Series-5 (January 2020)January 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background: One of the most common fractures we encounter in our day to day practice is Colles' fracture. Closed reduction of these fractures is one of the most important method of management. The objective of the study is to determine the pain lowering effect of hematoma block for closed reduction of these fractures. Materials and Methods: This was a quasi experimental study conducted at department of orthopaedics, RIMS,Imphal from September 2017 to August 2019. All patients with distal radius fracture who attented OPD and casualty were included in this study. Open fractures,intra-articular fractures and comminuted fractures requiring reduction with the use of other forms of anaesthesia were excluded from from the study. Pain score was measured with Visual Analogue Scale at 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes,4 minutes and 5 minutes after hematoma block. Chi-Square test was used to see the significant difference.....
Key Words: Colles' fracture; Distal radius; Intra-articular; Hematoma; Lignocaine; Pain measurement; Visual Analouge Scale.
[1]. Nijs S, Broos PLO. Fracture of the distal radius: A Contemporary Approach. Acta Chir Belg 2004Aug;104(4):401-12.
[2]. Nellons KW,Kowalski E, Chung KC. The epidemiology of distal radius fracture. Hand Clin 2012 May;28(2) 113-25.
[3]. Boyden EM, Peterson HA. Partial premature closure of the distal radial physis associated with Kirschner wire fixation. Orthopedics 1991 May 1;14(5):585-8.
[4]. Kapoor H, Aggarwal A, Dhaon BK. Displaced intra-articular fractures of distal radius; a comparative evaluation of results following closed reduction, external fixation and open reduction with internal fixation. Injury 2000 March;31(2):75-9.
[5]. Afsar SS, Idrees M, Gulzar M. Pain lowering effect of hematoma block for closed reduction of distal radius fractures. Gomal J Med Sci 2014 Jan-Mar; 12(1):15-8..
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Abstract: Serum enzymes and isoenzymes are estimated in 35 patients of acute myocardial infarction and 35 normal healthy controls. The serum enzymes like Aspartate transaminase (AST) or serum glutamate transaminase (SGOT) shows highly significant increase in the activity. Also significant rise in the activity of the serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) in case of acute myocardial infarction patients. The activity of creatine kinase isoenzymes MB (CK-MB) in acute myocardial infarction patients are highly significant (p< 0.001) as compared to the controls..
Key Words:Creatine kinase, Lactate dehydrogenase, Aspartate transaminase, Acute Myocardial Infarction
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Abstract: Introduction: Patients with pain upper abdomen constitute majority of patients referred for Upper Gastrointestinal (UGI) Endoscopy. With the invention of fiberoptic flexible endoscopy, upper GI endoscopy has become easily available, safe and reliable procedure. With further advancements in narrow band imaging and chromoendoscopy, precision of biopsy techniques and diagnosis has been significantly increased. The aim of this study was to find out various patterns of UGI Endoscopy finding among patients in our Endoscopy centre. Materials and Methods: This study comprised of 5910 patients referred from various departments to our Endoscopy centre, who had undergone UGI Endoscopy during the period of 2 years at Zoram Medical College starting from November 2017 to October 2019........
Key words: Endoscopy, Erosions/Erythema, Ulcers, Helicobacter pylori, Malignancy, Varices
[1]. Kasznia BJ and Karnati G: Imaging of the upper gastrointestinal tract; endoscopy or radiology? Br. J. Hosp. Med. (Lond). 2011; 72(3): M39-M43.
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[5]. Richard GL III, Nicholas J and Talley J: Prevalence and clinical spectrum of Gastro esophageal Reflux; a population based study on Olmsted County, Minnesota, Gastroenterology, 1997; 112: 1448-56.
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Abstract: Introduction: Keloids and hypertrophic scars are abnormal response of body to skin injuries. Keloids develop as a result of abnormal proliferation of dermal collagen tissue following skin injury. In our study the result of treatment of keloids with intralesional steroids are compared with cryotherapy. Material & Methods: It's a Prospective &Interventional study done among patients with a clinical diagnosis of keloids. A total of 30 patients were selected for the study over a period of 6 months by convenient sampling technique.In each patient, two interventions were done. One lesion with Intralesional corticosteroids and another with cryotherapy. Follow up was done to determine the effectiveness...
Keywords: keloid, collagen, intralesional steroids, cryotherapy, efficacy..
[1]. Duong HS, Zhang QZ, Le AD, Kelly AP, Kamdar R, Messadi DV. Elevated prolidase activity in keloids: correlation with type I collagen turnover. Br J Dermatol. 2006 ;154(5):820-8.
[2]. Blobe GC, Schiemann WP, Lodish HF. Role of transforming growth factor - beta in human disease. N Engl J Med 2000;342:1350-8.
[3]. Alster TS, Tanzi EL. Hypertrophic scars and keloids etiology and management. Am J Clin Dermatol 2003;4:235-43.
[4]. Gupta S, Sharma VK. Standard guidelines of care: Keloids and hypertrophic scars. Indian J Dermatol VenereolLeprol 2011;77:94-100.
[5]. Muneuchi G, Suzuki S, Onodera M, Ito O, Hata Y, Igawa HH.Long-term outcome of intralesional injection of triamcinoloneacetonide for the treatment of keloid scars in Asian patients.Scand J PlastReconstrSurg Hand Surg 2006;40:111-6.
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Abstract: Low grade astrocytomacomprises app. 15% of all primary brain tumours but reporting of Astrocytoma in Oral and Maxillofacial surgery department is not common. This paper is about a journey of a boy with a chief complain of facial deformity. History and examination revealed absence of zygomatic arch with pain on right side of TMJ, headache with nausea and vomiting,weight loss and frequent episodes of seizures. This paper also tries to address the controversy of surgical treatment strategy for low grade astrocytoma.
Keywords: Astrocytoma
[1]. Sanai N, Chang S, Berger MS. Low-grade gliomas in adults. Journal of Neurosurgery2011;115November 5
[2]. Bondy ML, Scheurer ME, Malmer B, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Davis FG, Il'yasova D,et al. Brain tumor epidemiology: consensus from the Brain Tumor EpidemiologyConsortium. Cancer 2008;113October 7
[3]. JalloGI,Benardete EA,(January 2010)Low-Grade Astrocytoma (http:// medicine. overview).Archieved 27 July 2010.
[4]. Pallud J, Capelle L, Taillandier L, Fontaine D, Mandonnet E, Guillevin R, et al.Prognostic significance of imaging contrast enhancement for WHO grade IIgliomas. Neuro-oncology 2009;11April 2
[5]. Ruiz J, Lesser GJ. Low-grade gliomas. Current Treatment Options in Oncology2009;10(August 3–4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ocular Toxicity Caused By Calotropis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Jitendra Kumar || Dr. Samya Singh || Dr. Amisha Garg |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901052934 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim:to study the toxic effects of Calotropisprocera on the eye Material and Methods: This is a prospective study done on patients presenting with Calotropis inducedocular toxicity between January 2019-October 2019in the Department of Ophthalmology, MLB Medical College, Jhansi. Results: Calotropisprocera produces copious amounts of latex, which has been shown to possess several pharmacological properities. Its local application produces intense inflammatory response. In the 20 cases of Calotropisprocera-induced keratitis reported here, the clinical picture showed corneal edema with striate keratopathy with little evidence of intraocular inflammation. The inflammation was reversed by the local application of steroid drops......
Keywords: Calotropisprocera, keratitis, latex, striate keratopathy.
[1]. Calotropisprocera". Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN). Agricultural Research Service (ARS), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) [2]. [3]. Tomar VP, Agarwal PK, Agarwal BL. Toxic iridocyclitis caused by Calotropis. J All India Ophthalmol Soc. 1970;18:15–6 [4]. Shivkar YM, Kumar VL. Histamine mediates the pro-inflammatory effect of latex of Calotropisprocera in rats. MediatorsInflamm. 2003;12:299–302 [5]. Al-Mezaine HS, Al-Rajhi AA, Al-Assiri A, Wagoner MD. Calotropisprocera (ushaar) keratitis. Am J Ophthalmol. 2005;391:199–202.
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Abstract: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disorder of unknown etiologycharacterized by symmetrical peripheral polyarthritis often resulting in joint damage and physical disability. Several extra-articular manifestations are also associated with RA out of which pleuro-pulmonary involvement is the most important as it bears clinical significance in terms of increased morbidity and mortality. While several earlier studies have declared Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) to be the most serious form, there are emerging evidences of other forms of pulmonary involvement but lack of studies categorising them in eastern India. Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) are widely used to provide objective measure of lung function for detecting and quantifying such lung diseases. The......
Key Words: Rheumatoid Arthritis, Pulmonary Function Tests, Obstructive Lung Disease, Restrictive Lung Disease, Small airway disease
[1]. Garry S FeresteinEtiology and Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis. Kelly and Firestein's Textbook of Rheumatology.10th ed. Elsevier; 2017:1115
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[3]. Gabriel SE, Crowson CS, Kremers HM. et al. Survival in Rheumatoid Arthritis: a population- based analysis of trends over 40 years. Arthritis Rheum. 2003; 48:54-58
[4]. Turesson C, O'FallonWM, Crowson CS, Gabriel SE, Matteson EL. Extra-articular disease manifestations in rheumatoid arthritis:incidence trends and risk factors over 46 years. Ann Rheum Dis 2003;62:722-727
[5]. 5.Megan Shaw, Bridget F.Collinsetal.Rheumatoid arthritis-associated lung disease. EurRespir Rev 2015; 24:1-16
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Abstract: Introduction: Antibiotic resistance is increasing day by day like a tsunami. About 100,000 ton[s antibiotics are being prepared annually throughout the world. Staphylococcus aureus is one of the pathogenic bacteria which are rapidly evaluating themselves to become resistant for several antibiotics. Materials & Method: 137 clinical bacterial isolates have been collected for study. 21 S. aureus isolates were identified by positive catalase, coagulase and mannitol fermentation tests from 54 gram-positive bacteria. Antibiotics susceptibility test were performed using DAD (Disc agar diffusion) method. Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Levofloxacin, Rifampicin and Amikacin were the antibiotics which were used in experiments. ATCC25923 was reference strain of S. aureus....
Keywords: VRSA, Staphylococcus, amikacin, azithromycin, MDR
[1]. Silpi Basak PSaMR. Multidrug Resistant and Extensively Drug Resistant Bacteria: A Study. Journal of pathogens. 2016.
[2]. Rosenberger LH,HT,PAD,ea. Effective cohorting and 'superisolation' in a single intensive care unit in response to an outbreak of diverse multi-drug-resistant organisms. Surgical Infections. 2011; 12(5): 345-350.
[3]. Morales E,CF,SM,ea. Hospital costs of nosocomial multi-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa acquisition. BMC Health Services Research. 2012; 12(1).
[4]. Kluytmans J,vBA,VH. Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus: epidemiology, underlying mechanisms, and associated risks. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1997; 10(3): 505-520.
[5]. Gorwitz RJ,KMD,ea. Changes in the prevalence of nasal colonization with Staphylococcus aureus in the United States, 2001-2004. J Infect Dis. 2008; 197(9): 1226-1234.
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Abstract: Introduction: Head and neck cancer is a complex disorder that includes mostly squamous cell carcinomas that can develop in the throat, larynx, nose, sinuses, and mouth. Head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) remains a major clinical challenge in oncology and represents the sixth most common neoplasm in the world today. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at Department Of Surgery & Department of Radiotherapy, Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand from January 2018 to December 2018. The study included patients with Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) registered with hospital from January 2018 to December2018. It was a prospective and retrospective study. Patients having histopathological (HPE) confirmation of.......
Key Words: Head and neck cancer, orodental hygiene, HNSCC, HPE
[1]. N Denaro, Nigro CL, Natoli G, Russi EG, Adamo V, Merlano MC, The Role of p53 and MDM2 in Head and Neck Cancer. ISRN Otolaryngol. 2011:931813.
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[3]. Pannone G, Sanguedolce F, de Maria S, Farina E, Rubini C, Serpico R, et al. Cyclooxygenase isozymes in oral squamous cell carcinoma: a real-time RTPCR study with clinic pathological correlations. Int J Immunopathol Pharmacol. 2007;20(2):317-24.
[4]. Choi SY, Kahyo H. Effect of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in the aetiology of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx and larynx. Int J Epidemiol. 1991;20:878-85.
[5]. Mashberg A, Boffetta P, Winkelman R, Garfinkel L. Tobacco smoking, alcohol drinking, and cancer of the oral cavity and oropharynx among U.S. veterans. Cancer. 1993;72:1369-75.
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Abstract: Background: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) has emerged as the single most important cause of death worldwide. In 2013 CAD caused an estimated 7.5 million deaths worldwide accounting for 13.3% of all deaths.1 Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a major risk factor for CAD and among the most common chronic diseases in the world. Objective: To see association of HbA1C level with Angiographic Severity of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) in acute Myocardial Infarction patients. Materials and Methods: A Cross-sectional observational study Department of Cardiology, National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Dhaka from April 2017 to August 2018.All diabetes patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Purposive sampling As the sampling population was confined within.......
Key Words: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD), HbA1C level, Angiographic Severity
[1]. Wang H, Naghavi M, Allen C, Barber RM, Carter A, Casey et al. Global, regional, and national life expectancy, all-cause mortality, and cause-specific mortality for 249 causes of death, 1980–2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015 GBD 2015 Mortality and Causes of Death Collaborators, The Lancet, 2016;388 (10053):1459-1544. [2]. Preis SR, Hwang SJ, Coady S, Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB Sr, Savage PJ, et al. Trends in all cause and cardiovascular disease mortality among woman and men with and without diabetes mellitus in the Framingham heart Study,1950 to 2005.Circulation. 2009; 1728:119-123.
[3]. Fang J, Alderman MH. Impact of increasing burden of diabetes on acute myocardial infarction in New York City; 1990-2000. Diabetes. 2012; 791:55-57.
[4]. Gore MO, Patel MJ, Kosiborod M, et al. Diabetes mellitus and trends in hospital survivial after myocardial infarction, 1994 60 2006:data from national registry of Myocardial Infarction. CircCardiovascQual Outcomes. 2012; 791:5-9. [5]. Kosiborod M, Inzucchi SE, Krumholz HM, Masoudi FA, Goyal A, Xiao L, et al. Glucose normalization and outcomes in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Arch Intern Med. 2009;169(5):438-46.
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Abstract: Prolidase deficiency is a rare inborn disorder of collagen metabolism inherited through an autosomal recessive gene characterized by chronic recurrent cutaneous ulcers that are recalcitrant in healing, with massive multisystem enlargement. Prominent facial features include high forehead, flat nasal bridge, micrognathia and hypertelorism. The estimated incidence is 1-2 per 1 million births. Treatment of prolidase deficiency is symptomatic and supportive which necessitates a multidisciplinary expertise. This case report presents the dental management of 12 year old female patient with known history of Prolidase deficiency and iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome.
Keywords: Prolidase deficiency; collagen; Micrognathia; Hypertelorism; Iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome
[1]. Yonatan Butbul Aviel, Hana Mandel, Emily Avitan Hersh. Prolidase deficiency associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE): single site experience and literature review. Pediatr Rheumatol Online J.2012; 10: 18. [2]. Prolidase deficiency. Genetics Home Reference (GHR).2012. [3]. Lowther, W.T. and Matthews, B.W. (2002) Metalloaminopeptidases: Common functional themes in disparate structural surroundings. Chem Rev 102, 4581–4608. [4]. R.L Kitchener, A.M. Grunden. Prolidase function in proline metabolism and its medical and biotechnological applications. 2012. Journal of Applied Microbiology 113, 233–247. [5]. Endo F, Motohara K, Indo Y, Matsuda I. Immunochemical studies of human prolidase with monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies: absence of the subunit of prolidase in erythrocytes from a patient with prolidase deficiency. Pediat. Res. 1987.22: 627-633..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pathogenesis of Ameloblastoma – A Review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nivia M || S K Padmakumar || Uma Mohan || Anu Andrews |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901056770 ![]() |
Abstract: Ameloblastoma is a benign epithelial odontogenic tumour. Pathogenesis of Ameloblastoma is explained with the help of many theories. Embryologic events that initiate and control formation of human odontogenic structures through finely regulated series of inductive interaction between epithelium and ectomesenchyme. Failure of this inductive mechanism results in the formation of hamartomas, malformations and neoplasm collectively known as odontogenic tumours. Better understanding of the pathogenesis will help in developing new treatment approaches and better prognosis. An attempt is made to discuss the current concept of pathogenesis related to molecular and genetic changes.
Key Word: Odontogenic tumour, Pathogenesis, Ameloblastoma
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Abstract: The comprehensive orthodontic treatment is associated with pain during treatment duration,. In the past, many modalities have been proposed to reduce the pain Low-level laser therapy is one such non-invasive modality, which has gained wide acceptance but the evidence regarding its potential pain alleviating effect is contradictory. The present study aims to evaluate the outcomes of low-level laser irradiation on thepain perception at different energy level during orthodontic tooth movement during enmasse retraction. Material and Methods: Fourty six patients requiring enmass retraction in 1st premolar extraction space were included in this longitudinal randomized clinical control trial..enmass. Using a split-mouth study design where one side was the experimental.
[1]. Youssef M,Ashkar S,Hamad E ,Gutknecht N, Lampert F,Mir M.The effect of the low level laser therapy during orthodontic movement: a preliminary study.Laser med sci.2008;23:27-33
[2]. Bantleon HP. Pain relief by single low-level laser irradiation in orthodontic patients undergoing fixed appliance therapy. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:371-7.
[3]. Ren C, McGrath C, Yang Y. The effectiveness of low-level diode laser therapy on orthodontic pain management: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Lasers Med Sci 2015;30:1881-93.
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Abstract: Background: The use of complete denture in edentulous patients aims to restore masticatory function. Prolonged use results in loose dentures, so denture adhesive is used while waiting for the creation of new dentures. Denture adhesive is a material used to attach dentures and oral tissue. This material is more often used in preparations for creams and powders because it is more easily found on the market. Denture adhesive cream preparations last longer when used and support mastication compared to powder preparations. This study aims to determine the effect of the use of denture adhesive powder and cream on the efficiency of mastication in denture users. Materials and Methods: The....
Keywords : Complete Denture, Denture Adhesive Powder, Denture Adhesive Cream, masticatory efficiency
[1]. Zarb GA, Bolender CL, Eckert SE dkk. Prosthodontic treatment for edentulous patients. Ed 12Th. St. Louis. Elseiver. 2004: 3,15-16, 19-20,245-249,253-261,275-278, 298-325, 437-448.
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