Version-13 (September-2018)
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Abstract: Problem of unanticipated difficult intubation is worldwide and search continues for tests that are reliable, accurate & rapid to predict difficult intubation. Our aim was to compare the ability to predict difficult intubation from six preoperative airway tests- Upper lip bite test, Modified Mallampati, Interincisor gap, Head & Neck movements, Thyromental distance, Ratio of height to Thyromental distance, compared individually & to confirm the same with Cormack Lehane score for difficult intubation. Airway was assessed in preanesthetic checkup using these six tests by the principle investigator & anesthesiologist assessing glottic exposure was blinded from the preoperative...........
Key words: Airway, Cormack Lehane, Intubation
[1]. Caplan RA, Posner KL, Ward RJ, Cheney FW. Adverse respiratory events in anesthesia: a closed claim analysis. Anesthesiology 1990; 72(5): 828-833.
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[5]. Oates JD, Macleod AD, Oates PD, Pearsall FJ, Howie JC, Murray GD. Comparison of two methods of predicting difficult intubation. Br J Anaesth 1991; 66(3):305-309.
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Abstract: Background: The lifetime prevalence of substance use disorders is at least 40% in bipolar I patients. Although high smoking rates have been reported among bipolar patients, only a few studies examined the prevalence of smoking in bipolar disorder, and their findings are inconsistent Aims and Objectives: To study the prevalence and clinical correlates of nicotine dependence among patients with Bipolar Disorder. The objectives of this study are to study the prevalence of Nicotine dependence among Bipolar Disorders, socio-demographic variables of the Bipolar patients with Nicotine dependence and to determine the clinical correlates of Bipolar patients with Nicotine dependence. Materials and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted at Psychiatric Department, at Maharajah's Institute of Medical........
Keywords: Nicotine Dependence, Bipolar Disorders.
[1]. Monica Perez-Rios et al - Changes in the Prevalence of Tobacco Consumption and the Profile of Spanish Smokers after a Comprehensive Smoke-Free Policy, Ignacio Correa-Velez, Academic Editor
[2]. Carney CP et al - Medical co-morbidity in women and men with bipolar disorders: a population-based controlled study.
[3]. Poirier et al - Prevalence of smoking in psychiatric patients, Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry. 2002;26:529-37.
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[5]. Anne Yee et al - The Prevalence and Correlates of Nicotine Use Disorder among Bipolar Patients in a Hospital Setting, Malaysia, 10.1080/15504263.2012.647347, pages 28-34...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Anatomical Variations of Thyroid Gland & Its Clinical Significance |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. G.Hemalatha || Dr. M .Subba Rao |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1709132224 ![]() |
Abstract: Thyroid gland is located anteriorly in the neck at the level of 5,6,7cervical &1thoracic vertebrae. It lies deep to sterno thyroid& sterno hyoid .The morphological variations are usually diagnosed incidentally during examination for other thyroid diseases. This study was done to observe the gross anatomical features of the thyroid in 30 cadavers [21male 9female] 20 from anatomy&10 from forensic medicine at Rajiv Gandhi institute of medical sciences ongole, Andhra Pradesh. In our study we observed lobes of thyroid, absence of isthmus, pyramidal lobe, levator glandulae thyroidea, accessory thyroid tissue. This study highlights the various developmental anomalies of the thyroid gland which is an useful information in the treatment and for safe and effective surgeries to clinicians.
Key words: Morphological variations , thyroid gland , pyramidal lobe, levator glandulae thyroideae, isthmus, accessory thyroid tissue
[1]. Arriaga MA , Myers EN (1988).Ectopic thyroid in the retro oesophageal superior mediastinum. Otolarngol head neck surg.;99:338-40.
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[3]. Bergman RA ,Afifi AK, Miyauchi R(1992-2004) . Thyroid gland illustrated encyclopedia of human anatomic variation: Opus IV: Organ system:Endocrine system.
[4]. Braun E, Windisch G ,Wolf G, Hausleitner L, Ander Huber F (2007).The pyramidal lobe: clinical anatomy and its importance in thyroid surgery. Surg and radiol anat.;29(1):21-7.
[5]. Casanova JB, DalyRC , Edwards BS, Tazelaar HD, Thompson GB (2000).Intracardiac ectopic thyroid. Ann Thorac surg.;70:1694-6...
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Abstract: TThe eye is an area of considerable interest to the layman as well as the ophthalmologist. But it's apparently deceptive sense of irrelevance to the otolaryngologist is what makes it more interesting. It is an area where many of the structures related to otolaryngologist seem to converge. Hence an otolaryngologist is usually to be consulted even for an obviously ocular lesion to rule out or establish that cryptic lesion in his domain.Every otolarygological examination which might even remotely suggest an ocular involvement should be followed by an adequate clinical examination of the eye.Most often sophisticated techniques of investigation are required to establish the extent or degree of lesion which might then surprisingly reveal an ocular involvement.The various therapeutic.........
[1]. Venugopal M, Sagesh M. Proptosis: The ENT Surgeon's Perspective. Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2013;65(Suppl 2):247-50. doi:10.1007/s12070-011-0367-7.
[2]. Masud MZ, Babar TF, Iqbal A, Khan MT, Zaffar ul Islam, Khan MD. Proptosis: etiology and demographic patterns. J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2006;16(1):38-41. doi:12.2005/JCPSP.3841.
[3]. WILLIAMSON-NOBLE FA. Diseases of the orbit and its contents, secondary to pathological conditions of the nose and paranasal sinuses. Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1954;15(1):46-64. Available at: Accessed September 11, 2016.
[4]. Matsuba Y, Strassen U, Hofauer B, Bas M, Knopf A. Orbital complications:diagnosis of different rhinological causes. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2015;272(9):2319-26. doi:10.1007/s00405-014-3338-2.
[5]. Conley J, Baker DC. Management of the eye socket in cancer of the paranasal sinuses. Arch Otolaryngol. 1979;105(12):702-5. Available at: Accessed September 11, 2016...
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Abstract: Background: Nephrotic Syndrome is one of the most common renal disorders in pediatric age group, which predisposes to various systemic infections. Of all the infections urinary tract infections remains the most important cause for most of the relapses. The present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of urinary tract infections and their microbiological profile in children with Nephrotic Syndrome. Methods: A cross sectional descriptive study which included all children less than 12 years of age admitted with Nephrotic Syndrome between August 2017 and July 2018. All the data regarding history, clinical findings and investigations were recorded in.........
Key words: Nephrotic Syndrome, Urinary Tract Infection, Urine Culture
[1]. Rahman MH, Jsemin T, : An update of management of nephritic syndrome: Bangladesh J Child Health. 2013;37(2):102-21.
[2]. Kidney International, Nephrotic Syndrome in children: Prediction of histopathology from clinical and laboratory characteristics 13:159-165
[3]. Moorani , Mukesh et al. Spectrum of infections in children with newly diagnosed Nephrotic Syndrome. Pak J Med Res. 2012;51 (1) :10-4. .
[4]. Lora SS et al. Int. J Contemp Pediatr. 2016 Nov; 3(4): 1344-1347.
[5]. Viswanth et al. JEMDS 2015; vol.4, issue 105, Dec.31, 17014-17016...
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Abstract: Breast cancer is the second most common cause of death from cancer in women. The aim of this study was to determine which is more accurate imaging test among mammography ,ultrasound and color doppler ultrasound for diagnosis of breast cancer based on the women's age and breast density. We examined 81 patients with breast symptoms, by clinical breast examination which is cofirmed by mammography ,ultrasound and color doppler. A total of 81 breast lesions were compared with final histopathology of the lesion taking it as the gold standard. Sensitivity varied significantly with age and breast density. Adding color Doppler with ultrasound provides a better diagnostic accuracy..
Key words: breast cancer, diagnostic methods, mammography, ultrasound,color doppler ultrasound, age.
[1]. American Cancer Society., Detailed Guide: Breast Cancer What Are the Key Statistics for Breast Cancer?. American Cancer Society Cancer Resource. docroot/home/ index.asp [ Access May 16, 2008. ]
[2]. Schonberg M.A., Ramanan R.A., McCarthy E.P., Marcantonio E.R. Decision making and counseling around mammography screening for women aged 80 or older. J. Gen. Intern Med. ; 21 (9) 979-985
[3]. Badgwell B.D., Giordano S.H., Duan Z.Z., Fang S., Bedrosian I., Kuerer H.M. et al. Mammography before diagnosis among women age 80 years and older with breast cancer. J. Clin. Oncol. 26 (15) 2482 - 2488
[4]. Kopans D.B., Negative mammographic and US fi ndings do not help exclude breast cancer. Radiology. 2002 ; 222 (3) : 857-858
[5]. .Hille H., Vetter M., Hackelöer BJ. Re-evaluating the role of breast ultrasound in current diagnostics of malignant breast lesions] Ultraschall Med 2004 ; 25 (6) :411-417
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Abstract: Laryngotracheal stenosis is a complex problem resulting most often from intubation, trauma,or autoimmune disease. In this modern era, airway trauma has increased by considerable number owing to increased ventilator care in many emergency situations. Anaesthetist s timely intubation saves the life of a patient but he must also be able to foresee the chaotic life of a prolongedly intubated patient who might develop stenosis. This current study on LARYNGOTRACHEAL STENOSIS enumerates the etiological pathophysiology and clinical presentation. Out of 1,46,845 outpatients seen at our hospital,36 cases of airway stenosis were noted with various etiologies. Among them only 25 cases were followed up regularly and were included in the study. Patients proven...........
[1]. Tracheal stenosis causing weaning and decannulation problem - a case report Shahnaz Afroza1 , Md. Arif Hossain Bhuyan2 , Lutful Aziz3 , V.K. Grover4
[2]. Nikolaos Zias, Alexandra Chroneou, Maher K Tabba, Anne V Gonza lez, Anthony W Gray, Carla R Lamb, David R Riker and John F Beamis- Post tracheostomy and post intubation tracheal stenosis: Report of 31 cases and review of the literature - BMC Pulmonary Medicine 2008, 8:18
[3]. Poetker DM, Ettema SL, Blumin JH, Toohill RJ, Merati AL.- Associa tion of airway abnormalities and risk factors in 37 subglottic stenosis patients.- Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2006 Sep;135(3):434-7.
[4]. MacEwen W- Clinical observations on the introduction of tracheal tubes by the mouth instead of performing tracheotomy or laryngotomy.- Br Med J 1880, 2:122-124
[5]. Lindholm CE- Prolonged endotracheal intubation - Acta Anaesthesiol Scand Suppl 1970, 33:1-131.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Are We Justified In Doing Hysterectomy??? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Harini || Rajeswari.KS || Preet Agarwal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1709134952 ![]() |
Abstract: Endometrial polyps are localised hyperplastic overgrowths of endometrial glands and stroma around a vascular core that form a sessile or pedunculated projection from the surface of the endometrium. Incidence is unknown because many polpys are asymptomatic. Prevalence is reported to be between 7.8% to 34.9% and in women with postmenopausal bleeding, it is around 37.7%. Malignancy is uncommon and occurs in 0% to 12.9% of endometrial polyps. Out of 113 cases with postmenopausal bleeding, 14 patients were suspected to have endometrial polyps. Diagnosis was based on transvaginal USG. Out of 14 patients, 8 patients underwent hysterectomy, 2 underwent saline...........
Keywords: Endometrial polyp, Hysteroscopy, Postmenopausal bleeding, Hysterectomy, Transvaginal USG.
[1]. Jane A. Bates (1997). Practical Gynaecological Ultrasound. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 1-900151-51-0.
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[3]. Sternberg, Stephen S.; Stacey E. Mills; Darryl Carter (2004). Sternberg's Diagnostic Surgical Pathology. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 2460. ISBN 0-7817-4051-7.
[4]. Dysmenorrhea: Menstrual abnormalities at Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy Professional Edition.
[5]. Rubin, Raphael; David S Strayer (2007). Rubin's Pathology: Clinicopathologic Foundations of Medicine. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. p. 806. ISBN 0-7817-9516-8....
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Abstract: Introduction: Hepatitis B is a national and global public health problem. In 2013, viral hepatitis was a leading cause of death worldwide.1 More than 90% of this burden is due to the sequelae of infections with the hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus.1 Prevention can reduce the rate of new infections. In the absence of additional efforts, 19 million hepatitis-related deaths are anticipated from 2015 to 2030.1 Materials and Methods: We conducted a case control study among patients attending the Gastroenterology Department of Kurnool Medical College, Kurnool, AP. It is a tertiary care hospital and hence the patients from the peripheral areas of the state and neighbouring states are coming here. Data were collected after getting written consent from the respondents. Information collected includes background demographic, socio-economic and health aspects..........
Key words: Hepatitis B, Transmission
[1]. WHO publication. Combating Hepatitis B and C to reach elimination by 2030. Available at: Accessed on 12 Sept 2015.
[2]. Batham A, Narula D, Toteja T, Sreenivas V, Puliyel JM. Systematic review and meta-analysis of prevalence of Hepatitis B in India. Indian Pediatr. 2007;44:663-74.
[3]. Kumar M, Sarin SK. Viral hepatitis eradication in India by 2080- gaps, challenges and targets. Indian J Med Res. 2014;140:1-4.
[4]. Kumar T, Shrivastava A, Kumar A, Laserson SD, Narain JP, Venkatesh S. Viral Hepatitis Surveillance-India, 2011-2013. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention MMWR. 2015;64:758-62.
[5]. Ahmed W, Qureshi H, Arif A, Alam S. Changing trend of Viral Heaptitis-A twenty one year report from Pakistan Medical research Council Research Center, Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi. J Pak Med Assoc. 2010;60:86-9.
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Abstract: Introduction: Cirrhosis is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a diffuse process characterized by fibrosis and the conversion of normal liver architecture into structurally abnormal nodules.3,4 The progression of liver injury to cirrhosis may occur over weeks to years. Chronic liver diseases and cirrhosis result in 26,000-35,000 deaths each year in the United States (US). Cirrhosis is the 9th leading cause of death in the US and is responsible for 1.2% of all US deaths.5 Materials and Methods: Three hundred consecutively diagnosed adult cirrhosis patients were prospectively studied at the Department of Gastroenterology,......
Keywords: Cirrhosis, etiology, complications, prognosis, mortality
[1]. Anthony PP, Ishak KG, Nayak NC, Poulsen HE, Scheuer PJ, Sobin LH. The morphology of cirrhosis. Recommendations on definition, nomenclature, and classification by a working group sponsored by the World Health Organization. Clin- Pathol 1978;31:395-414 .
[2]. Bellentani S, Tiribelli C. The spectrum of liver disease in the general population: lesson from the Dionysos study. J Hepatol 2001;35:531-7.
[3]. Aiden P, Mc Cormick. Hepatic Cirrhosis. In, Sherlock‟s Diseases of the Liver and Biliary system, 12 th edition. Wiley Blackwell pp103.
[4]. A. Kim WR, Gross JB Jr. Poterucha JJ et al. Outcome of hospital care of liver disease associated with Hepatitis C in the US. Hepatology 2001;33:201-6.
[5]. Sherlock S, Dooley J. Hepatocellular failure.In Disease of liver and biliary system. (10th edition). Oxford: Blackwell Science 1997: 81-5..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Uterine Arteriovenous Malformations |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Vimalshika.R || Dr.K.Saraswathi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1709136263 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is an uncommon vascular disease, which can be a life-threatening condition. Treatment recommendations include embolization versus hysterectomy. Case: A 26 year-old gravida 6 para 2042 presented three months after an early pregnancy loss with persistent vaginal bleeding. Ultrasonography and angiography demonstrated a hypervascular intrauterine mass consistent with an AVM. Hysteroscopy demonstrated an intracavitary mass with increased vascularity which, upon resection and pathology evaluation, was confirmed to be retained products of conception (RPOC). Conclusion: AVMs are a rare condition in which angiography has classically been the gold standard modality to clinch the challenging diagnosis. Since there are several conditions which mimic the presentation of AVMs, hysteroscopy can be a useful tool in the diagnosis, which can influence treatment decisions.
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Abstract: Esthetic outcomes have become key elements that are critical to defning success in implant restorations. Long-term studies have demonstrated that single or multiple implants are highly predictable with high survival rates. However, in the anterior maxillary zone, the aesthetic success of implant therapy is, for many, as important as the implant survival rates. Several factors contribute to this "success" and can be objectively evaluated. These include the patient's healing capabilities, the level and condition of the existing soft and hard tissues, and the provisional and final restorations Esthetic outcomes have become key elements that are critical to defining success in implant restorations. In the anterior maxilla buccal cortical plate becomes thin after extraction of natural teeth, so implant placement has to be done off axis. Prosthetic management of this off axis placed implant becomes difficult with screw retained prosthesis.
[1]. Mohannad al Sabbagh, Implants in the Esthetic Zone. Den Clin N Am 2006;50:391-407.
[2]. Sang- Choon Cho et al. Implants in the Anterior Maxilla: Aesthetic Challenges. International Journal of Dentistry, Vol 2015.
[3]. Jain, Ashish. R.. "Fp1 Prosthesis in Maxillary Ridge Defect and Fixed Partial Denture in Mandibular Ridge Defect - A Case Report." International Journal of Dental Sciences and Research 2.6 (2014): 184-189.
[4]. W. Chee and S. Jivraj, Designing abutments for cement retained implant supported restorations. British Dental Journal 2006; 201: 559-563.