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Abstract: L'inhalation des corps étranger dans l'arbre trachéo bronchique est une urgence respiratoire pouvant mettre en jeu le pronostic vital qu'on voit souvent chez les personnes en âge extrêmes. En effet leur fréquence est augmentée chez les nourrissons et les sujets âgés par contre peu d'adulte font ce type d'accident bronchique (1-2-(3). La nature des corps étranger inhalés en intra bronchique reste corrélé à l'âge ainsi l'inhalation des aliments est beaucoup plus rencontrée chez les nourrissons et les vieillards (70%) que les jeunes adultes qui font plus les inhalations des matériaux dentaires comme les prothèses et les couronnes dentaires (2-3-5). L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter le cas d'une jeune adulte avec.......
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Abstract: Syphilis is caused by spirochete Treponema pallidum, which is of particular concern during pregnancy because of risk of trans-placental infection to fetus. Stillbirth and early childhood mortality due to syphilis are high. Antenatal screening for syphilis provides a good opportunity to detect the disease early. According to WHO in 2021 - 0.8% (1million) pregnancies are at a risk of contracting syphilis. Maternal syphilis infection is highly prevalent in Africa accounting for 57% of global burden. In India the seroprevalance of syphilis is 0.3%, now for almost a decade due to availability of sero-.....
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Acute appendicitis is the most common cause of acute abdomen countered worldwide. Several scoring systems have been developed to aid clinicians in diagnosis. Alvarado score is one of the commonly used scoring systems which is bases on clinical and laboratory investigations. Tzanakis scoring system uses clinical, USG and laboratory markers.
AIM:To compare the diagnostic efficacy of Modified Alvarado score and Tzanakis score with Histopathological diagnosis in clinically diagnosed appendicitis....
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Abstract: Résumé : La maladie coeliaque est une maladie chronique auto-immune provoquée par l'ingestion du gluten, chez des personnes prédisposées génétiquement. Elle peut se manifester par des signes extradigestifs notamment cutanés. Nous rapportons dans cet article, une association rare avec La maladie de Verneuil. Cette dernière est une maladie chronique multigénique suppurante touchant la peau et dont le cible est la cellule apocrine.....
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Abstract: Background The thyroid gland regulates a wide range of metabolic processes, including the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals . A review of literature revealed several studies on serum calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in hypothyroidism in India as well as in other countries. But these s tudies have shown contradictory findings and the effect of thyroid hormones on serum electrolyte levels is still not clear. clear.. Objectives: To evaluate the alteration in mineral status by estimating serum levels of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in hypoth yroid patients compared to healthy volunteers and its correlation with serum TSH.......
Keywords : Hypothyroidism, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, TSH
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Abstract: Introduction: Ultrasound is a safe, quick, non-invasive & repeatable modality, has a definite role in the diagnosis of hydrocephalus. However, the ultrasound waves cannot penetrate the bony skull. It is still used in neonatal brain imaging where the open anterior fontanelle is the acoustic window. Hence, its use is limited between the age group 6 months-2 years. Ultrasonography is a safe, inexpensive, portable, readily available, and radiation-free method for evaluating suspected hydrocephalus. CT and MRI modalities are regarded the gold standard for hydrocephalus diagnosis.....
Keywords: Ultrasonography; Hydrocephalus; Computed Tomography
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Abstract:Introduction: Interstitial lung disease (ILD) encompasses a wide variety of disease entities with different clinical presentations, characteristic CT (computed tomography) findings, disease progression, and treatments. With the advancements in imaging, the emphasis on pathologic tissues diagnosis has waned. There are two types of interstitial lung diseases: those with recognised causes and those with unknown origins. Connective tissue disease associated ILD,......
Key words :Sarcoidosis; Interstitial Lung Diseases; High Resolution Computed Tomography
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Abstract: Foreign bodies may impacted in the oral cavity following a road traffic accident, assault or iatrogenically. Foreign bodies such as gauze piece, needles, screws, gutta percha and wood particles are commonly encountered. Most of the foreign bodies are generally symptomatic and need intervention as they show signs of inflammation with purulent discharge. An unusual case of traumatic foreign body (bamboo stick) impacted in mandibular vestibule due to an accident 2 years back and its treatment are presented in this paper.
KEY WORDS: Foreign body, bamboo stick, de-epithelialisation
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cheilitis G r anulomatosa Induced By Apical P eriodontics : A Case Report |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Min Zhao |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2206013844 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Cheilitis granulomatosa (CG) is a chronic swelling of the lip due to granulomatous inflammation. The precise etiology of GG is unknown. Genetics, allergies (food, dental materials), microbiological agents, or immunology were suggested as potential causative agents. And it is important to identify the pathogen to improve treatment specificity......
KEY WORDS: Swelling of the Lip Cheilitis Granulomatosa; Apical Periodontics ; Case Report
[1]. Vibhute NA, Vibhute AH, Daule NR. Cheilitis granulomatosa: a case report with review of literature. Indian J Dermatol. 2013 May;58(3):242. doi: 10.4103/0019-5154.110858. PMID: 23723497; PMCID: PMC3667309.
[2]. Rana AP. Orofacial granulomatosis: A case report with review of literature. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2012 Jul;16(3):469-74. doi: 10.4103/0972-124X.100934. PMID: 23162350; PMCID: PMC3498725.
[3]. Critchlow WA, Chang D. Cheilitis granulomatosa: a review. Head Neck Pathol. 2014;8(2):209-213. doi:10.1007/s12105-013-0488-2.
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Abstract:B ackground: Swelling of the tongue is a common oral manifestation due to variety of causes. In addition to trauma, infection, allergy, tumor and other causes, a rare cause which is the amyloidosis should be identified. The amyloidosis is a group of rare diseases caused by extracellular accumulation of amyloid. Amyloid deposits progressively disrupt........
KEY WORDS: Swelling of the tongue; Oral amyloidosis ; Multiple myeloma; Case Report
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Abstract:Background: To describe the incidence of hospitalizations for cellulitis and to characterize the associated trends. Secondly, to explore the seasonal trends in occurrence of cellulitis and lastly, to assess its severity in terms of need of any surgical intervention. Materials and Methods: All hospital admissions due to cellulitis over a period of three years. The total study participants were 180 in the year 2020-21 (125 males; 55 females), 182 in the year 2021-22 (130 males; 52 females) and 190 in the year 2022-23 (137 males; 53 females) .To estimate the monthly incidence of cellulitis, aggregation by year and month, the details......
KEY WORDS: Secular trends in cellulitis, seasonal trends in cellulitis, severity of cellulitis
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Abstract: Introduction: Chronic liver disease leads to decreased production of hepcidin causing increased iron deposition in the liver. This can lead to the progression of the disease. Liver biopsy is considered as the gold standard for diagnosis of liver iron concentration. But invasive nature, sampling error, inter and intra-observer variability, incidence of pain and need for hospitalization are the major drawbacks of this procedure. Hence other non invasive modalities for diagnosis and liver iron concentration are needed. MRI signal intensity reduction technique and T2* relaxation.....
KEY WORDS: Chronic liver disease, quantification of liver iron concentration, non invasive technique, MRI, Signal intensity ratio
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Abstract: Background: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the third most prevalent cause of cancer-related death worldwide, and its frequency is rising. With a continuously rising incidence worldwide, HCC is turning into a significant health burden. The clinical features associated with hepatocellular carcinoma exhibit variability among individuals. Objective: The aim of this study is to assess the clinical profiles of hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Methods: The cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the Department of Gastroenterology, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib.....
KEY WORDS: Hepatocellular Carcinoma, Tertiary Care Hospital, CT-scan
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