Series-7 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans (KFSD) is a rare disorder affecting the hair follicles characterized by progressive cicatricial alopecia of the scalp and eyebrows, with usually X-linked recessive mode of transmission hence predominantly affecting Males.[1] Monilethrix is a rare structural Hair shaft disorder with autosomal dominant mode of transmission, characterized by short, fragile, brittle hair that breaks spontaneously resulting in patchy dystrophic alopecia.[2]
Keywords : Keratosis Follicularis Spinulosa Decalvans, Monilithrix, Hereditary Scarring Alopecias
[1]. Berbert AL, Mantese SA, Rocha A, Cherin CP, Couto CM. Keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans: Case report. An Bras Dermatol. 2010;85:537–40. [PubMed]
[2]. Bindurani S, Rajiv S. Monilethrix with variable expressivity. Int J Trichology. 2013 Jan;5(1):53-5. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
[3]. Macleod JM. Three cases of ichthyosis follicularis associated with baldness. Br J Dermatol 1909;21:165‑89.
[4]. Ross EK, Tan E, Shapiro J. Update on primary cicatricial alopecias. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005;53:1‑37.
[5]. Alfadley A, Al Hawsawi K, Hainau B, Al Aboud K. Two brothers with keratosis follicularis spinulosa decalvans. J Am Acad Dermatol 2002;47:S275‑8..
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Abstract: Introduction: Fine needle aspiration cytology( FNAC), is an initial investigation in evaluation of thyroid lesions. Due to lack of standardized system for reporting thyroid cytology in 2007, "The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology(TBSRTC)" was introduced. It is a six tier system. Aim: To classify thyroid FNACs based on "The Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology." Objectives : To analyse thyroid cytology through TBSRTC and analyse the distribution of lesions in various categories. Materials and methods : The study is a cross sectional study done in Department of Pathology, Coimbatore Medical College from July 2015 to June 2016...........
Keywords : The Bethesda system, Thyroid, FNAC
[1]. Ali SZ, Cibas E, editors. The Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology: definitions, criteria and explanatory notes. Springer Science & Business Media; 2010 Mar 20.
[2]. Werga P, Wallin G, Skoog L, Hamberger B. Expanding role of fine-needle aspiration cytology in thyroid diagnosis and management. World journal of surgery. 2000 Aug 1;24(8):907-12.
[3]. Naz S, Hashmi AA, Faridi N, Edhi MM, Kamal A, Khan M. Diagnostic accuracy of Bethesda system for reporting thyroid cytopathology: an institutional perspective. International archives of medicine. 2014 Oct 31;7(1):1.
[4]. Handa U, Garg S, Mohan H, Nagarkar N. Role of fine needle aspiration cytology in diagnosis and management of thyroid lesions: A study on 434 patients. Journal of cytology. 2008 Jan 1;25(1):13.
[5]. Mondal SK, Sinha S, Basak B, Roy DN, Sinha SK. The Bethesda system for reporting thyroid fine needle aspirates: A cytologic study with histologic follow-up. Journal of Cytology. 2013 Apr 1;30(2):94.
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Abstract: Castleman's disease is a rare clinico-patholological entity characterized by non-neoplastic lymph node hypertrophy. Its incidence and etiology is not known,but it has been found in association with Kaposi's Sarcoma.We report a case of 34 years old female patient with history of solitary neck swelling (left Neck) for 10 months without any other presenting symptoms in the nose and throat.The neck node was present at level 2b,measuring 3x2cm,firm,painless,non-tender and mobile beneath the left Sternocleidomastoid muscle. Lymph node histopathological biopsy revealed Castleman's disease.USG Whole abdomen,Chest X Ray, CECT Thorax were normal.This case report highlights the clinical,histological aspects of Castleman's disease
Keywords: Castleman's disease, cervical lymph node, hyaline vascular type
[1]. Castleman B, Iverson I, Menendez VP. Localized mediastinal lymph node hyperplasiaresembling thymoma. Cancer 1956;9:822–30.
[2]. Frizzera G: Castleman's disease and related disorders. Semin Diagn Pathol 1988, 5(4):346-364.
[3]. Gaba AR, Stein RS, Sweet DL, Variakojis D. Multicentric giant lymph node hyperplasia. Am J Clin Pathol 1978;69:86–90.
[4]. Oksenhendler E, Boulanger E, Galicier L, et al. High incidence of Kaposi sarcoma associated herpesvirus-related non-Hodgkin lymphoma in patientswith HIV infection and multicentric Castleman disease. Blood 2002;99(7):2331–6.
[5]. Herrada J, Cabanillas F, Rice L, Manning J, Pugh W: The clinical behaviour of localized and multicentric Castleman disease. Ann Intern Med 1998, 128(8):657-62..
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Abstract: Almost all patients receive a fine cut computed tomography (CT) scan to evaluate the skeletal trauma. Sometimes aO.P.G.x-rayis obtained if a jaw fracture is suspected. With the help of advanced CT software algorithm the multiplanar reformation and three dimensional volume rendering is quick and cost effective. Our study aims to evaluate the efficacy of detection of facial fracture by 3D reconstruction over 2D images in patients with facial bone injuries. This prospective observational study was conducted in patients who underwent CT evaluation of face when they presented with facial trauma to casualty. The advantages of 3D images in the assessment of facial trauma could be described. 3D images were better in the identification of Le Fort fracture lines and have a limited role in fractures involving the naso orbitoethmoid region and also when there is minimal fracture displacement........
[1]. Marentette L J, Maisel R H. Three-dimensional CT reconstruction in midfacial surgery. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 1988; 98 48-52
[2]. Broumand S R, Labs J D, Novelline R A, Markowitz B L, Yaremchuk M J. The role of three-dimensional computed tomography in the evaluation of acute craniofacial trauma. Ann Plast Surg. 1993; 31 488-494
[3]. Reuben A D, Watt-Smith S R, Dobson D, Golding S J. A comparative study of evaluation of radiographs, CT and 3D reformatted CT in facial trauma: what is the role of 3D?. Br J Radiol. 2005; 78 198-201
[4]. Linnau K F, Stanley R B, Hallam D K, Gross J A, Mann F A. Imaging of high-energy midfacial trauma: what the surgeon needs to know. Eur J Radiol. 2003; 48 17-32
[5]. Dos Santos D T, Costa e Silva A P, Vannier M W, Cavalcanti M G. Validity of multislice computerized tomography for diagnosis of maxillofacial fractures using an independent workstation. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral RadiolEndod. 2004; 98 715-720
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Abstract: This case report describes the diagnosis and treatment of a 15 year old skeletal Class I male patient. The patient was treated by using 2 step retraction procedure where initial retraction of canine was done using closed coil Ni-Ti spring and later on the maxillary incisors were retracted with the help of T-loop. Along with retraction, deep bite in the patient was corrected using and placing mini-implants in the maxillary anterior region. The total time duration of the treatment was 30 months where simultaneous intrusion and retraction was performed using T-loop and mini-implants..
Keywords: Orthodontics, Orthodontic management, Skeletal Class I malocclusion, Non-extraction approach, 2 step retraction procedure, T-loop, mini-implants supported intrusion
[1]. M. B. Ackerman, Enhancement Orthodontics:Theory and Practice,Wiley-Blackwell, 2007.
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[3]. J. Y. C. Wu, U. H¨agg, H.Pancherz, R. W. K. Wong, and C McGrath, "Sagittal and vertical occlusalcephalometric analyses Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, vol. 137, no. 6, pp.816–824, 2010.
[4]. A. H. Hassan, "Cephalometric norms for Saudi adults living in the Western region of Saudi Arabia," The Angle Orthodontist,vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 109–113, 2006.
[5]. 5)Miniscrews for upper incisor intrusionOmurPolat-Ozsoy* ,AycaArman-Ozcirpici * and FirdevsVeziroglu **European Journal of Orthodontics 31 (2009) 412–416
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Abstract: Aim and Objective: evaluation of UTI ,causative agents and antimicrobial sensitivity at KRH ,Gwalior. Material and Method: A prospective study from 2017 to 2018 was done at KRH where samples of suspected patients were sent to microbiology department >100,000 CFU /ml was considered significant bacteruria . Results: Predominantly patients were 55-70 years showing susceptibility of geriatric to UTI, their likelihood due to decrease estrogen and age related changes. The chief isolated organism was E.coli (80%) followed by Kleibsella pneumonea . Conclusion: Organism isolation and antibiotic sensitivity should be investigated from time to time to evaluate their changing patterns.Etiology and predisposing factors should also be taken into account to inhibit irritational drug usage and deduce the most appropriate antibiotic therapy.
Key Words: UTI evaluation ,causative agents, antimicrobial sensitivity, KRH Gwalior
[1]. Pushpalata KS. Urinary tract infections. J Nighting Nursing Times.2008;4(5):28-32.
[2]. Hotchandi R, Aggarwal KK. Urinary tract infections in women.Indian J Clin Practice. 2012;23(4):187-94.
[3]. Litza JA,Brill JR .Urinary tract infections.Primary health care 2010;37(3):491-507
[4]. John AS ,Mboto CI ,Agbo B . A review on the prevelance and predisposing factors responsible for urinary tract infections among adults. Eur J Experiment Biol.2016;6(4): 7-11.z
[5]. Smaill F ,Vazquez JC . Antibiotics for asymptomatic bacteruria in pregnancy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.2007 ;(2)CD000490..
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Abstract: Aim and Objective: To study the Urinary Bladder injuries during gynaecological surgeries. Material and Method: This was a study retrospective at GRMC Gwalior a analysis from Jan2017to Dec 2018were carried out for VH,TAH,NDVH,Radicalhysterectomy,myomectomy,vault prolapse, laparotomy (for cystectomy,salpingectomy,ectopic pregnancy),LSCS,and caesarean hysterectomy. As minor surgeries like MTP, encirclage, d&c carry minimal risk therefore they were excluded. Results: As previously noted bladder injuries have higher prevalence than ureteric injuries. Conclusion: Bladder injuries remain commoner than ureteric injuries. Careful counselling and consent should be made with good knowledge of genitourinary tract. Caution while Dissection, asepsis adherence, early detection of injuries to improve postoperative care.
Key Words: Urinary Bladder injuries, gynaecological surgeries, GRMC Gwalior
[1]. Thompson JD. Operative injuries to the ureter: prevention ,recognition and management .In : Rock JA, Thompson JD. TeLinde's operative gynaecology.8th edition .Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Willkins ;1997 :1135-74.
[2]. RicardoAzziz, Geoffrey W. Cundiff, Robert E Bristow .Linde's Atlas of Gynaecologic Surgery .Lippincott Williams and Wilkins .64 ed.2014.
[3]. Mann WJ ,Arato M, Patsner B ,Stone ML.Ureteral injuries in an obstetrical and gynaecological training program: etiology and management .Obstet Gynaecol.1988;72: 82-5.
[4]. GoodnoJA ,Powers TW ,Harris VD. Ureteral in gynaecological surgery: a ten year review in a community hospital .Am J ObstetGynecol .1995;172(6):1817-20.Discussion 1820-22.
[5]. Brooks JD. Campbells-Walsh Urology. In: Wein AJ, Kavoussi LR ,Novick AC ,Partin AW ,Peters CA,editor . 9thedition ,vol 1. Philadelphia :Elselvier . Anatomy of the lower urinary tract and male genitilia .2007:53 -60..
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Abstract: Aim of study: To assess the dominance pattern of coronary arteries and whether it has got any clinical and therapeutic implications. Materials and method: Coronary angiography reports of 225 patients were analyzed to find dominance pattern and its correlation with severity of clinical presentation if any . Observations: Out of 225 patients , 151 presented with right dominant circulation , 46 had left dominance , 23presented with features of co-dominance, while in 5patients dominance could not be ascertained........
Key Words: Balanced / co-dominant circulation , coronary angiography , left coronary artery dominance , right coronary artery dominance
[1]. Standring S , Gray‟s Anatomy The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice ; 41( Elsevier Limited , 2016 ) 1016 - 1019 .
[2]. Mann D L et al , Braunwald‟s Heart Disease A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine ; 10( India : Saunders , 2015 ) 404 .
[3]. Jameson J et al , Harrison‟s Principles of Internal Medicine ; 20( USA : McGraw Hills Education , 2018 ) 1714 .
[4]. Moore K L et al , Clinically Oriented Anatomy ; 7( China : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins , 2014 ) 145 .
[5]. Snell R S , Clinical Anatomy by Regions ; 9(China : Lippincott Williams and Wilkins , 2012 ) 87 ..
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Abstract: Background: In India, squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus was common And it commonly found in males in the age group of >50 years. Dysphagia was the Commonest complaint. Aim: Aim of this study was to determine the presence of carcinoma in patients With complaints of dysphagia, and also to find out common location, histological Types and grading. Method: A prospective study in patient with complaints of dysphagia who were Undergoingupper GI endoscopy in Govt.Mohan Kumaramangalam medical college and hospital Salem(Department of General surgery) conducted over a period of 18 months from November 2017 to April 2019. Biopsy specimen processed and reported in pathology Department and histopathological confirmation done. Results: Out of 50 patients.........
Key Words: oesophagus,carcinoma, dysphagia ,endoscopy
[1]. Sabiston Text Book Of Surgery-20 Edition-1049 To 1064.
[2]. Bailey And Love's Short Practice Of Surghry 27th Edition.
[3]. Devita, Hellman, Rosenberg- Cancer, Principles & Practice Of Oncology
[4]. Oxford Textbook Of Surgery Edited By Morris And Malt.
[5]. Recent Advances In Surgery- Edited By Roshan Lall Gupta.
[6]. Rice Tw, Adelstein Dj, Zuccaro G, Et Al: Advances In The Treatment Of Esophageal Carcinoma. Gastroenterologist 1997;5:278–294.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Clinical Study on Paranoid Schizophrenia and Its Homoeopathic Management |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. M.Jayakumar || Dr.K.S.Lalithaa |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805075256 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: To clinically evaluate and study of paranoid schizophrenia and to study about the rate of improvement after giving the Homoeopathic similimum in Paranoid Schizophrenia cases. Materials and Methods: A prospective clinical study without control group was conducted in patients who reported in outpatient and Inpatient department of Vinayaka Mission's Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital. Patients above 15 years of age presenting with the symptoms of Paranoid Schizophrenia were screened for inclusion and exclusion criteria. The symptoms of each patient were repertorized, and medicine was initially prescribed in 200c potency.........
Key Words:Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Homoeopathy, Paranoid, Psychiatry, Schizophrenia
[1]. David Gill. Hughes Outline of Modern Psychiatry; John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 5th edition, 2007: 41-43.
[2]. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders; Washington, 4th edition, 2005: 285-287.
[3]. Thombre P B. Gems of Organon with Psychology; New Delhi, B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, revised 2nd edition: 229-230.
[4]. C. R. Kothari. Research Methodology, Methods and Techniques; New Delhi, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 2nd Revised edition: 168 – 171.
[5]. Robert E. Hales, Stuart C. Yudofsky, Laura Weiss Roberts. Textbook of Psychiatry; Washington, American Psychiatric Publication, 6th edition, 2015: 287-292..
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Abstract: Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen which causes candidiasis and candidemia. Other non-albicans Candida species also cause these. All Non-albicans except C.dubliniensis can be differentiated by Germ tube test. C.dubliniensis shares many phenotypic similarities with C. albicans including Germ tube test leading to misidentification. Several identification techniques have been developed for differentiation.The present study was undertaken to evaluate the use of in house hypertonic xylose agar medium to differentiate between C. albicans and C. dubliniensis in a clinical setting. Around 124 samples received in the dept. of microbiology showed Candida isolation. Candida isolates were grown on Sabourauds Dextrose agar, to which Germ tube testing was carried out. Positive...........
Key Words: Candida albicans,Candida dubliniensis, Germ tube, Hypertonic Xylose Agar Medium, Phenotypic differentiation
[1]. Felix Bongomin SGROOaDWD. Global and Multi-National Prevalence of Fungal diseases- estimate precision. journal of fungi. 2017 september;(10.3390/jof3040057)
. [2]. J. C. O. Sardi LSTBAMFA. Candida species: current epidemiology,pathogenicity, biofilm formation, natural antifungal. Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2013; 62(10.1099/jmm.0.045054-0).
[3]. Jan A BGFBFALMRS. MolecularIdentification of Candida dubliniensis among Candida albicans isolated from oral cavity of cancer patients using PCR RFLP in a tertiary care hospital in Kashmir, India. British microbiology research journal. 2016; 14(1-7).
[4]. Abiroo Jan GBBAFDAUKMMAKSRMS. Hypertonic Xylose Agar Medium: A Novel Medium for Differentiation of Candida dubliniensis from Candida albicans. Indian journal of medical microbiology. 2017 october - december; 35(518-21).
[5]. Gales AC PMHAJSSDCDa. Identification of Candida dubliniensis based on temperature and utilization of xylose and alpha methyl D glucoside as determined with the API 20C AUX and vitek YBC systems. Journal of clinical microbiology. 1999; 37(3804-8)..
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Abstract: Aims and objectives:-This randomised observational study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy , safety and outcome of laparoscopic surgery for perforated duodenal ulcer in comparison with conventional laparotomy and to determine the risk factors which influence the outcome. Material and method: 100 patients of all age attending outdoor (OPD) or emergency with duodenal ulcer suggestive for laparoscopic surgery & open surgery admitted to the hospital were studied. All patients diagnosed clinically with perforated peptic ulcers were prospectively nonrandomized...........
Key Words: Peptic ulcer disease , Open surgery , laparoscopy
[1]. Amutha P, Narayanan ML, Prabhu A. Comparative study of laparoscopic and open repair of duodenal ulcer perforation. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2017;4(61):3696-3700.
[2]. G. Bas, R. Eryilmaz, I. Okan, M. Sahin. Risk Factors of Morbidity and Mortality in Patients with Perforated Peptic Ulcer. ActaChirBelg, 2008;108:424-427
[3]. Kumar P, Kumar S, Verma RK, Agarwal A, Kumari R. Laparoscopic versus open repair of duodenal perforation: a comparative study in tertiary care hospital in Uttarakhand, India. IntSurg J 2016;3:1975-8.
[4]. Bertleff MJ, Lange JF. Laparoscopic correction of perforated peptic ulcer: first choice? a review of literature. SurgEndosc. 2010;24:1231-9.
[5]. Byakodi KG, Harini BS, Teggimani V, Kabade N, Hiregoudar A, Vishwas MR. Factors affecting morbidity and mortality in peptic ulcer perforation. IntSurg J 2018;5:1335-40..
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Abstract: Le cardiotocographe (CTG), le Doppler foetal et le foetoscope de Pinard sont tous trois des moyens de surveillance du foetus au cours du travail. Dans notre milieu, aucune étude n'a comparé leur efficacité dans la surveillance du foetus durant le travail. Cette étude s'est proposé de comparer la morbimortalité périnatale entre deux maternité dont l'une utilise le CTG couplé au Doppler et l'autre le foetoscope de Pinard.Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive transversale comparative dont les données ont été récoltées de façon rétrospective de 2015 à Juillet 2018. Les paramètres de comparaison étaient la mortinatalité, la dépression néonatale et la mortalité périnatale. Les logiciels Epi info et Excel ont facilité l'analyse des données. Le seuil de signification a été fixé à 0.05. Il n'y avait pas de différence...........
Key Words: CTG, Doppler foetal, Foetoscope de Pinard, morbimortalité périnatale
[1]. Shashikant L. Sholapurkar. Intermittent Auscultation in Labor: Could It Be Missing Many Pathological (Late) Fetal Heart Rate Decelerations? Analytical Review and Rationale for Improvement Supported by Clinical Cases. Journal of Clinical Medicine Research. 2015; 7(12): 919–25
[2]. Ana P, Edwin C. Continuous cardiotocography during labour: Analysis, classification and management. Best Practice and Research. Clinical and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2016; 30 (5) : 33-47.
[3]. Sebaa T. La souffrance foetale aigue. Journée thématique ; 05/12/2015 ; Adrar ; Mauritanie ; 2015.
[4]. Diogo A. Why is intrapartum monitoring necessary – Impact on outcomes and intervention? Best Practice and Research. Clinical and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 2016; 30 (1) : 3-8.
[5]. Garite TJ. The search for an adequate back-up test for intrapartum fetal heart rate monitoring. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.2012; 208 (3): 163-4.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Spectrum of Acute Hepatitis in Children at a Tertiary Care Hospital |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.Mrinalini Das || Dr.Meena Kumari Mili |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805077375 ![]() |
Abstract: Acute viral hepatitis is a systemic infection affecting the liver predominantly .It continues to be a common medical problem in both developing and developed countries. This disorder is caused by atleast five pathognomic hepatotropic viruses that is hepatitis A, B, C, D, E (HAV, HBV, HCV, HDV and HEV ) respectively. The clinical spectrum of acute viral hepatitis ranges from entirely subclinical and inapparent infection to rapidly progressing and fulminant hepatic failure The study was conducted -To determine the etiological profile of acute viral hepatitis in patients, attending the Pediatric Deptt. of GMCH, Guwahati and to study the different clinical manifestations.........
[1]. Behera MR, Patnaik L. Clinico-biochemical profile and etiology of acute viral hepatitis in hospitalized children: a study from Eastern India. Indian J Child Health. 2016;3(4):317-20.
[2]. Das AK. Changing patterns of aetiology of acute sporadic viral hepatitis in India: newer insights from north-east India. Int J Cur Res Rev. 2014;6(19).
[3]. Parekh Z, Modi R, Banker D. Clinical study of hepatitis in children with special reference to viral markers. NHL J Med Sci. 2013;2(1):23-7.
[4]. Kc S, Sharma D, Poudyal N, Basnet BK. Acute viral hepatitis in pediatric age groups. JNMA J Nepal Med Assoc. 2014;52(193):687-91.
[5]. Poddar U, Thapa BR, Prasad A, Singh K. Changing spectrum of sporadic acute viral hepatitis in Indian children. J Trop Pediatr. 2002;48(4):210-3.