Version-13 (October-2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Adherance of Life Style Modification in Post Myocardial Infarction Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kannan .R || Shakeel Ahmed M.A |
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: | 10.9790/0853-161012 ![]() |
Abstract: Although preventive drug therapy is a priority after acute coronary syndrome, less is known about adherence to behavioral recommendations. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of premature heart disease is preventable. The landmark INTERHEART Study reiterates and reinforces the crucial role of certain risk factors that when modified through lifestyle and medication reduces the burden of CAD (coronary artery disease) in India. The prevalence of major modifiable risk factors is high and is increasing in India. Two simple factors (tobacco and abnormal lipid ratio) explain more than two thirds of risk, and confirms that tobacco, diet, and physical activity may have huge implications for the Indian population in the increase of coronary artery disease.
Keywords: risk factors, coronary artery disease, lifestyle modification
[1]. Sonia S. Anand, Shofiqul Islam ,Annika Rosengren, Risk factors for myocardial infarction in women and men: European Heart Journal Volume 29, Issue 7 Pp. 932-940
[2]. Clara K. Chow, Sanjit Jolly, Purnima Rao-Melacini, Keith A.A. Fox, Sonia S. Anand and Salim Association of Diet, Exercise, and Smoking Modification With Risk of Early Cardiovascular Events After Acute Coronary Syndromes Circulation. 2010;121:750-758
[3]. Yusuf S, Hawken S, Ounpuu S, Dans T, Avezum A, Lanas F, McQueen M, Budaj A, Pais P, Varigos J, Lisheng Effect of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with myocardial infarction in 52 countries (the INTERHEART study): case-control study. L. Lancet. 2004;364:937–952.
[4]. Mediterranean diet and survival among patients with coronary heart disease in Greece. Arch Intern Med. 2005;165:929 –935.
[5]. Ajay VS, Prabhakaran D. Coronary heart disease in Indians: implications of the INTERHEART study. Indian J Med Res. Nov 2010;132(5):561-566..
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Abstract: Introduction:- Persistent reduction in FEV1 (Forced Expiratory Volume in first second) is one of the most typical finding in COPD along with airflow limitation . Patients with airflow obstruction due to COPD have reduced ratio of FEV1/FVC. Chronic inflammation in pulmonary tissues is also associated with systemic effect which is evident from the association between pulmonary compartment and peripheral tissues leading to the concept of COPD as a systemic inflammatory disease. Components of the systemic inflammation such as cytokines, inflammatory markers like C- reactive protein (CRP) are potential markers that can be used in the diagnosis and prognosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.........
Keywords: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease , c reactive protein[1]. Agarwal et al, The relationship between C-reactive protein and prognostic factors in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Multidiscip Respir Med. 2013; 8(1): 63.
[2]. Bicran et al, C-Reactive Protein Levels in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Role of Infection, Med Princ Pract 2008;17:202–208.
[3]. Alavi et al, HsCRP in Patients with Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease,
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[5]. Halvani et al ,Serum C-Reactive Protein Level in COPD Patients and Normal Population, Tanaffos (2007) 6(2), 51-55.
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Abstract: Acute poisoning is one of the most important emergencies in day to day medical practice. Insecticides are toxic compounds by chemical structure by and their consumption is a common cause of deliberate self harm in the developing world. Organophosphorus compounds are the most commonly encountered one among them accounting for about 80%of the pesticide-related hospitalizations It is estimated that the incidence of OP poisoning is about 750,000 and 3,000,000 worldwide and the estimation by WHO (World Health Organisation) is that it causes a death of about 300,000 every year AIM :- To study clinical features and biochemical parameters in patients admitted with acute organophosphorus poisoning and their prognostic significance. Materials And Methods:-..........
Key words: Organophosphorus ,Poisoning POP Scoring,
[1]. L Haddad, J Winchester. Clinical management of poisoning andoverdose. Philedelphia, WB Saunders, 1983, 575-586.
[2]. Balali-Mood M, Shariat M. Treatment of organophosphate poisoning. Experience of nerve agents and acute pesticide poisoning on the effects of oximes. J Physiol Paris 1998;92:375-8.
[3]. Thundiyil JG, Stober J, Besbelli N, Pronczuk J. Acute pesticide poisoning: A proposed classification tool. Bull World Health Organisation 2008;86:205‑9.
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[5]. Senanayake N, de Silva HJ, Karalliedde L. A scale to assess severity in organophosphorus intoxication: POP scale. Hum Exp Toxicol1993;12:297-9..
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Abstract: Research question: Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of the community regarding family welfare service in reproductive age group(15 to 45yrs) married females with emphasis on never users of contraception. Objectives: 1.To find out extent of never user of contraceptive among reproductive age group female. 2.To identify the demographic and socio-cultural factors influencing never users of contraceptive. 3.To find out the possible reasons and methods for limiting the size of family. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study at UHTC Dholabhata district Ajmer.The line listing of all the 418 eligible couple done. Participants were married females 15 to 45 years old, sexually active, and who volunteered to participate in the study. Data were collected during an anonymous interview using a structured pre-tested questionnaire.........
Key words: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice, Contraception, Family planning.
[1]. World Health Organization. Family Planning/Contraception; 2016.Available from:
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[3]. Srivastav A, Khan MS, Chauhan CR. Knowledge, attitude and practices about contraceptive among married reproductive females. Int J Sci Stud 2014;1:2-4.
[4]. International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS), Macro International.National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4), 2015–16. Vol. I. India, Mumbai:International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS); 2017.
[5]. Hussain N. Demographic, socio-economic and cultural factors affecting knowledge and use of contraception differentials in Malda District, West Bengal. J Community Med Health Educ 2011;1:102..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Accessory Foramen Transversarium in Cervical Vertebrae- An Osteological Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.P.Prabavathi.MD |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1610132629 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: The present study was conducted to find the incidence of Accessory foramen transversarium in cervical vertebrae and its clinical implications. Methodology: 210 cervical vertebrae were studied. All broken and damaged vertebrae were excluded. Number of accessory foramen was calculated. Results: Out of 210 cervical vertebrae 22(10.5%) vertebrae had Accessory foramen transversarium. Unilateral foramen was present in 10(4.8%) vertebrae and bilateral was present in 12(5.7%) vertebrae. CONCLUSION: Anatomical knowledge from this study will be helpful for the vascular and spine surgeons in preparation, planning and for preventing injury to the vertebral vessels during cervical surgical procedures
Key words: Foramen transversarium , Cervical vertebrae, Vertebral artery, Accessory foramen transversarium- Unilateral, Bilateral
[1]. Rosse C, Gaddum Rosse P. The Vertebral Column. Hollinshead's Text book of Anatomy.5th edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott- Raven; 1997.
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[6]. Laxmi Chandravadiya, Shailesh Patel, Jatin Goda1.Double Foramen Transversarium In Cervical Vertebra: Morphology And Clinical Importance. Int J Res Med. 2013; 2(1);103-105..
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Abstract: Introduction:Most patients of Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are in the age group of 40 to 50 years, which is also associated with more severe liver fibrosis and higher mortality. In this study we aim to understand the clinic-epidemiological profile of patients with NAFLD in Jalandhar district of Punjab. Methodology: We selected patients from randomly selected five hospitals in Jalandhar district, Punjab from January 2017 till June 2017. We included all consecutive patients, aged 60 years or above, with a diagnosis of NAFLD. We interviewed the patients using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Patient related information like demographics, lifestyle related risk factors, body mass index (BMI), alcohol and smoking habitswere collected. Furthermore, we collected information on various metabolic variables of the patients like fasting glucose, lipid profile and liver function test...........
Keywords: Balcohol, cirrhosis, lifestyle, liver, prognosis
[1]. Younossi ZM, Stepanova M, Afendy M, et al. Changes in the prevalence of the most common causes of chronic liver diseases in the United States from 1988 to 2008. ClinGastroenterolHepatol 2011; 9:524.
[2]. Amarapurkar DN, Hashimoto E, Lesmana LA, et al. How common is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the Asia-Pacific region and are there local differences? J GastroenterolHepatol 2007; 22:788.
[3]. Diehl AM, Goodman Z, Ishak KG. Alcohollike liver disease in nonalcoholics. A clinical and histologic comparison with alcohol-induced liver injury. Gastroenterology 1988; 95:1056.
[4]. Falck-Ytter Y, Younossi ZM, Marchesini G, McCullough AJ. Clinical features and natural history of nonalcoholicsteatosis syndromes. Semin Liver Dis 2001; 21:17.
[5]. Adams LA, Lymp JF, Sauver JS, Sanderson SO, Lindor KD, Feldstein A, Angulo P. The natural history of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a population-based cohort study. Gastroenterology. 2005 Jul 31;129(1):113-21..
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Abstract: Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) has emerged as an important public health problem with an extensive incline. This is in line with the increased mobility of population density causing various patterns/cycles of cases. The number of cases of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever occurring in Tanjungpinang City in 2013 was 168 cases (Incidence Rate = 8.52 per 10,000 people and Case Fatality Rate = 0.59%).In 2014, it experienced an increase to 559 cases (Incident Rate = 27.98 per 10,000 people and Case Fatality Rate = 0.17%). In the next year, 2015, the Incident Rate decreased to 17.5 of the total 358 cases but the Case Fatality Rate increased to 0.83%. Meanwhile, in 2016, there were 306 cases of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever with the Case Fatality Rate of 0.32%. This research aimed to find..........
Key words:Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever, Spatial distribution, Temporal determinant, Geographical Information System, Tangjungpinang City
[[1]. World Health Organization. Dengue guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control. (WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data).2009
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Abstract: Background: Classic LMA was the first LMA to be introduced and has been considered the gold standard of all supraglottic airway device(SGAD). The I-gel is another recently developed non-inflatable supraglottic airway device made of thermoplastic elastomer that provides seal, which improves as device warms to body temperature. Aims:The present study was conducted to evaluate and compare efficacy of LMA-classic & I-gel in terms of (i) number of attempts (ii) time taken to insert airway device. Setting and Design:This is a prospective randomized comparative controlled study done in our operation theatre over a period of 1 year, after ethical committee clearance......
Key words: Classic LMA, I-Gel, Supraglottic airway devices, Laryngeal mask airway.
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Abstract: Background: Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is a common gynaecological complaint which has considerable morbidity and constitutes no less than 15-20% of all gynaecological admissions in an institute. A lot of confusion arises in the diagnosis, investigation procedures and management of DUB as so many factors have been put forward to the cause of DUB. Materials and Methods: This study was carried out in the department of obstetrics and gynaecology, Regional Institute of Medical Science, Imphal, Manipur. A total of 130 patients with dysfunctional uterine bleeding attending the outpatient department and from those........
Key words: Dysfunctional uterine bleeding, Dilatation and curretage, endometrial histology
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Report on Facial Nerve Schwannoma |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jyotirmoy Phookan || Arjun Roy |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1610135055 ![]() |
Abstract: Schwannoma is a benign nerve sheath tumour made up of Schwann cell, which normally produce the insulating myelin sheath, the nerve covering. Vestibular schwannoma are the most common, arising from vestibulocochlear nerve. Facial nerve schwannoma are uncommon slow growing benign tumor involving the 7th nerve. Most common site of involvement is geniculate ganglion. They compose only 0.8% of all intrapetrous mass lesions. No definite pattern of presentation and can easily be misdiagnosed and untreated. High degree of suspicion and early imaging scan lead to diagnosis. An early...........
Key words:Facial Nerve, Schwannoma, Surgery, Nerve sheath tumour
[1]. O'Donoghue GM, Brackmann DE, House JW, Jackler RK. Neuromas of the facial nerve. Am J Otol 1989; 10: 49-54
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[3]. Rosenblum B, Davis R, Camins M. Middle fossa facial schwannoma removed via the intracranial extradural approach: case report and review of the literature. Neurosurgery. 1987;21:739–41.
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[5]. Yamaki T, Morimoto S, Ohtaki M, Sakatani K, Sakai J, Himi T, et al. Intracranial facial nerve neurinoma: surgical strategy of tumor removal and functional reconstruction. Surg Neurol. 1998;49(5):538–46.
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Abstract: Background: The broad range of psychiatric comorbidities associated with migraine which has important implications for healthcare professionals, poor outcome being one of the reasons. Objective: To assess prevalence of psychiatric comobidity in patients of migraine. Materials and Method: 35 consecutive patients of migraine who attended psychiatry outpatient were assessed over the period of six months for psychiatric comorbidity on the basis of MINI – International Neuropsychiatric Interview, characteristics of pain and socio-demographic details.........
Key words: Psychiatric Co morbidity, Migraine.
[1]. Goadsby P.J. Clinical Perspectives Migraine: diagnosis and management. Internal Medicine Journal 2003; 33: 436–442
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[5]. Mahawer BK, Dandaliya I, Vijayvergia D. Psychiatric Comorbidity in Patients with Psoriasis and Impact of Disease on Their Quality Of Life. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences. 2016;15(3):40-43. DOI: 10.9790/0853-15344043..
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Abstract: Crown fractures are common among schoolchildren. They create serious functional, aesthetic and psychological problems. The clinicians must propose high aesthetics in the front part and the choice of exact treatment plan. Repeated reconstructions are needed in many cases because of compromised results as time passed by. Achievement of promising restoration that preserves its aesthetics and strength is the greatest desire for both children and their parents. In the present article, an esthetic rehabilitation of fractured anterior teeth restored with direct composite resin is presented.
Key words: Composite, esthetic, fracture, restoration, trauma
[1]. Andreasen FM, Steinhardt U, Bille M, Munksgaard EC. Bonding of enamel-dentin crown fragments after crown fracture. An experimental study using bonding agents.
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[5]. Abu-Hussein Muhamad , Nezar Watted , Azzaldeen Abdulgani , Mai Abdulgani ; Prevalence of Traumatic Dental Injury in Arab Israeli Community Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences 2016 ,15, 7 , 91-98
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Abstract: Spinal tuberculosis (Tubercular Spodylitis) is a common extrapulmonary manifestation accounting 50% of skeletal tuberculosis. We reported a case of spinal tuberculosis in a 27 years old man with neurological manifestation with unusual right paravertebral chronic discharging sinus in the lower back region. He was presented with pain on the upper dorsal and swelling in the lower back with spastic paraperesis with muscle grade 3/5, exaggerated jerk with no sensory involvement in lower limbs for 2 months. He was inadvertently drained in surgical outpatient department and subsequently developed chronic discharging sinus. MRI dorsal region revealed an eroding lesion C7/D1 level with...........
Key words: Tuberculous spondylodiscitis, Dorsal spine, Paravertebral swelling.
[1]. CDC—TB—Data and Statistics,, 2016, [2]. C. Scott, H. L. Kirking, C. Jeffries, S. F. Price, and R. Pratt, ―Tuberculosis trends—United States, 2014,‖ Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 265–269, 2015
[3]. J. Bennett, R. Dolin, and B. M. Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, Elsevier Health Sciences, London, UK, 2014.
[4]. R. K. Garg and D. S. Somvanshi, ―Spinal tuberculosis: a review,‖ The Journal of Spinal Cord Medicine, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 440–454, 2011.
[5]. M. F. Ferrer, L. G. Torres, O. A. Ramírez, M. R. Zarzuelo, and N. Del Prado González, ―Tuberculosis of the spine. A systematic review of case series,‖ International Orthopaedics, vol. 36, no. 2, pp. 221–231, 2012.
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Abstract: Introduction: Mirizzi Syndrome (MS) is a rare complication of chronic cholelithiasis triggered by impacted calculus in Hartmann pouch or cystic duct. Type IV is complete destruction of the bile duct and represents the most uncommon type. We reported a case of Mirizzi syndrome type IV discovered during elective laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Case report: A35 year female was found during elective laparoscopic cholecystecomy to have abnormal anatomy.Intraoperative cholangiogram and conversion to open approach confirmed the diagnosis of Mirizzi syndrome type IV.Cholecystectomy and hepaticojejunostomy were done. Recovery was uneventful. Conclusion: surgeons performing laparoscopic cholecystectomy should be aware of the possibility of Mirizzi syndrome. They should have a low threshold for intraoperative cholangiogram and hepatobiliary surgeons consultation.
[1]. Reverdito R, Moricz AD, Campos TD, Pacheco AM Júnior, Silva RA. Mirizzi syndrome grades III and IV: surgical treatment. Rev Col Bras Cir. 2016 Jul-Aug;43(4):243-7.
[2]. Ashok Kumar, Ganesan Senthil, Anand Prakash, Anu Behari, Rajneesh Kumar Singh, Vinay Kumar Kapoor, et al. Mirizzi's syndrome: lessons learnt from 169 patients at a single center. Korean J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg. 2016 Feb; 20(1): 17–22.
[3]. Yonetci N, Kutluana U, Yilmaz M, Sungurtekin U, Tekin K. The incidence of Mirizzi syndrome in patients undergoing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Hepatobiliary Pancreat Dis Int. 2008 Oct;7(5):520-4.
[4]. Daniel Navarini, Carlos Augusto Scussel Madalosso, Diego Reffatti, Luma Guareschi, Ana Paula Schmitt, Guilherme Marx, et al. Mirizzi Syndrome Type IV: A challenging diagnosis. Clinical & Biomedical Research. 2016, Vol. 36 Issue 1, p44-46
[5]. Marcelo A Beltrán. Mirizzi syndrome: History, current knowledge and proposal of a simplified classification. World J Gastroenterol. 2012 Sep 14; 18(34): 4639–4650..
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Abstract: 59 year old gentleman with history of fall from height sustained severe head injury and was admitted in Neurosurgery ICU. After the patient was declared brain dead his family members agreed for organ donation. CT abdomen taken at the time of admission showed bilateral multiple renal calculi .Dilemma was whether to go ahead with renal transplantation or not. Consensus was reached and decided to do ex vivo URS and clearance of calculi before transplantation. Thus after harvesting both kidneys, bench surgery was done and bilateral URS was done using 7.5 /6 Fr semi rigid ureteroscope and............
Key words: Ex vivo URS, donor kidney lithiasis, renal transplant .
[1]. Assimos DG. Re: Stone disease in living-related renal donors: long-term outcomes for transplant donors and recipients. J Urol. 2014 Aug; 192(2):440.
[2]. Pushkar P, Agarwal A, Kumar S, Guleria S. Endourological management of live donors with urolithiasis at the time of donor nephrectomy: a single center experience. Int Urol Nephrol. 2015 Jul; 47(7):1123-7.
[3]. Thomas SM, Lam NN, Welk BK, Nguan C, Huang A, Nash DM, Prasad GV, Knoll GA, Koval JJ, Lentine KL, Kim SJ, Lok CE, Garg AX; Donor Nephrectomy Outcomes Research (DONOR) Network. Risk of kidney stones with surgical intervention in living kidney donors. Am J Transplant. 2013 Nov; 13(11):2935-44.
[4]. Olsburgh J, Thomas K, Wong K, Bultitude M, Glass J, Rottenberg G, Silas L, Hilton R, Koffman G. Incidental renal stones in potential live kidney donors: prevalence, assessment and donation, including role of ex vivo ureteroscopy. BJU Int. 2013 May; 111(5):784-92..
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Abstract: Objectives: The primary causes of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) are largely unknown but increase in lipid Profile (Total Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL and LDL) has been reported to be a risk factor for the T2DM through the alteration of Lipid Profile (LP). However, it is uncertain if exercise could influence the occurrence of T2DM in offspring of diabetic parents. Therefore this study was designed to assess the effect of exercise on lipid Profile on offspring of T2DM parents compared with offspring of non-diabetic parents. Design: This study involved purposive selection of 42offspring of T2DM parents attending University College Hospital, Ibadan and 53 offspring of non-diabetic parents who..........
Key words: Graded exercise, Diabetic parents' offspring, Lipid Profile.
[1]. Bacha F., Lee S., Gungor N., Arslanian S. (2010) From pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes in obese youth: pathophysiological characteristics along the spectrum of glucose dysregulation. Diabetes Care 33: 2225-2231.
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[5]. Boden G: Role of fatty acids in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and NIDDM. Diabetes 46: 3-10, 1997.
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Abstract: Background:ADAM 12, a multidomain polypeptide, is a placental protein, that is involved in growth and differentiation of placenta and fetus secreted from the invasive extra villous trophoblasts andtrophoblasts in distal anchoring columns in early gestation placental villi,ADAM12, existing as two distinct splice variants (ADAM12L and ADAM12S), promoting cell migration and invasion of the placenta, poor invasion of the placenta leads to adverse first trimester outcomes. Objectives:To determine whether the maternal serum concentration of A disintegrin and metalloprotease protein12 (ADAM12) in first trimester can be considered as an indicatorof first-trimester spontaneous abortions, missed abortions, ectopic pregnancies and hydatidiform moles...........
Key words: ADAM12, ectopicpregnancy, molar pregnancy, spontaneousabortion..
[1]. T.W. Sadler; Montana county. Langman's, Medical embryology, 12th edition, 2012, chapter 8, p. 96.
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[4]. Lennart Nilsson, A Child is Born 91 (1990): at eight weeks, "the danger of a miscarriage ... diminishes sharply.‖."Women's Health Information", Hearthstone Communications Limited: "The risk of miscarriage decreases dramatically after the 8th week as the weeks go by." Retrieved 2007-04-22.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Apexum – The Future of Minimally Invasive Endodontics |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Urvashi Keswani || Ajinkya Pawar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1610139092 ![]() |
Abstract: Apical periodontitis is a condition involving infection and inflammation of the tissues surrounding the apex of the tooth. This condition often results due to carious involvement of a tooth and the progression of these microbes from the pulp space extruding beyond the apex of the tooth. The most widely followed treatment of such lesions involves root canal therapy of the infected tooth, followed by a medicated dressing. However, complete healing in such cases often takes several months. The advent of the Apexum procedure has lead to a more targeted approach to such problems. The procedure involves a controlled and minimally invasive technique of periapical tissue debridement through a root canal access. This results in an augment in the healing kinetics of periapical lesions. The Apexum procedure...........
Key words: Minimum invasion, Apexum, periodontitis, endodontics, non-surgical.
[1]. Raisingani, D. (2011). Apexum: A Minimum Invasive Procedure. International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry, 4(3), 224–227.
[2]. Prakash, Dr.Prem & Sinha, Dakshita & Prabha Tyagi, Dr.Shashi & Udai Pratap Singh, Dr. (2016). Apexum: The magic wand in Endodontics. International Journal of Current Research. 8. 27527-27531.
[3]. David Shamah. 2008. Apexum goes to the root of the problem. Israel.
[4]. Bansal, R., Khursheed, I. and Bansal, T. 2013. Endodontic Management of a Periapical Cyst- A Review. J Adv Med Dent Scie., 1(1);7-16.
[5]. Metzger Z, Huber R, Slavescu D, Dragomirescu D, Tobis I, Better H. Healing kinetics of periapical lesions enhanced by the apexum procedure: A clinical trial. J Endod. 2009 Feb;35(2):153–159.
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Abstract: Background: Undernutrition is a major developmental concern in Uganda, affecting all regions equally. It has been known as the skeleton in the hospital closet because it's overlooked, undiagnosed and untreated by health practitioners. Most studies done on undernutrition had been public facility and community based, as far as we are aware of, none had been private facility based. The study described the burden, patterns and the socio-demographic factors associated with acute undernutrition in hospitalized children on the paediatric ward of KIUTH. Methods: A hospital based cross-sectional descriptive and analytical study was conducted in paediatric ward of Kampala International University Teaching...........
Key words: Patterns;Factors; Undernutrition; 6month to 12 years, Paediatric ward and Kampala International University Teaching Hospital.
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Abstract: This paper deals with the theoretical background of urbanization and regional development, accordingly the main objective of the this research is to achieve a scientific basis for the method of regional development decentralized to address the problems left by the phenomenon of rapid urbanization, this requires the following, study and analyze the basic implications of this method in local development, and to benefit from the presented international experiences in order to enhance the process of decentralization and attempt to figure out the mechanisms of managing and running the public interests in addition to the realization of the principle of local independence which is to enhance efficiency in the utilization of resources and ensure social equity in the distribution of development revenues and achieving comprehensive development in various regions and areas of the country.
Key words: Urbanization; Regionaldevelopment; Decentralization; Local independence; Social equity; Development;.
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