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Abstract: BACKGROUND: Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is one of the most common arthroscopic surgery. It is performed using different grafts, the most common being the Hamstring tendon (HT) and the Bone patella bone tendon(BPBT) grafts. The choice of autograft that can be chosen as a new alternative is the Peroneus Longus Tendon(PLT).The advantages of this graft are its strength and mean thickness, which is nearly same as that of the native ACL.The study was mainly to determine the tensile strength of the PLT and to assess donor ankle morbidity and compare it with HT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 40 patients, 20 each in Hamstring group and Bone Patella Bone group. Patients of age 15-50 years with........
Keywords: ACL, PLT, HT, Arthroscopy, Autograft
[1]. Nazem K, Barzegar M, Hosseini A, Karimi M. Can we use peroneus longus in addition to hamstring tendons for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction?. Advanced biomedical research. 2014;3.
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[4]. Spragg L, Chen J, Mirzayan R, Love R, Maletis G. The effect of autologous hamstring graft diameter on the likelihood for revision of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. The American journal of sports medicine. 2016 Jun;44(6):1475-81.
[5]. Narayanan SK, Vishal RB. A study on peroneus longus autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2020 Jan;8(1):183
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Abstract: Background : Incidence of falls is 32% to 40% in people aged 65 or more. There is evidence that falls can be reduced. It is important to identify high risk patients for intervention . The objectives of this study were to compare the validity of the three fall risk assessment scales and to recommend the most appropriate fall risk assessment scale for Geriatric patients in Indian subcontinent. Materials and Methods : One hundred geriatric patients were assessed using three fall risk assessment tools : Morse scale , Schmid score , STRATIFY scale . The statistical analysis included calculation of sensitivity , specificity , positive predictive value and negative predictive value of each scale . Results : The fall risk assessment tools currently used for elderly did not show sufficiently high predictive validity for risk stratification. STRATIFY score had highest sensitivity but low specificity .Schmid score showed opposite findings.......
Keywords: falls , geriatric, fall prevention, elderly
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Abstract: Intramural esophageal dissection is a rare clinical condition characterized by a mucosal tear and intramural extension of a false lumen. Etiologies are either iatrogenic as in esophageal instrumentation (oesophagogastroduodenoscopy and transesophageal echocardiography) as well as non-iatrogenic causes (foreign body ingestion and dissecting hematoma from anticoagulant1). Mechanism of occurrence is poorly understood but the theory of dissection is by injury in the mucosal layer of esophagus with further subsequent increase in intraesophageal pressure with end result of a full separation of mucosa and submucosa from the deeper muscular layers........
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Abstract: Introduction: Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) with consequent laparoscopic cholecystectomy (LC) has been the favoured approach for the treatment of choledocholithiasis for a long time; however recently, laparoscopic common bile duct exploration (LCBDE) has been offered to patients with choledocholithiasis. Objective and aim of this work is to compare the efficacy, safety, and the outcomes of LCBDE, OCBDEand ERCP followed by LC and evaluate the most suitablemethod for patients with choledocholithiasis. Methods: A prospective clinical study was carried out in 75 patients with cholecysto-choledocholithiasis who were divided into three groups:40 patients who underwent ERCP followed by LC in two stages, 10 patients who underwent LCBDE....
Keywords: Bile duct stones, Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, Laparoscopic common bile duct exploration, Laparoscopic cholecystectomy
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Abstract: We are reporting a case of spontaneous hemothorax in a 24 year old male patient diagnosed with Hereditary Multiple Exostoses (HME), presented with chest pain and dyspnea and CT chest showed pleural effusion on the left side. Pathological diagnosis was made on biopsy of the excised rib specimen.
Key Words: Hereditary multiple exostoses, Hemothorax, Osteochondroma, Chondrosarcoma
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Abstract: Background Liver diseases are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in children and include a broad spectrum of infectious, developmental, genetic, metabolic and immunologic disorders that eventually result in hepatic dysfunction and cirrhosis. There is the need to know the epidemiological distribution of liver disease in children in our settings particularly common hepatic disorders in order to institute prompt management and preventive measures......
Key Words: Liver disease, children
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Abstract: Background: Ovulation induction is a treatment option for subfertility that can be achieved through medication. In this study, the efficacy of Letrozole and Clomiphene citrate on ovulation induction in women were compared. Materials and Methods: In this prospective randomized study, a total of 62 patients were treated with Letrozole and clomiphene citrate. Out of which, 31(50%) patients are treated with Letrozole and categorized into group A and 31 (50%) patients were treated with clomiphene citrate, categorized into group B. Overall, 173 cycles were studied and followed up in 62 patients [85 cycles in Letrozole patients (group A) and 88 cycles in Clomiphene Citrate patients (group B)]. In both groups, the parameters like age, diagnosis, baseline level hormones and side effects were compared.......
Keywords: Ovulation induction; subfertility; Letrozole; Clomiphene Citrate.
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Abstract: Background: One of the most common cause of post operative morbidity and mortality in abdomen surgeries is pulmonary complications.The aim of the study is to analyze the clinical profile, Risk factors, incidence and outcomes of postoperative pulmonary complications in patients submitted to abdominal surgeries and admitted in Andhra medical college. Methods: From January 2018 to December 2020 we have conducted a retrospective, observational study of inpatients who underwent elective and emergency surgeries in Andhra medical college, General Surgery Department. We evaluated the perioperative risk factors and associated mortality. Logistic regression was performed to find which perioperative risk factors were most important for the occurrence of PPCs. Results:328 patients who........
Key Word: Abdominal surgery, Acute respiratory failure, mechanical ventilation, Postoperative pulmonary complications
[1]. Smetana GW, Lawrence VA, Cornell JE: Preoperative pulmonary risk stratification for noncardiothoracic surgery: systematic review for the American College of Physicians. Ann Intern Med 2006;144:581–595
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Magnification in endodontics ! Essential or Gimmick? |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Gladson Selvakumar B || Mavishna MV |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2007174655 ![]() |
Abstract: Visualizing the oral cavity has always been a challenging task for the dentists. With the advent of magnification in the field of dentistry, which increases operator efficiency as well as the success rate. Magnification helps the user not only to see more, but to see well. Nevertheless, application of magnification in dentistry has yet to be introduced into the mainstream practice due to various influences in behavioural patterns. By conducting an extensive literature search in the PubMed database, this review paper depicts the present state of magnification devices, their applications within the endodontic practice, factors that influence their usage, the advantages, and shortcomings, as well as the significances of magnification in the field of endodontics. This review paper will serve as guide to clinicians to employ magnification in their practice for improved outcome.
Key Word: Endodontics, lenses, magnification, optics, photonics, visual acuity, visual aids
[1]. Rakesh J Gogiya, Manoj G Chandak, Richa R Modi, Purva Bhutda, Sneha Kela, Rakhi M Chandak. Magnification in dentistry: A review. Int J Appl Dent Sci 2018;4(2):83-85.
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[3]. Nalini Doppalapudi, Ravindra Kumar Burugapalli. Benefits of Utilization of Magnification in Dentistry: A Review. Dental Research and Oral Health 3 (2020): 121-128.
[4]. Mallikarjun SA, Devi PR, Naik AR, Tiwari S. Magnification in dental practice: How useful is it?. Journal of Health Research and Reviews. 2015 May 1;2(2):39.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Utilization of Emergency Dental Services during Covid-19 Epidemic |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Rachana Gandhi || Dr Mital Gandhi |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2007175659 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: To assess how the current COVID-19 epidemic influenced peoples' utilization of emergency dental services at GMERS Medical College, Himatnagar. Gujarat
Methods: The first-visit patients seeking emergency dental services before or at the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic were retrieved. Their demographic characteristics and the reasons for visiting were recorded and analyzed.
Results: There were 2283 patients involved in this study. Thirty-eight percent fewer patients visited the dental urgency at the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic than before. The distribution of dental problems has changed significantly. The proportion of dental and oral infection raised from 51.0% of pre-COVID-19 to 71.9% during COVID-19, and dental trauma decreased from 14.2% to 10.5%. Meanwhile, the non-urgency cases reduced to three-tenths of pre-COVID-19....
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