Version-13 (August-2018)
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Abstract: Context: unmet need for FP refers to avoid or postpone child birth without using any means of contraception has been a core concept in the field of international population for more than 3 decades Objectives : To determine the prevalence ,determinants of unmet need of FP and also reasons for not using contraceptives Methodology : It was a community based cross-sectional study of married women of reproductive age group between 15-19 years.Sample size required was 430,sampling technique was simple random method.Exclusion criteria were unmarried,divorced,widowed.......
Key words: unmet need, spacing, limiting, reproductive age, family planning
[1]. k.park,Text book of preventive and social medicine,22nd edition,2013.
[2]. Malini M. Bhattathiry and Narayanan Ethirajan,Unmet need for family planning among married women of reproductive age group in urban Tamil NaduJ Family Community Med. 2014 Jan-Apr; 21(1): 53–57.
[3]. N.K. Saini*, S.K. Bhasin**, Rahul Sharma and Geeta Yadav,Study of unmet need for FP in settlement colony of east Delhi.,Health and Population-Perspectives and Issues 30 (2): 124-133, 2007
[4]. Srivastava Dhiraj Kumar1, Gautam Pramod2, Gautam Roli3, Gour Neeraj4, Bansal Manoj5,A Study to asses the unmet needs of fa,ily planning in Gwalior district and to study the factors that helos in determung it.National journal of community medicine, 2011 Volume 2 Issue.
[5]. World health organization. Family planning /Contraception Fact sheet N0 351. Available at factsheets/fs351/en/ Ulast accessed on 19/9/2016.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Ginwalla's Technique Revisited |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manjunath Rai || Dr. Sneha Ginimav || Dr. Padmaraj Hegde |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708130611 ![]() |
Abstract: Clinicians frequently come across patients with Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) in their daily practice. Most frequently pain is the leading symptom of TN. Sometimes it is caused by other diseases. In everyday clinical practice, it is important to diagnose and treat TN properly. Several issues regarding diagnosis, pharmacological treatment and surgical treatment of TN are still unsettled. This article provides an overview of clinical practice, diagnostic procedure and treatment strategy for TN and also reinforces the importance of programs that alert patients and health professionals about TN and the sequelae of iatrogenic procedures that guide patients to the proper treatment and that contribute to an improved understanding of this excruciatingly painful condition. Significance and reliability of Ginwalla's technique of peripheral neurectomy is also highlighted.
Key words: neuralgia, neurectomy, oral, pain, surgery, trigeminal.
[1]. G Cruccu, Gronseth G, J. Alksne , C. Argoff , M. Brainin , K. Burchiel , T Nurmikko , J. M.Zakrzewska : AAN-EFNS guidelines on trigeminal neuralgia management. Eur J Neurol 2008:15: 1013–1028.
[2]. Jude A. Fabiano, Andrew J. Fabiano , Patrick L. Anders, Terrence J Thines, Trigeminal Neuralgia with Intraoral Trigger Points: Report of Two Cases . Spec Care Dentist 2005:25(4): 206-213.
[3]. Cassi Brown: Surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. AORN 2003:78(5): 744-758.
[4]. T. J. Nurmikko, P. R. Eldridge: Trigeminal neuralgia—pathophysiology, diagnosis and current treatment. Br J Anaesth 2001: 87(1):117-132.
[5]. R. Dubner, Y. Sharav, R.H. Gracely, D.D. Price: Idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia: sensory features and pain mechanisms .Pain 1987:31(1):23-33.
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Abstract: Femoral fractures are among common injuries in the paediatric age group treated by an orthopaedic surgeon. In the last two decades there was an increased interest in the operative treatment of paediatric fractures. Controversy persists regarding the age between 0 to 12 years3 So we performed a study to find out whether conservative management is justified in paediatric patients with femoral shaft fractures or not. This was a prospective interventional study in which all children between 0-12 years of age with diaphyseal fractures of femur admitted in department of orthopaedics, RIMS hospital, Imphal- were included in the study. The study was conducted from September 2014 to August 2016. The aim of our study was to evaluate the functional outcome after traction and hip spica application in diaphyseal femoral fractures between 0 to 12 years. In our study a total of 30 cases were included and the final outcome was excellent in 20 cases, satisfactory in 9 cases and there was one patient had poor outcome.
Keyword- Diaphyseal fracture, Flynn's criteria , Hip spica casting,
[1]. Viljanto J, Linna MI, Kiviluoto H, Paananen M. Indications and results of operative treatment of femoral shaft fractures in children. Acta Chir Scand 1975;141(5):366-9.
[2]. Saikia KC, Bhuyan SK, Bhattacharya TD, Saikia SP. Titanium elastic nailing in femoral diaphyseal fractures of children in 6-16 years of age. Indian J Orthop 2007;41(4):381-5.
[3]. El-Adl G, Mostafa MF, Khalil MA, Enan A. Titanium elastic nail fixation for paediatric femoral and tibial fractures. Acta Orthop Belg 2009;75(4):512-20.
[4]. Flynn JM, Luedtke LM, Ganly TJ , Dawson J, Davidson R, Dormans JP, et al. Comparison of Titanium Elastic Nails with Traction and a Spica Cast to Treat Femoral Fractures in Children. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2004;86-A(4):770-8.
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Abstract: Community Acquired Pneumonia(CAP) is a leading cause of mortality in children. Procalcitonin(PCT) is produced by C cells of the thyroid. PCT is released from extra thyroidal tissues during infections. In CAP, serum PCT is significantly raised and measuring serum PCT may aid physicians in predicting severity and reducing total antibiotic use. Objective: To observe diagnostic significance of Procalcitonin level in paediatric CAP and its association with severity and also association of PCT level with time taken for recovery. Methods: This was a case control observational study conducted in tertiary care hospital. PCT was measured in 60 patients aged 2 to 59 months and compared with 60 controls. Procalcitonin assay was done by sandwich ELISA. ROC curve analysis was performed for diagnostic accuracy. PCT levels were compared between pneumonia and severe pneumonia. Prognostic significance was determined in relation to time taken for recovery...........
Key words: Community acquired pneumonia (CAP), Children, Procalcitonin(PCT)..
[1]. Sinaniotis CA and Sinaniotis AC. Community-acquired pneumonia in children. Curr Opin Pulm Med 2005; 11: 218-25
[2]. British Thoracic Society guidelines for the management of community acquired pneumonia in children: update 2011. Michael Harris, Julia Clark, Nicky Coote, Penny Fletcher, Anthony Harnden, Michael McKean, Anne Thomson, On behalf of the British Thoracic Society Standards of Care Committee. Thorax- An International Journal of Respiratory Medicine, October 2011, Volume 66, Supplement 2.
[3]. Le Moullec, J.M., Jullienne, A., Chenais, J., Lasmoles, F., Guliana, J.M., Milhaud, G., and Moukhtar, M.S. (1984) The complete sequence of human procalcitonin. FEBS Lett. 167, 93–97.
[4]. Assicot, M., Gendrel, D., Carsin, H., Raymond, J., Guilbaud, J., and Bohuon, C. (1993) High serum procalcitonin concentrations in patients with sepsis and infection. Lancet 341, 515–518.
[5]. Schneider, H.G. and Lam, Q.T. (2007) Procalcitonin for the clinical laboratory: a review. Pathology 39, 383–390.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Assessment of Pulmonary Function Tests in Type 2 Dm (Spirometry Based) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. A. Thangadhurai. M. D. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708132326 ![]() |
Abstract: Diabetes mellitus imparts its effect on all organs of body. There was insufficient documentation of its effect on respiratory system .Hence an attempt is made to document the effect of Type-2 DM on respiratory system by studying the ventilatory function based on spirometry. Method: 50 Type-2 diabetics of 35-60 yrs age group, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai were selected and compared with 50 Healthy Non-Diabetic individuals. The basic parameters of wt in kg, ht in cm, BMI were recorded. The FBS, PPBS and HbA1c were estimated. The pulmonary function tests were recorded by using Micro Medical computerized spirometer, three times for each subject and the best of the three was considered. Results and conclusion: The pulmonary functions FVC, FEV1, PEF and FEF25%-75% are decreased in Type-2 diabetes mellitus compared to controls. FEV1/FVC% increased in Type-2 diabetes mellitus, which is indicative of restrictive disorder of the lung................
Key words: Diabetes mellitus, pulmonary function test, spirometry, pulmonopathy.
[1]. Bacha F, Lee S, Gungor N, Arslanian SA. From pre-diabetes to type 2 diabetes in obese youth: pathophysiological characteristics along the spectrum of glucose dysregulation. Diabetes Care. Oct 2010;33(10):2225-31.
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[4]. Walter.E.Robert, Alexa Beiser, Rachel J, Givelber, George T, O'Connor, et al. Association between glycemic state and lung function. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2003;167:911-916.
[5]. lange P.Diabetes mellitus, plasma glucose and lung function in a cross sectional population study.Eur Respir J 1989:2:14-19
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Abstract: A case of Chondrosarcoma of 5th Metatarsal – Right Foot in a 29 year old female patient is discussed here. The foot is a relatively unusual site for the incidence of Chondrosarcoma. The 29 year old lady presented with a slow growing swelling over the outer aspect of her right foot for the past few months. The x-ray of the involved foot showed an erosive lesion on the 5th metatarsal with significant soft tissue involvement and areas of calcification. Initially a core biopsy was done followed by excision of the 5th toe and 5th metatarsal from the right foot. The specimen was sent for histopathological examination. Microscopic examination revealed well differentiated Chondrosarcoma (Grade I) of the 5th Metatarsal.En bloc excision along with the 5th metatarsal and 5th toe was done. Postoperative Radiotherapy was also given. The patient is, at present, on a 2 year follow up which has been uneventful.
Key words: Chondrosarcoma, Metatarsal, foot
[1]. Unni KK. Dahlin's Bone Tumors: General aspects and Data on 11,087 cases. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1996.
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[3]. Roberts PH, Price CH. Chondrosarcoma of the bones of the hand. J Bone Joint Surg Br 1977;59:213–21.
[4]. Takigawa K. Chondroma of the bones of the hand: a review of 110 cases. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1971;53:1591–600.
[5]. Kuur E, Hansen SL, Lindequist S. Treatment of solitary chondromas in fingers. J Hand Surg[Br] 1989;14:109–12.
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Abstract: Accidental or intentional ingestion of a toxic agent is common in the pediatric population.2Poisoning is classified as external causes of morbidity and mortality as they are entirely dependent on the presence of an extrinsic environmental factor. Although the provision of a completely risk-free environment is not possible, children and young people should be protected from external causes of serious harm.1 Acute poisoning in children is an important worldwide pediatric emergency. The exact incidence of childhood poisoning is not known in India due to under reporting and poor record keeping however reported incidence of childhood poisoning in various studies varies from 0.3% to 7.6%.3This study is planned to gather clinico-epidemiological data regarding poisoning in children in rural tertiary care hospital.............
[1]. Anderson M, Accidents And Poisoning. In: LissauerT , Carroll W, editors. Illustrated Textbook Of Paediatrics 5thed, Europe , Elsevier ,1997. p.97-108
[2]. Kristin S , Poisoning , In: Feld LG , Mahan JD ,editors. Succinct Paediatrics Evaluation And Management For Common And Critical Care , USA, AAP Publishing Staff, 2015,p. 655-667
[3]. Sridhar PV, Sandeep M, Thammanna PS. Clinical profile and outcome of poisoning in pediatric age group at a tertiary care teaching hospital, Mandya, Karnataka, India. Int J ContempPediatr. 2016;3:514-7.
[4]. Sachdev A, Pao M, Mani RK, Khilnani P, Poisoning and Bites, In: KhilnaniP ,editor. Practical Approach to Pediatric Intensive Care , 2nded, New Delhi, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd ,2009, p. 823-855
[5]. Dart RC, Rumack BH, Wang GS, Poisoning ,In: Hay WW, Deterding RR, editors. Current Diagnosis and Treatment Pediatrics , 23rd edition ,USA, McGraw-Hill Education, 2016 p. 331-359
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Report of flexible Denture |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sonali Gaikwad || Dr Babita Yeshwante |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708134446 ![]() |
Abstract: Dentures are mode of treatment for replacing the missing teeth around 700 BC. Some patients find it difficult to adjust with conventional acrylic denture mainly because of rigidity of material which cases pain discomfort dis-function1, therefore the process began towards developments of material with improved quality and the concept of flexible denture begins. Flexible denture are custom made denture that achieve less rigid design. These kind of denture are popular in those people who are uncomfortable with conventional acrylic denture. This article presents the case with flexible denture in lower anterior region with gingival recessation.
[1]. Antonelli JR, Hottel TL. The " Flexible augmented flange technique" for fabricating complete denture record bases.Quintessence
[2]. Anusavice KJ. Phillips'science of dental materials. 10th ed. Philadelphia(PA):WB Saunders; 1996. p. 237-271.
[3]. Blagojevic V, Murphy VM. Microwave polymerization of denture base materials. A comparative study. J Oral Rehabil
[4]. Prosthodontic Treatment for Edentulous Patients 13TH edition George Zarb, John Hobkirk, Steven Eckert, Rhonda Jacob
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Abstract: Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the thyroid gland lesions using scintigraphy and ultrasound Methods: The study population included 101 patients who referred to Nuclear Medicine and Radiology Department, Fujairah hospital, Fujairah, UAE for thyroid scintigraphy and neck ultrasound. Results: Ultrasound scan reported that 10% of subjects presented with normal and abnormal in 90 %, while thyroid nuclear medicine scan reported as normal in 13 % and abnormal in 87 % ,multi nodules in 49 of the patients while nuclear medicine scan is able to detect only 27 patients. For thyroiditis ultrasound better than nuclear medicine, (19 patients) 18.8% to (9 patients) 9% but for toxic multi nodular goiter nuclear medicine thyroid scan was better than ultrasound, (16 patients) 16 % to (1 patients) 1%. the ability of both modalities in detecting nodules...............
Key words: Thyroid, Ultrasonography, Scintigraphy · Nodule, Diagnostic value
[1]. Mandel SJ. A 64-year-old woman with a thyroid nodule, JAMA , 2004, vol. 292 (pg. 2632-42)
[2]. Castro MR, Gharib H. Continuing controversies in the management of thyroid nodules, Ann Intern Med , 2005, vol. 142 (pg. 926-31)
[3]. Mazzaferri EL. Management of solitary thyroid nodule, N Engl J Med , 1993, vol. 328 (pg. 553-9)
[4]. Hegedus L. The Thyroid Nodule, N Engl J Med , 2004, vol. 351 (pg. 1764-71)
[5]. Tan GH, Gharib H. Thyroid incidentalomas: management approaches to non-palpable nodules discovered incidentally on thyroid imaging, Ann Intern Med , 1997, vol. 126 (pg. 226-31)
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Abstract: Central Odontogenic Fibroma Is A Tumor Of Odontogenic Ectomesenchyme Around The Crown Of An Unerupted Tooth Which Is More Common In Females With A Mean Age Of 34 Years. In This Article We Describe An Unusual Case Of Central Odontogenic Fibroma (WHO Type) Which Manifested As A Well-Defined Unilocular Radiolucency Associated With An Impacted Tooth In An Asymptomatic 59 Year Old Male Patient, With More Emphasis To Its Radiographic Differential Diagnosis.
Key words: impacted, unerupted, pericoronal radiolucencies, odontogenic fibroma, odontogenic tumor.
[1]. Anand S, Kashyap B, Kumar GR, Shruthi BS,Supriya AN. Pericoronal Radiolucencies with Significant Pathology: Clinico‑histopathologic Evaluation. Biomed J 2015; 38:148-152.doi: 10.4103/2319-4170.133779
[2]. Rajendran R, Sivapathasundharam B.Shafers Textbook of oral pathology, 6th edition. Elsevier 2009: 254-297.
[3]. Langlais RP, Langland OE, Nortje CJ. Diagnostic Imaging of the Jaws, Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, 1995: 370-376.
[4]. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral radiology principles and interpretation 6th edition, Mosby Elsevier 2009:346-399.
[5]. Wood NK, Goaz PW. Differential diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial lesions 5th Ed. Mosby Elsevier 1997: 279-295.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Follow Up Chest X-Ray Post- Pneumonia |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr. CleofinaFurtado || Dr. Nagendra Singh || Dr. Mohiuddin Mohammed |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708135660 ![]() |
Abstract: Each year, 0.5-1% of adults in the United Kingdom develop community-acquired pneumonia(CAP) (1). Lung cancer is known to be third most common cancer in UK (2). Many symptoms of pneumonia correlate with patients diagnosed with lung cancer. Lung cancer patients are also more susceptible to superadded infection. Hence an infective change on chest x-ray (CXR) may mask the underlying lung malignancy especially in adults >50 years old and in smokers. The cancer research UK and British Thoracic guidelines recommend a follow-up chest radiography within 6 weeks of discharge (6, 7). 100 cases of diagnosed CAP, were retrospectively identified (admitted in General medicine). Only 28 patients fulfilled the National guidelines for undergoing a follow up chest imaging..............
Keywords: Pneumonia, Malignancy
[1]. NICE Guidelines CG191. Pneumonia: Diagnosis and management of community and hospital acquired pneumonia in adults. December 2014
[2]. Cancer Research UK, Lung Cancer Key Stats, (2014),
[3]. Macdonald C, Jayathissa S, Leadbetter M. Is post-pneumonia chest X-ray for lung malignancy useful? Results of an audit of current practice. Intern Med J. 2015 Mar;45(3):329–34
[4]. Tang KL, Eurich DT, Minhas-Sandhu JK, Marrie TJ, Majumdar SR. Incidence, correlates, and chest radiographic yield of new lung cancer diagnosis in 3398 patients with pneumonia. Arch Intern Med. 2011 Jul 11;171(13):1193–8.
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Abstract: The management of bicondylar fracture of the proximal tibia is a challenging task and the aim of management is to achieve stable, painless and mobile joint and also to prevent the secondary degeneration of the joint. Open reduction and internal fixation with dual plating in such fractures is beneficial to address fracture fragments in different planes and also to achieve anatomical reduction under direct vision. It also allows to stabilize the fracture which helps in early mobilization of the patient. Early post-op rehabilitation is one the most important factor that play a vital role in outcome of the operated knees by preventing the post-operative stiffness and achieving good range of motion. This study analyses the outcome of bicondylar proximal tibia fracture treated with dual plating in 68 patients. In our series we found 63 % excellent results and 28 % good results, while 7 % and 2% fair and poor outcome respectively.
Key words: Bicondylar, Tibia,
[1]. Barei, D. P., Nork, S. E., Mills, W. J., Coles, C. P., Henley, M. B., & Benirschke, S. K. (2006). Functional outcomes of severe bicondylar tibial plateau fractures treated with dual incisions and medial and lateral plates. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. American Volume, 88(8), 1713–1721.
[2]. Blokker, C. P., Rorabeck, C. H., & Bourne, R. B. (1984). Tibial plateau fractures. An analysis of the results of treatment in 60 patients. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, (182), 193–199.
[3]. Buchko, G. M., & Johnson, D. H. (1996). Arthroscopy assisted operative management of tibial plateau fractures. Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, (332), 29–36.
[4]. Burrows, H. J. (1956). Fractures of the lateral condyle of the tibia. The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery. British Volume, 38–B(3), 612–613.
[5]. Caspari, R. B., Hutton, P. M., Whipple, T. L., & Meyers, J. F. (1985). The role of arthroscopy in the management of tibial plateau fractures. Arthroscopy: The Journal of Arthroscopic & Related Surgery: Official Publication of the Arthroscopy Association of North America and the International Arthroscopy Association, 1(2), 76–82.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Morphometry of Vermiform Appendix: A Human Cadaveric study |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Jagdish P || Ashoka RK |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708137276 ![]() |
Abstract: Vermiform appendix is the only organ in the body that has no constant anatomical position. It is so named because of its worm like appearance. It is located in the lower right quadrant of the abdomen1. Vermiform appendix is attached dorsomedially to the end of the caecum where all three taeniae converge. It is 2 to 15 cm long and lies often intraperitoneally retrocaecal (65%) or in the lesser pelvis (30%). The appendix is attached to the posterior abdominal wall by the mesoappendix. The vermiform appendix is attached dorsomedially to the end of the caecum where all three taeniae converge. It is 2 to 15 cm long and lies often intraperitoneally retrocaecal (65%) or in the lesser pelvis (30%). The appendix is attached to the posterior abdominal wall by the mesoappendix2. The attachment of the base of appendix to the caecum remains constant. The tip of the 'worm' can be found in a retrocaecal
[1]. Garg P, Potaliya P, Dixit SG, Ghatak S, Saxena D. Journal of Research in Human Anatomy and Embryology. 2016; 2(2); 1-3.
[2]. Susan Standring. Gray's Anatomy. Anatomical basis of clinical practice. 39th ed. Churchill Livingstone, 2005; 1189-1190.
[3]. Golalipour, M. J.; Arya, B.; Azarhoosh, R; Jahanshahi, M. Anatomical variations of vermiform appendix in south –east caspion sea .J Anat. Soc. India .2003;52(2);141-143 .
[4]. Uttam Kumar Paul1, Humaira Naushaba2, Tahmina Begum3, Md. Jahangir Alam4, Afshan Jesmin Alim5, Jesmin Akther6..Position of Vermiform Appendix: A Postmortem Study. Bangladesh Journal of Anatomy January 2009, Vol. 7 No. 1 pp;34-36.
[5]. Geethanjali HT. A Study of variations in the position of vermiform appendix. Anatomica Karnataka. 2011;Vol 5(2):17-23.