Series-9 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Background:MRI is now the preferred imaging modality and preferred technique to define the activity and extent of infection for patients with suspected spinal tuberculosis. The objective of the study was to describe diagnostic accuracy, sensitivity and specificity of MRI in diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis and various radiological features of spinal tuberculosis (TB) on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Methods:Out of total 55 cases of suspected tuberculosis in our study we given 45 case as spinal spondylo-discitis out of which 43 cases accurately diagnosed by MRI proved by histopathology or culture reports. And 10 cases of given non tubercular out of which 1 case came to be tubercular spondylodiscitis on histopathology. MRI case records of these 44 patients with proven tuberculosis retrospectively analysed. Results: The majority of the 44 patients.........
Keywords : Spinal tuberculosis, Magnetic resonance imaging, Epidural Abscess, Antituberculous treatment, Cold abscess, Mycobacterium tuberculosis
[1]. Stark DD, Bradley WG. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 3rd ed. Mosby;. Chapter 86, Thoracic spine 1999; 1851-82.
[2]. Burrill J, Williams CJ, Bain G, Conder G, Hine AL, Misra RR. Tuberculosis: A Radiologic Review. Radiographics 2007;27(5):1255-73. doi: 10.1148/rg.275065176.
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[5]. De Backer AI, Mortelé KJ, Vanschoubroeck IJ, Deeren D, Vanhoenacker FM, et al. Tuberculosis of the spine: CT and MR imaging features.JBR–BTR [Internet]. 2005 [cited 20 Feb 2012];88(2):92-97 Available from:
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Abstract: Penetrating trauma of the abdomen continues to be one of major cause of trauma admission. It involves the violation of the abdominal cavity by a gun-shot wound or stab wound. In view of increasing number of penetrating abdominal injuries, this study has been chosen with reference to the patients presenting at Rajendra Institute of medical sciences, Ranchi between August 2018 to February 2019, with penetrating injury to abdomen. This was a prospective study of 30 cases. A detailed analysis of clinical presentation, imaging reports, provisional diagnosis, management and any complications was documented. Patient in the age group of 20-40 years were most commonly affected. Male:female ratio was 6.5:1. Small bowel injuries were the maximum (23.5%). 76.66% underwent surgical intervention. 23.33% of patients were stable and there was no evidence of ongoing blood loss, no evidence of gastro-intestinal or genito-urinary injuries were managed by non-operative management.
Keywords : Penetrating abdominal trauma, surgical intervention, non-operative management
[1]. Aldemir M, Tacyildiz I, Girgin S. Predicting factors for mortality in the penetrating abdominal trauma. Acta Chir Belg. 2004;104:429–34.
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[4]. Armenakas NA, Duckett CP, McAninch JW. Indication for non-operative management of renal stab wounds. J Urol. 1994;161:768–771.
[5]. Demetriades D, Gomez H, Chahwan S, et al. Gunshot injuries to the liver: the role of selective non-operative management. J Am Coll Surg. 1999;188:343–348..
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Abstract: Background: Pregnancy is a period of profound changes influenced by hormonal immunological haematological and vascular changes causing several manifestations of all systems of the body including skin and appendages. Dermatosis in pregnancy require special care and knowledge on its outcome to assess the prognosis of the skin condition and its impact on mother and neonatal morbidity. Objectives: To determine the prevalence of dermatosis of pregnancy and obstetric outcome. Methods: A total of 42990 ante natal mothers who attended ANOP only 16 women required Dermatologist consultation and 7717 deliveries in MCH Hospital attached district hospital Vizianagaram AP were studied during the period of 2018 from January to December,..........
Keywords: Dermatosis, Vulvovaginitis, Atopic Eruption of pregnancy
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Abstract: The tibial shaft is one of the most common sites of open fractures. The specific methods of skeletal stabilization and soft tissue treatment of open fractures continue to be topics of debate in the orthopaedic traumatology. The aim of the study is to evaluate the results of the undreamed intramedullary nailing in the open fractures of the tibia. Unreamed nailing in open fractures can avoid known complications of reamed nailing in an open fracture.
[1]. Atul Agrawal, Vijendra Devisingh Chauhan, Rajesh K. Maheshwawari, Anil Kuma r Juyal. Primary Nailing in the Open Fractures of the Tibia-Is it worth? Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 June, Vol-7(6): 1125-1130 DOI:10.7860/JCDR/2013/5504.3081
[2]. Tielinen L , Lindahl JE, Tukiainen EJ. Acute unreamed intramedullary nailing and soft tissue reconstruction with muscle flaps for the treatment of severe open tibial shaft fractures. Injury. 2007 Aug;38(8):906-12. Epub 2007 Jun 15.
[3]. Ostermann PA , Knopp W, Josten C, Muhr G. Unreamed intramedullary nail or external fixator in complicated tibial fracture? A comparative analysis. Chirurg. 1993 Nov;64(11):913-7.
[4]. Kazuhiko Yokoyama, Moritoshi Itoman, Masataka Uchino, Kensuke Fukushima, Hiroshi Nitta, and Yoshiaki Kojima Immediate versus delayed intramedullary nailing for open fractures of the tibial shaft: A multivariate analysis of factors affecting deep infection and fracture healing. Indian J Orthop. 2008 Oct-Dec; 42(4): 410–419. doi: 10.4103/0019-5413.43385
[5]. Metsemakers WJ , Reul M , Nijs S. The use of gentamicin-coated nails in complex open tibia fracture and revision cases: A retrospective analysis of a single centre case series and review of the literature. Injury. 2015 Dec;46(12):2433-7.doi:10.1016/j.injury.2015.09.028.Epub 2015 Oct 8.
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Abstract: Aortobifemoral bypass is a procedure done commonly for a disease called Aortoiliacdisease. This disease is common especially in a developing country like India where poor socioeconomic status,illiteracy, lack of awareness among people about the consequences of smoking and poverty leading to lack of proper treatment well in time is common. Aortoiliac disease is a type of peripheral artery disease .Aortoiliac disease is the second most common subset of peripheral arterial disease next to infra-inguinal femoral artery disease involving an atheromatous occlusion of the infra renal aorta, common iliac arteries or both1...........
Keywords: Aortobifemoral bypass; gold standard; chronic Aortoiliac disease
[1]. Kumar haridas, A.R.U.N, Shridharbhat, B.H.A.R.A.T.H.I. Classical open aorto-bi-femoral grafting is a gold standard technique in aorto-iliac occlusive disease: the technique of double layered reinforcing aorto-graft proximal anastomosis with anterior augmentation patchplasty and its advantages. Pulsus journals. 2018;2(2): 7-13.
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[3]. Sidway, A.N.T.O.N.N. Lower extremity arterial occlusive disease ,epidemology and natural history. In: Bruce a, P.E.R.L.E.R (ed.) Rutherford's vascular surgery and endovascular therapy. China: Russell Gabbedy; 2018. p. 4542.
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Abstract: Aim: The aim of this study was to work out the demographical and clinical options of patient's with brain disorder cp aiming to our patients or patients clinics. Materials and Methods: Children admitted to capital of Bangladesh Dhaka Shishu (Children) Hospital of Paediatric Neuroscience Department of medication and Rehabitiontion patients or patients clinics, Dhaka, Bangladesh with the identification of throughout the study among were enclosed with study. Axe, Sex, etiological factors, clinical classifications, and epidemiologic characteristics like socio- economic standing still because the issues associated with CP was analyzed all told patients. Results: The fall of 110........
Key Words: Cerebral Palsy, Epidemiology, Etiology
[1]. Matthews, D.J. and Wilson, P. (1999) Cerebral Palsy. In: Molnar, G.E. and Alexander, M.A., Eds., Pediatric Reha-bilitation, 3rd Edition, Hanley and Belfus Inc., Philadelphia, 193-217.
[2]. Simsek, I. (2000) Serebral Palsi. In: Beyazova, M. and Gokce-Kutsal, Y., Eds., Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon, Gunes Kitabevi, Ankara, 2395-2439.
[3]. Dormans, J., Susman, M., Ozaras. N. and Yalcin, S. (2000) Serebral Palsi Tedavi ve Rehabilitasyon. Mas Matbaacilik, Istanbul.
[4]. Dursun, N. (2004) Serebral Palsi. In: Oguz, H., Dursun, E., Dursun, N., Eds., Tıbbi Rehabilitasyon, Nobel Tip Kita-pevleri, Istanbul, 957-974.
[5]. Serdaroglu, A., Cansu, A., Özkan, S. and Tezcan, S. (2006) Prevalance of Cerebral Palsy in Turkish Children between the Ages of 2 and 16 Years. Developmental Medicine Child Neurology, 48, 413-416.
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Abstract: La prise en charge obstétricale est souvent influencée par l'estimation clinique ou échographique du poids foetal. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer le poids foetal estimé selon les formules de Johnson et de Mbu et Kongnyuy ; comparé au poids échographique et de naissance. Cette étude était descriptive transversale et prospective, réalisée aux Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi de Juin 2017 à février 2018, sur 249 parturientes dont l'âge gestationnel était supérieur ou égal à 28 semaines et chez qui une échographie avait été réalisée. La comparaison de la moyenne des poids foetaux estimée selon la formule de Johnson, aux moyennes des poids foetaux échographiques et de naissance était statistiquement significatif (p˂0,05).Le poids estimé selon la formule deMbu et Kongnyuy était comparatif.............
Key Words: estimation, poids naissance, formule de Johnson, formule de Mbu et Kongnyuy
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Abstract: Carotid Body Tumour is a rare Vascular tumour, with incidence of less than 5% in the general population. These were first described in 1743. Here we present a retrospective observational study of a series of 17cases of Carotid Body tumours& their peri-operative outcomes, at our Department of Vascular Surgery, Government Rajaji Hospital, Madurai, between 2012 and 2017..
Key Words: Carotid Body tumour, Shamblin class I,II,III, Chemodectomas, Potato Tumor, Paragangliomas – Glomus tumor caroticum.
[1]. Lim JY, Kim J, et al: Surgical treatment of Carotid Body Paragangliomas: Outcomes & complications according to the Shamblin Classification;
[2]. Amr Gad, Ahmed Syed, Engie Hefnawy et al: A review of 25 years' Experience in Diagnosis & management of 56 tumours. Annals of vascular diseases,2014; 7(3):292-299
[3]. Jacqueline A. Wieneke, Alice Smith et al: Paraganglioma-Carotid Body Tumour. Head Neck Pathol,2009 Dec;3(4):303-306
[4]. Kay JM, Laidler P et al: Hypoxia & Carotid body; J of Clin pathol,1077, 11:30-44.
[5]. Ma D, Liu L, Yao H, Ji T et al: A retrospective study in the management of Carotid body tumours; Br J Oral Maxillofacial Surg 2009 sept47(6);461-5..
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Abstract: Intestinal layer covered by epithelial cells that organized to perform different vital functions starting from nutrients absorption tosense microbes andas a barrier function to induce suitable immuneresponses. Tuft cell and type 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are response to helminths and initiate type 2 immune response giving enough ability to expel.
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[4]. Fan X, Rudensky AY. Hallmarks of Tissue-Resident Lymphocytes. Cell. 2016;164(6):1198-211.
[5]. Cheng H, Leblond CP. Origin, differentiation and renewal of the four main epithelial cell types in the mouse small intestine. V. Unitarian Theory of the origin of the four epithelial cell types. The American journal of anatomy. 1974;141(4):537-61..
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Abstract: Metabolic Mapping includes use of MRI and MR spectroscopy in differentiating various ring enhancing lesions like abscess, tumour like glioblastoma multiformae, tuberculoma, radiation necrosis and metastasis.MRI has inherent sensitivity and capability to detect ring enhancing lesions. MR spectroscopy provides information about the chemical nature of ring enhancing lesions by analyzing the presence and ratio of tissue metabolites like NAA, choline, creatine, lactate, lipid etc. Objectives: To evaluate the efficacy of metabolic........
Key Words: MRI and MR spectroscopy, Ring enhancing lesions, tuberculoma, abscess
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dislocation after Total Hip Arthroplasty |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Ahmed Abdulkadir Jama || Lianqi Yan |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805096170 ![]() |
Abstract: Hip fractures have largely been seen in patients of all ages lately. One of the major issues in patients undergoing surgical procedures for hip fractures are the reoccurrence of the clinical problems post-surgery. Hemi-arthoplasty and THA are two most practiced surgical procedures in clinical practice for hip fractures. Patients who undergo total hip arthroplasty procedure have seen to develop dislocated joints in hip post-surgery. This issue has been addressed globally and every year a considerate number of patients come with post-surgical dislocated hip. The purpose of this paper is to investigating the dislocation after total hip arthroplasty to fulfill this paper researcher..........
Key Words: Arthroplasty, Osteoporosis , Total hip arthroplasty
[1]. Ahn, J., Man, L.-X., Park, S., Sodl, J. F., & Esterhai, J. L. (2008). Systematic review of cemented and uncemented hemiarthroplasty outcomes for femoral neck fractures. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 466(10), 2513-2518.
[2]. Alberton, G. M., High, W. A., & Morrey, B. F. (2002). Dislocation after revision total hip arthroplasty: an analysis of risk factors and treatment options. JBJS, 84(10), 1788-1792.
[3]. Amlie, E., Høvik, Ø., & Reikerås, O. (2010). Dislocation after total hip arthroplasty with 28 and 32-mm femoral head. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, 11(2), 111-115.
[4]. Baker, R., Squires, B., Gargan, M., & Bannister, G. (2006). Total hip arthroplasty and hemiarthroplasty in mobile, independent patients with a displaced intracapsular fracture of the femoral neck: a randomized, controlled trial. JBJS, 88(12), 2583-2589.
[5]. Banaszkiewicz, P. A. (2014). Traumatic arthritis of the hip after dislocation and acetabular fractures: treatment by mold arthroplasty: an end-result study using a new method of result evaluation Classic Papers in Orthopaedics (pp. 13-17): Springer..
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Abstract: Objectives: To determine the importance of cranial ultrasound as an investigatory modality for high risk term and preterm neonates. To determine the role of cranial ultrasound in evaluation of brain injuries in high risk term and preterm neonates. Materials And Methods: The cross sectional study was conducted in the Department of Paediatrics in Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal in collaboration with Department of Radio-Diagnosis, Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal after obtaining informed consent, 72 high risk term and preterm neonates admitted in RIMS hospital based on inclusion criteria. History and clinical examination was followed by appropriate investigations were done. These high risk term and preterm neonates were subjected to cranial ultrasound on selected days and different patterns of morphology.........
Key Words: Cranial ultrasound, High risk neonates, Intraventricular hemorrhage, Birth asphyxia
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Abstract: Aim: A prospective observational study was conducted to evaluate and to compare Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography (HyCoSy) with diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy as a method to assess tubal patency and uterine cavity lesions in patients with infertility. Methods: From September 2012 to March 2014, 45 infertile women of age 20 to 40 years were recruited in the study and all the patients underwent both techniques i.e. Hysterosalpingo contrast sonography and diagnostic laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and the results were compared in terms of sensitivity, specificity, positive predicted value, negative predicted value and kappa value. Results: Forty five women were recruited in this study. The........
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