Version-15 (October-2017)
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Abstract: Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the primary and secondary stability and crestal bone loss of dental implants subjected to immediate loading and delayed loading by using resonance frequency analysis. Materials And Methods: The study consisted of placement of 30 ADIN TOURAEG S IMPLANTS on patients with edentulous spaces present in the mandibular posteriors. Patients were assessed based on inclusion and exclusion criterias and selected for implant placement. 30 implants were randomized and allocated into two groups i.e; Delayed loading group and Immediate loading group. In Delayed loading group implants were placed using the two stage surgery protocol and in Immediate loading a single stage surgery protocol was used. Implant diameter and length were decided based on diagnostic aids such as CBCT and Bone Mapping. Primary and secondary stability were recorded using the resonance frequency analysis(RFA) device at the day of surgery, after 1 week, after 1 month, after 3 months and after 6 months. Crestal bone loss difference was measured using the RVG at the 6th month..........
[1]. Branemark P, Hannson BO, Adell R. Osseointegrated implants in the treatment of edentulous jaw: experience from a 10 year period, Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg 2:1-132,1977
[2]. Testori T, Woolfe S, Porter SS, Wiseman L. A prospective multicenter study of the Osseotite implant: A four-year interim report. Int J Oral Maxillofac Implants 2001;16:193-200
[3]. Piatelli A, Corigliano M, Scarano A, et al. Immediate loading of titanium plasma-sprayed implants: An histologic analysis in monkeys. J Periodontol 1998;69:321-327
[4]. Nkenke E, Fenner M. Indications For Immediate Loading Of Implants And Implant Success. Clinical Oral Implants Research. 2006 Oct 1;17(S2):19-34.
[5]. Sennerby L, Meredith N. Implant Stability Measurements Using Resonance Frequency Analysis: Biological And Biomechanical Aspects And Clinical Implications. Periodontology 2000. 1998 Jun 1;47(1):51-66.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clinical Study of Foreign Body Bronchus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M. Vanipadmasri |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1610150912 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Foreign body in bronchus constitutes one of the acute problems in ent disease, in the absence of proper and clear history, one must not be deceived by the signs and symptoms which simulate many of the pediatric conditions like tracheobronchitis, pneumonia and tuberculosis etc., so the doctor should carefully extract positive history and then only presence of foreign body should be excluded. Materials and Methods: Analysis of data for the last 4 yrs( March 2013 to March 2017) in our Govt. ENT Hospital pertaining to the experience of bronchoscopy, fifty cases have been studied, revealed the following results..........
Keywords: Foreign body bronchus, Bronchoscopy, Respiatory distress, Jet ventilation, tracheostomy[1]. Chevalier Jackson & Chevalier L Jackson Broncho- Oesophagology
[2]. Scott Brown ( 7th edition ) Diseases of nose, throat and ear
[3]. Best and Taylor – Physiology
[4]. Robbins – Pathology
[5]. Alan' R' Aitkenhead' 16 Text Book of Anesthesia.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hydrocoele Surgery Under Local Anesthesia: Practical Or Painful |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vishnu Singh Munda || Nagendra Nath Murmu |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1610151316 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Vaginal hydrocoele is abnormal collection of serous fluid in the tunica vaginalis or a patent processus vaginalis. It is one of the common causes of scrotal swellings in all age group and frequently encountered in surgery OPD. It often requires surgical treatment. However in our setting and in many developing and underdeveloped countries, availability of general anesthetic services is poor due to lack of trained personnel and equipments. Hence hydrocoele surgery is mostly done under local anesthesia. Objectives: To ascertain the practicability and acceptability of hydrocoele surgery under local anesthesia. Methods: A prospective study was carried out on patients undergoing hydrocoele surgery at the surgery units of...........
Keywords: Hydrocoele, surgery, local anesthesia
[1]. Roland RG, Foster RS, Donohue JP. Scrotum and testis. In: Adult and Pediatric Urology.Gillenwater JY,Grayhack JT,Howards SS et al(eds).Mosby-Year book,Inc 1996; 1907-49.
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Abstract: Nowadays there are numerous energy devices available for surgeon. Diathermy is widely available in all Surgical Theatres and are less frequently used for Skin incision due to fear of tissue damage. This study aims to compare the Efficacy of Diathermy compared to Scalpel in patients undergoing Elective Midline Abdominal Surgeries. Methods: This is a prospective study on 90 patients who are all admitted in Govt. Rajaji Hospital in General Surgery Department to undergo various abdominal surgeries through midline opening. All patients are randomized into two groups according to which they undergo skin incision either by Scalpel or Diathermy. The variable taken into account for this study are incision line, incision related blood loss, post-operative pain, post-operative wound complications and the results were analysed.........
Key words: Scalpel, Diathermy, Post-operative Pain, Post-operative Wound complications, incisional time, incisional related blood loss.
[1]. Massarweh NN, Cosgriff N, Slakey DP, Electro-surgery: History, principles, and current and futures uses. I am Cell Surg 2006: 520-530.
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[5]. Dixon AR, Wackin DF, Electrosurgical skin incision versus conventional scalpel a prospective trial. I.R.Coll Surg Edmb 1990: 35: 299-301.
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Abstract: Background and Objectives: Comparison of the diagnostic accuracy between Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology and Trucut Biopsy in patients with clinically palpable suspicious malignant breast lump with final post surgical (Excision biopsy or Mastectomy specimen) histo pathological examination and Comparison of Estrogen Receptor/Progesterone Receptor (ER/PR) status and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER-2)/neu status and ki67 index in selected subset of patients.........
Key words: Breast lump; breast cancer; FNAC; Trucut biopsy; IHC; ER/PR Status; her2neu; ki67
[1]. F.Charles Brunicardi,'Schwartz's Principles of Surgery', 2009, Ninth Edition, Chapter 17, The Breast, Pages 440 - 441.
[2]. K.Park, 'Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine', 2009, Twentieth Edition, Chapter 6, Epidemiology of Chronic Non Communicable Diseases and Condition, Cancer, Page 338.
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[5]. William L. Donegan, 'History of Breast Cancer', 2005, Pages 1 - 12.
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Abstract: Arterial hypertension causes changes in vascular wall structure, vascular remodeling which leads to several complications such as hypertensive heart disease, aortic aneurysm, peripheral arterial disease, chronic kidney disease and retinopathy.Matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9), a type IV gelatinase (Collagenase-B) plays a major role in extra cellular matrix degradation and has been implicated as an important factor in atherosclerosis and vascular remodeling. They are also involved in numerous processes such as inflammation, fibrosis, angiogenesis and cell apoptosis.Increased activity of MMP-9 is related to the development and progression of cardiovascular complications.C-reactive protein (CRP) was believed to be a marker of vascular inflammation and recent research indicates.........
Keywords: Arterial hypertension, MMP-9, vascular remodeling, hsCRP.
[1]. V. Fuster, Mechanisms leading to myocardial infarction: insights from studies of vascular biology, Circulation 90 (1994) 2126–2146.
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[5]. Bourbolia D, Stetler-Stevenson WG: Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs): Positive and negative regulators in tumor cell adhesion. Sem CancerBiol 2010;20:161-168
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Abstract: Introduction: Thyroid gland is the most vital endocrine organ which plays a major role in growth, development, metabolism and function of almost every organ of the body. Both Hypo and Hyperthyroidism can cause menstrual irregularities. Abnormal uterine bleeding is one of the most common yet complicated clinical presentation. It occurs in 10-20% of women between 15-50 years of age. The present study was carried out to estimate the prevalence of thyroid disorders in patients with Abnormal uterine bleeding. Aims and Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of thyroid disorders in women with Abnormal uterine bleeding............
Key words: Abnormal uterine bleeding,Hypothyroidism,Menstrual disorders,Thyroid dysfunction.
[1]. Olive D, Palter S. Reproductive Physiology.In: Berek J.S, eds. Berek and Novak's Gynaecology.14th ed Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Company;2002:161-86.
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Abstract: Refractive error (RE) is a condition in which the optical system of the non-accommodating eye is unable to bring parallel rays of light to focus on the retina. Of all the human senses, the sense of sight is used the most, and as a result, is affected the most. Consequently, refractive errors are becoming more of a problem in our societies. Wearing spectacles was a province of adults over 40 years age till half century earlier. Now we find more children and adolescents wearing spectacles.Refractive errors are second most cause of blindness in developing countries such as India and also one of the commonest reason for patients to visit an ophthalmologist (Govt. of India, Annual Report, 2004). Worldwide a total of 153 million have uncorrected Refractive errors, with a prevalence of 2.67%. In India a total 39.31 million with prevalence of 4.07%, have uncorrected refractive errors. Uncorrected refractive errors create a significant impact on learning...............
[1]. Chung KM, Mohidin N, Yeow PT, Tan LL, O'Leary D. Prevalence of visual disorders in Chinese schoolchildren. Optom Vis Sci 1996;73:695-700.
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[4]. Pan CW, Ramamurthy D, Saw SM. Worldwide prevalence and risk factors for myopia. Ophthalmic Physiol Opt 2012;32:3-16.
[5]. Chalasani S, Jampala VK, Nayak P. Myopia among medical students - A cross sectional study in a South Indian medical college. Al Ameen J Med Sci 2012;5:233-42.
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Abstract: Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitusis the most common disease affecting the human, is a long term metabolic disorder that is characterized by high blood sugar, insulin resistance, and relative lack of insulin Objectives: The aim of this study to asses' testosterone level and insulin sensitivity among Sudanese males patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: Cross sectional, case control study was conducted during the period from November to December 2016, sixty samples from known patients with type2 DM and sixty samples from healthy persons as control. The levels of testosterone, insulin and insulin sensitivity were measured using TOSOH 360. Data were collected using structural questionnaire. Data analysis was carried out by means of statistical package for social science (SPSS version 16)........
Key words: testosterone, insulin, insulin sensitivity and type 2 DM..
[1]. Ferrannini , E., Vichi, S., Beck-Nielson, H., Laakso, M., Paolisso, G and Smith, U. Insulin action and age. Diabetes. 1996;54:947–956.
[2]. Haring, R., Baumeister, S.E., Völzke, H. Prospective association of low total testosterone concentrations with an adverse lipid profile and increased incident dyslipidemia. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehabil. 2011;18:86–96.
[3]. Völzke, H and Felix, S.B. Prediction of metabolic syndrome by low serum testosterone levels in men: results from the study of health Pomerania Diabetes. 2009;58:2027–2031.
[4]. Schipf ,S., Haring, R and Friedrich, N. Low total testosterone is associated with increased risk of incident type 2 diabetes mellitus in men: results from the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP). Aging Male. 2011;14:168–175.
[5]. Svartberg, J., von, Mühlen, D., Mathiesen, E., Joakimsen, O., Bønaa, K.H., Stensland-Bugge, E. Low testosterone levels are associated with carotid atherosclerosis in men. J Intern Med. 2006;259:576–582..
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Abstract: Background and Objectives: The Whirlpool bath, one of the hydrotherapeutic treatment modality is commonly used by Naturopathy physicians as a treatment. Though whirlpool bath therapy has been used extensively in a clinical scenario for both rejuvenation as well as therapy. But their effect on autonomic activity is not studied. Hence, this study aims at understanding the physiological changes of Whirlpool bath in healthy volunteers. Methodology: A total of 30 healthy volunteers were randomly selected and are recruited from the residential SDM College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences. On the Day-1 the volunteers were given with whirlpool bath and on the Day-2 the same volunteers was made to stand in upright position inside the whirlpool bath tub for ten minutes. Each group was assessed for blood pressure, autonomic variables (HRV & Heart rate) and respiratory variables (respiration rate) before and immediately after the intervention.........
Key words: Autonomic Nervous System Heart Rate Variability, Hydrotherapy, whirlpool bath
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[5]. Joseph E, Michael T, Text Book of Natural Medicine: New York, Churchill Livingstone, 4th edition. ISBN:978-1-4377-2333-5.
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Abstract: Objective: To compare the effectiveness of sublingual misoprostol(600μg)versus Intramuscular Oxytocin(10IU) in the active management of 3rd stage of labour and to study the blood loss and side effects in both the groups. Materials& Methods: This study was conducted in the Department of Obstetrics& Gynaecology at Government General Hospital, Guntur during the period of March 2016 to August 2017 in low risk vaginal deliveries adhering to certain inclusion and exclusion criteria .A total of 200 cases were studied with 100cases in each group. Group-I were given 3 tablets of misoprostol200μg each and Group-II were given inj.Oxytocin 10IU intramuscular after cord clamping and cutting. Data regarding age, parity, amount of blood loss, predelivery and postdelivery Hb levels, need for additional oxytocics, side effects, postpartum complications were taken and analysed..........
Key words:AMTSL ,misoprostol, oxytocin.
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Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of intravitreal Dexamethasone implant in patients with persistent macular edema due to retinal vascular diseases. Methods: This retrospective analysis was done after intravitreal injections of 0.7mg Dexamethasone implant Ozurdex in 22 eyes of 21 patients with persistent macular edema due to retinal vascular diseases either after at least one anti-VEGF intravitreal injection or photocoagulation from April 2015 to March 2016. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was assessed through Snellen's chart, and converted to logMar scale. Central macular thickness (CMT) was measured by Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (SD-OCT). BCVA, Intraocular pressure (IOP) and CMT was noted at.............
Key words: Dexamethasone implant, Ozurdex, macular edema, intravitreal steroid
[1]. Funatsu H et al. Increased levels of vascular endothelial growth factor and interleukin-6in the aqueous humor of diabetics with macular edema. Am J Ophthalmol. 2002;133:70-7.
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[3]. Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network. A randomized trial comparing intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide and focal/grid photocoagulation for diabetic macular edema. Ophthalmology. 2008;115:1447-9.
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[5]. Kuppermann BD et al. Dexamethasone DDS Phase II Study Group. Randomized controlled study of an intravitreous dexamethasone drug delivery systemin patients with persistent macular edema. Arch Ophthalmol. 2007;125:309-17
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Abstract: Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia with disturbances of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism resulting from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. Serum uric acid has emerged as a potential risk factor for type 2 diabetes mellitus. Elevated uric acid levels are often found in individuals with the metabolic syndrome, a collection of risk factors for T2DM often found together, including the following: truncal obesity, hypertriglyeridemia, decreased high density lipoprotein, hypertension, and insulin resistance. Aims And Objectives: Estimation of uric acid levels in Type 2DM.To find correlation between uric acid and glycaemic status in Type 2DM.........
Keywords: FBS, RBS, Serum Uric acid levels, HbA1c, Diabetic patients
[1]. Stratton IM, Adler AI, Neil HA, Matthews DR, Manley SE, Cull CAet al. Association of glycaemia with macrovascular and microvascular complications of type 2 diabetes (UKPDS 35): prospective observational study. BMJ 2000; 321: 405-12
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Abstract: Now a days to due to variety of medicinal modalities such as Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurveda and many more are trending to treat orofacial disorders there are lots of research been put forth by various medicine experts worldwide. A Dentist or an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon should take a wise verdict regarding which modality is best and is more effective with less or no side effects in treating orofacial disorders. Homeopathy acts an adjunctive modality in treating orofacial disorders. This review will definitely help a treating physician or an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon to benefit the patient by prescribing more effective and safe medicinal remedies i.e. Homeopathy in treating orofacial disorders.
Keywords: homeopathy, dentistry, oral and maxillofacial surgery
[1]. Ghazal Kardanpour et al; Homeopathy in Dentistry and Oral Medicine: A review; Journal of Dental School 2016; 34(4): 263-73.
[2]. Mahmoud Hoseinishad et al "Homeopathy in dentistry: A review", Int J Contemp Dent Med Rev, vol. 2015, Article ID: 030815, 2015; doi: 10.15713/ins.ijcdmr.87.
[3]. Bhateja S, Arora G, Mahna R. Complementary and alternative therapy in dentistry:Homeopathy-A review. Annals and Essences of Dentistry. 2013 July-Sept; 5(3):36-40.
[4]. Mahmoudian A, Sadri G. Homeopathy satisfaction in Iran. Iran J Nurs Midwifery Res. 2014 Sep;19(5):496-502.
[5]. Th akur N, Bagewadi A, Keluskar V. Holistic dentistry: Natural approaches to oral health. J Int Oral Health 2011;3:9-13..