and non dermatophytic filamentous fungi. It is generally considered as the disease of middle aged and elderly. Increase in the incidence of causative pathogens associated with onychomycosis in recent years is attributed to various factors like aging, expanding number of immune compromised patients and changing life style. The fungal pathogens are generally similar throughout the world however the pattern of dermatophyte infections may vary in different geographic locations due to multiple factors. Certain dermatophytes are endemic to specific geographical areas and with time these relations may change. Aim: To study the clinico epidemiological profile of onychomycosis in 100 patients and to investigate the mycological profile of agents responsible for onychomycosis with direct microscopy using 20% KOH and culture on sabouraud's dextrose agar...........
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