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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Various Factors Associated With Non-Compliance To Dots |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Chhaya Mittal || S.C.Gupta || Tanveer Bano || Arun Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1709010105 ![]() |
Abstract: BACKGROUND : Tuberculosis (TB) is a communicable disease requiring prolonged treatment. Poor adherence to a prescribed treatment increases the risk of morbidity, mortality, and spread of disease in the community Further poor adherence to treatment leads to emergence of multi-drug-resistant bacilli, so ensuring compliance is of utmost importance to control TB and halt the MDR TB epidemic at its beginning. So there is continuing need to sustain and further intensify the actions being undertaken to reduce default. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To study various factors associated with non compliance to DOTS. MATERIAL AND METHODS......
Key words: DOTS, tuberculosis, non-compliance, compliance, defaulter
[1]. Jaggarajamma K, Sudha G, Chandrasekaran V, Nirupa C, Thomas A, Santha T, et al. Reasons for non compliance among patients treated under Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP), Tiruvallur district, South India. Indian J Tuberc. 2007;54:130–5.[PubMed]
[2]. TB - A Global Emergence. Geneva: World Health Organization; 1994. World Health Organization. WHO/TB/94.177.
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[5]. Chhaya Mittal, SC Gupta. Noncompliance to DOTS: How it can be Decreased. Indian J Community Med. 2011 Jan-Mar; 36(1): 27–30.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Post-operative hypocalcemia is a common event after extensive thyroid surgery. It can be transient or permanent. It can symptomatic or asymptomatic.symptomatic patients can present with mild or severe symptoms accordinlg to which correction of serum calcium levels may be required. AIMS: Our study is to evaluate the incidence of hypocalcemia after total thyroidectomy,to analyse the severity of presentation and to study about various modalities of treatment available. METHODS: The study was..............
Key words:Hypocalcemia,Parathyroid,Thyroid,vitamin D,
[1]. Hypocalcemia and hypoparathyroidism after total thyroidectomy: a clinical biological study and surgical considerations.Sturniolo G, Lo Schiavo MG, Tonante A, D'Alia C, Bonanno L.Int J Surg Investig. 2000; 2(2):99-105.
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[3]. [Parathyroid hypofunction after total thyroidectomy for differentiated thyroid carcinoma--perspectives after long term observation and treatment]. Godlewska P, Kaniewski M, Stachlewska-Nasfeter E, Bisz D, Łyczek J.Wiad Lek. 2001; 54 Suppl 1:398-404.
[4]. Predictors of postoperative hypocalcemia occurring after a total thyroidectomy: results of prospective multicenter study. Eismontas V, Slepavicius A, Janusonis V, Zeromskas P, Beisa V, Strupas K, Dambrauskas Z, Gulbinas A, Martinkenas A.BMC Surg. 2018 Aug 9; 18(1):55. Epub 2018 Aug 9............
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Abstract: The aim was to study the distribution of morphological pattern of Benign and Malignant ovarian neoplasm in different age groups in a tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad and to provide specific diagnosis based on histomorphology.The Data pertaining to sample of received for histopathological evaluation at the laboratory of a tertiary care hospital in Ahmedabad. Over a priod of 2 year( from June - 2016 to June 2018) all the relavant data of patients analysed from hospital record file. A total of 105 cases with ovarian lesion were seen from the year (june-..........
Keyword- corpus luteal cyst, mucinous cyst adenoma, neoplasm
[1]. Sikdar K, Kumar P, Roychowdhary NN. A study of ovarian malignancy: A review of 149 cases. J Obstetric Gynaecology India. 1981;30:478–80.
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[5]. Stany MP, Hamilton CA. Benign disorders of the Ovary. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am 2008;35:271-84..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Biopsy- A Crucial diagnostic aid for oral lesions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Junia Devassy || Dr. Bindu R Nayar |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1708131722 ![]() |
Abstract: Biopsy is a valuable aid in diagnosis of diseases which consists of obtaining a specimen of living tissue in order to study its structure, both macro and microscopically. This procedure makes it possible to confirm or deny a diagnosis, as well as to determine the nature and characteristics of the lesion to establish a final diagnosis. As with any disease process in dentistry and medicine, prevention is the best form of therapy and early diagnosis and treatment is the best way of managing pathologic entities. The present paper provides an update on the different biopsy techniques and their indications.........
Key words: Biopsy, oral biopsy, surgical considerations in biopsy, oral diagnosis.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of Mathematical Model for Medical Sciences |
Country | : | Saudi Arabia |
Authors | : | Mobin Ahmad |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1709012530 ![]() |
Abstract: This article mainly concerns with mathematical modeling in medicine. There is one area in medicine namely pharmacy-kinetics which have already been mathematic zed. There are large areas in medical science which are not amenable to mathematical treatment, and modeling constantly endeavor to widen the areas to which mathematical techniques can be applied for gaining a better insight, and help deepen our understanding of those areas which have already been mathematic zed. The skills needed to be successful in applying mathematics are quite different from those needed to understand concepts, to prove theorems or to solve equations. The difficulty is not in learning and understanding the mathematics involved but in seeing where and how to apply it. In this paper an attempt is made to demonstrate the essentials of mathematical modeling without going deep in to the details on specialized topics.............
Key words: mathematical modeling, medical sciences.
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Abstract: Background: Enchondroma of the hand is a rare benign tumor composed of mature cartilage. The treatment for this tumor type is usually surgery. Surgery includes curettage, curettage with bone grafting or bone cement. Materials and methods: This prospective study involves 11 patients with enchondroma of hand operated by curettge and autologous bone grafting between May 2015 to May 2017. Results: 10 patients had no restriction of movement, while 1 patient had a flexion deformity of 10degree. No patient had any local tumour recurrence or residual swelling. Conclusion: We conclude that curettage followed by autologous bone grafting is a very good method of treating enchondroma of hand..
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[5]. Sassoon AA, Fitz-Gibbon PD, Harmsen WS, Moran SL,(2012) Enchondromas of the hand: Factors affecting recurrence, healing, motion, and malignant transformation, J Hand Surg Am 37(6):1229–1234.
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Abstract: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic condition with high morbidity. The aim of this study was to assess clinical predictive factors for intensive care admission and hemodialysis among patients with severe leptospirosis. This was an observational longitudinal study in which all patients with severe leptospirosis admitted to a tertiary hospital and receiving intensive care and hemodialysis owing to kidney injury were included in the study. 104 patients were included in the study. Mean age of the patients was 33 ± 9.8 years, of which 53% were males and the remaining 47% were females. Most common predictors for ICU care were hypotension, tachypnoea, impaired LFT and coagulation parameters and oliguria (acute kidney injury). Conclusions: Predictive factors for ICU admission in leptospirosis include oliguria, impaired coagulation profile and liver function tests, tachypnoea and hypotension.
Key words: Leptospirosis, intensive care, acute kidney injury, haemodialysis.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Non specific abdominal pain is a diagnostic challenge; such patients frequently seen by many physician & undergoing vast diagnostic workup without making definitive diagnosis at the end & got unsatisfactory discharge, render the patient for readmission with the similar complaints later on with additional psychological embarrasment.Incorporation of laparoscopy earlier(within 24 hrs.) not only make definitive diagnosis but mostly at same time therapeutic too & avoiding unnecessary laparotomies; saves time,cost, avoiding unnecessary investigations, reducing hospital stay, readmission rates, mental /psychological satisfaction to patient & allow the surgeon........
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Abstract: Introduction: Vaginal infections are common among women of reproductive age. Among the more frequent microorganisms are the Trichomonas vaginalis (TV) and Candida spp. Both of these sexually transmissible infections are associated with enhanced susceptibility to HIV infections and adverse health outcomes. Adequate investigation and proper treatment will reduce the risk of adverse outcomes. Aim: The aim of our study is to focus on the prevalence of T. vaginalis and Candida infection in non-pregnant women and also to verify the coexistence of these two agents and other social and demographic variables. Materials and Methods: The study was planned as a cross sectional observational study. 201 women with symptomatic vaginal discharge attending the Obstetric and Gynaecological.........
Key words:vulvovaginal candidiasis, Trichomonas vaginalis, non pregnant women, socioeconomic
[1]. Mateus De Paula Glehn,Lana Cristina Evangelista Sa Ferreira, Hian Delfino Ferreira Da Silva, Eleuza Rodrigues Machado.
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Abstract: An accident usually happens due a judgmental error of either of the drivers or the driver alone. Factors like vehicle repairs, bad weather or roads related can be a cause but driver related is the most deciding factor. And an altered judgment is caused by influence of alcohol and other recreational drugs. Our study aim was to see any correlation of alcohol consumption and non fatal, non grievous injuries presenting to the causality of a tertiary teaching hospital. We have analyzed the records and questioning the patients and found that most of them were men and the active productive age group is involved, injuries ranging from abrasions to head injuries. And mostly due to acute binging or usual drinking patterns..
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Abstract: Background: To study the association between lipid profile and thyroid hormones in early pregnancy Aims:To investigate lipid profiles and thyroid hormones, US -TSH , FT4, FT3 during early pregnancy. To find out the association between thyroid dysfunction and serum lipid levels during early pregnancy. Materials and methods: This prospective observational study was conducted at the Department of Biochemistry in collaboration with the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal during the period of July 2015 to January 2016. A total of four hundred and ninety seven pregnant women within the first twelve weeks of gestation were the study..........
Key words:Subclinical hypothyroid, thyroid stimulating hormone, free thyroxine, Euthyroid, Dyslipidemia, Triglycerides, Total cholesterol..
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Abstract: Background: Vitamin B12 is one of the essential Vitamin s for protein biosynthesis, cell division and optimal systemic function, particularly for nervous system and blood. Diagnosis and treatment are delayed because of symptoms not specific to Vitamin B12 deficiency, normal blood count and lack of awareness. Metformin (Glucophage) is a popular and highly effective oral anti-diabetic drug used for type II diabetes. However, long-term use of Metformin may interfere with Vitamin B12 absorption which may lead to Vitamin B12 deficiency. Objectives: To assess the awareness of Vitamin B12 deficiency and its effects on the body among diabetic type II patients taking...........
Key words: Metformin,Vitamin B12 deficiency, Diabetes type II and T2DM
[1]. A.K.M. A-M, A.A. A-A, M.A. A, K.A. A-F, A. A-M, R.M. H. Vitamin B12 deficiency in patients with normal blood count. Blood. 2013;122(21).
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Abstract: BackgroundRecent epidemiological reports established that there is an increase in the incidence of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) in young patients. Some report this to be in the absence of contributing habits such as smoking and alcohol use. Few reports of such a nature have reported a similar trend in South Africa. This study was conducted to describe epidemiological pattern of oral squamous cell carcinoma seen at the Tygerberg academic complex in South Africa in the period from 1996 to 2013. Materials and Methods: Histopathological biopsy reports of patients diagnosed by the oral pathology department of Tygerberg hospital from 1996 to 2013 were electronically retrieved and included. Patients were grouped by age into............
Key words: Epidemiology, Oral, Squamous cell carcinoma, Tygerberg, Cape Town
[1]. Shah J, Gil Z. Current concepts in management of oral cancer – Surgery. Oral Oncology. 2009;45(4-5):394-401.
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[3]. Müller S, Pan Y, Li R, Chi A. Changing Trends in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma with Particular Reference to Young Patients: 1971–2006. The Emory University Experience. Head and Neck Pathology. 2008;2(2):60-66.
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[5]. Toner M, O'Regan E. Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma in the Young: A Spectrum or a Distinct Group? Part 1. Head and Neck Pathology. 2009;3(3):246-248.