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Abstract: Introduction: A seizure is a paroxysmal alteration in neurological function resulting from abnormal excessive neuronal electrical activity.[1] The pathophysiologic basis of seizures is loss of normal regulation of neuronal excitation and inhibition, resulting in a state of relative hyperexcitability.[2] Epilepsy is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent seizures unprovoked by an acute systemic or neurologic insult; the term itself does not indicate a specific underlying pathology.[2,3] MRI is the imaging modality of choice for the evaluation of patients With epilepsy and has been shown to be superior to CT for the detection of cerebral lesions.........
[1]. Scott N. Atlas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the brain and spine. 4th edn., .p. 2-14, 307-339.
[2]. Gupta V, Ronen RA. Epilepsy. In: Atlas SW. ed. Magnetic resonance imaging in brain and spine. 4th edition. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;2009. Fauci SA, Kasper DL, Longo DL, Braunwald E, Hauser SL, Jameson JL et al editors. In Harrison's principles of internal medicine.17th edition, Newyork.:McGraw- Hill;2008. Chapter 363,Seizures and epilepsy.
[3]. Goodridge DMG, Shorvon Sd. Epileptic seizures in a population of 6000 demography, diagnosis and classification and role of the hospital services. Br Med J
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[5]. Seizures and epilepsoy, Lowertein DH in section 2 diseases of the central nervous system, Chapter-348, Harrison's principles of internal medicine, Kasper DL, Fauci AS, Longo LD, Braunwald E, Houser SL, Jameson JL (edt), 16th edn., Vol. II, New York : McGraw Hill; .p.2357-2372.
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Abstract: To find out the accuracy of the modified triple test in the diagnosis of palpable breast lumps.This was a prospective observational study involving 100 female patients attending surgical out patient department of Coimbatore medical college hospital between July 2016 to June 2017 who underwent clinical breast examination, ultrasonogram and FNAC.All cases underwent surgery in the form of excision biopsy for benign lesions and modified radical mastectomy for malignancy.The final HPE report were considered.The modified triple test in our study was an accurate predictor for the diagnosis of breast lumps..
Key words: triple test, ultrasonogram, fine needle aspiration cytology
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Abstract: Fractures of the radial neck in children are usually seen after the appearance of the proximal radial epiphysis at about the age of five years. Management options of radial neck fractures in children range from conservative to various surgical option. In this study we analysed retrospectively all the paediatric radial neck fractures treated by closed reduction with metaizeau technique. At an average 16 -month follow-up, all 21 patients treated with Metaizeau technique were clinically and radiographically evaluated. . All 21 patients achieved radiologic bone union by 4 weeks. Elbow ROM was comparable to the contralateral side. Use of Metaizzeau technique for treating displaced radial neck fractures is now gold standard. The shorter learning curve compared to any other technique makes it easily adoptable giving excellent results.
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[2]. Al-Aubaidi Z, Pedersen NW, Nielsen KD.Injury. Radial neck fractures in children treated with the centromedullary Métaizeau technique. 2012 Mar;43(3):301-5.
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[4]. Newman JH. Displaced radial neck fractures in children. Injury. 1977;9(2):114–121.
[5]. Ursei M, Sales de Gauzy J, Knorr J, Abid A, Darodes P, Cahuzac JP. Surgical treatment of radial neck fractures in children by intramedullary pinning. Acta Orthop Belg. 2006;72(2):131–137...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparative Histological Study on Lingual Glands of Some Mammals |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.K.P.Singh || Kumari Sandhya |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708082228 ![]() |
Abstract: Tongue is a mobile muscular organ whose lubrication is maintained by the secretion of salivary glands .Salivary glands located on the posterior pharyngeal part of tongue were described as serous (Von Ebner glands) and mucous (Weber gland) by Triantafillou ( 2001)1 (Triantafillou A, Fletcher D and Scott J (2001). Mucins, the main components of mucus, are present in the secretion of mucus gland and it forms the protective layer on oral mucosal surfaces. This mucin is responsible for maintenance of lubrication and hydration of the surfaces (Proctor, 2016)2 .Proctor GB (2016). In general, salivary glands are adapted to the necessities of each species of the animal kingdom. In view of this context we conducted a comparative study of lingual glands of five different vertebrates........
Key Words: Lingual gland, Tongue, Vallete papilla, Serous Gland, Mucus gland
[1]. Triantafyllou A, Fletcher D and Scott J (2001). Histochemical phenotypes of von Ebner's gland of ferret and their functional implications. Histochem Jour, 33: 173-181)
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[3]. Guyton AC and Hall JE (2007). Textbook of Medical Physiology. Nobel Med Pub, Istanbul. PP: 793
[4]. Amano O. The salivary gland: anatomy for surgeons and researchers. Jpn. J. Oral Maxillofac. Surg. 2011;57:384–393
[5]. Saracco C. G., Crabill E. V. In "Biology of the Salivary Glands", ed. by K. Dobrosielski-Vergona. CRC Press; Boca Raton: 1993. Anatomy of the human salivary glands; pp. 1–14
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Abstract: Objective: Present study is designed to assess the prevalence of anaemia among adolescent out patients of Mau, Ataria village, a rural area of Lucknow, situated about 33 kms from Lucknow. Design: Retrospective analysis of CBC reports of adolescents of out-patient department (O.P.D.), investigated at laboratory of Pathology department of HIMS, Mau, Ataria, U.P., India, among 3462 patients investigated for CBC from 01st January, 2018 to 30th June, 2018. Material and Methods:CBC was on automated haematology analyzer (Bene Sphera, 3 – part Haematology analyzer- H33, Avantor Performance Materials, LLC, 3477 Corporate Parkway, United States) and print out of reports done by internal printer of the analyzer. Anaemia was diagnosed on the basis of Hb, RBC Count, MCV, MCH, MCHC values..........
Keywords: Adolescents, Anaemia, Haemoglobin (Hb), Iron Deficiency Anaemia (IDA), Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Mean Cell Volume (MCV), Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH), Mean Cell Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC), Red Blood Cell (RBC) Count, Total Leukocyte Count (TLC).
[1]. U. Kapil, A. S. Bhadona National Iron-plus Initiative Guidelines for control of iron deficiency anaemia in India. 2013. The National Medical Journal of India. Vol.27, No.1, 2014. Pp 27 -29.
[2]. International Institute for Population Science (IIPS) and Macro International 2007. National Family Health Survey – 3 (NFHS – 3), 2005 – 06. Volume 1. Mumbai IIPS. 2007 (Cross reference).
[3]. World Health Organization Programming for adolescent health and development. WHO Tech Rep Ser No 1996:2.
[4]. Poskett M.E. Elizabeth Early history of iron deficiency anemia. British Journal of Haematology. 122 (4), 2003 554 – 562.
[5]. Dennis I, Kasper, Anthony S, Fauci et al. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. (McGraw Hill education, 19th Edition, 2015) Volume I, Part 2, Section 10, Chapter 77: Anemia and Polycythemia. Table: 77 – 2 & 77 – 3. pp394...
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Abstract: Spondylolysis may lead to instability of the spinal column that causes listhesis. Even in the absence of symptoms from the pars defects themselves, spondylolisthesis may lead to clinically significant radiculopathy and progressive neurologic deficits secondary to nerve root impingement. Both conditions vary in their presentations and require judicious application of conservative and surgical treatment strategies. The advent of improved anaesthetic management, the introduction of image intensifier, and advanced instrumentation helped the orthopaedic surgeons greatly in the management of spondylolisthesis. We aim to study the symptomatic and neurological improvement, the stability of fixation and complications in patients who underwent posterior lumbar interbody fusion for degenerative spondylolisthesis.
[1]. Herbiniaux G: Traite sur divers accouchemens labprieux, et surpolypes de la matrice. Bruxelles, JL, DeBoubers, 1782.
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[3]. Wang YT, Wu XT, Chen H, Wang C. Endoscopy-assisted posterior lumbar interbody fusion in a single segment. J Clin Neurosci 2014;21:287-92
[4]. Kim NH, Lee JW. Anterior interbody fusion versus posterolateral fusion with transpedicular fixation for isthmic spondylolisthesis in adults. A comparison of clinical results. Spine. 1999;24:812–816.
[5]. Okuyama K, Kido T, Unoki E, Chiba M. PLIF with a titanium cage and excised facet joint bone for degenerative spondylolisthesis: In augmentation with a pedicle screw. J Spinal Disord Tech 2007;20:53-9..
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Abstract: Low hemoglobin level in pregnancy is a most important health problem with unpleasant maternal and foetal outcome worldwide, particularly in developing countries like India. Though pregnancy, it is the most exciting period of expectations and fulfillments, but it is a condition of great stress because many anabolic activities takes place and foetal growth is accomplished extensive changes in maternal body composition and metabolism. Hematological findings are the primary and cheapest method for diagnosing the mild, moderate and severe anemia during pregnancy. Objectives: The objective of our study was tracking the severity of anemia in pregnancy: A 100 case prospective study. Material and Methods: This descriptive study ("Tracking the severity of anemia in pregnancy..........
[1]. De Mayer EM, Tegman A. Prevalence of anemia in the world. World Helt Org Qlty. 1998;38(3)302-16.
[2]. Cheema HK, Bajwa BS, Kaur K, Joshi H. Prevalence and Possible Risk Factors of Anaemia in Different Trimesters of Pregnancy. Inter J of Contemporary Med Res. 2016;3(4):1194-7.
[3]. Buseri FI, Uko EK, Jeremiah ZA, Usanga EA; Prevalence and Risk Factors of Anaemia Among Pregnant women in Nigeria. The Open Hematology Journal, 2008;2:14-9.
[4]. Kansal B, Guleria K, Agarwal N, Sethi K; Effect of maternal nutritional supplementation on fetal growth parameters and Doppler flow velocity in growth restricted foetuses. Ind J Nutr Dietet., 2004;41:198-204.
[5]. Wulsa N, Soren G, Pathapati RM, Buchineni M. Cardiopulmonary and hematological parameters in pregnancy. IAIM. 2015;2(12):1-6...
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Abstract: Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is emerging as an important public health problem, not only in developed countries, but also in developing countries including Bangladesh.Objective: To study the clinical and etiological background of patients with CKD on maintenance hemodialysis Method: This cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Nephrology, Rangpur Medical College Hospital a tertiary level hospital from January 2017 to December 2017 over a period of one year. Ninety six CKD patients above 18 years of age on renal dialysis, and willing to participate in the study were enrolled in this study. Those who did not give informed consent, or had severe cognitive, speech or hearing defect were excluded from this study. Results: In this study, majority of the patients were in age groups 40-59 years. Males () were predominant (59.4% vs 40.6%). Hypertensive nephropathy (60.4%), CGN (36.5%), diabetic nephropathy (24.0%) were the most common etiologies found in this study...........
Key words: CKD, hemodialysis, etiology, manifestation
[1]. National Kidney foundation. K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines for chronic kidney disease: evaluation,classification and stratification. AM J Kidney Dis. 2002;39(2suppl1):S18.
[2]. Like RG. Chronic renal failure. Goldman: Cecil Textbook of Medicine. 21st ed. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Company; 1998. p. 571–8.
[3]. Ruggenenti P, Schieppati A, Remuzzi G; Progression, remission and regression of chronic renal diseases. Lancet 2001; 375(9268):1601-1608.
[4]. Wild S, Roglic G, Green A, Sicree R, King H; Global prevalence of diabetes: estimates for the year 2000 and projections for 2030. Diabetes Care 2004; 27(5):1047-1053.
[5]. Gupta R; Trends in hypertension epidemiology in India. J Hum Hypertens 2004; 18(2): 73-78.
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Abstract: Context: "Greying of nations" is the most remarkable phenomenon in 20th century.Govt.of India adopted National policy on older persons in January 1999.The policy defines senior citizen or elderly as a perso who is of age 60 years or above. Objective : To study the psychosocial problems and geriatric welfare services Material and methods: It was a community based cross-sectional study of Geriatric population conducted in RHC.Sample size required was 390,sampling technique was simple random method Results : Mean age of the study population was 67.07.males 54%,females 46% and belonged to OC (51%) community. 66% married persons living with their spouse...........
Key words: geriatric welfare service, awareness, utilization, psychosocial problems
[1]. .Chauhanp, Chandrashekar V. A study on morbidity pattern among the geriatric people of Venkatachalem village Nellore District, AP. MRIMS J Health Sci. 2013;1(2):48-53
[2]. Barua A, Mangesh R, Harsha Kumar H N, Mathew S. A cross-sectional study on quality of life in geriatric population. Indian J Community Med. 2007;32:146-7.
[3]. Madhu T, Sreedevi A. A study of socio demographic profile of geriatricpopulation in the field practice area of Kurnool Medical College. Int J Res Dev Health. 2013; 1(2):69-76.
[4]. Lena A, Ashok K, Padma M, Kamath V, Kamath A. Health and social problems of the elderly: A cross-sectional study in Udupi Taluka, Karnataka. Indian J Community Med. 2009;34(2):131-4.
[5]. Joseph N, Nelliyanil M, Nayak SR et al. Assessment of morbidity pattern, quality of life and awareness of government facilities among elderly populationinSoutIndia.J Family Med Prim Care. 2015;4(3):405-10..
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Abstract: Background: Breast carcinoma is one of the most common carcinoma among women in India. Stroma has an important pathogenetic role in carcinoma of breast. Stromal marker could be novel marker for assessing the prognosis of breast cancer. Methods: 30 invasive ductal carcinoma of breast NOS type were selected. Hematoxylin and eosin staining was done. Immunohistochemistry was done with CD10, ER, PR, and HER2. CD10 expression in stroma was studied and statistically analyzed with ER, PR and HER2. Results: strong positivity for stromal CD10 was observed in 46% (14 out of 30) of cases. 13 out of 14(92%) CD10 positive cases were negative for ER and PR. 10 out of 14(71%) CD10 positive cases showed HER2/neu positivity. CD10 expression was significantly associated with ER and PR negativity( P value<0.05), HER2/neu positivity. Conclusions: Stromal CD10 expression is inversely correlated with hormonal receptors and directly correlated with HER2 positivity. CD10 could be used as novel prognostic marker in carcinoma of breast and used for drug development..
Key words: breast carcinoma, prognostic marker, stromal CD10, stromal marker
[1]. NCRP, Three year report of population based cancer registries 2009-2011, ICMR.
[2]. Robins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease. 9ed. volume II. Elsevier; 2015:1051.
[3]. Surakasula A, Nagarjunapu GC, Raghavaiah KV.A comparative study of pre- and post-menopausalbreast cancer: Risk factors, presentation, characteristics and management. J Res Pharm Pract 2014;3:12-8.
[4]. Nikita A Makretsov, Malcom Hayes, Beverly A Carter, Shahriar Dabiri, C Blake Gilks and David G Huntsman Stromal CD10 expression in invasive breast carcinoma correlates with poor prognosis, estrogen receptor negativity, and high grade, Modern Pathology (2007) 20, 84-89.
[5]. A N Kalof, D Tam, B Beatty, K Cooper Immunostaining patterns of myoepithelial cells in breast lesions: a comparison of CD10 and smooth muscle myosin heavy chain J Clin Pathol 2004; 57:625–629..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Oral Lipoma |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prajwalit Kende || Jayant Landge || Monali Ghodke || Pravin Chouhan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708086063 ![]() |
Abstract: Lipoma is a common tumour to be found over a body but intraoral lipomas are a rare clinical entity and represent only about 0.1 to 5% of all neoplasms of the oral cavity. The buccal mucosa, tongue, and floor of the mouth are among the common locations. The clinical presentation is typically as an asymptomatic mass. The overlying epithelium is intact, and superficial blood vessels are usually evident over the tumour. Histopathologically, lipomas are benign soft tissue neoplasm of mature adipose tissue. Hereby, we report two cases of intraoral lipoma, one close to floor of mouth and other over buccal mucosa. Lesions were excised surgically and didn't show any recurrence.
Key words:Oral lipoma, Adipocytes, Infiltrating lipoma, Intramuscular lipoma.
[1]. Fitzgerald K, Sanchirico PJ, Pfeiffer DC. Large intramuscular lipoma of the tongue. Radiology Case Reports. 2018 Apr 30;13(2):361-4.
[2]. Fregnani ER, Pires FR, Falzoni R, Lopes MA, Vargas PA. Lipomas of the oral cavity: clinical findings, histological classification and proliferative activity of 46 cases. International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery. 2003 Feb 1;32(1):49-53.
[3]. Yu-Hsueh Wu, Ping-Yi Lin, Min-hsiang Chang, Chun-Pin Chiang. Lipoma of the tongue. Journal of the Formosan Medical Association. 2017;116:1006-7.
[4]. Miloro M, Haupt A, Olsson AB, Kolokythas A. Oral spindle cell lipoma: a rare occurrence and review of the literature. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Cases. 2015 Mar 1;1(1):12-4.
[5]. Kumaraswamy SV, Madan N, Keerthi R, Shakti S. Lipomas of oral cavity: case reports with review of literature. Journal of maxillofacial and oral surgery. 2009 Dec 1;8(4):394-7..