Version-8 (September-2018)
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Abstract: Objective: To investigate whether there is an association between Body Mass Index (BMI), Body fat percent and serum Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) in eu-thyroid female subjects. Methods: 103 randomly selected eu-thyroid female subjects were included in this study. Their BMI was estimated by Metric method, Body fat percent was measured by Harpenden skin fold caliper. Serum TSH was measured from fasting serum sample by Enzyme-linked-immuno-sorbant (ELISA) Assay. Results: A positive linear association was found between BMI and serum TSH level (r=0.342, p<0.002). Body fat percent of eu-thyroid female subjects also showed strong positive linear correlation with serum TSH level (r=0.628, p<0.000). . There is......
Key words: BMI, Body fat percent, Serum TSH, Eu-thyroid female
[1]. Fox CS, Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB, Murabito JM, Seely EW, Pearce EN, et al. Relations of thyroid function to body weight: Cross-sectional and longitudinal observations in a community-based sample. Arch Intern Med. 2008; 168: 587 – 592.
[2]. Hoogwerf BJ & Nuttall FQ. Long-term weight regulation in treated hyperthyroid and hypothyroid subjects. American Journal of Medicine 1984 76 963–970. (doi:10.1016/0002- 9343(84)90842-8)
[3]. Liu D, Jiang F, Shan Z,Wang B,Wang J, Lai Y, Chen Y, Li M, Liu H Li C, Xue H, Li N, Yu J, Shi L, Bai X, Hou X, Zhu L, Lu L, Wang S, Xing Q & TengW. A cross-sectional survey of relationship between serum TSH level and blood pressure. Journal of Human Hypertension 2009 24 134–138. (doi:10.1038/jhh.2009.44)
[4]. Asvold BO, Bjoro T & Vatten LJ. Association of serum TSH with high body mass differs between smokers and never-smokers. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 2009 94 5023–5027. (doi:10.1210/jc.2009-1180)
[5]. Makepeace AE, Bremner AP, O'Leary P, Leedman PJ, Feddema P,Michelangeli V & Walsh JP. Significant inverse relationship between serum free T4 concentration and body mass index in euthyroid subjects: differences between smokers and nonsmokers. Clinical Endocrinology 2008 69 648–652. (doi:10.1111/j.1365- 2265.2008.03239.x)
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Abstract: Introduction: Succinylcholine chloride remains Gold standard neuromuscular blocking drug in providing ideal intubating conditions in Rapid sequence intubation. Rocuronium bromide is the only drug currently available which has the rapidity of onset of action like succinylcholine chloride. Hence the present study was undertaken to compare rocuronium bromide with succinylcholine chloride for use during rapid sequence intubation in adult patients.
Results: It was noted that succinylcholine chloride 1.5 mg kg-1 body weight produced excellent intubating conditions in 96.67% patients....... .
Key words: Anaesthesia; rapid sequence intubation; succinylcholine chloride; rocuronium bromide
[1]. McCourt KC, Salmela L, Mirakhur RK, Carroll M, Rout GJ: Comparison of rocuronium and suxamethonium for use during rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia; Anesthesia, 1998; 53: 867-871.
[2]. Toni Magorian, Flannery KB, Ronald D Miller: Comparison of rocuronium, succinylcholine and vecuronium for rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia in adult patients; Anaesthesiology, 1993; 79: 913-918.
[3]. Friedrich K Puhringer, Karin S, Khuenl-Brady, Johann Koller, Gottfried Mitterschiffthaler: Evaluation of endotracheal intubating conditions of rocuronium and succinylcholine in outpatient surgery; Anaesthesia Analgesia, 1992; 75: 37-40.
[4]. Misra M.N., Agarwal M, Pandey R.P., Gupta A."A comparative study of rocuronium, vecuronium and succinylcholine for rapid sequence induction of anaesthesia". Indian J.Anaesth.2005;49(6):469-473.
[5]. Fuchs Buder T and Tassonyi E: Intubating conditions and time course of rocuronium induced neuromuscular block in children, British Journal of Anaesthesia, 1996; 77:335-338...
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Abstract: AIM- To study the prevalence and various clinical presentations of contact dermatitis due to cosmetics and also to specify the ingredients in cosmetics causing contact dermatitis by patch testing. METHODS- All clinically suspected cases of contact dermatitis due to cosmetics, attending the Out Patient Department of Dermatology, Venreology and Leprosy, S.N. Medical College, Agra from March 2016 to March 2017 constituted the subject material for this study i.e a total of 136 patients but 44 patients didn't give consent for patch test, and 4 patients didn't come for follow-up, so finally 88 patients were included in the study. RESULT AND CONCLUSION- 136 cases were.............
Key words: Cosmetics, contact dermatitis, patch test
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: In some ovarian cancer especially in early stage, risk of malignancy index (RMI) is proposed for clinical use and is found to yield better result indiscriminating between benign and malignant ovarian tumours than any single test of morphologic Ultrasound scores, CA 125, or menopausal status. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 100 patients were taken up into 2 groups of 50 each to depending on RMI, group A having patients with RMI>200 (n=50), group B having patients with RMI<200 (n=50). RESULTS: Analysis shows that there is 1.6 times more chance of a tumour being malignant in postmenopausal women than in peri-menopausal women with adnexal mass. There is statistically significant increased incidence of malignancy in postmenopausal women (p value= 0.0265). The study finds the best cut-off value for RMI is at >230.........
Key Words: Risk of malignancy index(RMI), Ovarian malignancy, CA-125, USG Score
[1]. Siegel R et al: Cancer statistics 2011: the impact of eliminating socioeconomic and racial disparities on premature cancer deaths. CA Cancer J Clin 61(4):212, 2011.
[2]. Jemal et al: Global cancer statistics. CA cancer J Clin 61:69, 2011.
[3]. Quirk JT et al: Ovarian cancer incidence in the United States, 1992-1999. Gynecologic Oncology 97:519, 2005. [4]. Yin BW et al: Molecular cloning of the CA125 ovarian cancer antigen: identification as a new mucin, MUC16. J Biol Chem. 20. 276.29:27371-5, 2001. [5]. National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Ovarian Cancer. Version 3.2012..
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Abstract: Introduction Dental students and practitioners a like should develop treatment strategies focused on providing patients with functional, physiologic, and aesthetic restorations. Aesthetics can be considered the difference between good dental care and dental excellence. The aim of the present study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) towards aesthetic management of anterior teeth among specialists and general practitioners. Materials and Methods A questionnaire was used to collect data from 170 Dentists, General Practitioners and Specialists. KAP questionnaire consists of Variables related to aesthetic management of anterior teeth. The demographic details were age, gender, category.......
Key words: aesthetics, anterior teeth, composite, continuing dental education, specialists, KAP survey
[1]. Gupta R. Malhi R, Patthi B, Singla A, Janakiram C, PanditaV, Prasad M, Kumar JK Experience from classroom teaching to clinical practice regarding shortened dental arch (SDA) concept among dentists – a questionnaire study. J. Clin. Diagn.Res. 10, ZC27-ZC32 (2016).
[2]. Ahmad, I. Anterior dental aesthetics: facial perspective. Br. Dent. J.199, 15–21 (2005).
[3]. Gordan, V. V., Abu-Hanna, A. & Mjör, I. A. Esthetic dentistry in North American dental schools. J. Can. Dent. Assoc.70, 230 (2004).
[4]. Ahmad, I. Anterior dental aesthetics: gingival perspective. Br. Dent. J.199, 195–202 (2005).
[5]. Ahmad, I. Anterior dental aesthetics: Dental perspective. Br. Dent. J.199, 135–141;quiz 174 (2005).
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Abstract: Context- Influenza is few of the most contagious disease with attack rate of 5% to 20%. The transmission is via droplet and dental professional work in close proximity of patient's oral cavity. This put dental professionals, in particular intern, at risk of being infected by H1N1 influenza. Objectives-To assess knowledge attitude and practice regarding H1N1 influenza among inter. Methods- A self-administered semi-structured questionnaire was used to survey all the interns present on the day of study and were willing to participate, in all dental colleges of Odisha. Results- Among males, 58.67% had high level of knowledge and 41.33% had low level of knowledge and among females 66.47% had high level of knowledge and 33.53% had low level of knowledge. It was seen in this study that interns who had higher..........
Key words: Influenza, H1N1, Swain flu, Dental Intern, Bhubaneswar
[1]. Singh Karanprakash, Bhat Nagesh, Chaudhary Harsh,Asawa Kaliash,Sharda Archana and Agrawal Anil. Knowledge, Attitude, Behavioral Response and Use of Preventive Measures Regarding Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Outbreak Among Dental Students in Udaipur City,India.Oral Health Prev Dent.2012;10(4):339-44. [2]. WHO: Seasonal influenza and influenza A(H1N1); from accesed on 15.08.2018
[3]. Rubin GJ, Amlôt R, Page L and Wessely S. Public perceptions, anxiety, and behavior change in relation to the swine flu outbreak: cross sectional telephone survey. BMJ 2009; 339: 2651.
[4]. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Influenza vaccination coverage among health-care personnel: 2011–12 influenza season, United States. MMWR. 2012; 61:753–7
[5]. Seale H et al. Acceptance of a vaccine against pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus amongsthealthcare workers in Beijing, China. Vaccine. 2011;(29): 1605–10..
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Abstract: Case report of a 15-year-old female patient who presented with class II div 1 malocclusion with protrusion and proclination of upper and lower incisors, skeletal class II base, normodivergent growth pattern and incompetent lips .She also presented an overjet of 10mm and a 80% overbite. The objectives was correction of the proclination and protruded maxillary incisors and enhancement of facial profile. Treatment consisted in extraction of the maxillary first bicuspids and fixed orthodontic appliances with preadjusted edgewise appliance. The result showed correction of overjet and overbite, with class I canine relation and maintenance of class II molar relation and marked improvement of facial esthetics..
Keywods - Orthodontic camouflage, Class II div 1 malocclusion, Incompetent Lips, K-SIR Loop
[1]. Emrich RE, Brodie AG, Blayney JR. Prevalence of Class I, Class II, and Class III Malocclusions (Angle) in an Urban Population - An Epidemiological Study. J Dent Res. 1965;44:947–53.
[2]. Strang RHW. Tratado de ortodoncia. Buenos Aires: Editorial Bibliogra´fica. Argentina. 1957;560-70:657–71.
[3]. Bishara SE, Cummins DM, Jakobsen JR, Zaher AR. Dentofacial and soft tissue changes in Class II, Division 1 cases treated with and without extractions. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 1995;107:28–37.
[4]. Mihalik CA, Proffit WR, Phillips C. Long-term follow up of Class II adults treated with orthodontic camouflage: A comparison with orthognathic surgery outcomes. Am. J. Orthod. 2003;123:266–78.
[5]. Janson G, Brambilla AC, Henriques JFC, de MR. Class II treatment success rate in 2- and 4-premolar extraction protocols. Am. J. Orthod. 2004;125(4):472–79.
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Abstract: Introduction: Globally half of all cases of diabetes mellitus are either undiagnosed or cases of prediabetes. These cases represent the unseen but clinically important burden of diabetes, with significant concurrent metabolic derangements and a long-term impact on health care and its costs. Objectives: With an aim to estimate the frequency of prediabetes and undiagnosed diabetes in the adult population with sedentary life style, a camp was organized at a private firm to screen the employees by estimating fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c). Materials and methods: A total of 218 individuals were selected for analysis after excluding the known diabetic cases. Height, weight, pulse, blood pressure (BP), waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI) were measured. Plasma fasting sugar and fasting serum lipid profile were analyzed. The HbA1c was estimated in hyperglycemic subjects..........
Key words: Diabetes, Dyslipidemia, Fasting plasma glucose, Glycosylated hemoglobin, Prediabetes
[1]. [No authors listed] (1997) Report of the Expert Committee on the Diagnosis and Classification of Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Care 20: 1183-1197.
[2]. Kaur P, Radhakrishnan E, Rao SR, Sankarasubbaiyan S, Rao TV, et al. (2010) The metabolic syndrome and associated risk factors in an urban industrial male population in South India. J Assoc Physicians India 58: 363-366, 371.
[3]. Zimmet P, Alberti KG, Shaw J (2001) Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic. Nature 414: 782-787.
[4]. Ramachandran A, Ma RC, Snehalatha C (2010) Diabetes in Asia. Lancet 375: 408-418.
[5]. International Diabetes Federation (2011) IDF Diabetes Atlas (5thedtn). International Diabetes Federation, Brussels, Belgium-.
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Abstract: Ever since the advent of Fetal biometry in Obstetric Ultrasonography for the calculation of Gestational age of the fetus, embryologists, obstetricians and sonologists all over the world have been constantly searching for a single most accurate index to be able to calculate the gestational age correctly. Many indices were suggested to calculate GA. Various studies by experts all over the world have been adding new inputs regarding the authenticity of these parameters. Parameters like BPD, FL, MC and AC are used currently to determine the GA of the fetus. But these parameters might be inaccurate in late pregnancy. Furthermore there is a substantial evidence that the standard deviation for these indices widen as pregnancy progresses. In a hunt to discover a method which could accurately predict gestational age even in advanced stages of gestation, various non...........
Key Words: Pregnancy, ultrasound, fetal kidney length, gestational age.
[1] Basic Textbook of Ultrasound: Hylton B. Miere, 4th Ed. 617-675.
[2] Chervenak FA et al, How accurate is fetal biometry in the assessment of fetal age? Am J. Obstet Gynecom 1998; 178: 678-87.
[3] Scott JE, Wright B et al. (1995). Ultrasonographic measurement of Fetal Kidney. Br. J. Urol. 76: 768-774.
[4] Thompson HE, Makowski EL. Estimation of birth weight and gestational age Obstet Gynecol 1971; 37: 44-47.
[5] Ansari SM, Saha M, Paul AK, Mia SR, Sohel A et al. (1997) Ultrasonographic study of 793 Fetuses in Bangladesh. Aus. Radiol 41: 3-5...
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Abstract: Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are amongst the most common infections encountered in clinical practice (1). Urinary tract infection is one of the most common bacterial infections in women, and 50% to 60% of adult women experience a UTI during their lifetime.. Aim Of The Study To study the emergence of quinolone resistance in UTI in gynaecological patients. Objectives To isolate and identify the uropathogens from the urine samples. And To detect the antimicrobial resistance of uropathogens to fluoroquinolones. A total of 300 urine culture sensitivity reports were analyzed of patients who were suspected to be having urinary tract infection, In the present study, a total of 300 subjects were studied Escherichia coli (33%) was the most common uropathogen, Klebsiella(28%) being the second commonest. Maximum resistance was seen in nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, followed by norfloxacin. The drug most sensitive to the uropathogens studied was amikacin, followed by P/T and imipenem . Conclusion As we face a serious global resistance problem we need to adopt a series of measures to address the problem.
[1] Gatermann SG. Bacterial infections of the urinary tract. In: 1. Borriello P, Murray PR, Funke G. editors. Topley&Wilson's microbiology & microbial infections, 10th ed. vol. III. London: Hodder Arnold Publishers; 2007. p. 671-83.
[2] Czaja CA, Hooton TM. Update on acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women. Postgrad Med 2006;119:39–45.
[3] Foxman B, Barlow R, D'Arcy H, Gillespie B, Sobel JD. Self reported incidence of urinary tract infection and associatedcosts. Ann Epidemiol 2000;10:509–15.
[4] Hotchandani R & Aggarwal K K, urinary tract infections in women, Indian J Clin Pract, 23 (2012) 187-192.
[5] Patel S, Taviad P P, Sinha M, Javadekar T B & Chaudhari V P, Urinary tract infections(UTI) among patients at GG Hospital & Medical College, Jamnagar, Natl J Community Med, 3 (2012) 138-141.
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Abstract: A case-control type of study was conducted over a period of 6 (Six) months following approval in the Department of Paediatric of Dhaka Shishu Hospital, Dhakato assess the association the association betweenTyphoid fever and age, sex and blood phenotypes ABO and Rh among children. The sample size for this study was 240 (120 cases and 120 controls). Out of 120 participants in each group 79.2% cases and 68.3% controls respondents were mother of the children. In both groups most of the study participants were from younger age group ≤ 5 years; 63.3% of cases and 80.8% of control. Mean ± SD of age were (5.1042 ± 3.11575) for cases and (3.5951 ± 2.50218) for controls Age distribution of the children was statisticallysignificant where p -value was 0.0001 for t-test and 0.01151045 for chi-square (p<0.05).Most of the children were urban dwellers........
Keywords: Typhoid fever, blood phenotype ABO, Rh
[1] Mrs. R.S. Tambulwadkar, "Paediatric nursing" Vora medical publications, 2nd edition, page 108
[2] Balentine JR. Typhoid fever. Available in [on line]:
[3] Enteric fever. Textbook of Microbiology. Ananthanarayan and Paniker by Orient Blackswan; 7th ed. 295 – 30
[4] Introduction of typhoid fever. Available in [on line]: http//
[5] Park. "Text book of preventive and social medicine" Banarsidas Bhanot. 16th edition, 2000. page 187.
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Abstract: Introduction: Albumin is considered a negative acute-phase protein because its concentration decreases during injury and sepsis. Hypoalbuminemia is a risk factor for mortality, postoperative complications, and prolonged hospital stay. The magnitude of the systemic inflammatory response during the perioperative period, as indicated by the acute-phase proteins-C-reactive protein (CRP) in particular,may help identify the risk of postoperative infectious complication. The correlation between serum albumin and CRP with gastrointestinal cancer has been reported. However, it is unclear whether antecedent CRP could be utilized to predict future hypoalbuminemia in the perioperative period in colorectal surgery. The primary endpoint of this study was to reveal that antecedent CRP could be utilized to predict future hypoalbuminemia in the perioperative period of colorectal surgery.......
Key words: Serum albumin, Preoperative, laparotomy
[1] Mullen JLGertner MHBuzby GPGoodhart GLRosato EF Implications of malnutrition in the surgical patient. Arch Surg. 1979;114121- 12.
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[4] Khuri SFDaley JHenderson W et al. The National VA Surgical Risk Study: risk adjustment for the comparative assessment of the quality of surgical care. J Am Coll Surg. 1995;180519- 531.
[5] Khuri SFDaley JHenderson W et al. Risk adjustment of the postoperative mortality rate for the comparative assessment of the quality of surgical care. J Am Coll Surg. 1997;185315- 327.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Descriptive Study of Management of Benign Ulcers of Foot and Leg |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Deependu Kumar Sinha || Dr.Sujata Sahay |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1709087376 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Chronic leg ulcers have a deleterious effect on patient quality of life, and are often difficult to manage. Accurate diagnosis is essential if patients with chronic leg ulceration are to receive optimal treatment. Multiple disciplinary approach is usually required for complete healing of chronic ulcers. Materials and methods: A descriptive study of twelve months duration was conducted on 100 consecutively admitted cases of chronic leg and foot ulcers in age group of 7-80 years of both genders. A through detailed history and clinical examination was undertaken. Local Symptoms, trophic skin changes and venous insufficiency if any was recorded. Both general and specific treatments were provided. Results: Maximum cases were..........
Key words: Chronic leg ulcers, aetiology, quality of life.
[1] Korber A, Schadendorf D, Dissemond J. Causes of leg ulcers: Analysis of data from a dermatologic wound care center. Hautarzt. 2009;60(6):483-8.
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[3] Andersson E, Hanson C, Swanbeck G. Leg and foot ulcers: an epidemiological survey. Acta dermatolovenereoloica.1984;64:227-32.
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[5] Simon A, Dix FP, McCollum CN. Management of venous leg ulcers. British Medical Journal. 2004;328(7452):1358-62.
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Abstract: Purpose:The aims of this study were to evaluate the effects of OneGloss and PoGo one-step polishing systems and an office-bleaching agent (Ultradent Opalescence Boost PF 40%) oncolor of two nanocomposite resin restorative materials (Clearfil Majesty Esthetic and Filtek Z350 XTafter exposure to a staining solution. Methods:Forty-five cylindrical specimens (8 mm diameter, 2 mm thickness) were prepared from each resin composite according to the manufacturer's instructions. Specimens were finished using a tungsten carbide finishing bur andthen thermocycled. The specimens prepared from each material were randomly allocated to three subgroups with 15 specimens in each restorative material. All specimens were measured for color (T1) using spectrophotometer Color-Eye 7000A. All specimens were immersed in staining coffee solution for 4 days and then measured for color........
Keywords – Finishing/polishing, color, resin composite, in vitro, esthetics.
[1] Dhar V, Hsu KL, Coll JA, Ginsberg E, Ball BM, Chhibber S, Johnson M, Kim M, Modaresi N, Tinanoff N. Evidence-based Update of Pediatric Dental Restorative Procedures: Dental Materials. J Clin Pediatr Dent 2015; 39: 303-310.
[2] Cazzaniga G, Ottobelli M, Ionescu A, Garcia-Godoy F, Brambilla E. Surface properties of resin-based composite materials and biofilm formation: A review of the current literature. Am J Dent 2015; 28: 311-320.
[3] Hervás-García A, Martínez-Lozano MA, Cabanes-Vila J, Barjau-Escribano A, Fos-Galve P. Composite resins. A review of the materials and clinical indications. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2006;11:E215-20.
[4] Patel B, Chhabra N, Jain D. Effect of different polishing systems on the surface roughness of nano-hybrid composites.J Conserv Dent 2016; 19:37-40.
[5] Barakah HM, Taher NM. Effect of polishing systems on stain susceptibility and surface roughness of nanocomposite resin material. J Prosthet Dent2014; 112: 625-631.
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Abstract: Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) is characterised by the sudden loss of blood circulation to a region of the brain, which results in loss of neurological capacity. Strokes are delegated either hemorrhagic or ischemic. As in acute ischemic stroke, it is caused by thrombosis or embolism, which is more typical than hemorrhagic stroke. Blood flow restoration can moderate the ischemia impacts if performed quickly. In the most recent decades, thrombolysis has had the crucial role of catalysing and driving all the advancements; in this way, changes occurred in the management of acute ischemic stroke. The rationale for the utilisation of systemic or local thrombolytic agents or other endovascular methods is the lysis or expulsion of the disturbance of thrombus or emboli occluding brain vessels. Recanalisation procedures, which incorporate intravenous (IV) recombinant tissue-type plasminogen........
Keywords:ischemic stroke; reperfusion; recanalisation; therapies; research progress
[1] Gomis, Meritxell, and Antoni Dávalos. "Recanalization and Reperfusion Therapies of Acute Ischemic Stroke: What have We Learned, What are the Major Research Questions, and Where are We Headed?" Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 5, 2014.
[2] Cerebrovascular Disorders: A Clinical and Research Classification. World Health Organization, 1978.
[3] Kidwell, C. S., and S. Warach. "Acute Ischemic Cerebrovascular Syndrome: Diagnostic Criteria." Stroke, vol. 34, no. 12, 2003, pp. 2995-2998.
[4] Jauch, E. C., et al. "Ischemic Stroke Treatment & Management: Approach Considerations, Emergency Response and Transport, Acute Management of Stroke." Diseases & Conditions - Medscape Reference, 24 May 2018, Accessed 6 Aug. 2018.
[5] Majid, Arshad. "Neuroprotection in Stroke: Past, Present, and Future." ISRN Neurology, vol. 2014, 2014, pp. 1-17..
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Abstract: Background: Primary breast angiosarcoma is a rare disease with an aggressive pattern and poor prognosis. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed clinical, pathological and therapeutic data of 10 cases of primary breast angiosarcoma diagnosed pathologically in Salah Azaïez National Institute of Cancerology between 1977 and 2007. Results:Median age was 40 years (ranged 20-54 years).The average tumor size was 5.5 cm (ranged 0.5-14 cm). Immunohistochemical staining on paraffin sections was performed in all cases to confirm the diagnosis. Radical mammectomy was performed in 70% of case cases and 30% of patients underwent conservative surgery. Axillary lymph node dissection........
Keywords: angiosarcoma, breast cancer, therapy
[1] Nascimento AF, Raut CP, Fletcher CDM. Primary Angiosarcoma of the Breast: Clinicopathologic Analysis of 49 Cases, Suggesting That Grade is not Prognostic. Am J Surg Pathol. déc 2008;32(12):1896.
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[3] Wang L, Lao IW, Yu L, Yang W, Wang J. Primary breast angiosarcoma: a retrospective study of 36 cases from a single Chinese medical institute with clinicopathologic and radiologic correlations. Breast J. 2017;23(3):282–291.
[4] Tomich J, Nigro KG, Barr RG. Primary Angiosarcoma of the breast: a case report and review of the literature. Ultrasound Q. 2017;33(1):46–48.
[5] Sanders LM, Groves AC, Schaefer S. Cutaneous angiosarcoma of the breast on MRI. AJR Am J Roentgenol. août 2006;187(2):W143-146...