Series-6 (January 2020)January 2020 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Chronic periodontitis (CP) is defined as an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues of the teeth caused by groups of specific microorganisms, resulting in progressive destruction of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with pocket formation, recession or both. 1The treatment of chronic periodontitis involves mechanical removal of the subgingival biofilm, and the establishment of a local environment and microflora compatible with periodontal health.1The periodontal flap procedure is most frequently employed for pocket elimination/reduction, particularly for moderate and deep pockets. The days following flap procedure may be associated with bleeding, pain, swelling and infection.5It has been shown that the early.....
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Abstract: OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS This chapter deals with analysis and interpretation of the data collected for this study. Analysis and interpretation were done based on objectives of the study. The data was analyzed and is presented in the following sections......
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Abstract: Renal calculus disease is an age old disease of human being. PCNL ( Percutaneousnephrolithotomy ) stands as a gold standard of treatment for large renal calculus which is traditionally being done in prone position. Objective:To evaluate the safety and efficacy of supine miniPCNL in relation to intraoperative time, requirement of relook PCNL, post op hemoglobin drop,post operative hospital stay,post-operative complication,SFR ( stone Free Rate). Methods and materials: It is aretrospective study done inDept. of Urology, in a tertiary care hospital in eastern part of India between October 2017 and October 2018. A total of 11 patients of with lower calyceal renal stones of size < 1.5 cm who underwent supine mini PCNL were included in this study.Lower calyceal stone,size measuring >1.5cm.....
Key words: Mini supine PCNL, Lower calyceal stone
[1]. Joseph K. C., Bharat B., Parek H., Joshi M. J. Inhibition of growth of urinary type calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate crystals by tartaric acid and tamarind. Current Science. 2005;88:1232–1238.
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[4]. G. Ibarluzea, C.M. Scoffone, C.M. Cracco, M. Poggio, F.Porpiglia, C. Terrone, et al.Supine Valdivia and modified lithotomy position for simultaneous anterograde and retrograde endourological access BJU Int, 100 (2007), pp. 233-236
[5]. A. Hoznek, J. Rode, I. Ouzaid, B. Faraj, M. Kimuli, A. de la Taille,etal.Modified supine percutaneous nephrolithotomy for large kidney and ureteral stones: technique and results EurUrol, 61 (2012), pp. 164-170
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Abstract: Introduction: Appendicular lump is a common surgical entity presenting with acute appendicitis and presents as a palpable mass over the right lower quadrant of the abdomenencountered 2-6% in patients with acute appendicitis. Themanagement of appendicular lump remains controversial with three general approaches. The conventional conservative approach of Ochsner-Sherren regime followed by delayed appendectomy in patients with appendicular lump is well recommended. These, however, depends on the surgeon's experience and preference in dealing in such a case. This study aimed to find out and evaluate possible need of changing our management strategy of appendicular lump. Materials and methods:A cross-sectional.....
Keywords: Acute appendicitis, Appendicular lump, Ochsner-Sherren regime, Emergency appendicectomy, Interval appendicectomy.
[1]. Ali S, Rafique HM. Appendicular mass; Early exploration vs conservative management. Professional Med J 2010;17(2):180-4.
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[4]. Emmanuel BO, Glinka M, Kalemba J. Management of appendiceal mass in children and adults: Our Experience. Int J Surg 2006;9(2):123-6.
[5]. Andersson RE, Petzold MG. Nonsurgical treatment of appendiceal abscess or phlegmon: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Ann Surj 2007;246(5):741-8.
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Abstract: Introduction: Anomalous presence or absence, agenesis or multiplications of these foramina's are of interest in human skulls, in order to achieve better comprehension of neurovascular content through them. Ligaments bridging the notches sometimes ossify which may lead to compression of the structures passing through foramina's thereby they may have significant clinical signs and symptoms. Presence of carotico-clinoid foramen is the result of ossification of either carotico-clinoid ligament or of dural fold extending between anterior and middle clinoid processes of sphenoid bone. Materials and methods: The study was done in 50 adult dry human skulls collected from Sri Padmavathi Medical College for Women, SVIMS, Tirupati and S.V. Medical college and S.V University (Anthropology department). Results: In 100 adult dry human skulls, 12 skulls of unknown sex showed "Ossified carotico-clinoid ligament" out of which 7 were on the left side and 5 were on right. Conclusion: The study is important to know the Bony bar bridging carotico-clinoid notch connecting both the clinoid processes which can compress internal carotid artery deep to it and compression of adjacent structures producing neurological symptoms..
Keywords: Ossified ligament of sphenoid, ossified interclinoid ligament, carotico-clinoid ligament, internal carotid artery.
[1]. Williams P.L. Bannister, L.H.; Berry M.M; Collins P; Dyson, M.;Dussek, J. E et al; Gray's Anatomy in skull. 38th Edn. Churchill livingstone, New York 2000, pp 547-612.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Oligo Hydramnios: Its Etiological Factors, Maternal and Fetal Outcome |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR G.P.N.karunavathi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901063440 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: To study the etiological factors o f oligohydramnios Objectives To study the etiological factors To study the maternal outcome in the form of operative delivery and induced labour To study the foetal outcome in the form of IUGR ,IUFD. Congenital anomalies , foetal distress, me conium stained liquor. Perinatal and neonatal morbidity and mortality Result: The present study includes 138 women with oligo hydramnios (AFI<5) above 34 weeks of gestation of obstetrics and gynaecology admitted in antenatal ward or lab or ward in the department of Obstetrics and gynaecology , Siddhartha medical college, Vijayawada from January 2018 to June 2019 The incidence of oligohydramnios is 1-5% of.....
Key Words: Oligohydramnios,. Amniotic fluid index, Nonstress test, Perinatal outcome
[1]. Ott WJ . Current Perspective in antenatally surveillance ultrasound . Rev Obst Gynaecol. 2003;3:1-80.
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[3]. Kaur P Desi , Tagaiya A . A study on the perinatal outcome in cases of oligohydramnios . Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynaecol.2016;5:98-109.
[4]. Chate P , Khatri M , Hariharan C . Pregnancy outcome after diagnosis of oligohydramnios at term. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynaecol .2013;2:23-6.
[5]. Singhal SR , Gupta R, Sen J . Low amniotic fluid index as a predictor of adverse perinatal outcome : an Indian perspective . Clinics Mother Child Health.2015;12:201..
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Abstract: Treatment protocol of Anal Fissure is not well customized. Conservative treatment can be done with many methods like lifestyle modification, laxatives, topical nitrates/calcium channel blockers and botulinum toxin injection. Out of many methods of surgical treatment of AF, Lateral internal sphincterotomy is most popular. In this study comparison between topical calcium channel blocker (2% diltiazem) versus lateral internal sphincterotomy was done. At 2 months follow-up period healing rate in diltiazem group is found to be 83.3% and in LIS group its 100%.
Key Words: Anal Fissure (AF), Diltiazem, Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy (LIS), Glyceryl Trinitrate (GTN).
[1]. Acheson AG, Scholefield JH. Pharmacological advancements in the treatment of chronic anal fissure. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2005;6:2475–81.
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[4]. Nzimbala MJ, Bruyninx L, Pans A, Martin P, Herman F. Chronic anal fissure: common aetiopathogenesis, with special attention to sexual abuse. Acta Chir Belg. 2009 Nov-Dec. 109 (6):720-6.
[5]. Lund JN, Scholefield JH. Aetiology and treatment of anal fissure. Br J Surg 1996;83:1335-44..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Morphological Study of Adult Human Larynx in Jharkhand Population |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Krishna Kumar Prasad Singh || Kumar Martand |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1901064452 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: The larynx is an air passage which extends from the tongue to trachea. Its functions include protection the lower respiratory tract and production of voice. Morphometric data of the larynx is useful during procedures like intubation, endoscopy, laryngeal micro-surgeries in cases of sub-glottic stenosis and post intubation stenosis and surgery of laryngeal framework such as partial or total laryngectomies. So, precise knowledge of the morphometry of the larynx is important. Materials and Methods: In this observational study, 30 adult human larynges from cadavers of different age group between 30 to 60 years of both sexes were used. Out of 30 larynges, 22 were from male and 8 from female adult cadavers. Measurement of various external and internal structures of larynges was taken using digital vernier calliper and thread and scale. Mean and standard deviation were used to assess the variation in measurements.....
Key Word: Morphometry, Human larynx, External and internal dimension.
[1]. Standring S. Larynx. In: Barry K B Berkovitz (editors). Gray's Anatomy. 39th Edition. London: Elsevier Charchill Livingstone: 2006. The anatomical basis of clinical practice; pp. 633-646.
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[3]. Mohini Joshi, Sharada Joshi, and Subhash Joshi. Morphometric study of Cricoid cartilages in western India.AMJ: 2011;4,10:pp.542-547
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[5]. Ajmani ML. A metrical study of the laryngeal skeleton in adult Nigerian. J Anat: 1990; 171: pp.187-191..
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Abstract: About 20.4 lakh adults in India live with Human immunodeficiency virus(HIV) infection, according to the National AIDS Control Society,2017. Mizoram, Manipur and Nagaland are the states with the highest prevalence of the disease. Central Nervous System (CNS) involvement in HIV could be due to direct invasion by the virus itself or by infected leucocytes. In addition to this, many opportunistic infections and certain tumors also affect the brain, which is normally prevented by a healthy immune system. Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) has a unique advantage over other diagnostic methods as it is non-invasive, has an excellent contrast resolution and can also accurately diagnose most of the diseases that affect the brain in an immunocompromised patient. Here we describe 5 representative cases of HIV and related diseases affecting the brain that came to the Radiodiagnosis Department, RIMS Hospital, Imphal.
Keywords- AIDS, CNS lymphoma, CNS Tuberculosis, Cryptococcosis, HIV, MRI, opportunistic infections, PML, Toxoplasmosis
[1]. Sanjeeva K, Naresh G, Venkatesh S, Sachdeva KS, Shobini R, Bhawani KS, et al. National technical guidelines on anti-retroviral treatment; National AIDS control program care support and treatment services 2018: 1-255.
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[5]. Garg RK. Tuberculosis of the central nervous system; Postgrad Med J 1999; 75: 133-140.
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Abstract: Gallstone ileus (GI) associated with cholecysto-duodenal fistula is a rare disease and occurs in 1%-4% of all cases of bowel obstruction1. The mortality associated with GI ranges between 12% and 27%. X-ray, ultrasound and CT of abdomen are usually required to confirm the diagnosis. Enterolithotomy with closure of Cholecysto-duodenal fistula is required for the management of this entity which can be done in single stage or in two stages. We present one such rare case of GI who was successfully managed in a single stage.
Keywords: Gallstone Ileus, Cholecysto-enteric fistula, Cholecystectomy
[1]. Xin-Zheng Dai, Guo-Qiang Li, Feng Zhang, Xue-Hao Wang, Chuan-Yong Zhang. Gallstone ileus: Case report and literature review. World J Gastroenterol. 2013 Sep 7; 19(33): 5586–5589
[2]. Nakao A, Okamoto Y, Sunami M, Fujita T, Tsuji T. The oldest patient with gallstone ileus: report of a case and review of 176 cases in Japan. Kurume Med J 2008;55(1-2):29–33.
[3]. Reisner RM, Cohen JR. Gallstone ileus: a review of 1001 reported cases. Am Surg 1994;60(6):441–6.
[4]. Liang X, Li W, Zhao B, Zhang L, Cheng Y. Comparative analysis of MDCT and MRI in diagnosing chronic gallstone perforation and ileus. Eur J Radiol 2015;84(10):1835–42
[5]. Negi RS, Chandra M, Kapur R. Bouveret syndrome: Primary demonstration of cholecystoduodenal fistula on MR and MRCP study. Indian J Radiol Imaging 2015;25(1):31–4.