Version-11 (September-2018)
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Abstract: Introduction: Lumber slipped disc (LSD) attributes to a problem with an intervertebral disc of the lumber spine, whereby a gel-like material (nucleus-pulposus) inside the disc that protrudes through a crack in the outer-wall (annulus-fibrosus) of the disc and compressed a nearby nerve root causes inflammation, pain, numbness or weakness in the leg that lead to abnormal quality of life.The aim of the study is to normalize the LSD with theaberrant levels of Interleukin-10 (IL-10), Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), Creatine kinase-muscle (CK-MM) and AldolaseA (AldoA)along with anomalousanatomical and international acclaimed functional disability parameters and radiological images by topical phytotherapeutic treatment protocol withinsix-week. Methods:Baseline data were collected...........
Key words: Lumber slipped disc; Lumber herniated disc; Phytotherapy for prolapsed disc; Alternative treatment for lumber slipped disc; Lumber slipped disc without surgery.
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Abstract: Hypospadias surgery with so many developments in the field is still fraught with the most common complication of fistula formation regardless of type of hypospadias,technique performed and surgeon's expertise.Each refinement aims in decreasing the incidence of formation of urethrocutaneous fistula viz; two stage repair,dartos flap cover,overlapping suture line etc.Parietal layer of tunica vaginalis from testis as a covering over reconstructed neo urethra decreases fistula rate. Unlike dartos layer, tunica vaginalis brings vascular supply from outside source hence helping in better healing of suture line of neo-urethra. Study of effectiveness of tunica vaginalis flap covering in two common procedures performed is presented with significant decrease of urethro-cutaneous fistula.
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Abstract: Introduction :Mosquito-borne diseases constitute an important cause of morbidity and mortality, especially in India. Observations on Domestic and Peri domestic factors predisposing to Mosquito born diseases is important for designing community-based interventions.Objectives: To study the Domestic and Peri-domestic factors predisposing to Mosquito breeding in an urban slum of Kakinada. 2.To asses the relationship between socio-demographic factors and mosquito breeding in an urban slum. Materials & methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 132 families selected by systematic sampling method in an urban slum of kakinada, East Godavari District. Data was collected using pretested semi-structured questionnaire after taking informed consent. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 20.Results: Out of the 132 families surveyed Ventilation was adequate in only 39.4%.Potential...........
Key words: Domestic factors, Mosquito breeding sites, Peridomestic factors,Urban slum
[1]. Kohli C, Kumar R, Meena GS, Singh MM, Ingle GK. A Study on Knowledge and Preventive Practices about Mosquito Borne Diseases in Delhi. MAMC J Med Sci 2015;1:16-9.
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Abstract: The present study was conducted to assess the feasibility and accuracy of hysteroscopy in evaluation of intrauterine abnormalities in women with abnormal uterine bleeding and to correlate it with histopathological evaluation.50 women in the reproductive, perimenopausal and postmenopausal age group, up to the age of 65 years presenting with AUB were included as per the inclusion and exclusion criteria. All patients underwent a hysteroscopic examination followed by a biopsy and histopathological evaluation. Hysteroscopic findings were noted and compared with histopathological findings.sensitivity, specificity, PPV, NPV and accuracy of hysteroscopy was calculated. Results: Maximum age incidence was between 41-..........
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Abstract: Aim- Oral Cavity Cancer is the most common among all the head and neck cancer in India. Our study evaluates the incidence & the demographic profile of head and neck cancer cases in a urban cancer centre in Eastern part of India.Methods:-This retrospective study was done in Radiotherapy Department of Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences (VIMSAR), Burla of Sambalpur district, Odisha, India, for a period of three year, from 1st April 2014 to 31st March 2017. Total 368 head and neck cancer cases were reported during this period.Results:-The incidence of Head and Neck cancer was found to be 16.15%. The Male were affected more than the female.The median age of occurrence was 53 years. The most commonly affected age group was 41-60 years (52.45%). Among all the head and neck cancer, Tongue cancer was the most common (28.26%) followed by Buccal Mucosa (19.02%).We found a strong association between the use of tobacco (bhang) and Head & neck..........
Key words: Head and Neck Cancers, Tongue cancer, Incidence
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[5]. Kulkarni, Manik Rao. "Head and neck cancer burden in India." Int J Head and Neck Surg4(1 ),2013, 29-35..
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Abstract: Agrochemicals are chemicals used in agriculture to maintain the ecosystem.This includes fertllizers, pesticides, insecticides, rodenticides etc. Agrochemicals are known to be associated with acute kidney injury.Of all the agrochemicals, Organophosphorus causing AKI was the most common agrochemical reported in literature.But with increasing use of Paraquat, the number of cases with Paraquat poisoning and thus with AKI are on rise. Of 40 cases of agrochemical poisoning with AKI , most common poisoning was Paraquat (18/40) , Organophosphorus (9/40).Factors associated with mortality were found to be low Oxygen status at admission, and low hemoglobin..
Key words: Agrochemical poisoning, acute kidney injury
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[4]. Jayasinghe .S Chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology should be renamed chronic agrochemicalnephropathy. MEDICC Rev. 2014 Apr;16(2):72-4.
[5]. Yadla M, Yanala SR, Parvithina S, Chennu KK, Annapindi N, Vishnubhotla S. Acute kidney injury in Endosulfan poisoning. audi J Kidney Dis Transpl. 2013 May;24(3):592-3.
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Abstract: Diabetes mellitus is a glooming threat worldwide. It amounted for around 9% of deaths in the year 2012, in Southeast Asia1. India stands second among world countries with whopping estimate of 69.2 million cases out of 415 million cases worldwide2. Chronic hyperglycemia leads to sensory and autonomic neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, nephropathy and retinopathy. Amongst all the complications of diabetes, the prevalence of diabetic foot infections is most common affecting approximately 15% of the diabetic patients3. This can be attributed to several social and cultural practices such as barefoot walking, inadequate facilities for diabetes care and education, and poor socioeconomic conditions4.several studies have proven that, at molecular level chronic hyperglycemia coupled with excessive up regulation of extracellular matrix degrading gelatinases like MMP 9 could be the root cause of all these complications. Primary pathology here vests with insulin resistance. Hence in this study we evaluated the relationship between serum MMP 9 and insulin resistance in patients with diabetic foot ulcers before and after skin grafting ..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case of Undiagnosed Heterotopic Pregnancy In A Primigravida |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.I.Indu || DR.SASHIKALA |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1709115657 ![]() |
Abstract: Heterotopic pregnancy is the co-existence of intrauterine pregnancy and extrauterinepregnancy.It is a rare and dangerous life-threatening situation that is difficult to diagnose therefore easily missed.The incidence in the general population is estimated to be 1 in 30,000. Risk factors for ectopic pregnancy are pelvic inflammatory disease,previous ectopic pregnancies or previous surgeries. We report a 24 years old primigravida who is a case of heterotopic pregnancy for curettage was done outside without any evidence of ultrasonogram 1 ½ months ago.Shepresented in OP with irregular bleeding per vaginum on & off for 1 ½ months.A careful ultrasound assessment led to the diagnosis of left chronic tubalgestation.Surgical intervention with supportive measures resulted in a successful outcome.
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[2]. Glassner MJ, Aron E, Eskin BA. Ovulation induction with clomiphene and the rise in heterotopic pregnancies: A report of two cases. J Reprod Med. 1990;35:175–8.
[3]. Gruber I, Lahodny J, Illmensee K, Losch A. Heterotopic pregnancy: Report of three cases. Wien KlinWochenschr. 2002;114:229–32
[4]. Ectopic Pregnancy, text book of -Williams Obstetrics. 21st ed. Multifetal Ectopic Pregnancy in Chapter 34; pp. 888–9.
[5]. Cheng PJ, Chueh HY, Qiu JT. Heterotopic pregnancy in a natural conception cycle presenting as haematomatra. Obstet Gynecol. 2004;104:195–8...
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Abstract: Background:Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2 DM) awareness is vital for its managementand control of complications. However, low number ofstudies was carried out in Hail, KSA even though the conditionconstitutes a major public health problem in Hail. T2 DM is a major public health problem in Saudi Arabia so regular checkups will be a great help to reduce the risk of developing complications of T2DM. Aim; This study aimed at evaluating the awareness of regular checkups in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients of Hail city in Saudi Arabia. Methods: 200 patients attending the KKH. A questionnaire was used, containing questions onpatient's demographic characteristics and awareness of various aspects of T2 DM including general knowledge on T2 DM,causes, complications, management and..........
[1]. Mohieldein AH*,.Alzohairy MA, Hasan. M. Awareness of diabetes mellitus among Saudi nondiabetic population in Al-Qassim region, Saudi Arabia. Journal of Diabetes and Endocrinology.2011; 2(2) : 14-19.
[2]. Hjelm K, Mufunda E, Nambozi G, Kemp J .Preparing nurses toface the pandemic of diabetes mellitus: a literature review. J. Adva.Nurs.2003; 41: 424-434.
[3]. Ammari F .Long-term complications of type 1 diabetes mellitus inthe western area of Saudi Arabia. Diabetol. Croat.,2004; 33: 59-63.
[4]. Alwakeel JS, Al-Suwaida A, Isnani AC, Al-Harbi A, Alam A .Concomitant macro and micro-vascular complications in Diabeticnephropathy. Saudi J. Kidney Dis. Transpl.,2009; 20: 402-409.
[5]. Caliskan D, Ozdemir O, Ocaktan E, Idil A .Evaluation ofawareness of diabetes mellitus and associated factors in four healthcenter areas. Patient Educ. Couns.,2006; 62: 142-147.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chilaiditi Syndrome-A Case Report with Review on Literature |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Maulik Sharma || Shefali Goyal || Jagdish Sharma |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1709116364 ![]() |
Abstract: Chilaiditi syndrome is a rare condition which occurs due to transpositioning of a loop of transverse colon between right hemidiaphragm and liver1.It is a rare entity in which patient presents with pain abdomen, vomiting and features of small bowel obstruction. It is often asymptomatic & presents as an incidental finding on chest x-ray or plain x-ray of abdomen known as chilaiditi's sign2 . We present a case of 48 year old male with chilaiditi syndrome and review literature regarding presence of chialditi syndrome.
[1]. Chilaiditi D. Zur frage der hepatoptose und ptose im allgemeinen im anschluss an drei fälle von temporärer, partieller leberverlagerung. Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Röntgenstrahlen. 1910;16:173–208
[2]. Saber A.A., Boros M.J. — ―Chilaiditi'ssyndrome:what should every surgeon know?‖ Am Surg. 71(3):261-263, 2005
[3]. Kamiyoshihara M, Ibe T, Takeyoshi I. Chilaiditi's sign mimicking a traumatic diaphragmatic hernia Ann ThoracicSurg.2009;87:959-61
[4]. Prieto-Diaz-Chavez E, Marentes EJ, Medina CJ, et al. Sindrome de chilaiditicomo un problema de decision quirurgica : reporte de
un caso y revision de la literature. Cir Gen.2007;29:294-6
[5]. Jackson ADM, Hodson CJ. Interposition of the colon between liver and diaphragm (Chilaiditi's syndrome) in children. Arch Dis Child. 1957;32: 151–8..