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Abstract: Background:Incidence of surgical site infection after cesarean section worldwide is between 3-15% .Globally there is increase in incidence of cesarean delivery and simultaneously occurance of SSI.In this studywe have analysed the incidence, risk factors and common bacterial pathogen and their sensitivity pattern in SSI following LSCS at tertiary care centre. Materials and Methods :A retrospective study was conducted for patients who developed surgical site infection after LSCS from August 2021to October 2022 at Obstetrics and Gynaecology department,MGM Medical College and Hospital,Aurangabad........
Keywords: Surgical site infection, LSCS, Antibiotics sensitivity, Micro-organisms
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Abstract: Introduction: World Health Organization (WHO) states that comprehensive education about sexuality has a central role in preparing young people for safe, productive, and fulfilling lives in a world where Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancy, gender-based violence and gender inequality still pose a serious risk to well-being. Lack of knowledge and awareness as well as false perceptions of health care-workers could be the contributing factor towards malpractice of contraception in society. Therefore, this study was aimed to assess the knowledge, awareness and perception among nursing students.....
Keywords: Nursing, Contraceptive
[1]. Herat, J.; Plesons, M.; Castle, C.; Babb, J.; Chandra-Mouli, V. The revised international technical guidance on sexuality education—A powerful tool at an important crossroads for sexuality education. Reprod. Health 2018, 15, 185.
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[5]. Santos, M.J.D.O.; Ferreira, M.; Duarte, J. Risk factors that influence sexual and reproductive health in Portuguese university students. Int. Nurs. Rev. 2017, 65, 225–233.
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Abstract: Background: Anal fistula is the commonest ailments seen by anorectal surgeons with many diagnostic and management related challenges even today. Pain and discharge associated with fistula hampers the Qulaity of life of patients also. Objective: To investigate clinical presentation, various diagnostic approaches and treatment modalities for anal fistula. Methodology: In this prospective study, 60 patients of anal fistula were enrolled and their demographic and clinical data, laboratory and radiological investigations like Endocanalulstrasonography (EUS), MRI were recorded. Various surgical procedures performed as per the suitability of patients with follow-up till 1 year. Clinical features, type of surgery performed, usage of antibiotics and complications were recorded and analysed......
Keywords: Anal fistula, endcanalultrasonongraphy, fistulotomy, fistulectomy, simple anal fistula, comlex anal fistula
[1]. Vogel JD, Johnson EK, Morris AM, Paquette IM, Saclarides TJ, Feingold DL, Steele SR. Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Anorectal Abscess, Fistula-in-Ano, and Rectovaginal Fistula. Dis Colon Rectum. 2016;59:1117–1133.
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Abstract: Background: Disorders of the nose and paranasal sinuses can obstruct the eustachian tube and cause congestion, which can have an effect on the middle ear1. The mucosa of the eustachian tube may become inflamed as a result of infected sinus discharge, altering mucociliary clearance. Additionally, it may cause changes in middle ear pressure, raising the middle ear's threshold for sound conduction2. This study compared the impact of chronic rhinosinusitis on middle ear function over the previous 18 months in our institute. Materials and Methods: This is a prospective study carried out on 113 patients of the age group of 11 to 60 years coming to the Department of otorhinolaryngology, NIMS Medical College......
Keywords: Chronic Rhinosinusitis, Middle Ear Function, Eustachian tube dysfunction
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Abstract: Background: Lower gastrointestinal bleeding is a common indication for hospital admission. As patients experience persistent or recurrent bleeding requiring blood transfusions and interventions, such as colonoscopic, radiological, and surgical treatments. Objective: To study various pathologies related to lower GI bleeding with colonoscopy Methodology: A prospective observational study involving 100 patients of bleeding per rectum and undergone colonoscopy was carried out in gastroenterology department. Demographic data, presenting complaints, clinical examinations, blood and radiological investigations were carried out. Normally colonoscopy was performed after the cessation of bleeding and urgent colonoscopy was performed in cases of hemodynamically unstable patients as per requirement and findings were recorded and analysed......
Keywords: Lower Gastrointestinal bleeding, Colonoscopy, Duke's staging, colorectal carcinoma, diverticulitis, GI polyps
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Abstract: Background: Sinusitis is one of the leading health care problems nowadays, increasing in both incidence and prevalence. Various articles have been published regarding etiopathogenesis, microbiology, anatomical variations, and management aspects. This study was done in tertiary care center in north india to acess the prevalence of anatomical variations of ostiomeatal complex and its effect on chronic rhinosinusitis. Material and Method: 100 patients were examined from July 2021 to December 2022. After the patients were chosen, they had an endoscopic examination and a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses to evaluate them......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Nonspecific Orbital Inflammation (NSOI) – A Rare Presentation in Elderly |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Dipika Sainath || Dr. Anujeet Paul |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2201113840 ![]() |
Abstract: Nonspecific orbital inflammation (NSOI) is a benign inflammatory process of the orbit. NSOI is characterized by polymorphous lymphoid infiltrate with varying degrees of fibrosis, without any local or systemic cause. It is a diagnosis of exclusion and commonly observed in middle aged individuals. We report a case of an 82-year-old diabetic male with NSOI. Treatment with systemic prednisolone showed complete resolution. 6 months follow-up has shown no recurrence. This case is being presented since NSOI in elderly is a rarity.
Keywords: Orbital pseudotumor, NSOI, orbital cellulitis, elderly
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[4]. Stanciu M. Orbital Pseudotumor Can Mimic Graves' Ophthalmopathy. Acta Endocrinol Buchar. 2016;12(3):344–8.
[5]. Lee MJ, Planck SR, Choi D, Harrington CA, Wilson DJ, Dailey RA, et al. Non-specific orbital inflammation: Current understanding and unmet needs. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2021 Mar;81:100885.
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Abstract: Background : Uveitis is the third leading cause of legal blindness worldwide. Intermediate uveitis is the least frequent anatomical form (4 to 20% of all uveitis). They pose the problem of their etiological diagnosis requiring numerous and costly biological and radiological investigations that provide etiological diagnostic certainty in less than 30% of cases. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiological and etiological characteristics of intermediate uveitis through the experience of our structure........
Keywords: Intermediate uveitis, young adults, idiopathic origin, Behçet's disease, corticosteroid therapy.
[1]. Gritz DC, Wong IG. Incidence and prevalence of uveitis in Northern California. The Northern California Epidemiology of Uveitis Study Ophthalmology. 2004 ; 111(3) : 491- 500.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prevalence of Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy in Cirrhosis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Joeimon. J.L. || Dr. Premkumar.K. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2201114548 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: To study the prevalence of portal hypertensive gastropathy(PHG) in decompensated cirrhotic patients and its correlation with severity of the disease. Methods: 220 Decompensated cirrhotic patients who underwent upper GI endoscopy for first time were included in the study. Patients with previous endoscopic band ligation and sclerotherapy were excluded........
Keywords: Cirrhosis; Portal Hypertension; Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy
[1]. Primignani M, Carpinelli L, Preatoni P, et al. Natural history of portal hypertensive gastropathy in patients with liver cirrhosis. The New Italian Endoscopic Club for the study and treatment of esophageal varices (NIEC) Gastroenterology. 2000 Jul;119(1):181–187.
[2]. Menchen L, Ripoll C, Marin-Jimenez I, et al. Prevalence of portal hypertensive duodenopathy in cirrhosis: clinical and haemodynamic features. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 Jun;18(6):649–653.
[3]. Merli M, Nicolini G, Angeloni S, Gentili F, Attila AF, Reggie O. The natural history of portal hypertensive gastropathy in patients with liver cirrhosis and mild portal hypertension. Am J Gastroenterol.2004 Oct;99(10):1959–1965.
[4]. Higaki N, Matsui H, Imaoka H, et al. Characteristic endoscopic features of portal hypertensive enteropathy. J Gastroenterol. 2008;43:327–31. 5. Bini EJ, Lascarides CE, Micale PL, et al. Mucosal abnormalities of the colon in patients with portal hypertension: an endoscopic study. Gastrointest Endosc. 2000;52:511–6..
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Abstract: The presence of retinal myelinated nerve fibers is not a rare finding during routine examinations, and it is usually a benign and isolated finding. However, in some rare cases, it can be associated with other ophthalmological conditions. We describe a case of a patient with the triad of myelinated nerve fibers, myopia and amblyopia, which configures the Straatsma Syndrome.The originaldescription of the condition also included strabismus.Variations of the triad include a "reverse Straatsma syndrome", in which patient's exhibit hyperopia instead of myopia. Even though nystagmus and strabismus have not been prominently associated with Straatsma syndrome, either may be present as complimentary findings without precluding one from the diagnosis.......
Keywords: Straatsma syndrome,unilateral myelinated retinal nerve fibers, strabismus, amblyopia
[1]. Straatsma BR, Heckenlively JR, Foos RY, Shahinian JK. Myelinated retinal nerve fibers associated with ipsilateral myopia, amblyopia, and strabismus. Am J Ophthalmol. 1979;88:506-510.
[2]. Juhn AT, Houston SK, 3rd, Mehta S. Bilateral Straatsma syndrome with nystagmus. Retin Cases Brief Rep. 2015;9:198-200.
[3]. Tarabishy AB, Alexandrou TJ, Traboulsi EI. Syndrome of myelinated retinal nerve fibers, myopia, and amblyopia: a review. Surv Ophthalmol. 2007;52:588-596.
[4]. Vide-Escada A, Prior Filipe H. Unusual Straatsma Syndrome - How dogmatic is a bad prognosis? Am J Ophthalmol Case Rep. 2017;8:71-73.
[5]. Wang Y, Gonzalez C. Unilateral myelinated nerve fibers associated with hypertropia, strabismus and amblyopia? Reverse straatsma syndrome? Binocul Vis Strabismus Q. 2008;23:235-237
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impending Rupture of an Unscarred Gravid Bicornuate Uterus at Term |
Country | : | India |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2201115355 ![]() |
Abstract: Uterine rupture of an unscarred pregnant uterus is extremely a rare eventCases of spontaneous rupture of an unscarred bicornuate pregnant uterus have been reported.We report a case of a primi gravida at termgestation, a known case of bicornuate uterus in spontaneous labour . In view of fetal distress she was taken up for emergency cesareansection. Intraoperatively impending uterine rupture was noted in midway between the right and left horn with pregnancy in the left horn with an intact serosa covering and same was repaired . Early diagnosis and timely intervention can prevent catastrophic events..
Keywords: Bicornuate uterus, impending uterine rupture
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[3]. K OfirESheiner A Levy M Katz M Mazor uterine rupture : difference between a scarred and un scarred uterusAM J obstet Gynaecol20041912425429
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