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Abstract: Introduction : l'ankylose temporo-mandibulaire expose à des séquelles dysmorphiques par trouble de la croissance mandibulaire et maxillaire. La chirurgie orthognatique constitue le traitement classique des asymétries séquellaires de l'ankylose temporo mandibulaire unilatérale. Le but est de gagner en hauteur au niveau du maxillaire et d'allonger l'hémi-mandibule atrophiée dans le sens vertical et transversal, assurant un engrènement satisfaisant..........
Keywords: Ankylose, articulation temporo-mandibulaire, constriction, distraction, chirurgie orthognatique
[1]. Deffez JP, Ferkadjki I, Brethaux AJ, Chauve J, Gross D, Julhes L, et al. Naissance d'une ankylose temporo-mandibulaire posttraumatique. Essai de systématisation des lésions anatomopathologiques. Rev Stomatol Chir Maxillofac 1992;93:231-5.
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Abstract: Introduction: Surgical site infection (SSI) is one of the most common health-care–associated infections, with 15%–25% incidence in abdominal surgery depending on the level of contamination. Advanced age, poor nutritional status, increased body mass index (BMI), smoking, remote infections, metabolic idease, malnutrition, and administration of immunosuppressive medication are amongst the most common patient-related risk factors for the occurrence of SSI. Materials and Methods:This prospective study was conducted in Surgery department of tertiary care hospital of Gujarat among 140 patients underwent abdominal surgeries. All factors related to SSI were recorded in the data collection sheet..........
Keywords- Abdominal surgery, anaemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity, surgical site infection
[1]. Horan TC, Andrus M, Dudeck MA. CDC/NHSN surveillance definition of health care-associated infection and criteria for specific types of infections in the acute care setting. Am J Infect Control 2008; 36309-32
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cerulean Cataract in a Female Home Maker |
Country | : | India |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2201101415 ![]() |
Abstract: We report a rare case of cerulean cataract or blue dot cataract in a female home maker who came to our out patient department with chief complaints of diminution of vision in the right eye for distant objects since 2 years and with history headache since past 6 months. Cerulean cataracts are a rare form of cataract characterized by blue and white opacifications scattered in the nucleus and cortex of the lens. On diffuse slit lamp examination, it showed multiple white dot opacities present in the periphery of the cortex of lens suggestive of blue dot cataract. Progression of cerulean cataracts is slow and often result in posterior subcapsular opacification that requires lens extraction in adults. Hence observation and follow up is required in this patient.
Key Words: Cerulean cataract , Blue dot cataract, young female
[1]. Litt M, Carrero-Valenzuela R, LaMorticella DM, et al. Autosomal dominant cerulean cataract is associated with a chain termination mutation in the human beta-crystallin gene CRYBB2. Hum Mol Genet 1997;6:665–8.
[2]. Armitage MM, Kivlin JD, Ferrell RE. A progressive early onset cataract gene maps to human chromosome 17q24. Nat Genet 1995;9:37–40.
[3]. Xiao X, Li W, Wang P, et al. Cerulean cataract mapped to 12q13 and associated with a novel initiation codon mutation in MIP. Mol Vis 2011;17:2049–55.
[4]. Provencher LM, Critser B, Johnson AT. Cerulean cataract. JAMA Ophthalmol 2018;136:e183150
[5]. Kumawat D, Jayaraman N, Sahay P, Chandra P (2019) Multicoloured lenticular opacities in a case of cerulean cataract. BMJ Case Rep 12 :e230167.
[6]. Ram J, Singh A (2019) Cerulean cataract. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine. 112: 699.
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Abstract: Introduction: Despite advances in diagnosis, management and critical care of patients with peritonitis due to hollow viscus perforation, prognosis remains poor. Early assessment by scoring systems will influence the management and prognosis. This study was done with aim to evaluation of Mannheim Peritonitis Index (MPI) score for predicting the outcome in patients with peritonitis. Materials & Methods: Analyzing the case files of all the 108 operated cases of peritonitis due to hollow viscus perforation over the 3 years in the surgical department. A total number of 108 cases were studied. The structured scoring system i.e. MPI was applied along with other clinical and biochemical parameters available in indoor case records retrieved from the record section.Data was analyzed for predicting using EPI info and SPSS software........
Key Words: Peritonitis, MPI- Mannheim peritonitis index, scoring
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | DR. K.P.Ramakrishnan || Dr. Chintha Sanjeevakumari || Dr. Bukya Sheela |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2201102023 ![]() |
Abstract: Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular tumor of childhood .Extraocular retinoblastoma is rarely encountered in developing countries as the patients tend to come in advanced stages, we encounter retinoblastoma in the last stages.(1).Adjuvant radiotherapy and chemotherapy are frequently considered for high risk cases in order to decrease the risk of extraocular relapse; however, current evidence has mostly been derived from relatively small retrospective or prospective studies with nonuniform inclusion criteria and treatment protocols.Optimal therapeutic strategies for extraocular retinoblastoma have not yet been defined and prognosis continues to be dismal in most cases. Extraocular relapses and cerebrospinal metastasis represent a therapeutic challenge as they are often associated with poor outcomes despite ag aggressive measures (3). However, outcomes have improved in recent years with aggressive and novel treatment approaches
[1]. Shields, C. A., Shields, J. A. Diagnosis and Management of Retinoblastoma. Cancer Control 11, 317-327 (2004).
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[3]. Jubran, R. F., Erdreich-Epstein, A., Butturini, A., Murphree, A. L.,Villablanca, J. G. Approaches to Treatment for Extraocular Retinoblastoma: Children's Hospital Los Angeles Experience. J. Pediatr.Hematol. Oncol. 26, 31-34 (2004).
[4]. Khelfaoui, F., Validire, P., Auperin, A., Quintana, E., Michon, J.,Pacquement, H., Desjardins, L., Asselain, B., Schlienger, P., Vielh, P.et al. Histopathologic Risk Factors in Retinoblastoma. A Retrospective Study of 172 Patients Treated in a Single Institution. Cancer 77,1206-1213 (1996).
[5]. Pratt, C. B., Kun, L. E. Response of Orbital and Central Nervous System Metastasis of Retinoblastoma Following Treatment with Cyclophosphamide/Doxorubicin. Pediatr. Hematol. Oncol. 4, 125-130 (1987).
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Abstract: Background: knowledge of the blood group systems distribution in a pregnant population in a locality would ensure a better blood bank management and support to the pregnant population when haemorrhage occurs, be it ante-partum, intra-partum or post-partum. This would remarkably reduce the undesired consequences of post-partum haemorrhage secondary to a deficient blood bank blood supply. Post partum haemorrhage is listed as the commonest cause of maternal mortality or second to hypertensive disorders of pregnancy. Therefore an effective measure of preventing the hazardous consequences of the condition is effective blood bank support services whereby the bank was stocked with significant quantity of blood with popular and commoner groups. Aim: The study was undertaken to establish the distribution of ABO and Rh (D) blood group systems among antenatal attendees at our facility..........
Keywords: Blood group, Pregnancy, Antenatal attendees, Booking, RSUTH
[1]. Farhud DD, Zarif Yeganeh M. A brief history of human blood. Iranian J Publ Health, vol. 42, No. 1, Jan 2013, pp. 1-6
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[3]. Sigamani K, Gajulapalli S. An insight into the distribution of allele frequency of ABO and Rh (D) blood grouping system among blood donors in a tertiary care hospital in Chengalpatu district of South India. Cureus 2022;14(4): e24207. DOI 10.7759/cureus.24207
[4]. Anifowoshe AT, Owolodun OA, Akinseye KM, Iyiola OA and Oyeyemi BF. Gene frequencies of ABO and Rh blood groups in Nigeria: A review. Egypt J Med Hum Genet, 2016;18:205-10 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.emjhg.2016.10.004
[5]. Harbison Corey. 'ABO blood type identification and forensic science (1900 – 1960)' Embryo project encyclopedia (2016-06-02). ISSN:1940 – 5030; http://embryo.asu.edu/handle/10776/11341
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Abstract: Objectives: to find the relation between the signal abnormalities on cervical spine MRI and the clini-cal manifestations of myelopathy in patients with cervical spondylosis. Materials and Methods:our cross-sectional study included 50 patients with symptoms of cervical pain and radiculopathy,assessed by the JOA for the clinical degree of cervical cord myelopathy and 1.5T MRI conventional imaging &sagittal EPI-DTI. Results: The FA value was significantly lower at cord compression/indentation level (0.44±0.083) with p<0.001, while ADC value was significantly higher at cervical cord indentation level (1.22±0.14) with p<0.001. FA value < 0.445 had a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 89% in di-agnosing patients with myelopathy as significantly decreased FA than normal......
Keywords: myelopathy, cervical, MRI, DTI, FA, ADC.
[1]. Fehlings MG, Tetreault LA, Wilson JR, Skelly AC. Cervical Spondylotic Myelopathy: Current State of the Art and Future Directions. Spine. 2013;38(22S).
[2]. Koyanagi I. Options of Management of the Patient with Mild Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy. Neurosurg Clin N Am. 2018;29(1):139-44.
[3]. Wada E, Ohmura M, Yonenobu K. Intramedullary changes of the spinal cord in cervical spondylotic myelopathy. Spine. 1995;20(20):2226-32.
[4]. Yagi M, Ninomiya K, Kihara M, Horiuchi Y. Long-term surgical outcome and risk factors in patients with cervical myelopathy and a change in signal intensity of intramedullary spinal cord on magnetic resonance imaging: Clinical article Journal of Neurosurgery: Spine SPI. 2010;12(1):59-65.
[5]. Song T, Chen WJ, Yang B, Zhao HP, Huang JW, Cai MJ, et al. Diffusion tensor imaging in the cervical spinal cord. European Spine Journal. 2011;20(3):422–8.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Dermatophytosis is a superficial fungal infection occurring in almost 25% of world population. It is usually seen in countries with relatively more humidity and temperature. Different terms are given based on areas affected like Tinea Corporis(body), Tinea Cruris (groin) , Tinea Mannum(hand) , Tinea Barbae( beard area), Tinea Pedis( foot) , tinea capitis (scalp), Tinea Faciei(face) , Tinea Unguium (nail). MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a randomized open ,comparative and prospective study conducted from march 2022 to august 2022 in department of dermatology, venereology and leprosy at PES Institute of Medical Science and Research, Kuppam.......
Key Word: Tinea cruris , Tinea corporis , Luliconazole , Sertaconazole.
[1]. Emmons CW, Binford CH, Utz JP, Kwon-Chung KJ. Dermatophytoses. Medical mycology. 1977;3:117-64. [2]. Weitzman I, Summerbell RC. The dermatophytes. Clinical microbiology reviews. 1995 Apr;8(2):240-59. [3]. Das K, Basak S, Ray S. A study on superficial fungal infection from West Bengal: A brief report. Journal of Life Sciences. 2009 Jul 1;1(1):51-5. [4]. Sharma A, Saple DG, Surjushe A, Rao GR, Kura M, Ghosh S, Bolmall C, Baliga V. Efficacy and tolerability of sertaconazole nitrate 2% cream vs. miconazole in patients with cutaneous dermatophytosis. Mycoses. 2011 May;54(3):217-22. [5]. Van Esso D, Fajo G, Losada I, Vilallonga M, Casanovas JM, Clanxet J, Aliaga A. Sertaconazole in the treatment of pediatric patients with cutaneous dermatophyte infections. Clinical therapeutics. 1995 Mar 1;17(2):264-9.
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Abstract: In orthopaedic procedures, prosthesis replacement and implant surgery are frequently used to successfully reduce pain and increase joint mobility. The length of the patient's hospital stay prior to surgery, the type and length of the surgical operation, the type of anaesthesia, the patient's preoperative skin preparation, the use of implants and drains, and the postoperative wound care are all factors that affect the risk of developing SSI. It's crucial to identify these characteristics in order to design SSI prevention strategies(1).
Key Word: Surgical Site Infection, Orthopedic surgery, Implant infection, Microbiological profile
[1]. Fernandes A. The Microbiological Profiles of Infected Prosthetic Implants with an Emphasis on the Organisms which Form Biofilms. JCDR [Internet]. 2013 [cited 2023 Jan 20]; Available from: http://www.jcdr.net/article_fulltext.asp?issn=0973-709x&year=2013&volume=7&issue=2&page=219&issn=0973-709x&id=2732
[2]. Mukherjee S, Mukherjee J, Kumar S, Misra S, Bhatta R, Sengupta M. A study to evaluate the pattern of microorganisms causing early post-operative wound infection in patients undergoing orthopaedic surgery with implant for closed fracture or disease in medical college and hospital, Kolkata. International Journal of Research in Orthopaedics. 2020 Oct 22;6(6):1204–9.
[3]. Anusha S, Ld V, Pallavi K, Manna PK, Mohanta G, Manavalan R. An Epidemiological Study of Surgical Wound Infections in a Surgical unit of Tertiary care Teaching Hospital. Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2023 Jan 20]; Available from: https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/An-Epidemiological-Study-of-Surgical-Wound-in-a-of-Anusha-Ld/70c778c5bd3ce40526d1c9bddd705a86f9549145
[4]. Mawalla B, Mshana SE, Chalya PL, Imirzalioglu C, Mahalu W. Predictors of surgical site infections among patients undergoing major surgery at Bugando Medical Centre in Northwestern Tanzania. BMC Surg. 2011 Aug 31;11:21.
[5]. Kochhal N, Mudey GD, Choudhari SZ. A study of clinico-microbiological profile of surgical site infections in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Advances in Medicine. 2019 Mar 25;6(2):324–9.
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Abstract: Background: Acrochordons, also known as skin tags are common, pedunculated or sessile, soft, benign skin tumors most commonly seen on neck, axilla, groin. Usually, acrochordons are given little importance in dermatological literature as they considered as having minimal consequence, but in recent days, many reports in theliterature have been found showing the association of acrochordons with obesity, dyslipidemia and diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study, conducted from March 2022 to August 2022 at PES Institute of Medical Sciences And Research, Kuppam. 60 patients with acrochordons who met the inclusion criteria were included in study. BMI was calculated and fasting serum lipid levels were estimated using enzymatic methods........
Key Word: Acrochordon, skin tags, BMI, Fasting lipid profile
[1]. Rasi A, Soltani‐Arabshahi R, Shahbazi N. Skin tag as a cutaneous marker for impaired carbohydrate metabolism: a case–control study. International journal of dermatology. 2007 Nov;46(11):1155-9. [2]. Kutzner HH, Kamino H, Reddy VB, Pui J. Fibrous and fibrohistiocytic proliferations of the skin and tendons. Bolognia, Jean., Jorizzo, Joseph L., Julie. 2018;4:2068-9. [3]. Idris S, Sunitha S. Assessment of BMI, serum leptin levels and lipid profile in patients with skin tags. Journal of clinical and diagnostic research: JCDR. 2014 Sep;8(9):CC01. [4]. Agarwal JK, Nigam PK. Acrochordon: a cutaneous sign of carbohydrate intolerance. Australasian journal of dermatology. 1987 Dec;28(3):132-3. [5]. Thappa DM. Skin tags as markers of diabetes mellitus: an epidemiological study in India. The Journal of dermatology. 1995 Oct;22(10):729-31.
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Abstract: Background- Dengue is endemic and highly prevalent in tropical and sub-tropical countries including India and can cause significant mortality and morbidity.Clinical presentation of dengue virus infection varies from no symptoms to severe dengue with shock. It is the most rapidly spreading vector borne disease in the world, nearly 100 million cases of Dengue fever and between 250,000 and 500,000 cases of severe dengue are annually reported.In this observational study, data of clinical characteristics, blood counts, biochemical parameters, severity of disease and complications were recorded during entire hospital stay till discharge in a cohort of admitted patients. Complications occurred during the hospital stay were addressed and managed. Incidence of common complications were noted for monitoring in future with respect to similar cases........
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Noval corona virus 19 pandemic had various impacts on day to day life of people. Knowledge about it created awareness among them. COVID 19 has more psychological impact than the clinical. Hence, assessment of knowledge & attitude about the pandemic had to be assessed. Precautions which have to be taken play an important role in preventing the infection to some extent in day to day practice. AIM & OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to assess awareness of COVID 19 in pregnant women in pandemic. Also,to study the knowledge about symptoms, methods of precaution & measures taken by them to prevent infection.......
Keywords: COVID-19, Pregnant women, Knowledge, Awareness, Preventives measures, Breastfeeding.
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[4]. Priyanka Samji, et al, Effect of COVID-19 on pregnancy and childbirth, Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology Research, 2020;7(2):296-299.
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