Series-8 (May-2019)May-2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of Salivary Fistula in Goldenhar Syndrome - A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ratna Chopra || Dr. Prashasya Goyal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805080104 ![]() |
Abstract: Objectives: To report a case of salivary fistula in Goldenhar Syndrome and discuss its management. Methods: A 14 year old girl presented with salivary fistula since birth. A diagnosisof Goldenhar syndrome with salivary fistula was made using clinical findings and X-Ray sialography.. Results: Sialography revealed accessory parotid gland with fistulous tract draining on the left cheek. Intraoral transposition of the fistulous tract was done. Conclusion: Intraoral transposition of fistulous tract is an efficent way of management of congenital salivary fistula with accessory parotid gland n Goldenhar syndrome
Keywords : Goldenhar syndrome, Congenital salivary fistula, oral intratransposition, accessory parotid gland
[1]. Sun Z, Sun, L, Zhang Z. and Ma X. Congenital salivary fistula of an accessory parotid gland in Goldenhar syndrome. J Laryngol Otol 2011; 126 103-07.
[2]. Holsinger FC, Bui DT. Anatomy, function, and evaluation of the salivary glands. In: Myers EN, Ferris RL, eds. Salivary Gland Disorders. Ber- lin, Heidelberg, Germany: Springer; 2007:1–16.
[3]. Martelli-Júnior H, Miranda R, Fernandes C, Bonan P, Paranaíba L, Graner E. and Coletta, R. . Goldenhar syndrome: clinical features with orofacial emphasis. J Appl Oral Sci, 2010 18; 646-649
[4]. Tasse C, Bohringer S, Fischer S, et al. Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum (OAVS): clinical evaluation and severity scoring of 53 patients and pro- posal for a new classification. Eur J Med Genet 2005;48:397–411.
[5]. Beleza-Meireles A, Clayton-Smith J, Saraiva JM, Tassabehji M. Oculo- auriculo-vertebral spectrum: a review of the literature and genetic update. J Med Genet 2014;51:635–645.
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Abstract: The present study is a case report of gingivectomy in theupper anterior teethregion usingtheChu aesthetic gauges to guide crown lengths with satisfactory aesthetic result.To perform the gingivectomy and regulate crown length¸ the probing depth (PD) was assessed using a periodontal probe and the length of the crown was measured using Chu aesthetic gauges. The amount of gum to be removed was determined by making bleeding points with a periodontal probe. Then¸ one inner bevel and one intrasulcular incision were performed to enable the removal of gum cervical collar with periodontal curettes.Thestudy concluded that the periodontal aesthetic crown regularization using chu aesthetic gauge can be a viable option for a predictable and aesthetic outcome..
Key Words: Chu's Aesthetic gauges, the crown lengthening procedure (CLP), clinical crowns
[1]. Rajtilak G, Deepa S, Rajasekar V, Vanitha R. Anterior teeth and smile designing: A prospective view. Int J ProsthodontRestor Dent. 2012; 2(3):117-127.
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[5]. Chu SJ, Hochman MN. A biometric approach to aesthetic crown lengthening: part I—midfacial considerations.PractProced Aesthetic Dent. 2008; 20(1):17-24...
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Role of foam sclerotherapy in management of varicose veins |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ansul Kumar || Sumegha Rana || Mini Sinha |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805080912 ![]() |
Abstract: Varicose veins affect up to 25% of women and 15% of men in the western world3 and incidence is apparently low in India.4 Male preponderance was observed with male to female ratio 14:1 in Indian scenario.5 Sclerotherapy is a medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins which involves an injection of a solution (generally a salt solution) directly into the vein. The most commonly used is sodium tetradecyl sulphate. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to swell and stick together, and the blood to clot.10 In this study various outcomes of injection sclerotherapy were studied and analyzed among patients coming to RIMS, Ranchi..........
[1]. Williams Norman S., O'Connell P. Ronan, Mc Caskie Andrew W., Bailey and Loves Short Practice of Surgery, 2018; 27; 969-982. [2]. Kishore R., Sankar T. Bavani, et al, A Prospective Study in Comparison of Ambulatory Phlebectomy and Duplex Guided Foam Sclerotherapy in the Management of Varicosities with Isolated Perforator Incompetence, Indian J Surg. 2016 Oct; 78(5): 356–363.
[3]. Callam MJ., Epidemiology of varicose veins. Br J Surg1994;81: 167–173.
[4]. Deodhar SD. Varicose veins. Indian J Med Sci. 1963;19:431.
[5]. Shankar KH. Clinical study of varicose veins of lower limbs. IntSurg J 2017;4:633-6.
[6]. Bartholomew JR, King T, Avisesh S, Vidimos AT. Varicoseveins: newer, better treatments available. Cleve Clin J Med 2005; 72: 312–328.
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Abstract: A dynamic relation exists between sugars and oral health. Dental caries is one of the most common contagious diseases found among human beings. Diet plays an important role in the advancement of dental caries. About 50 years back dietary sugars were concerned as the major cause for dental caries.Today's diet contains more number of fermentable carbohydrates, these includes highly processed starch-containing foods, and food products that contain synthetic carbohydrates . .Fermentable dietarycarbohydrates undergo bacterial action that leads to the production of acids which demineralizes the tooth structure and ultimately leads to the formation of dental caries. Diet affects the integrity of the teeth; quantity, pH, and composition of the saliva; and plaque pH.Sugars and other fermentable........
Keywords: Dental caries, Microorganism, Sugar substitutes
[1]. Sharma VK, Ingle NA, Kaur N, Yadav P, Ingle E, Charania Z. Sugar Substitutes and Health : A Review . J Adv Oral Res 2015;6(2):1-5
[2]. Touger-Decker R, Van Loveren C. Sugars and dental caries . Am J Clin Nutr. 2003;78:881–92.
[3]. Ahmadi-Motamayel F, Rezaei-Soufi L, Kiani L, Alikhani MY, Poorolajal J, Moghadam M. Effects of honey, glucose, and fructose on the enamel demineralization depth. J Dent Sci. (2013) 8, 147e150
[4]. Brambilla E, Cagetti MG, Ionescu A, Campus G, Lingström P. An in vitro and in vivo Comparison of the Effect of Stevia rebaudiana Extracts on Different Caries-Related Variables : A Randomized Controlled Trial Pilot Study. Caries Res 2014;48:19–23
[5]. Nayak PA, Nayak UA, Khandelwal V. The effect of xylitol on dental caries and oral flora. Clin Cosmet Investig Dent. 2014 Nov;6:89.
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Abstract: Background: To study the effectiveness of local anaesthesia in comparison toregional anaesthesia in repairing uncomplicated inguinal hernia by measuringpostoperative pain and post operative complication and also tocheck the feasibility ofusing local anaesthesia for short stay surgery. Material &Methods:Sixty patients with primary uncomplicated inguinal herniaadmitted in Department of general surgery atS.V.R.R.Govt. General Hospital/S.V.Medical College, Tirupatiduring the study period from January 2017 to May2018was randomized to study & controlgroup. In control group spinal anaesthesia is used to do hernioplasty& study grouplocal anaesthesia. Both groups are compared for intraoperative, immediate postoperative& delayed postoperative complication. Results : Both local & spinal anaesthesia.........
Keywords: LA-Local anaesthesia,SAB-Sub-archnoid block,Hernia, Hernioplasty
[1]. Bholla Singh Sidhu et al 1999. Tension free Hernioplasty under local anaesthesiaGilbert repair. Indian journal of surgery Vol 61: 310-314.
[2]. Burke J B & Taylor M 1978 . Clinical & economic effect of early return to workafter elective inguinal hernia repair . British Journal of surgery Vol 65: 728-731.
[3]. Canon S R et al , 1982 . Early discharge following hernia repair in unselectedpatients. British journal of surgery Vol 69: 112-113.
[4]. David V Young 1987 .Comparsion of local , spinal & general anaesthesia foringuinal herniorraphy. American journal of surgery Vol 153: 560-563.
[5]. Delvin H, Brenden: Management of abdominal hernias , London ; ButterWorths& company Ltd 1988,220p.
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Abstract: Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) practices are a set of recommendations to achieve appropriate feeding of new-born and children under two years of age in order to achieve optimal nutrition and health & development outcome of children worldwide. The present study was a community based cross sectional study which was carried out in the rural area of one district of western UP with the help of WHO standardized 30 cluster sampling technique. The sample.........
[1]. Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (2013) Guidelines for enhancing optimal infant and young child feeding practices. Government of India, New Delhi, pp. 1-58.
[2]. World Health Organization. Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding. Geneva: World Health Organization;2003. on June 2018. [3]. National Family Health Survey (NFHS) IV (2015–2016)". International Institute for Population Sciences, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. 2016 assessed on 2/8/2018
[4]. IIPS (2007): NFHS-3 (2005-2006); Vol 1 Chapter 10 nutrition and anemia Govt of India.
[5]. Exclusive breast feeding
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Abstract: Thyroid dysfunction has been reported in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals including children. Some studies have reported that thyroid dysfunction may be a marker of severity or progression of HIV. HIV infection is associated with multiple organ involvement including the endocrine system. In autopsy studies, adrenal gland is the most commonly involved endocrine gland in the body, but clinical adrenal dysfunction is uncommon, likewise clinical thyroid disorder is rare but altered Thyroid function is common. A high prevalance of abnormalities in thyroid function tests among HIV infected adults has been noted in previous cross sectional studies. In addition, this thyroid dysfunction correlated with advancement of the infection in conjunction with........
[1]. FauciAS,LaneH.CliffordHumanimmunodeficiencyVirusdisease:AIDSandrelateddisorder.In:FauciAS,BraunwaldE, .............
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Abstract: Hypothyroidism and diabetes share clinical sign and symptoms, such as fatigue, lethargy and weight gain. Thyroid hormones and insulin exert their metabolic effects which are similar in some respects but antagonistic in others, Insulin inhibits glycogenolysis, glycolysis as well as glucogenesis. Whereas thyroid hormones has a stimulating effects on this action. Aims and Objectives: To study the effect of gender on the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in type II diabetes mellitus patients........
[1]. Harrison‟s Principles of Internal Medicine. 18th ed. The Mc Graw Hill Companies, chapter 344.
[2]. Hall john E, Guyton and Hall, Textbook of Medical physiology.13th ed, Elsevier, 956-958, 986-988.
[3]. Mirella Hage, Mira S. Zantout, Sami T. Azar. Thyroid Disorders and Diabetes Mellitus: Review Article. Journal of Thyroid Research. Volume 2011, Article ID 439463, 7 pages doi:10.4061/2011/439463.
[4]. Perros P, McCrimmon RJ, Shaw G, Frier BM. Frequency of thyroid dysfunction in diabetic patients: Value of annual screening. Diabet Med. 1995;12:622–7.
[5]. Papazafiropoulou A, Sotiropoulos A, Kokolaki A, Kardara M, Stamataki P, Pappas S. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction among greek type 2 diabetic patients attending an outpatient clinic. J Clin Med Res. 2010;2:75–8..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Counterfeit Medicine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Soni || Mukesh kumar || Pramodkumar manjhi || Dheerajkumar singh |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805085156 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective: To study the prevalence of counterfeit medicine and factors influencing it. Methodology: Articles published in indexed journals were reviewed. Database used were PUBMED, MEDLINE and EMBASE. Results :The major factor associated with counterfeit medicine is absence of strict rules and regulationsin drug supply chain. Conclusion: The problem of counterfeit is prevalent in our country and is increasing. Strict vigilance and proper implementation of law is required to prevent it..
Keywords: counterfeit medicine, IMPACT, CDSCO
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Abstract: Introduction: Testicular tumors form an interesting group of malignant neoplasms with many exceptional and even unique epidemiological features.They occur mainly in young and middle aged adults and this suggests that their risk factors are different from those relevant to most epithelial cancers. Despite the major advances there is agap in the knowledge in understanding the origin,pathological process and therapeutics of testicular and paratesticulartumors and tumor like conditions. This is a prospective as well as retrospective study,undertaken in the department of pathology,Siddhartha Medical College,Vijayawada; during the period from March 2014 to March 2019.Testicular specimens sent to the Department of Pathology,during this period were included in the study........
[1]. A.Talerman, "Spermatocytic seminoma". Cancer, 1980; 4521692176
[2]. Ackerman's surgical pathology, Edt. Juan Rosai, Mosby, 9th Edition
[3]. Antonio R. Perez - Atayde, Nancy Joste and Howard Mulhern
[4]. Hafez. "Newborngranulosa cell tumor of the testis".JUrol. 138
[5]. "Juvenile granulosa cell tumour of the infantile testis", Am JoSurg. Path, 20(1): 7279199.
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Abstract: The parotid gland remains the most common location of salivary gland tumors, pleomorphic adenoma ranks first. However, vascular anomaly in parotid gland is relatively rare. The vascular anomalies were divided into two categories: hemangiomas and vascular malformations. Hemangiomas are benign tumors that occur in the lining of the blood vessels with endothelial proliferation. Vascular malformations are malformation with a normal rate of endothelial turnovercategorized into low-flow lesions (capillary, lymphatic and venous malformations) and high-flow lesions (arteriovenous malformations and arteriovenous fistula).In order to avoid dramatic complications, it is important to know the symptoms and to make an early diagnosis of a possible vascular malformation of the parotid gland..........
[1]. Yakes WF. Diagnosis and management of low-flow veno-lymphatic vascular malformations. CeskaRadiol. 2008;62:131–45.
[2]. Kadota Y, Utsumi T, Kawamura T, Inoue M, Sawabata N, Minami M, et al. Lymphatic and venous malformation or "lymphangiohemangioma" of the anterior mediastinum: Case report and literature review. GenThoracCardiovascSurg. 2011;59:575–8. [3]. Beahrs OH, Woolner LB, Carveth SW, et al. Surgical management of parotid lesions. Review of seven hundred sixty cases. Arch Surg. 1960;80:890904.
[4]. Byars LT, Ackerman LV, Peacock E. Tumors of salivary gland origin in children: a clinical pathologic appraisal of 24 cases. Ann Surg. 1957;146(1):40-51.
[5]. Saeed WR, Kolhe PS, Smith FW, et al. The "turkey wattle‟ sign revisited: diagnosing parotid vascular malformations in the adult. Br J Plast Surg. 1997;50:43–6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Platelet Parameters in Diagnosis of Adult Sepsis Patients |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Smriti .S. Dwivedi || Malay Bajpai |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1805086871 ![]() |
Abstract: Platelet count and Platelet indices ,Mean platelet volume (MPV)and Platelet distribution width (PDW) are routinely done blood tests to monitor neonatal sepsis. However their importance as sepsis indicators in adult patients have not been fully explored. Only limited studies has been done in adult patients. Our study aims to evaluate the variations in platelet count and platelet indices (MPV, PDW) in adult sepsis. We conducted a retrospective study from January 2018 to December 2018 on adult patients admitted to ICU of Rama medical college and hospital, Hapur (Delhi NCR). 60 sepsis and 60 control patients were enrolled based on their laboratory and clinical data obtained from medical records department. After comparing their data, we found that thrombocytopenia was more common........
[1]. Zhang S, Cui YL, Diao MY, Chen DC, Lin ZF.Use of Platelet Indices for Determining Illness Severity and PredictingPrognosis in Critically Ill Patients. Chin Med J 2015;128:2012-8.
[2]. Ramanakumari P, Sampoorna G, Padmavathidevi C, et al. "A Comparative Study of Platelet Indices, in Cases of Fever, Sepsis Leading To Multiorgan Dysfunction And Control Group, At A Tertiary Care Hospital Using An Automated Hematology Analyzer Sysmex Xn_1000." IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) 16.12 (2017): 27-33
[3]. Orfanu AE, Popescu C, Leuștean A et al The Importance of Haemogram Parameters in the Diagnosis and Prognosis of Septic Patients. J Crit Care Med (Targu Mures). 2017 Aug 19;3(3):105-110. 11
[4]. Dash L, Singh LK, Murmu M, Susruth KP, Kerketta A, Hiregoudar MB. Clinical profile and outcome of organ dysfunction in sepsis. Int J Res Med Sci 2018;6:1927-33.
[5]. Mavrommatis AC, Theodoridis T, Orfanidou A, et al. Coagulation system and platelets are fully activated in uncomplicated sepsis. Crit Care Med. 2000 Feb;28(2):451-7..
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Abstract: Le syndrome de Demons-Meigs est une entité anatomo-cliniquerare qui associe une tumeur bénigne de l'ovaire, uneascite et un hydrothorax. L'intérêt nosologique attribué à cette triade simulant une tumeur maligne de l'ovaire à un stade avancé, réside dans sa parfaite et définitive curabilité chirurgicale1,2. Le cas que nous présentons dans le présent dossierest un géant fibrothécome ovarien droitauquel sont associées une ascite et une pleurésie. La patiente a très bien évolué sur le plan clinique après l'ablation de cette géante tumeur. Le CA125 et l'oestradiol, élevésavant l'ablation de la tumeur, ont progressivementdiminué pour atteindre des valeurs normales au bout de 3 mois de surveillance..
[1]. Meigs JV, Cass JW. Fibroma of the ovary with asciteand hydrothorax. Am J ObstetGynecol. 1937; 33 (2): 249-67.
[2]. Leger L. Fibrome de l'ovaire avec ascite et hydrothorax.Syndrome de Meigs. Presse Med 1947; 8 : 64-66.
[3]. Bretelle F, Portier MP, Boubli L, HouvenaegelG.Syndrome de Démons- Meigs récidivé. A propos d'un cas.Ann Chi. 2000; 125(3) : 269-72.
[4]. Démons A. Epanchements pleurétiques compliquantles kystes de l'ovaire. Bull. Mem, Soc Chi Paris 1887; 13 :771-6.
[5]. Sfar E, Benamr S, Mahjoub S, Zine S, Kchir N, ChelliH, et al. Caractéristiques anatomopathologiques destumeurs fibrothécales de l'ovaire. Rev Fr GynécolObstet1994; 89 : 315-21..
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Abstract: Objectives: To Compare the results of MRI and USG in Diagnostic accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity in respect to diagnostic evaluation of carcinoma cervix. Methods: An Institution based prospective, comparative study was done on 60 patients referred to the Dept of Radio-diagnosis, Medical College, Kolkata suspected of carcinoma cervix. After taking informed consent of the patients, USG followed by MRI were done. USG was done using Philips iU22 Ultrasound with C9-5 Transducer or C5-2 Transducer when necessary. MRI was done using GE Signa HDe 1.5T at EKO MRI Unit , Medical College, Kolkata. Definitive diagnosis was confirmed by following up the patient in either Biopsy or surgery for histopathology.........
Keywords: Carcinoma cervix, Ultrasonography, MRI, FIGO staging, stromal invasion, parametrial invasion, comparative study.
[1]. Quinn MA, Benedet JL, Odicino F, et al. Carcinoma of the cervix uteri. FIGO 26th Annual Report on the Results of Treatment in Gynecological Cancer. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2006;95(Suppl 1):S43–103.
[2]. LaPolla JP, Schlaerth JB, Gaddis O, et al. The influence of surgical staging on the evaluation and treatment of patients with cervical carcinoma. GynecolOncol. 1986;24:194–206.
[3]. Delgado G, Bundy B, Zaino R, et al. Prospective surgical-pathological study of disease-free interval in patients with stage IB squamous cell carcinoma of the cervix: a Gynecologic Oncology Group study. GynecolOncol. 1990;38:352–7.
[4]. Follen M, Levenback CF, Iyer RB, et al. Imaging in cervical cancer. Cancer. 2003;98(9 Suppl):2028–38.
[5]. Choi HJ, Ju W, Myung SK, et al. Diagnostic performance of computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and positron emission tomography or positron emission tomography/computer tomography for detection of metastatic lymph nodes in patients with cervical cancer: meta-analysis. Cancer Sci. 2010;101: 1471–9..