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Abstract: Idiopathic Sclerosing Encapsulating Peritonitis (Abdominal Cocoon) is a rare cause of small bowel obstruction. We present a case of acute small bowel obstruction in a young male preoperatively diagnosed as Idiopathic Sclerosing Encapsulating Peritonitis on computed tomography. A high index of clinical suspicion of such condition which can present with recurrent episodes of subacute intestinal obstruction supported by radiological investigations can help in preoperative diagnosis of such cases as most cases are incidentally diagnosed during laparotomy.
Keywords - Idiopathic Sclerosing Encapsulating Peritonitis, Abdominal Cocoon, laparotomy, small bowel obstruction.
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Abstract: Central perforation of tympanic membrane of fifty patients were cauterized with 30 percent trichloroacetic acid having around 1-6mm size of perforation.Most of the cases that were undertaken were post traumatic and inflammatory in nature.The site of the perforations were mostly the anterioinferior and posterioinferior quadrants.Almost all the traumatic perforations were irregular in shape.The range of hearing loss was 15-40dB.TCA cauterization was undertaken after a discharge free period of atleast 3 weeks and in cases of traumatic perforations it was undertaken after 4 weeks for wait of spontaneous closure. In 4 cases we had to go for 4 attempts, in 2 cases for 6 attempts and the rest healed within 1-3 attempts of cauterization. In three cases there was no improvement in hearing ,and in 9 cases a mild gain in hearing.In this study,76% success rate has been achieved.
Key words:Trauma,Tympanic membrane perforation, Trichloroacetic acid, Hearing assessment.
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Abstract: Background: Nutrition plays a very important role in attaining high level of achievements in sports. This study carried out to assess the knowledge regarding nutrition and attitude towards food supplements among sportsperson in Manipur and its association between various socio-demographic variables like age, sex, education level etc. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from August to September2016, among currently registered sportsperson in Sports Authority of India, Manipur. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data and analyzed using SPSS-version-21.Descriptive statistics like percentage, mean and standard deviation were used. Chi-square test was used for testing the significance between proportions. A p-value of <0.05 was taken as significant..........
Key words: Nutrition, Sportsperson, Sports Authority of India, Knowledge, Attitude, Food supplement.
[1]. Bano R, Al-Shammari E, Fatima SB, Al-Shammari NA. A comparative study of knowledge, attitude, practice of nutrition and non-nutrition student towards a balanced diet in Hail University. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS) 2013;2:29-36.
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[3]. Folasire OF, Akomolafe AA, Sanusi RA. Does Nutrition Knowledge and Practice of Athletes Translate to Enhanced Athletic Performance? Cross-Sectional Study Amongst Nigerian Undergraduate Athletes. Glob J Health Sci 2015 Sep;7(5):215-21.
[4]. Azizi M, Rahmani-Nia F, Malaee M, Malaee M, Khosravi N. A study of nutritional knowledge and attitudes of elite college athletes in Iran. Braz. J Biomotricity 2010 Jun 1;4(2):105-12.
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Abstract: Teratoma comprised of mixed elements derived from the three germ cell layers.Sacrococcygeal teratoma is the most common congenital neoplasm in neonates.Fetiform teratoma is a rare but distinct entity characterized by presence of more organoid differentiation than the classical teratoma but not enough to classify as fetus in fetu. We report here in a case of 37 weeks old newborn baby girl delivered by normal vaginal route. The baby presented with a large soft cystic mass over sacrococcygeal region. Radiological examination show an extrapelvic soft tissue mass with variegated appearance. Complete excision of mass was done. On gross examination cut section show variegated appearance with presence of a rudimentary limb.Microscopic examination revealed the mass to be a mature sacrococcygeal teratoma. Mature sacrococcygeal teratoma appears to be entirely benign during neonatal period. Complete surgical excision remains the mainstay of treatment.
Key Words: Fetiform teratoma, Germ cell layer,Mature sacrococcygeal teratoma, Organoid differentiation, surgical excision.
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes Mellitus is recognized as major cause of death and disability with public health burden worldwide. Prevalence of diabetes with impaired glucose regulation (IGT and/or IFG) is the highest in developing countries. Objective: To find out the association and contribution of Red Blood Distribution Width (RDW), CRP and Glycated Haemoglobin (HbA1C) with type-2 diabetes mellitus. Methods: It was laboratory based cross sectional study and conducted 80 subjects in the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Endocrinology, Bangobandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Bangladesh. After the laboratory works, data were inputted and analyzed through SPSS 24 version. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 45.06±11.08 years. 35% patient belonged to age ≤40years and 11.3% was ≥60 years. Mean value of RBC (×1012/L) was 4.73±0.57, RDW-........
Key Words: Diabetes Mellitus (DM), Haemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), Complete blood count (CBC), Red blood Distribution width (RDW), C-reactive protein (CRP)
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Abstract: Conflicts of Interest: None Funding Statement: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, ornot-for-profit sectors. Ethical statement: An informed consent form has been obtained from the patient for academic publication Keywords Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)Cryptococcal meningitisCerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVT)Highlighting points-Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in HIV/AIDS patients is multifactorial. Diagnosis of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis is often missed as an infective thrombotic complication of cryptococcal meningitis in HIV/AIDS patients. High index of clinical suspicion and treatment with anticoagulation gives better outcome in these group of patients
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Oral Submucous Fibrosis in Mixed Indian Population of Goa: An Epidemiological Study |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Divya Bhardwaj |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1708102529 ![]() |
Abstract: Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) is a premalignant condition with potential malignant behavior characterized by juxtaepithelial fibrosis of the oral cavity. The study was conducted to assess the prevalence, etiology, epidemiology and Socioeconomic Status of OSMF among patients visiting the dental college in Goa. Total of 80 subjects were included, 40 subjects with the OSMF, 40 healthy control subjects. All the enrolled subjects were then interviewed using a structured proforma and examined in the dental clinic using clinical examination tools. Statistical analysis was carried out using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.0 software. It was observed that the Oral Submucous Fibrosis is mostly seen in younger individuals (The youngest case of Oral Submucous Fibrosis was 19 year old.......
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Cholelithiasis is the most common digestive tract disorder. Treatment of acute episodes requires antibiotics. But pathogens and sensitivity of the pathogens to antibiotics vary widely. Bacteriological profile helps to prevent bacterial septicaemia. This study was conducted to study the frequency of bacterial growth in bile samples from patients undergoing surgery for bile stones, identify the common microorganisms which are found in the bile samples from patients undergoing surgery for bile stones& to analyze the antibiotic sensitivity pattern of the microorganisms cultured. METHODS: prospective study in.........
Key words: Amino glycosides,Bacteriological profile,Cholelithiasis,Gram negative enterobacteriaceae, Klebsiella, Septicaemia
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Abstract: Background: Street vending is a dominant occupation in urban areas of developing countries as well as very popular and customized in urban areas of Bangladesh. It offers goods or services for sale to the public without having a permanent built-up structure (head-load). Tobacco use is an important risk factor for non-communicable diseases (NCD). In Bangladesh 43.3% adults use tobacco on regular basis. Objective: Present study was conducted to assess the pattern of tobacco using and health condition of street vendors in Dhaka city. Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted among the street venders in Mirpur area of Dhaka city. Face to face interview was conducted using pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire for data collection. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 16.0. Results: Information about tobacco use and health status was collected from 190 street vendors. The mean age..........
Key words: Tobacco Using Pattern, Health Status, Street Vendors, Vending Related Health Risk.
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Abstract: AIM:To compare the haemodynamic effectsof thiopentone,propofol and etomidate and to study the side effects.MATERIALS AND METHODS:After taking institutional ethical committee approval and informed consent ,90 patients aged between 20-50 yrs of ASA Grade 1&11 undergoing elective surgeries under general anaesthesia were randomly divided into3groups Group T, Group P and Group E.Group T- patients were induced with thiopental 5mg/kg, Group P – patients received propofol 2mg/kg and Group E received etomidate 0.3mg/kg. Haemodynamic variables like H.R,B.P(systolic and diastolic) and Spo2 recorded before induction and at 1,3.5,10.15 and 30 mts post induction and S.E if any are noted.RESULTS :There was significant fall in HR in propofol group compared to thiopentone and etomidate groups. There was also significant decrease in systolic blood pressure , diastolic blood pressure and mean blood pressure in patients of propofol and thiopentone groups than those of etomidate groups. Conclusion: Present study concludes that etomidate is an effective induction agent with good cardiovascular stability when compared with thiopentone and propofol..
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Abstract: Aim: - To study the clinical and epidemiological profile of patients with proptosis at RIMS,Ranchi. Methods:-A total of 43 patients presenting in emergency & outpatient department of RIO, RIMS, Ranchi were included. All patients were evaluated for detailed history and clinical examination. The evaluation were done including the demographic data of the patient, complete history, general examination, detailed ophthalmological examination of both eyes, slit lamp examination, non-invasive & special investigations. Final diagnosis was based on clinical, histopathological, laboratory & radiological findings. Results: - Proptosis is most common.........
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Abstract: Objectives:To evaluate the role of fetal transcerebellar diameter (TCD) as an independent parameter in predicting the gestational age in the third trimester of pregnancy. To derive nomogram from sonographically measured foetal transcerebellar diameter for estimating the gestational age in Indian population. Materials and methods:Hospital based prostective study.148 healthy pregnant patient in third trimester were included in the study who underwent obstetric sonography using GE Voluson P8 machine. In all the patients following parameters were obtained - BPD, HC, AC, FL, TCD, foetal heart rate, estimated foetal weight, AFI and placental position. Transverse cerebellar diameter is obtained in the axial plane in the cerebellar view. Gestational age for the measured TCD.........
Key words: Foetal growth, Gestational age,TCD/AC ratio, Third trimester, Transcerebellar diameter
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