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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Saliva And Urine As Diagnostic Specimens For Detection Of Malaria – Review Article |
Country | : | Sudan |
Authors | : | N.H.Osman |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2307100107 ![]() |
Abstract: Blood remains the standard for diagnosing malaria, whether microscopic, nucleic acid or biomarker to identify Plasmodium present in the patient. However, given the risk of blood collection, repeated samples taken from unsanitary areas may be useful for malaria testing in resource-limited areas. Although current methods using saliva or urine are not as sensitive and specific as using blood, the potential of these two samples should not be underestimated and efforts have been made to develop a specific method to test for Plasmodium in these two samples. The saliva.....
Key words : Plasmodium; malaria diagnosis; saliva; urine ;Nucleic acid based test ; RDTs
Kenji O. Mfuh, Samuel Tassi Yunga, Livo F. Esemu, Obase Ngemani Bekindaka, Jessica Yonga, Jean Claude Djontu, Calixt D. Mbakop, Diane W. Taylor , Vivek R. Nerurkar & Rose G. F. Leke . Detection Of Plasmodium Falciparum Dna In Saliva Samples Stored At Room Temperature: Potential For A Noninvasive Saliva-Based Diagnostic Test For Malaria.Malaria Journal 16, Article Number: 434 (2017)
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Joanny F, Löhr Sj, Engleitner T, Lell B, Mordmüller B. Limit Of Blank And Limit Of Detection Of Plasmodium Falciparum Thick Blood Smear Microscopy In A Routine Setting In Central Africa. Malar J. 2014;13:234
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Abstract: Background: Prevalence of skin diseases are common in developing countries. Accurate diagnosis is needed for proper management of different skin disorders. Histopathological examination is a valuable tool in the diagnosis of different skin lesions. Material and Methods: A retrospective and prospective study was carried out for a period of 12 months. Relevant clinical data was collected. Formalin fixed biopsies were processed and stained with H&E stain, Special stains & Immunofluorescence were done whenever required. Result: A total of 100 cases......
Key words : Skin biopsy; vesico-bullous lesions, histopathological examination, Squamous cell carcinoma
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Journal Of Cardiovascular Disease Research Issn 0975-3583 Vol13.Issue 04,2022
David E. Elder, Lever's Histopathology Of The Skin 11th Edition
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Abstract: Introduction To curtail the Mortality rate due to unsafe abortion practices in India Introduction of MTP act was done in 1971, further Amendment done in 2021Under which abortion services are provided to the woman upto 24 weeks for special categories. Around 73 million induced abortions take place worldwide each year. Six out of 10 (61%) of all unintended pregnancies, and 3 out of 10 (29%) of all pregnancies, end in induced abortion.Induced abortions are conducted as per WHO recommendations following MTP (Ammendment)Act,2021. In India 25% of women obtaining induced abortions service. Therefore, this study aims to assess knowledge, attitude, and associated factors towards induced abortion service among females of reproductive age group...
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Abstract: Laryngoscopy followed by endotracheal intubation is an important part of the administration of general anesthesia. The aim of laryngoscopy is to obtain good visualization of the vocal cords to facilitate smooth endotracheal intubation so that the period of apnoea during intubation can be minimized. Direct laryngoscopic view is best attained in the 'sniffing the morning air' position obtained by placing a pillow under the occiput of the patient.This brings the laryngeal and pharyngeal axes into closer alignment.Subsequent extension of the head at the atlanto-occipital joint aligns the oral axis with pharyngeal and laryngeal axes.To improve the view of the glottis and reduce hemodynamic........
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Abstract: With large number of grafts available for ossiculoplasty, choice becomes difficult. An ideal ossiculoplasty material should be safe, easily available, cost efficient, with good hearing results, uptake and low extrusion rates. The otologists are still facing the indecision over type of material to be selected. A prospective study was conducted in Department of Otorhinolaryngology, K. D. Medical College and Hospital, Mathura (September 2022 to March 2024) on 60 patients, 12-60 years of age, of either sex. This study aims to compare the efficacy of cortical bone and Teflon TORP as ossiculoplasty materials. Auto-graft included Mastoid Cortical bone and Synthetic graft......
Keywords: Ossiculoplasty, Auto-grafts, Synthetic grafts, Hearing gain, TORP
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Abstract: Odontogenic cutaneous sinus tract is a rare but well-documented condition. A common manifestation of pulp necrosis is draining sinus tract or fistula, which could be intra-oral or extra-oral. The microbiologically induced inflammation spreads along the path of least resistance by penetrating the alveolar bone. Ultimately, to form a path of drainage, the inflammatory process can reach the surrounding tissues. These conditions are often misdiagnosed as other non-pulp pathologies. So misdiagnosed as a local skin lesion and maltreated by systemic antibiotics, we came across a 13-year-old girl patient who presented with a cutaneous lesion of dental etiology in the sub-.....
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Abstract: Background:. Klebsiella pneumoniae has become the most common pathogenic bacterium which account for nosocomial infection due to its virulence factor1 It is seen with general occurrence of resistance to most of antibiotics.1Klebsiella pneumoniae is bacterium often found in human gastrointestinal tract and throat.2 .Multidrug resistant strains of bacterium have become a global concern leading to increase morbidity and mortality.2 .Klebsiella......
Keywords: Klebsiella pneumoniae, antibiotic susceptibility test ,multidrug resistance
Jiang Wei1, Yang Wenjie1, Liu Ping2, Wang Na3, Ren Haixia4 And Zhao Xuequn1 Antibiotic Resistance Of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Through Β-Arrestin Recruitment-Induced Β-Lactamase Signaling Pathway Experimental And Therapeutic Medicine 15: 2247-2254, 2018
Al Bshabshe A, Al-Hakami A, Alshehri B, Et Al. (August 26, 2020) Rising Klebsiella Pneumoniae Infections And Its Expanding Drug Resistance In The Intensive Care Unit Of A Tertiary Healthcare Hospital, Saudi Arabia. Cureus 12(8): E10060.
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Sharma A, Thakur A, Thakur N, Et Al. (March 17, 2023) Changing Trend In The Antibiotic Resistance Pattern Of Klebsiella Pneumonia Isolated From Endotracheal Aspirate Samples Of Icu Patients Of A Tertiary Care Hospital In North India. Cureus 15(3): E36317. Doi 10.7759/Cureus.36317
Xiao S, Chen T, Wang H, Zeng Q, Chen Q, Yang Z, Han L And Chen E (2021) Drug Susceptibility And Molecular Epidemiology Of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Bloodstream Infection In Icu Patients In Shanghai, China. Front. Med. 8:754944.
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Guo, S., Xu, J., Wei, Y. Et Al. Clinical And Molecular Characteristics Of Klebsiella Pneumoniae Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia In Mainland China. Bmc Infect Dis 16, 608 (2016). Https://Doi.Org/10.1186/S12879-016-1942-Z.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hybrid Aligner -A Birds View |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Dhamodharan Vs || Dr.C. Nirupama || Dr. R. Thirunavukkarasu |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2307103842 ![]() |
Abstract: The evolution of the clear aligner system has been marked by significant advancements across various facets. Innovations in materials have led to enhanced flexibility and durability, while refined protocols have optimized treatment efficiency. Additionally, the introduction of attachments and auxiliary tools has bolstered biomechanical control, further augmenting the system's capabilities. Despite these advancements, certain limitations persist within the realm of clear aligner treatment, particularly regarding the predictability of specific tooth movements. These uncertainties underscore the need for alternative approaches to achieve more reliable outcomes......
Keywords: aligners , hybrid , orthodontics
Rossini G, Parrini S, Castroflorio T, Fortini A, Deregibus A, Debernardi Cl. Children's Perceptions Of Smile Esthetics And Their Influence On Social Judgment. Angle Orthod 2016;86:1050-5.
Lombardo L, Berveglieri C, Guarneri A, Siciliani G. Dynamic Evaluation Of Anterior Dental Alignment In A Sample Of 8- To 11-Year-Old Children. Int Orthod 2012;10:177-89
Lombardo L, Arreghini A, Ramina F, Ghislanzoni Lt, Siciliani G. Predictability Of Orthodontic Movement With Orthodontic Aligners: A Retrospective Study. Prog Orthod 2017;18:35.
Rossini G, Parrini S, Castroflorio T, Deregibus A, Debernardi Cl. Efficacy Of Clear Aligners In Controlling Orthodontic Tooth Movement: A Systematic Review. Angle
Papadimitriou A, Mousoulea S, Gkantidis N, Kloukos D. Clinical Effectiveness Of Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment: A Systematic Review. Prog Orthod 2018;19:37..
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Abstract: Pulmonary embolism (PE) is a serious condition that can be associated with inherited thrombophilia, including protein S deficiency—a genetic disorder impairing the anticoagulant pathway. We present a case of a 46-year-old patient with no significant medical history, admitted with acute-onset chest pain and hemoptysis. Imaging confirmed a distal pulmonary embolism, and subsequent thrombophilia screening revealed protein S deficiency. This case underscores the importance of screening for thrombophilic disorders in unexplained venous thromboembolism cases.
Keywords: thromboembolism, Protein S deficiency, protein S activity testing, thrombophilia
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Abstract: Spinal tumors comprise 5% to 10% of all central nervous system tumors and most of them are intradural and extramedullary in location. Among spinal tumors neurofibromas, and meningiomas are the most common ones. Meningiomas are known to arise from arachnoid cap cells and are classified into three groups namely grade 1, grade 2, and grade 3 as per the World Health Organization. Though a majority of these tumors are of Grade 1, some of them can be of Grade 3 which is highly anaplastic and has a high rate of metastasis.1 Risk for tumor recurrence and prognosis depends......
International Agency For Research On Cancer. WHO Classification Of Tumours Of The Central Nervous System: Who Classification Of Tumours. 5th Ed. Who Classification Of Tumours Editorial Board, Editor. IARC; 2022
El-Hajj VG, Pettersson Segerlind J, Burström G, Edström E, Elmi-Terander A. Current Knowledge On Spinal Meningiomas: A Systematic Review Protocol. BMJ 2022;12(6):E061614.
Koeller KK, Shih RY. Intradural Extramedullary Spinal Neoplasms: Radiologic-Pathologic Correlation. Radiographics 2019 39:2, 468-490.
Kobayashi K, Ando K, Matsumoto T, Clinical Features And Prognostic Factors In Spinal Meningioma Surgery From A Multicenter Study. Sci Rep 2021; 11: 1163.
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Abstract: Burn injuries represent a primary public health concern with significant global and personal repercussions. These injuries can create complex and potentially life-threatening situations that require advanced care. This review delves into the epidemiology, significance, and state-of-the-art treatments for burn injuries. It covers definitions, risk factors, complications, and various management strategies. The discussion highlights recent advancements in burn care, such as early wound excision, fluid resuscitation, infection control, and rehabilitation support. Emphasis is placed on the evolving research landscape in burn treatment, which aims to improve patient outcomes. The article underscores the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in managing burn patients and the ongoing need for research to enhance the quality of life for burn survivors.
Keywords: Burn injuries, epidemiology, advanced treatment, adverse effects, burn care
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Abstract: Objectives: Aim of this study was to assess skeletal and dental maturity and correlate with chronological age and with each other. Methods: Left hand wrist radiograph, lateral cephalogram and lower left mandibular canine IOPA of 106 subjects aged 8-21 years with equal distribution of males and females were taken. MP3 stages by Hagg and Taranger on hand wrist radiograph, CVMI stages by Hassel and Farman on lateral cephalogram and Demijian's canine calcification stages.....
Keywords: CVMI; MP3 ; canine calcification
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