Series-18 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Tuberculosis is one of the most globally serious public health problems, despite its causative organism was discovered more than 100 years and highly effective drugs and vaccines are available making tuberculosis a preventable and curable disease. A clinic based, descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted in a rural block of Burdwan district among 180 adult new pulmonary TB patients for duration of 10 months with the objectives- 1) To assess the care seeking behaviour of patients receiving Directly Observed Treatment Short Course Chemotherapy Bhatar TU -2) To look for the treatment outcome of those patients and the association among them if any. Complete enumeration method was used. Study results revealed that majority of the patients (64.4%) preferred Govt. health.......
Keywords tuberculosis, treatment outcome, Directly Observed Treatment Short Course Chemotherapy, new pulmonary tuberculosis patients, availability of DOTS
[1]. Kishore J. National TB Control Programme including Revised Strategy DOTS.In: National Health Programmes of India. 9th Edition 2011, Century Publications, 46, Masih Garh,New Delhi.2011:207-246.
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[3]. Park K. Park's Text Book of Preventive and Social Medicine.Jabalpur M/S Banarsidas Bhanot, 22nd Edition 2013:166-188.
[4]. Managing the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Module (1-4) Central TB Division , MOHFW ,Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi .2005:1-149
[5]. Managing the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme. Module (5-9) Central TB Division , MOHFW ,Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi .2005:3-226
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Abstract: Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common disease encountered in the present health scenario.Hyperglycemia and free radicals cause oxidative damage leading to microvascular complications . The endothelial dysfunction has been attributed to lack of bioavailable Nitric Oxide(NO).Alcohol suppresses induced-NO production by inhibition of iNOS in different cells.. Study of effects of alcoholism on blood glucose and serum Nitric Oxide levels in Type-2 Diabetics will be helpful for the physician to give better advice to alcoholics suffering from diabetes mellitus. AIM: To study blood glucose and serum nitric oxide levels in alcoholic and non-alcoholic type-2diabetesmellitus......
Keywords: Diabetes mellitus, Alcoholism, Glucose, Nitric oxide
[1]. Acevedo CG, Carrasco G, Burotto M, Rojas S, Bravo I. Ethanol inhibits L-arginine uptake and enhances NO formation in human placenta. Life Sci. 2001;68:2893–903.
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Abstract: Skin and subcutaneous tissue infections are highly diverse with regard to etiology,predisposing organism,incidence,clinicalfeatures,severity,complications.They may occur as single or recurrent episodes.The spectrum of deep soft tissue infections ranges from localized bacterial,viral and parasitic lesions to rapidly spreading,tissuedesrtructive infections such as necrotizing fasciitis and myonecrosis). In this study,soft tissue infections occur in all age groups.It appears in the age group between 56 to 65 years who had a high risk of noncommunicable diseases like diabetes etc. The next common age group involved is 46 to55 years. It can occur in extremes of age with no age exception. However age beyond 50 years confers the high risk for Necrotizing fasciitis, as evident in this study. LRINEC scoring system has a better positive predictive value in identifying the onset of necrotizing fasciitis and risk strategizing of the patients with severe soft tissue infections.It can be used as an adjuvant in the management of soft tissue infections
[1]. National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (AdultTreatment Panel III) Third report of the national cholesterol education program (NCEP) expert panel on detection, evaluation, and treatment of highblood cholesterol in adults (adult treatment panel III) finalreport. Circulation. 2002;106(25, article 3143).
[2]. Bener A, Zirie M, Janahi IM, Al-Hamaq AOAA, Musallam M, Wareham NJ.Prevalence of diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes mellitus and its risk factorsin a population-based study of Qatar. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2009;84(1):99–106.
[3]. Bener A, Zirie M, Musallam M, Khader YS, Al-Hamaq AOAA. Prevalence ofmetabolic syndrome according to adult treatment panel III and internationaldiabetes federation criteria: a population-based study. Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders. 2009;7(3):221–230
[4]. Bener A, Dafeeah E, Ghuloum S, Al-HamaqAOAA.Association between psychological distress and gastrointestinal symptoms in type 2 diabetes mellitus. World Journal of Diabetes. 2012;3(6):123–129
[5]. Brunzell JD, Davidson M, Furberg CD, et al. Lipoprotein management inpatients with cardiometabolic risk:consensus statement from the American diabetes association and the american college of cardiology..
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Abstract: The purpose this invitro study was to compare the effect of application of two topical fluoride agents, Kidodent–mouth rinse and Kidodent –toothpaste on the surface roughness and micro hardness of two different glass ionomer cements KetacTM Molar (Conventional GIC) and KetacTM N 100 (Resin modified light cured GIC).Thirty specimens were prepared from each glass ionomer restorative material and stored in artificial saliva for 24 hours. Specimens of KetacTM Molar were divided into 3 groups of 10 each: Group A1 : with Kido Dent - Mouth Rinse, Group B1: with Kido Dent- Tooth paste, Group C1: Base line for micro hardness test. Also specimens of KetacTM N 100 were divided into 3 groups of 10 each: Group A2 : with Kido Dent - Mouth Rinse, Group B2.......
Keywords: Glass ionomer cements,Surface profilometer, Topical fluorides
[1]. Singh M, Suresh P. Glass ionomer cements in dentistry. A review., IJPAES.1(1),2011,2231-4490.
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Abstract: There are various methods to find out the adequate posterior extension of upper dentures. However studies assessing the possibility of correlating the distance between subnasale inion distance and denture extension is lacking in Malabar region of Kerala. Purpose of this study is to find a co-relation between incisive papilla-posterior vibrating line (IP-PV) distance and subnasale-inion distance (SN-IN) which can aid in the fabrication of an adequately extended denture. A total number of 128 edentulous patients, aged above 50 years were selected for this study. Preliminary impression was made with impression compound. Anterior and posterior vibrating lines were marked and transferred to the impression and casts were prepared. Using a flexible scale distance from incisive papilla to the midpoint of posterior vibrating lines were measured and recorded. Measurement of the subnasale-inion (SN-IN) distance was carried out using a sliding caliper device with reference pointers and...........
Key Word: Posterior palatal seal area; SN IN distance; IP PV distance
[1]. De Lima Lucas B, Júnior RB, Gonçalves LC, Gavião MB, Gomes VL. Research and clinical applications of facial analysis in dentistry. InOral Health Care-Prosthodontics, Periodontology, Biology, Research and Systemic Conditions 2012; 77-94.
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[5]. Toriumi DM, Becker DG. Rhinoplasty dissection manual. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1999...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Case Series on Traumatic Optic Neuropathy |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Rampriya.C || Dr.Visalakshi.s || Dr.Sudha.N |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1805184347 ![]() |
Abstract: BACKGROUD: Traumatic optic neuropathy (TON) refers to an acute injury of the optic nerve secondary to trauma. The optic nerve axons may be damaged either directly or indirectly and the visual loss may be partial or complete. Optic nerve decompression with steroids or surgical interventions or both has therefore been advocated as a means of improving visual prognosis in TON.OBJECTIVES:The aim of the study is to retrospectively analyse the most common cause ,age group ,gender,fracturerate,presenting visual acuity and postmedicaltreatment visual acuity.METHODS: Inclusion criteria:isolated traumatic optic neuropathy with atleast one follow up visit.A retrospective study of 50 patients with isolated traumatic optic neuropathy with atleast one followup was..........
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of the ultrasonographic guided diagnosis in diagnosing maxillofacial swellings. Methods: Fifty patients were randomly selected with oral and/or maxillofacial swelling, thorough case history and clinical examination were done, then ultrasound examinations were done for all of them and they were classified into five groups (Group I. inflammatory/space infection and abscess swellings), (Group II. cystic swellings), (Group III. lymph node swellings), (Group IV. benign swellings) and (Group V. malignant neoplastic swellings) according to their ultrasound features and features of every group was studied. Finally, the patients were subjected to histopathologic evaluation (the gold standard). Diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound and clinical examinations compared to histopathology was calculated to determine the ultrasound examination efficacy in diagnosing maxillofacial swellings..........
[1]. Azizi T. Diagnosis and management of common oral and maxillofacial lesions. In: Motamedi MHK. A Textbook of advanced oral and maxillofacial surgery, 4th ed, Manhattan: Dental Hypotheses; 2013. p.130:7.
[2]. Pallagatti S, Sheikh S, Puri N, Mittal A, Singh B. To evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography compared to clinical diagnosis, radiography and histopathological findings in the diagnosis of maxillofacial swellings. Eur J Radiol 2012; 81:1821-7.
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[4]. Akinbami BO, Ugboko VI, Owotade EJ, Obiechina AE, Adetiloye VO, Ayoola O. Applications of ultrasonography in the diagnosis of soft tissue swellings of the cervicofacial region. West Afr J Med 2006; 25: 110-8.
[5]. Sangeetha P, MaragathavalliG.Ultrasonographic characterization of jaw swellings – a systematic review. IOSR J Dent Med Sci 2014; 13:74-85..
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Abstract: Brain death guidelines should be used with caution in patient with drug intoxication. Poisoning from amitraz is under recognized even in areas where it is widely available. It is known to cause profound CNS depression. We present a case of amitraz poisoning as brain death mimics
Key Words: amitraz poisoning ,brain death mimics
[1]. Jorens PG, Zandijk E, Belmans L, Schepens PJ, BossaertLL.An unusual poisoning with the unusual pesticide amitraz. Hum Exp Toxicol1997; 16 : 600-1.
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Abstract: Background: Lasers depending on the wavelength, dose, and irradiation time are found to increase the proliferation rate of periodontal ligament fibroblasts and accelerates collagen synthesis thus have an effect on the wound healing in the cellular aspect. Objectives: The present in vitro study was done to evaluate the rate of proliferation of human periodontal ligament fibroblasts by GaAlAs laser of (940 nm and power out put 400mw), at different irradiation time. Methods: Primary cultures of hPDLc were obtained from healthy premolars. The study consisted of 48 samples which were assigned to five groups.........
Keywords: Soft tissue diode laser,periodontal ligament fibroblasts
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Abstract: Introduction: Bleeding per vagina is a common symptom in gynaecologic disease , beingassociated with a variety of pathological conditions of female genital tract. When there is no obvious cause for abnormal bleeding gynaecologists commonly use the term "dysfunctional uterine bleeding". DUB is one of the most frequently encountered condition, among women in reproductive age.[2].A study is done to know the histopathology of the endometrium indysfunctional uterine bleeding. To correlate the histopathology with, age, parity andbleeding pattern in dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Materials and methods..........
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Abstract: Introduction: Mast cell is a connective tissue element which is found throughout the body, particularly in association with blood vessels and nerves. Though the mast cells are distributed throughout the body, increased proportion of mast cells are present in the skin, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, uterus and urinary bladder. An attempt is made in the present study to investigate the mast cell profile through histological study of some of the disorders of skin pigmentation from the biopsies received in the Department of Pathology in Siddartha Medical College, Vijayawada . Materials and methods: The present study of.....
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Abstract: Introduction:Acute decompensated heart failure is one of the major contributors of mortality in the world. The immediate measures include therpy with diuretics and inotropic support. Levosimendan is a recently introduced inotrope which acts as a calcium channel sensitizer. This study the effect of treatment with Levosimendan versus Dobutamine in hospitalized patients with acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF) based on echocardiographic parameters. Methods:Present study included a total of 126 ADHF patients. They received 24 hrs intravenous infusions of levosimendan (n=63) or dobutamine (n=63) therapy. Echocardiographic parameters.....
Keywords: Levosimendan, Dobutamine; Acute decompensated heart failure; Haemodynamic effect
[1]. Rognoni A, Lupi A, Lazzero M, Bongo AS, Rognoni G (2011) Levosimendan: from basic science to clinical trials. Recent Pat Cardiovasc Drug Discov 6: 9-15.
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