Series-14 (September-2019)September-2019 Issue Statistics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
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Abstract: Leprosy is essentially a disease of the nerves. Most of the complications associated with the disease are due to involvement and damage to nerves.Bilateral lower motor neuron facial nerve paralysis is a rare phenomenon. Leprosy, one of the most important causes of peripheral neuropathy in endemic countries can give rise to bilateral incomplete facial nerve paralysis1.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Factors Deciding Surgical Intervention in Liver Abscess |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Umamaheswari V MS DGO |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1809140305 ![]() |
Abstract: Liver abscess is a common condition in India. India has 2nd highest incidence of liver abscess in the world. Pyogenic abscess accounts for three quarters of hepatic abscess in developed countries. While amoebic liver abscess cause two third liver abscess in developing countries. Amoebiasis is presently the third most common cause of death from parasitic disease. The world health organisation reported that Entamoeba Histolytica causes approximately 50 million cases and 100000 deaths annuallyliver abscess continues to be disease with considerable mortality in India. Liver abscess has an increasing incidence rate in United States and EuropeModern treatment has shifted towards IV broad spectrum antibiotics and image guided percutaneous needle aspiration or percutaneous catheter drainage and surgical drainage. Treatment of liver abscess were improved significantly with the introduction of ultrasound and computed tomography
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pre-Operative Risk Scores To Predict the Surgical Outcomes in Laparotomies |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dr Umamaheswari V MS DGO |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1809140609 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Laparotomies are the most commonly performed surgical procedures in both emergency as well as elective setups in most hospitals and is associated with a high mortality. Therefore it is important to estimate the risk of mortality using a suitable scoring system by assessing the preoperative and intra-operative findings and parameters. Various scoring systems like APACHE-2, P-POSSUM are most commonly used scoring systems. Method: We are going to identify risk scores in patients admitting at the Department of General Surgery, Coimbatore Medical College hospital who are requiring laparotomies both emergency as well as elective by using P-POSSUM scoring system. Conclusion: This study proves the effectiveness of P-POSSUM score in predicting the post operative outcomes. P-POSSUM can be used for surgical audit to assess and improve the quality of surgical care and result in better outcome of the patient.
[1]. Saunders DI, Murray D, Pichel AC, Varley S, Peden CJ. UK Emergency Laparotomy Network. Variations in mortality after emergency laparotomy: the first report of the UK Emergency Laparotomy Network. Br J Anaesth. 2012 Sep; 109(3): 368-75. Epub 2012 Jun 22 [DOI:10.1093/bja/aes165].
[2]. Vester-Andersen M, Lundstrøm LH, Møller MH, Waldau T, Rosenberg J, Møller AM. Danish Anaesthesia Database. Mortality and postoperative care pathways after emergency gastrointestinal surgery in 2904 patients: a population-based cohort study. Br J Anaesth 2014; 112: 860–70.
[3]. Ashish Ahuja, Ravinder Pal. Prognostic scoring indicator in evaluation of clinical outcome in intestinal perforations. J Clin Diagn Res 2013; 7: 1953–5.
[4]. Mercer SJ, Guha A, Ramesh VJ. The P-POSSUM scoring systems for predicting the mortality of neurosurgical patients undergoing craniotomy: further validation of usefulness and application across healthcare systems. Indian J Anaesth 2013; 57: 587–91.
[5]. Neary WD, Heather BP, Earnshaw JJ. The Physiological and Operative Severity Score for the enumeration of Mortality and morbidity. Br J Surg 2003; 90: 157–65.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Histogenesis of Human Fetal Thyroid Gland |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr A.N.V.V.Veerraju || Dr.A Vasanthi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1809141015 ![]() |
Abstract: In human beings thyroid gland is one of the most important endocrine gland. It is differentiated at early embryonic life and has important role in human development. Thyroid gland regulates metabolic rate, psychological development and somatic development. It starts development as early as 24th day after fertilization. The various morphological and histological changes during development at different gestational age were identified during this study.The study was conducted with light microscopic study . Materials & Methods: 25 intact fetus of different gestational age from 9th week to full term were obtained from department of gynecology,AMC,VSKP. The fetuses were stored in 10% formalin. Thyroid glands were removed with midline neck incision. Histological........
Keywords: thyroid, gestational age, follicles, colloid.
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[3]. Anupriya, A., & Kalpana, R. (2016). Morphological and Histological Features of Human Fetal Thyroid Gland. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC STUDY, 3(10), 136-140.
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Abstract: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the female population. Breast cancer can occur in each period of life, but the most commonly occurs in women in the age of 45-49 and 55-59, ie in the years to menopause. For the purposes of this paper was used data from the Public health center Kocani for diseased breast cancer patients in the region of MakedonskaKamenica and Delcevo, Republic of North Macedonia, in the period 2010-2018, ie within 8 years. According to the results, most patients with breast cancer were registered in 2016 in M. Kamenica. The research was done on 106 women who were registered on the age between 20 and 75. Most registered women were on age of 45-54 ie 31% and on 55-64 years of age also 31%.While in Delcevo most patients with breast cancer..........
Key words : cancer, breast, oncology, analysis, statistics
[1]. А. Младенович-Михаилович, Д. Младенович, З. Младенович-Богданович; ,,Гинекологија и акушерство" 2019
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[4]. Н. Ангеловска, O. Арсовски, А. Димитровска, Д. Јовановски, В. Крстевска; ,,Радиотерапискаонкологија" 2019
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Abstract: The diseases of thyroid are of great importance since most are amenable to medical or surgical management Knowledge of spectrum of thyroid disorders will help in planning for appropriate treatment.. The present study was conducted on 100 cases of thyroid excision/biopsy referred to the Department of Pathology, Government Medical College, Patiala from Rajindra Hospital, Patiala. The patients were taken from all age groups. Out of 100 cases of thyroid specimens on histopathology; 91 cases turned out to be benign, while 9 cases turned out to be malignant on histopathology. Out of non neoplastic lesions the most common lesion was adenomatous goiter. Out of neoplastic lesions Follicular adenoma was most common in the present study. The most common histological type of thyroid cancer observed was Papillary carcinoma in the present study.
Key words : Thyroid swellings, histopathology
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[4]. Hall TL, Layfield LJ, Phillippe A, Rosenthal DL. Sources of diagnostic error in fine needle aspiration of the thyroid. Cancer 1989; 63 Townsend: 718-725.
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Abstract: Acute abdomen in pregnancy is a condition which affects both mother and fetus. It's clinical presentation may vary from normal. Diagnosis and management of this is very challenging. Delayed diagnosis may lead to adverse outcome for both mother and fetus. We are discussing our experince of management of acute abdomen in pregnancy and also try to review the different condition causing this.
Key words : Preganancy, Acute abdomen, Acute appendicitis, Uterine rupture, Ectopic pregnancy
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Abstract: Background: Preeclampsia complicates 2-8% of pregnancies. FOGSI and other studies show the incidence of pre-eclampsia in India ranges between 11-13%. It accounts for approximately a quarter of all antenatal admissions. It is one of the top five causes of maternal mortality. MATERIALS AND METHODS:The cases were studied in the following groups. Group A (Mild pre-eclampsia) Group B (Severe pre-eclampsia) Group C (Eclampsia) Group D (Normal control group) All groups Consist of 25 pregnant women in each. The Subjects were also divided according to the serum LDH levels Results:The study shows that the mean gestational age decreased with increased LDH levels. Also, serum LDH levels have significant relationship with age, gravidity blood pressure and maternal outcome.
Key words : preeclampsia, eclampsia, serum LDH, maternal outcome
[1]. Roberts JM, Lain KY. Recent Insights into the pathogenesis of preeclampsia. Placenta. 2002;23:359-372.
[2]. Agrawal S, Walia GK. Prevalence and Risk Factors for Symptoms Suggestive of Pre-Eclampsia in Indian Women. J Womens Health Issues Care. 2014;3:6.
[3]. Yuan T, Wang W, Li XL, Li CF, Li C, Gou WL. Clinical characteristics of fetal and neonatal outcomes in twin pregnancy with preeclampsia in a retrospective case-control study. Medicine. 2016;95:43.
[4]. Sajitha M, Nimbargi V, Modi A, Sumariya R, Pawar A. Incidence of pregnancy induced hypertension and prescription pattern of antihypertensive drugs in pregnancy. Int J Pharma Sci Res. 2014;5(4):163-170.
[5]. Agrawal S, Walia GK. Prevalence and risk factor for symptoms suggestive of pre-eclampsia in Indian women. J Women's Health. 2014;3(6):2-9.
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Abstract: The high prevalence of early childhood caries (ECC) had always been a prime concern for the pediatrician. A chief causal factor that leads to early dental caries is Streptococcus mutans. Saliva has an antimicrobial effect as it contains vast amounts of lactoperoxidase enzyme. Other than the human saliva, lactoperoxidase could also be found in cow milk. Over the years, activation of the lactoperoxidase system had been utilized to preserve milk from microbial contamination. The objective of this study was to analyze the levels of lactoperoxidase count in saliva after consumption of pasteurized and Ultra High Temperature (UHT) milk. This study was conducted on 30 children aged 3-5 years old in Medan city by applying purposive design, whereby two groups were established with 15 subjects consuming............
Key words : Early childhood caries (ECC), saliva, Lactoperoxidase, pasteurized milk, UHT milk
[1]. AAPD, 2016. Policy on Early Childhood Caries (ECC): Classifications, Consequences, and Preventive Strategies. Oral Health Policies; 39(6): 59-60.
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[4]. Dwiyanti G, 2009. Pengaruh Penambahan Aktivator Laktoperoksidase Terhadap Ketahanan Susu Sapi Segar. Jurnal Pengajaran MIPA; 13(1): 95-103.
[5]. Firmansyah H, Maheswari RRA, Bakrie B, 2002. Perbandingan Kinerja Aktivator® Sistem Laktoperoksidase (Lactoperoxidase System) dalam Pengawetan Susu dengan Volume yang Berbeda. Seminar Nasional Teknologi Peternakan dan Veteriner; 55-9.
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Abstract: Rift valley fever is a vector borne disease affecting humans and livestock. The rift valley fever is a communicable disease and in an emergency outbreak; a number of challenges have to be tackled.This paper emphasizes on the mechanism of spread of the disease and various factors responsible for its outbreak. This review paper also educates about the various steps needed to prevent its spread. Controlling of a public health problem like this is a collaborative effort in which has to take all aspects into consideration.
[1]. Adam, I., &Karsany, M. (2008). Case report: Rift Valley Fever with vertical transmission in a pregnant Sudanese woman. J. Med. Virol., 80(5), 929-929.
[2]. Anyamba, A., Chretien, J., Small, J., Tucker, C., Formenty, P., Richardson, J., &Britch, S. et al. (2009). Prediction of a Rift Valley fever outbreak. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(3), 955-959.
[3]. Anyangu, A., Gould, L., Sharif, S., Nguku, P., Omolo, J., Mutonga, D., &Rao, C. et al. (2010). Risk Factors for Severe Rift Valley Fever Infection in Kenya, 2007. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 83(2 Suppl), 14-21.
[4]. Arishi, H., Aqeel, A., & Al Hazmi, M. (2006).Vertical transmission of fatal Rift Valley fever in a newborn. Annals of Tropical Paediatrics, 26(3), 251-253.
[5]. Beck, L. (2000). Remote Sensing and Human Health: New Sensors and New Opportunities. Emerg. Infect.
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Abstract: Introduction : le cancer de l'enfant englobe une série de pathologies lourdes, au pronostic varié, ayant des répercussions sur l'état nutritionnel du malade. Cette étude a pour objectifs de déterminer l'état nutritionnel initial des enfants admis pour prise en charge oncologique et de déterminer l'évolution nutritionnelle au décours de la prise en charge. Méthodologie : une étude descriptive longitudinale a été menée, concernant les enfants admis et suivis en unité de prise en charge d'oncologie pédiatrique des Cliniques Universitaires de Lubumbashi (RD Congo). Sur la période allant de 2014 à 2018, un total de 44 cas ont ainsi été colligés. Les courbes NCHS, générés par le logiciel ENA 2007 ont été utilisées comme références............
Key words : Cancer, enfant, état nutritionnel, malnutrition, RD Congo
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Abstract: Introduction: Pregnancy status has been said to increase host's susceptibility to periodontal inflammation, it is not clear whether such heightened status is affected by the oral health behaviorof pregnant women. Objectives : To determine the oral health behavior of oral health utilisation of pregnant women in Ile-Ife Methods: This was a cross sectional study of two hundred and fifty-eight pregnant women. recruited from the antenatal clinic of Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospitals Complex (OAUTHC). Questionnaire to assess the oral health service utilization and pattern of oral hygiene practices of the participants. The oral examination was done on the dental chair with good lightning. The oral hygiene of the pregnant women was rated using Gingival index (GI) and Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Needs (CPITN)............
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Abstract:Ileal perforation is one of the common problems encountered in tropical countries. It is caused due to many causes. The most common among them is enteric fever followed by tuberculosis. Trauma continues to be the most frequent reason for high morbidity and mortality [1]. In spite of the availability of modern diagnostic facilities and advancement in treatment regimens, this condition is still found to be associated with high mortality and morbidity in tropical countries such as India. Preoperative resuscitation, antibiotic therapy, and total parental nutrition reduced the mortality from 28.5% to 10%, but serious complications of ileal perforation poses challenge to surgeons [2].
For the management of
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Abstract: Background: The main aim of this study was to evaluate the association between skin disease, non-communicable diseases and its causing factors in mining area of Joda, Odisha. Methods: We conducted a community-based,Multivariate logistic Regression model to investigate the association by Using self-report questionnaire to assess skin diseases, non-communicable and vector borne diseases are used as a reference group to compare the skin diseases and vector borne diseases. The data of 106 people were available for analysis in this Study. Multiple regression models controlling for confounding factors to include various variables were performed to explore the relationship between skin diseases, non-communicable diseases and its causing factors in mining area of Joda........
Key words : Skin diseases, Joda, multivariate logistic regression factors
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Abstract: Background: Oral candidiasis is one of the common infection observed in cancer patients mainly on cytotoxic therapy and in gets invades into deeper tissues can occur if treatment is not adquate. Emergence of antifungal drug resistance is of serious concern leading to morbidity and mortality. The present study aims of finding incidence of candidiasis in oral cancer patients and their antifungal drug susceptibility. Material and methods: A total of 60 patients have been selected for this study, those were diagnosed for oral cancer from January to June 2018. The samples were taken All isolates were identified and tested for antifungal susceptibility according to CLSI guidelines 2016..........
Key words : oral candidiasis, candida, HiChrome agar
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