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Abstract: Aim; The aim of the present study is to measure the maximum bite force in the natural dentition with the help of bite force measurement device. Materials and methods; 100 subjects randomly selected from the population aged between 18-60 years were tested. The device was placed in between upper and lower central incisors and patients were asked to bite until the first sign of pain was felt. This exercise was done twice and mean was taken. Same procedure was followed for right and left first molar. Results; The data proved that maximum bite force was more in young males than in young females. Also bite force tends to decrease as age progresses. Conclusion; Bite force is more in young males than in young females. Also bite force on the right molars was similar to left molars..
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Abstract: Background: Globally, road traffic accident is the most common cause of traumatic spinal cord injury. On the Jos Plateau, mining is emerging as an important cause of traumatic spinal cord injury. The disability and complications that follow traumatic spinal cord injury are distressing to the patients and to the medical community as a whole. Spinal cord injury from mining adds more burden to our already overstretched health care system that is struggling to provide basic and specialized health care to the populace. The management of spinal cord injury requires highly specialized care and with the dearth of Specialist to manage this condition, the outcome may become adversely affected. The aim of the study was to study the characteristics of the patients sustaining this type of injury and then measure the outcome of management at our facility. Materials and Method: Data was obtained......
Key words : Spinal cord injury, Tin mining, Jos Plateau, trauma
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multiple Supplemental Supernumerary Premolars- A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Captain Azhar Khan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2006011014 ![]() |
Abstract: Supernumerary teeth are the teeth that are present in addition to the normal set of teeth. They can be present in any region of the oral cavity be it maxilla or mandible and anterior or posterior region. Their occurrence is more in male compared to the females. Their may be a few complications with the supernumerary teeth like crowding, root resorption of adjacent tooth, midline diastema etc. Not every time they can be the cause of some inconvenience but sometimes they are and for that they have to be kept under observation. When we talk about treatment there is no set guideline. We can go for extraction if they are causing some problem but if they are not then extraction can be avoided and tooth can be kept under observation. Case report talks about the supernumerary premolars and their management as they are fully developed and erupted into the oral cavity.
Keywords: Supernumerary teeth, Extra premolar, Supplemental premolars, Non syndromic supernumerary.
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[5]. Garvey MT, Barry HJ, Blake MB. Supernumerary Teeth -An Overview of Classification, Diagnosis and Management. J Can Dent Assoc 1999; 65:612-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study of Hematological Parameters in Covid-19 Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.M.A. Sameer || Dr.Sabah Nausheen |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2006011519 ![]() |
Abstract: Background:SARS-CoV-2, the causative agent of coronavirus disease 19 (COVID-19), was identified in Wuhan, China Since its first description, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), formerly known as 2019-nCoV, has attracted tremendous attention in a short period of time as the death toll and number of confirmed cases grows unceasingly. Routine examinations include complete blood count, coagulation profile, and serum biochemical test. Complete blood count is the most available, efficient and economic examination.
Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study done in department of pathology. Peripheral blood parameters, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR) and platelet count were studied in patients with confirmed COVID-19 infection .......
Keywords: COVID-19, complete blood count, Neutrophil/ lymphocyte ratio, platelet count
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Abstract: Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate retention practices commonly employed by orthodontists. The objectives were to identify the types of retainer frequently used and to investigate the variations in retention practice. Methods: A total of 100 orthodontists were randomly selected, and a questionnaire consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions sent to them by mail. Upon receiving of the completed questionnaires, the data were statistically analyzed. Results: A total of 95 responses were received; among these, 59.4% of orthodontists' practiced is in a government setting and 40.6% were in private......
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[5]. Wong PM, Freer TJ. A comprehensive survey of retention procedures in Australia and New Zealand. Aust Orthod J 2004;20:99-106..
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Abstract: Purpose : Noonan Syndrome is a genetic condition inherited in an autosomally dominant manner ,characterised by short stature , facial abnormalities , congenital heart disease , urogenital malformations , ocular features and mild developmental delay and the somatic features of Turner's syndrome , but a normal karyotype.(1) Above 95% of patients have some ocular abnormalities presenting with downward slanting lid fissures , hypertelorism , epicanthal folds , ptosis , strabismus , amblyopia , optiv nerve abnormalities , cataracts and pan uveitis.(1,2) A 14-year old patient suspected of having NS presented with complaints of watering in right eye since birth.
KEYWORDS: Noonan syndrome , eye signs
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Abstract: Purpose - To study the ophthalmic manifestations in childrens presenting with Down syndrome. Methods- This was a prospective observational study that involved 30 eyes of 15 childrens of Down syndrome presenting with low visual acuity, strabismus, nystagmus, blephritis, large epicanthal folds, nasolacrimal duct obstruction , etc. Results-There were 9 males and 6 females and the age group taken was 1 to 10 years. Most common presentation in down syndrome patients is low visual acuity ( <6/18 ) in 74% patients followed by strabismus in 68 % patients , nystagmus......
KEYWORDS: down syndrome, low visual acuity, strabismus ,myopia
[1]. Malt EA, Dahl RC, Haugsand TM, et al. Health and disease in adults with Down syndrome. Tidsskr den Nor Laegeforening 2013;133:290–294.
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Abstract: Background and objectives: Pre-labour Rupture of Membranes (PROM) is an enigmatic condition associated with high risk of maternal and Perinatal Morbidity and Mortality. The function of the amniotic fluid is mainly protective. It assists in maintaining an even temperature, acts as a buffer against external injuries checks the ascending infections, and during labour, acts as a dilating wedge in the cervix, so long as the amnion remainsintact. This occurs in 5-20% of all labours. The membranes may rupture either at term (> 37 weeks) when it is called term PROM or before 37 weeks of gestation when it is referred to as preterm PROM (PPROM). PROM is one of the most common clinical problem where a normal pregnancy can turn into a high risk situation. A careful consideration.....
Keywords: PROM, Maternal outcome, Perinatal outcome
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Abstract: Covid-19 (coronavirus disease- 19) is a principal health emergency the world is facing. The viral disease is caused by SARSCOV 2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus -2). As of May 28th 2021, World Health Organization (WHO) reported 168,040,871 confirmed cases and 3,494,758 deaths. Likewise, in India WHO reported 27,369,093 confirmed cases and 315,235 deaths. During the first wave, WHO observed that, by March 2020, the Case Fatality Rate (CFR) in Wuhan was up to 5.05% in contrast, outside Hubei was 0.98%. While in India, the CFR during the first wave was 2.49%(6) which slided to 1.14%(7) during the second wave. Thus, maintaining the dignity of dead is of utmost importance while disposing the deceased. This article intends to put light.....
Keywords: Coronavirus, Covid-19, Case Fatality rate, Dignity of Dead, CFR, pandemic
[1]. Vidua RK, Duskova I, Bhargava DC, Chouksey VK, Pramanik P. Dead body management amidst global pandemic of Covid-19. Med Leg J. 2020 Jul 1;88(2):80–3.
[2]. Xu S, Li Y. Beware of the second wave of COVID-19. The Lancet. 2020 Apr 8;395(10233):1321–2.
[3]. Fineschi V, Aprile A, Aquila I, Arcangeli M, Asmundo A, Bacci M, et al. Management of the corpse with suspect, probable or confirmed COVID-19 respiratory infection - Italian interim recommendations for personnel potentially exposed to material from corpses, including body fluids, in morgue structures and during autopsy practice. Pathologica. 2020 Jun;112(2):64–77.
[4]. Finegan O, Fonseca S, Guyomarc'h P, Morcillo Mendez MD, Rodriguez Gonzalez J, Tidball-Binz M, et al. International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC): General guidance for the management of the dead related to COVID-19. Forensic Science International: Synergy. 2020 Jan 1;2:129–37.
[5]. WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) [Internet]. 2021 [cited 2021 May 28]. Available from: https://covid19.who.int
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Abstract: Titanium implant surfaces have been modified in various ways to improve biocompatibility and accelerate osseointegration, which results in a shorter edentulous period for a patient. This article reviewed some important modified titanium surfaces. Several methods are widely used to modify the topography or chemistry of titanium surface, including blasting, acid etching, anodic oxidation, fluoride treatment, and calcium phosphate coating. Such modified surfaces demonstrate faster and stronger osseointegration than the turned commercially pure titanium surface. Past literature has revealed most of the surface treatments able to brings a good effect to the dental implants.
Keywords: Titanium implants ,osseointegration, surface modification, biocompatiblity, corrosion resistance
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Abstract: Background: Anterior cervical fusion surgeries are viable surgical options for treating many lesions that involve the ventral part of the neck. It can come in the form of anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) or anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion (ACCF) with or without the use of plates and screws. These procedures achieve sufficient decompression of the spinal cord and the nerve roots and also the stabilization of the spine. The objective of this study is to determine the characteristics of cervical spine/spinal cord injuries and the outcome of cervical fusion surgeries in terms of neurological improvements and survival rates. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective review of all consecutive patients presenting to our hospital with cervical spinal injuries requiring surgical decompression and fusion from January 2012 to December 2020. The vertebral level of injury and presence.....
Keywords: Trauma, cervical, spinal cord, contusion, complete injury
[1]. Prabhat V, Boruah T, Lal H, Kumar R, Dagar A, Sahu H. Management of post-traumatic neglected cervical facet dislocation. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2017 Apr 1;8(2):125–30.
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[3]. Berlowitz DJ, Wadsworth B, Ross J. Respiratory problems and management in people with spinal cord injury. Breathe. 2016;12(4):328–40.
[4]. Nandoe Tewarie RDS, Bartels RHMA, Peul WC. Long-term outcome after anterior cervical discectomy without fusion. Eur Spine J. 2007;16(9):1411–6.
[5]. Zadegan SA, Jazayeri SB, Abedi A, Bonaki HN, Vaccaro AR, Rahimi-Movaghar V. Corticosteroid Administration to Prevent Complications of Anterior Cervical Spine Fusion: A Systematic Review. Global Spine Journal. 2018; 8: 286–302.
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Abstract: Background:The feed treatment from substitution of Arabica coffee flour, which is rich of dietary fiber, is potential to have glycemic response and physiological effect in reducing blood glucose level on hyperglycemia rats. Objectives of the research were to find out glycemic response and physiological effect of feed treatment from substitution of Arabica coffee flour on Wistar rats, which was conditioned to have hyperglycemia in reducing blood glucose level. Materials and Methods: The research was experimental laboratory using 30 male rats of Wistar strain, which was divided into 5 treatments, as follow: 2 control groups (K0 normal and K0 positive diabetes) and 3 feed treatment groups with diabetic rats (K1, K2, K3). The feed is given by dose of 15 g/day. Application of the feed is modification of standard feed AIN93....
Keywords: Glycemic response, Arabica coffee flour, Dietary fiber, Pancreatic beta-cell, Insulin receptor
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