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Abstract: Introduction : Morbidly adherent placenta is the condition when there is an abnormal invasion of the placenta into the uterine wall. Morbid adhesion of placenta is associated with severe morbidity as it often requires increased operative intervention Objective: to evaluate the incidence,demographic profile, associated risk factors, feto-maternal outcome and management options so that this life threatening condition can be anticipated and dealt properly at the time of delivery.......
Keywords: Pregnancy,Female,Incidence,Tertiary Care Centers,Placenta, Morbidity
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Abstract: Background- To study the ABO blood group discrepancy in patient healthy voluntary blood donors at SMS medical college jaipur Methods- This is an observational, descriptive study of ABO blood group discrepancy in patients requiring blood transfusion and healthy donors at Department of immunohaematology and transfusion medicine SMS medical college, Jaipur from 1st august 2019 to 30 march 2020 till the designed sample size is achieved after approval from institutional ethical.......
Keywords: ABO, Discrepancies, RH.
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Abstract: Background- To study the ABO blood group discrepancy in patients at SMS medical college jaipur Methods- This is an observational, descriptive study of ABO blood group discrepancy in patients requiring blood transfusion and healthy donors at Department of immunohaematology and transfusion medicine SMS medical college, Jaipur from 1st august 2019 to 30 march 2020 till the designed sample size is achieved after approval from institutional ethical committee and research review board. Results-During the period of study maximum discrepancies were obtained in the month of January (8 out of 35). Conclusion- The study on analysis of ABO discrepancies showed the incidence in donor population as 35 out of 38511 (0.09%).
Keywords: ABO, Discrepancies, RH, Disease
[1]. Dr. R.N.Makroo. ABO Blood group system. Compendium of Transfusion Medicine. 1st edition. New Delhi, Alps Printers. 1999: 28-32.
[2]. Olsson M L et al. Genomic analysis of clinical samples with serologicABO blood grouping discrepancies.Blood2001;98(5):1585-1593.
[3]. Chiaroni J, Legrand D, DettoriI, Ferrera V. Analysis of ABO discrepancies occurring in 35 French hospitals. Transfusion 2004;44(6):860-4.
[4]. Cho d et al. Chimerism and mosaicism are the important causes of ABO phenotype and genotype discrepancies.Immunohematology2006;22(4):183-7.
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Abstract: Background- To study ABO discrepancies observed in healthy voluntary blood donors and patient requiring blood transfusion using serological workup at SMS hospital jaipur. Methods- This is an observational, descriptive study of ABO blood group discrepancy in patients requiring blood transfusion and healthy donors at Department of immunohaematology and transfusion medicine SMS medical college, Jaipur from 1st august 2019 to 30 march 2020 till the designed sample size is achieved after approval from institutional ethical committee and research review......
Keywords: ABO, Discrepancies, RH, Disease
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Abstract: Background: Placental abruption is defined as the complete or partial separation of the placenta before delivery is one of the leading causes of vaginal bleeding in the second half of pregnancy. Approximately 10% of all preterm births and up to one third of all perinatal deaths are caused by placental abruption. The present study was planned to review the problem of abruption placentae as it presents clinically and to study the clinicopathological correlation as it relates to the maternal and perinatal outcome.
Materials & Methods: Study.......
Keywords: Abruptio placentae, Maternal and perinatal outcome, clinical profile.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Paediatric Oncological Surprises - A Case Series – An Institutional Experience |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K Srinivasan || T Karthikeyan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2006092023 ![]() |
Abstract: Aims: To study the uncommon presentations of common tumours at uncommon sites in the department of paediatric surgery, Coimbatore medical college hospital Materials: Prospective study for one year from 2016 to 2017.The mode of presentation, clinical features, treatment and follow up were noted in these cases. Results: There were three cases in this series. One 3year old female child presented with florid grape like lesions in the vagina and urinary retention owing to the tumour pressure on the bladder had elevated Serum AFP level, MRI revealed extensive pelvic sidewall infiltrate and histopathology revealed an extragonadal yolk sac tumour of vagina......
Key words; Yolk sac tumour, Wilms tumour, Rhabdomyosarcoma
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Abstract: Paraneoplastic neurological syndrome encompasses several neurological disorders including paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration (PCD) caused by an immune-mediated mechanism in patients with an underlying malignancy. We report a case of a 47 year old female paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration with breast carcinoma. She presented with Symmetrical progressive chronic limb and gait ataxia of cerebellar type. Relevant investigations including genetic analysis to exclude primary cerebellar pathology were done which didnt give any clue. Systemic examination revealed hard right breast mass which was subsequently confirmed as breast carcinoma and paraneoplastic cerebellar dysfunction was confirmed by positive anti–yo antibodies in the serum. So its important to include to paraneoplastic cerebellar dysfuntion as an important differential diagnosis in subacute to chronic cerebellar dysfuntion......
[1]. Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration associated with breast cancer: A case report and review of the literatureMol Clin Oncol. 2018 Aug; 9(2): 163–167.
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[3]. Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration associated with serous adenocarcinoma of the ovary Duaa B Saeed and Limci Gupta
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Abstract: A 5 year old female child presented with multiple brief (10-15 sec) frightening episodes 5 months duration without any impairment of consciousness or other stigmata of seizures. Her neurologic and psychiatric examination were normal. EEG was found to be normal. MRI revealed T2 and FLAIR hyperintensities in posterior pons, mid brain, bilateral cerebral peduncles, medial thalami, b/l caudate nuclei and left optic tract. No enhancement on contrast was noted. CSF analysis was found to be normal. The anatomical distribution of lesions allowed us to hypothesise that the frightening episodes are due to unreal visual hallucinations which are due to ARAS dysfunction leading to release phenomena. She was treated with IV steroids and has shown remarkable improvement......
Key Words: Frightening episodes, brain stem hyperintensities, visual hallucinations, ARAS.
[1]. Visual Hallucinations and Pontine Demyelination in a Child: Possible REM Dissociation? J Clin Sleep Med. 2008 Dec 15; 4(6): 588–590
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Abstract: Background: There are variations in the global, regional and local distributions of the histopathological types of brain tumour. A national brain cancer registry is necessary to document various types of brain tumours seen in various individual centres that deal with the management of brain tumours. This study aims to provide information about the various types of brain tumours presenting to our facilities.
Methods: This is a retrospective descriptive study of all consecutive patients with brain tumour presenting to the Jos University Teaching Hospital and who had surgical excision of the tumour either partly or as a whole between January 2012 and December......
Key words: Brain tumours, Histopathology, Jos, meningiomas, gliomas
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Abstract: Aim: This study was aimed to measure serum ferritin and correlate it with HRCT score in diagnosed cases of COVID-19 patients with pneumonia. Study Design: An observational study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Biochemistry, Sheikh Bhikhari Medical College and Hospital, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, between 28th April 2021 and 27th May 2021. Methodology: We included 126 patients (74 men, 42 women; age range 18-99 years) with documented COVID-19 were reviewed. All patients underwent RT-PCR tests and had a non-contrast HRCT scan done at presentation. Estimation of serum ferritin was analyzed by using chemiluminescence method. The subjects were......
Keyword: COVID-19, Serum ferritin, HRCT score, Correlation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clinical Study of 100 Cases of Traumatic Cataract |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Anandalakshmi.R || Dr Pratheeba.M || Dr. Kalpana.P |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2006094347 ![]() |
Abstract: Ocular Trauma is common in an agricultural & industrial area like Kancheepuram. One of the most common presentation of ocular trauma is traumatic cataract . It remains a significant cause of visual disability in the productive age group. Aim: To analyse the incidence of traumatic cataract in various age groups, the nature and characteristics of trauma in traumatic cataract, the operative and post operative complications, and to assess the visual prognosis of traumatic cataract Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was carried on 100 patients who had traumatic cataract and diminished vision. Complete.....
Key Word: Cataract, Trauma, Phacoemulsification, Subluxation.
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Abstract: Obesity is an increasing worldwide health problem, which linked to many health consequences as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and male infertility. Obesity is associated with low testosterone levels in men. Several mechanisms are involved in decreasing testosterone levels in obese men such as dyslipidemia, inflammation, oxidative stress and low adiponectin levels. Adiponectin, an adipokine secreted from adipose tissue and its level is decreased in obese subjects. It may play a role in decreasing testosterone levels in obese subjects. This review article, discusses causes of low testosterone levels associated with obesity, causes of decreased adiponectin levels in obesity and its association to testosterone.
Key Word: Obesity; testosterone; adiponectin
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Abstract: Background: The central corneal thickness is a sensitive indicator of health of cornea and serves as an index for corneal hydration and metabolism. It is also important indicator of health of cornea and serves as an index for corneal hydration and metabolism. Aim & Objective: Aim of this study is to find the impact of diabetes mellitus on central corneal thickness in relation to the duration of the disease and glycaemic control in patients presenting to MBS Hospital, Kota. MATERIAL & METHODS: - Observational.......
Keyword: Diabetes mellitus, Central corneal thickness, Anterior segment OCT
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Abstract: .....