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Abstract: Scleritis is a very heterogeneous group of diseases responsible for ocular inflammation of varying severity, the evolution and prognosis of which depend on the aetiology but also on the appropriate treatment.
We report the case of a 15-year-old female patient, without any notable general history, followed in consultation for 3 months for a nodular scleritis not improving under usual treatments. She was reconsulted when her symptoms worsened and the examination revealed a minimal reaction of the anterior chamber, in addition to the nodular scleritis localized in the temporal region, with the notion of a vesicular eruption in the perioral region on the same side of the.....
Keywords: scleritis, herpes, antiviral therapy.
[1]. Akpek EK, Thorne JE, Qazi FA, Do DV, Jabs DA. Evaluation of patients withscleritis for systemic disease. Ophthalmology 2004;111:501–6.
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Abstract: Background: Hemoglobinopathies constitutes a imperative causative factor for anaemias of childhood and adults, of which HbS, HbC, HbE, HbD (Punjab) and β Thalassemia are common. HbE Ddisorders are the most prevalent form in north-east India, where its prevalence can reach upto30-40%. It is observed that, often the patients with anemia is treated with iron supplements without any investigations which is hazardous in Hemoglobinopathies......
Keywords. HbE trait, HbE disease, HbE β thalassemia, serum ferritin
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Abstract: This research paper is about various clinical presentations of patients with penetrating torso trauma and investigations done for the same. The prospective observational study was conducted on 72 patients of penetrating torso injury admitted in emergency department of Govt. Medical College Jammu (GMCJ) from October 2018 to September 2019. The patients were studied by clinical history, physical examination and investigations like Xray, CT scan, FAST & four quadrant peritoneal tapping (FQPT). It was observed that assault was the major mechanism of injury, abdomen was the most common site injured especially the left lower quadrant and pain was the most....
Keywords: penetrating injury, torso, investigations, history, examination, observations
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Abstract: Background-Hip fractures in elderly patients are serious injuries that can lead to immobility and permanent dependence, negatively impacting patients' quality of life and resulting in a financial burden for health systems and societies. Hip fractures can also lead to death.
Methods-The present study was conducted in patients with fractures neck of femur (age 60 years and above) presenting to the Department of Orthopaedics, Dr RPGMC Kangra at Tanda. All cases presenting to the department and fulfilling the criteria were studied for a period of one year starting from the date of start of the study.
Keywords- Mortality, Hip, Fracture
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Abstract: Introduction: The treatment strategies of Perthes disease is not established yet, there are many school of thoughts about the approaches and the management but the disease is so complex that following a particular strategy without applying another can result in a spectacular failure in providing the basic goals of treatment.
Case presentation: Here we are presenting case report of a 12-year-old boy, who developed right Perthes disease. He has had a past surgical history of undergoing varus femoral osteotomy of the right side at the age of 9 years and underwent varus femoral osteotomy of the left side at the age of 10 years. Postoperatively, he was treated with partial weight bearing crutches. At 12 years of age, range of motion (ROM) of his left hip was markedly limited at 30° flexion....
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Abstract: BACK GROUND : Chronic nasal obstruction, as a consequence of inferior turbinate hypertrophy has been on the rise, attributing to the increase in the pollutants in the atmosphere, allergens in the food and in general, lifestyle changes.Multiple surgical modalities to reduce the size of turbinates, in medically unresponsive patients are in practice.Of these, we have attempted to compare the two most commonly preferred methods, i.e the Conventional turbinectomy, with the Microdebrider assisted turbinoplasty. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES : To compare the result of microdebrider assisted turbinoplasty and conventional turbinectomy in the patients presenting with hypertrophied......
Keywords :Turbinate Hypertrophy, Nasal Obstruction ,Turbinectomy, Microdebrider Turbinectomy
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Abstract: Sebaceous carcinoma (CS) is an aggressive cancer, with a tendency to spread to regional lymph nodes and distant organs.
As the eyelids are rich in sebaceous glands, they are often the most common location for this tumor. Sebaceous carcinoma (CS) of the eyelid can mimic a benign condition such as chalazion, blepharitis, and less aggressive tumors. Usually, this is a rare tumor that affects Caucasians and accounts for only about 3% of all eyelid malignancies.
It should be suspected in case of refractory unilateral blepharoconjunctivitis. It is necessary to perform a diagnostic biopsy.
The standard treatment.....
Keywords :sebaceous carcinoma, eyelid, excision
[1]. Owen JL, Kibbi N, Worley B, Kelm RC : Sebaceous carcinoma: evidence-based clinical practice guidelines. Lancet Oncol. 2019 Dec;20(12):e699-e714.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Barts Syndrome: A Case Report |
Country | : | Nepal |
Authors | : | Pratima Poudel || Amrita Shrestha || Roushan Jahan |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2007073740 ![]() |
Abstract: Bart's syndrome is characterized by aplasia cutis congenita and epidermolysis bullosa. A male baby was presented on day 3 of birth with congenital absence of skin on the bilateral legs with associated bullous lesion over left thumb and rim of right nostril along with oral mucosal eroions. Barts syndrome was diagnosed clinically and patient was managed conservatively. There was no similar family history. His vitals, systemic examinations and blood investigations were all within normal limits.
Key Words: Aplasia cutis congenita, Barts syndrome, epidermolysis bullosa
[1]. Zelickson B, Matsumura K, Kist D, Epstein EH, Bart BJ. Bart's syndrome: Ultrastructure and genetic linkage. Archives of dermatology. 1995 Jun 1;131(6):663-8.
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Abstract: Introduction: Image guided fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is emerging as an important diagnostic tool in the evaluation of thyroid swellings. Aims and objectives Our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology (USG-FNAC) in diagnosis of thyroid lesions by comparing it with standard fine needle aspiration cytology (S-FNAC)(without ultrasound guidance].Material and methods: In all, 314 patient with thyroid lesions who underwent USG guided FNAC as well as FNAC without USG guidance were studied during period of 1 year. Age, sex, cytological features, and histological diagnoses were analyzed. Statistical analyses of all the findings were done to derive conclusions.Result: Out of 314 cases 264 were benign and 18 malignant,rest being of......
Keywords: Thyroid lesions, USG Guided FNAC, Standard FNAC
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Abstract: The open mouth provided the basis for various surgical approaches to tumors of the oral cavity. If this access is inadequate it is generally added to by splitting the lower lip in the mid line. Roux in mid-19th century first described lower lip splitting procedure which was later modified by Trotter and Konig. Midline vertical incision may cause scar contractures and notching at the vermillion cutaneous border and results in disruption of the round smooth chin pad counter. This study includes patients who were diagnosed to be having oral squamous cell carcinoma in which lip split approach was used to access tumor. From the present study, it becomes apparent that chin appearance and....
Keywords: Roux-trotter, McGregor incision, chin, lip.
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Abstract: Introduction: Diabetic Macular Edema (DME) is the retinal thickening as a result of exudation from incompetent macular vasculature.
Metabolic alterations and inflammation are most important in the pathogenesis of DME. VEGF is a potent angiogenic factor and is responsible for DME. Long standing DME has an inflammatory component and is more responsive to corticosteroids, which are also antiangiogenic.
Materials and methods: A comparison between photocoagulation and intravitreal injection (triamcinolone/ranibizumab) in patients with DME and also to evaluate the visual outcomes in these patients.
A retrospective comparative study was conducted at tertiary eye care centre from August 2020 to March 2021 for 45 eyes of 30 patients diagnosed.......
Keywords: diabetic macular edema, intravitreal injection, triamcinolone, ranibizumab, laser photocoagulation
[1]. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study Research Group: Treatment techniques and clinical guidelines for photocoagulation of diabetic macular edema: Early treatment diabetic retinopathy study report number 2. Ophthalmology 1987; 94:761-774.
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Abstract: Background: Ovarian tumor is one of the most common gynecological tumors seen in female. Because of its anatomical location, ovarian tumors may remain unnoticed for a long period of time. Among tumors or cancers of the female genital tract, the incidence of ovarian tumors ranks only below carcinoma of the cervix and the endometrium. As early ovarian tumor or cancer is not associated with significant symptoms, most women present with advanced disease. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the socio-demographic status of women with ovarian tumors in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. Methods: This cross-sectional observational study was conducted at the Department of Obstetrics & Gynae, Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital, Rajshahi, Bangladesh during the period from December 2017 to November 2019. In total 240 women from.......
Keywords: Ovarian tumor, Women, Parity, Socio-demographic, Malignancy
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