Series-3 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (NCPH) is a condition first described by Guido BANTI in 1898 as a condition associating portal hypertension with splenomegaly and anaemia in healthy liver. The aim of our work is to evaluate the place of splenectomy in management of non-cirrhotic portal hypertension. The diagnosis of NCPH was based on portal hypertension, presence of esophageal varices with splenomegaly in a healthy liver. The evaluation after splenectomy was based on normalization of clinical and radiological signs with biochemical markers. Here we are presenting a case of a 38 year old female diagnosed to have NCPH which was managed by splenectomy.
[1]. Banti G. Splenomegalie mit leberzihhose beitrage zur Pathologischen. Anat Allgemeinea Pathol. 1889;24:21–33
[2]. Schouten JN, Garcia‐Pagan JC, Valla DC, Janssen HL. Idiopathic noncirrhotic portal hypertension. Hepatology. 2011 Sep 2;54(3):1071-81.
[3]. Siramolpiwat S, Seijo S, Miquel R, Berzigotti A, Garcia‐Criado A, Darnell A, Turon F, Hernandez‐Gea V, Bosch J, Garcia‐Pagán JC. Idiopathic portal hypertension: Natural history and long‐term outcome. Hepatology. 2014 Jun;59(6):2276-85.
[4]. Austin A, Campbell E, Lane P, Elias E. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver and coeliac disease: potential role of IgA anticardiolipin antibody. Gut. 2004 Jul 1;53(7):1032-4.
[5]. Khanna R, Sarin SK. Non-cirrhotic portal hypertension–Diagnosis and management. Journal of hepatology. 2014 Feb 1;60(2):421-41..
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Abstract: Introduction: Placenta is one of the most vital organs which give first-hand information related to outcome of pregnancy to the obstetricians. It helps in the exchange of gases, metabolic products between the mother and the fetus, and removal of wastes from fetal blood into the maternal circulation. Placental examination has been proved to be of clinical value in cases of Intrauterine Growth Retardation (IUGR) and Intra Uterine Fetal Death (IUFD). Aims and Objectives:The aim and objective of the present study is to examine the morphological changes in placentae of normal and in the cases of intrauterinefetal death and intrauterine growth retardation, which in turn will improve the quality of placental...........
Key Words: Histopathology; Intra Uterine Growth Retardation (IUGR); perinatal outcome; placenta; pregnancy
[1]. Kavitha Mardi, Jaishree Sharma. Histopathological evaluation of placentas in IUGR pregnancies. Indian J PatholMicrobiol 2003; 46(4):551-554
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Abstract: Over the last decades, dental implants have been used as a standard treatment option to support dental restorations after tooth loss and the proportion of patients with dental implants is increasing. Despite these encouraging data for the use of dental implants in oral rehabilitation, clinicians consider Peri-implantitis as one of the most common biological complications that may be encountered. Peri-implantitis is defined as an inflammatory process affecting tissues around an osseointegrated implant in function. Peri-implantitis is considered the most challenging biological complication as, if untreated, it may progress and result in implant loss. In addition, treatment of peri-......
Keywords:Dental implant,osseointegration, peri‐implantitis,debridement, surgical treatment, periodontal maintenance
[1]. Derks, J., &Tomasi, C.Peri-implant health and disease. A systematic review of current epidemiology. J ClinPeriodontol 2015, 42 Suppl 16, 158-171.
[2]. Schwarz, F., Derks, J., Monje, A., & Wang, H. L. (). Peri-implantitis. J ClinPeriodontol 2018, 45,20, 246-S266.
[3]. Jepsen, S., Berglundh, T., Genco, R., Aass, A. M., Demirel, K., Derks, J.,Zitzmann, N. U.. Primary prevention of peri-implantitis: managing peri-implant mucositis. J ClinPeriodontol 2015, 42 Suppl 16, 152-157.
[4]. Tonetti, M. S., Chapple, I. L., Jepsen, S., & Sanz, M.. Primary and secondary prevention of periodontal and peri-implant diseases: Introduction to, and objectives of the 11th European Workshop on Periodontology consensus conference. J ClinPeriodontol 2015, 42 Suppl 16, S1-42015
[5]. Salvi, G. E., Cosgarea, R. &Sculean, A. Prevalence and Mechanisms of Peri-implant Diseases. J Dent Res 2017, 96, 31-37..
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Abstract: Background: According to current WHO data there is significant increase in the global prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) Though diabetes is a leading cause of mortality and morbidity, more than half of the patients are unaware of their disease in the early stage. Objective: The study was aimed to assess delayed diagnosis of diabetes, its clinical presentation and adherence to diabetes treatment by the patients attending the Medicine Out-Patient Department (M-OPD) of Medical College, Kolkata. Methodology: The study was descriptive, observational and conducted at M-OPD of Medical College, Kolkata, during August and September, 2018. All adult female.......
Key words: - female diabetics, predictors, delayed diagnosis, treatment adherence, West Bengal Scale.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study on Nutrient Foramen of Humerus and Its Clinical Implication |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Rita Kumari || Dr. Renu Prasad |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805032831 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Knowledge of the location and relevant anatomy of nutrient foramina is important in orthopedic technique to maintain vascularity. Non-union of fracture of shaft of humerus is most common complication. Nutrient artery along with other factor plays an important role in healing of fracture. Therefore the precise location of the nutrient foramen of the humerus should be known. Material &Methods: The study was conducted on 64 dried adult humerii in the Department of Anatomy, Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences, Ranchi. The number, location, and.......
Key words: Humerus, Nutrient artery, Nutrient foramina
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Abstract: Background;- Platelet volume indices (PVI), andreference intervals (RIs) are associated in clinical practice with hematological and non-hematological diseases, i.e., cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.The activity of the platelet effected is reflected in PVI i.e. platelet counts, MPV (mean platelet volume ) and P-LCR (platelet large cell ratio) in these conditions, hence PVI provide a simple and easy method of indirect assessment of platelet function routinely generated by automated cell counters, both represents changes in their level of stimulation or rate of destruction. It isstill not clearly fully resolved yet.Several studies showed highly variable references due to heritable, [1] genetic,gender,altitudefactors both in healthy and diseasedindividuals [2-3].Similarly, ethnicity- related differences had been reported in Western studies i.e.USA, Italy [3] and various African countries [4], in addition other risk factors like hypertension, Diabetes mellitus, renal failure, atrial fibrillation............
Key words: Mean platelet volume; Platelets; Reference range, Thrombocytopenia
[1]. Buckley MF, James JW, Brown DE, Whyte GS, Dean MG, Chesterman CN, et al. A novel approach to the assessment of variations in the human platelet count. Thromb Haemost2000; 83(3):480–4
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[3]. Biino G, Gasparini P, D‟Adamo P, Ciullo M, Nutile T, Toniolo D, et al. Influence of age, sex and ethnicity on platelet count in five Italian geographic isolates: mild thrombocytopenia may be physiological. Br J Haematol 2012; 157(3):384–7
[4]. Kueviakoe IM, Segbena AY, Jouault H, Vovor A, Imbert M. Hematological reference values for healthy adults in togo. ISRN Hematol 2011; 2011:736062
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Abstract: Nasal vestibular synechiae is the adhesion formed when two moist, opposing surfaces inside the nose heal together, causing a scar1. These are a common complication of nasal or sinus surgery, nasal packing, trauma etc. Management of such cases require surgical and prosthetic intervention. Intranasal stent is the prosthetic choice of treatment after surgical release of nasal synechiae. This article describes a simple and cost effective technique for fabrication of a stent deriving retention from the unaffected nostril. The patient had a patent airway after 2 month follow-up and regained form and function.......
Keywords: Nasal vestibular synechiae, Nasal adhesions, Intranasal stent, Nasal conformer
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Abstract: Traditionally open thoracotomy has been the preferred access route for decortication in patients with empyema thoracis. With advancements in minimally invasive surgery, video assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has become widespread. Further advancements has seen a change from the standard 3 port VATS to the use of a single utility wound. We present the case of a premature 900 gram neonate successfully treated by uniportal VATS and decortication. VATS has many benefits over open thoracotomies in its dampened systemic response, disturbance of neonatal physiology and musculoskeletal development. Single port VATS adds an aesthetic value to this overall outcome.
Keywords: Empyema thoracis, Neonatal, VATS, Decortication
[1]. Bradley, Byington, Shah et al. The management of community-acquired pneumonia in infants and children older than 3 months of age: clinical practice guidelines by the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America. Club. Clinical Infectious Diseases. Volume 53, Issue 7, 1 October 2011. Pages e25-e26.
[2]. Balfour-Lynn, Abrahamson, Cohen et al. BTS Guidelines for the management of pleural infection in children. BMJ Thorax. Volume 60 Issue Suppl 1
[3]. Cha, Choi, Kim et al. Intrapleural Urokinase Therapy in a Neonate with Pleural Empyema. Paediatrics International, Vol 58, Issue7, Pages 616-619
[4]. Rengarajan, Venkatasaravanan, Anandan et al. Comparison of outcomes between Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Thoracotomy in Paediatric Patients for Empyema Thoracis. International Journal of Scientific Study, June 2017, Volume 5, Issue 3.
[5]. Burke, Jacobs, Cheng et al. Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery for Patent Ductus Arteriosus in low birth weight neonates and infants. Intl J Sci Stud 2017; 5(3). 267-270..
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Abstract: Sexual abuse in children is an under reported offence in india ,which has reached epidemic proportion.A study conducted by government of india in 2007 involving 17,220 children and adolescents to estimate the burden of sexual abuse , revealed shocking results and showed every second child in country was sexually abused[1].The government of india enacted the Protection Of Children from Sexual Offences [POCSO] Act ,2012 to prevent and address sexual abuse in children less than 18yrs.The Medical Termination of Pregnancy [MTP] Act ,1971 governs induced abortion services in india.It very clearly defines by whom,where and when abortion services should be provided.These two acts......
Keywords: Sexual Abuse,Pocso Act,Mtp Act,Medical Providers
[1]. Indian J Med Res .2015 July ;142(1):1-3 doi :10.4103/0971-5916.162084 PMCID :PMC4557243 PMID :26261159
Sydney Moirangthem,Naveen C.Kumar and Suresh Badamath
[2]. Ipas Development Foundation (IDF) in close collaboration with Centre of Health Law ,Ethics and Technology (CHLET),Jindal Global Law school,year 2017,www.ipas development Author(s):MS.Kerry MC Broom,MS Dipika Jain and MS.Medha Gandhi
[3]. IP International Journal of Frensic Medicine and toxicology sciences, October –December, 2017;2(3):50-53 B.L.Chaudhary,Raghvendra Kr
[4]. D,Gaur,K(1991)."Abortion and the law in India " 20 june 2018
[5]. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act ,1971(Act no .34 of 1971).
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Abstract: Background: Various diagnostic techniques are developed for evaluation of breast lesions. Breast lumps are a common presentation in the outpatient department due to increasing awareness of breast cancers. Distinguishing non-neoplastic from neoplastic breast lesions is important for definitive treatment. Fine needle aspiration cytology is an easy, cost effective and rapid way of diagnosing palpable breast lesions. Methods: This is a one year study between March 2018 to March 2019.Fine needle aspiration cytology was performed on 153 patients with palpable breast lesions which included 13 males and 140 females. Results: Most of the..........
Keywords: Benign breast lesions, Breast lump, Fibroadenoma, Fine needle aspiration cytology
[1]. Jayanandhini, selvam.A et al.Cytological spectrum of breast lesions- one year study in a tertiary care center.IOSR-JDMS 2013 17(6): 05-09
[2]. Bhagat R, Bal MS etal. Cytologic study of palpable breast lumps with their histologic correlation. Int J Med and Dent Sci 2013: 2(2): 128-136.
[3]. Kujur P. Fine needle aspiration cytology of the palpable breast lump of 106 cases and correlation with histologic diagnosis. A prospective analysis .Int J Sci Stud 2015; 3(9): 111-115
[4]. Rachana Binyake et al. Cytomorphological spectrum of breast lesions diagnosed by fine needle aspiration cytology Int J of Med and Health research2018; 4(8): 168-171.
[5]. Nirmala C,Shulbha V et al.Spectrum of benign breast lesions: A cytologic study.jemds2015; 4(54) :9305-9312
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Abstract: Introduction: Cirrhosis can result from almost all form of liver injury e.g. by viral hepatitis, alcoholism, and hepatitis due to drugs. The mortality of patient with renal failure in cirrhosis is high. Previous studies, have also reported high incidence of morbidity and mortality (Davenport et al1993), Kalso-Castellob while studying the fluid and electrolyte disturbances in terminal stage of cirrhosis cases, demonstrated that electrolyte disturbance in cirrhosis cases can be life threatening and must be recognized quickly and treated. Materials and Methods: The patient of cirrhosis admitted in different units of Medicine Department, were included in this study. The renal function as monitored by recording daily urine output, routine examination of urine, plasma and urine creatinine.........
Keywords: Cirrhosis, pre-renal uraemia, hepatitis, GFR
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Limberg Flap Reconstruction for Pilonidal Sinus |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.P.Saravanakumar || .Dr.V.Jayaprakash |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805036470 ![]() |
Abstract: Pilonidal sinus is a relatively common condition affecting men twice as often as women. The estimated incidence is 26 per 100,000 people. The management of pilonidal sinus disease remains controversial, and gold standard treatment modality has yet to be established. Limberg Flap Reconstruction is a safe and reliable technique in the treatment of sacrococcygeal pilonidal sinus disease, with low complication and recurrence rates if performed according to appropriate surgical principles. Methods: This is a Prospective study on 52 patients between April 2016 to April 2019 at Department of General surgery-Govt Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical college and Hospital -Salem. Patients having primary or recurrent pilonidal sinus disease underwent this operation............
Keywords: Pilonidal sinus, Rhomboid flap, Limberg's Flap
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Abstract: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)is the most common clinical condition related to aging in males over 40 years. The current study is a Case control includes 20 patients diagnosed with BPH by specialist in Al Kindy Teaching Hospital who theirs PSA under 4ng/ ml, and 20 healthy individuals as a control group. Blood samples were collected from both patients and healthy groups and DNA was extracted and subjected into PCR techniques then the products were digested by BstUI to identify codon 72 polymorphism, samples PCR products also subjected into direct sequencing to confirm the polymorphism and detect any further variation in intron 3. polymorphism at the codon 72 in 17 of 20 patients, 8 of the patients had the common homozygous alleles, 9 had heterozygous genotype and 3 had the recessive.........
Keywords: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), P53, codon 72 polymorphism
[1]. Cheng-Ling Lee, Hann-Chorng Kuo, Pathophysiology of benign prostate enlargement and lower urinary tract symptoms: Current concepts, Tzu Chi Medical Journal 2017; 29(2): 79-83.
[2]. Bin LK, Epidemiology of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Asian Journal of Urology (2017).
[3]. Tahminur Rahman , Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Review and Update on Etiopathogenesis and Treatment Modalities, J Urol Res 3(5): 1063 (2016).
[4]. Thomas R Jarvis, Bilal Chughtai, Steven A Kaplan , Testosterone and benign prostatic hyperplasia, Asian Journal of Andrology (2015) 17, 212–216.
[5]. Karin Dillner, Jon Kindblom, Amilcar Flores-Morales, Ruijin Shao, Jan To¨ Rnell, Gunnar Norstedt, And Håkan Wennbo ,2003, Gene Expression Analysis of Prostate Hyperplasia in Mice Overexpressing the Prolactin Gene Specifically in the Prostate, Endocrinology 144(11):4955–4966.
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Abstract: Introduction: Cancer is a2nd leading cause of death for children and adolescents around the world and approximately 300,000 children aged 0 to 19 years old are diagnosed with cancer each year.iBangladesh currently has more than 1.5 million cancer patients. According World Health Organization (WHO), there were a little 150,781 new cancer cases in Bangladesh last yeariiChildhood cancer is increasing day by day. Approximately 84 % of the cancer cases fewer than 15 years occur in the low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs).iiiThe reasons for lower survival rates in LMICs include an inability to obtain an accurate diagnosis, inaccessible therapy, abandonment of treatment, death from toxicity (side effects), and excess relapse, in part due to lack of access to essential medicines and technologies addressing each of these gaps improves survival and can be highly cost...............
Keywords: LMIC, Survival Rate, acute lymphoblastic leukemia
[1]. Steliarova-Foucher E, Colombet M, Ries LAG, et al. International incidence of childhood cancer, 2001-10: a population-based registry study. Lancet Oncol. 2017; 18(6):719-731.
[3]. Magrath I, Steliarova-Foucher E, Epelman S, Ribeiro RC, Harif M, Li CK, Kebudi R, Macfarlane SD, Howard SC. Paediatric cancer in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet Oncol. 2013;14(3):e104–16BANGLADESH J CHILD HEALTH 2017; VOL 41 (3) : 140-142 .
[4]. Gupta S, Howard SC, Hunger SP, et al. Treating Childhood Cancer in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. In: Disease Control Priorities, volume 3.