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Abstract: Background: Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) is a spectrum of disorders arising from the placenta which hold good prognosis if diagnosed and treated on time. The Indian subcontinent is under reported for this disorder, so a study to understand the demographic pattern and incidence of GTD in the region was necessary. Materials and Methods: This was prospective and observational study carried out in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Government Medical College Akola, Maharashtra, India from January 2019 to January 2021. Diagnosis of gestational trophoblastic diseases was made by ultrasonography or histopathological examination. The demographic details, presentation, management and follow up were studied. Results: During the study period 19828.....
Keywords: Gestational Trophoblastic disease, Hydatidiform mole, GTD Follow up
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Abstract: OBJECTIVE: This study was done to identify the clinical findings, risk factors and complications of deep neck space infection (DNSI) among the 50 patients presented to ENT department, Government general hospital ,Guntur during the period of two years from January 2018 to December 2019. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study was done on 50 patients who presented with neck swelling and fever during the period of two years to ENT department, GGH, Guntur who gave consent. Those patients with DNSI caused by neck trauma were excluded from the study. Data was categorized according to name, age, sex, clinical features, diagnosis and main stay of treatment......
Keywords. ludwigs angina, submandibular abcess
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Abstract: Aims: This study was aimed to measure and evaluate the procalcitonin levels and correlate it with C-reactive protein in diagnosed cases of COVID-19 Patients. Study design: An observational study. Place and Duration of Study: Department of Biochemistry, Sheikh Bhikhari Medical College and Hospital, Hazaribag, Jharkhand, between 20th January 2021 and 27th February 2021. Methodology: We included 120 patients (70 men, 50 women; age range 18-99 years) with documented COVID-19 were reviewed. The subjects were divided into two group severe and non-severe COVID-19. The details were recorded on a pre-structured performa. Between group, differences were tested using the Mann-Whitney's U-test. The receiver operating characteristic curve was plotted....
Keywords: PCT, CRP, COVID-19, Biomarker, correlation
[1]. L. Jafri, S. Ahmed, I. Siddiqui, Impact of COVID-19 on laboratory professionals-A descriptive cross sectional survey at a clinical chemistry laboratory in a developing country, Ann. Med. Surg 57 (2020 Sep 1) 70–75, https://doi.org/10.1016/j. amsu.2020.07.022.
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Abstract: Background: Despitehaving a higherprevalence in adults, theincidenceofnephrolithiasisisobservedatthesame time in pediatricpatients, constitutinganimportant cause ofchildhospitalization. The possibilityofprogressiontochronickidneydisease in thelongterm, ifthediagnosisandtreatment are notperformedcorrectly, indicatesthepotentialseverityofthisdisease. MaterialsandMethods: Thispaperconducted a literaturereview non-systematic. The electronicdatabasesPubmedandScielowereused. Onlyarticles in Englishlanguagewassearched. For thelocationofthearticles, theterms"pediatric", "nephrolithiasis", "stones", "pediatric" and "children" wereapplied......
Keywords- Nephrolithiasis; Child; kidneydiseases; abdominal pain; diagnosis
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Abstract: Background: Fractures of Both Bones Forearm are one of the most common fractures of upper extremity in adults. Malunion and nonunion is not uncommon in both bone forearm fracture because of the difficulties in reducing the fracture and also maintaining reduction of two parallel bones in the presence of supinating and pronating muscles, which have angular as well as rotatory elements. Hence perfect fracture reduction and rigid fixation is mandatory which is achieved by plating Materials and Methods: : In this retrospective study, we examined 40 patients, 31 male and 9 female of age group 18 to 70 years presented to department of orthopaedics JIIU's IIMSR, Jalna from 2018 to 2020 and who satisfied inclusion and exclusion criteria. all patients were treated with open reduction and internal fixation with 3.5 mm and locking compression plate and the results was evaluated according to Anderson criteria. Results: 40 cases of fractures....
Key Word: Both bones forearm fracture, LCP, Anderson et al criteria.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Management of Non-Vital Immature Teeth-A Review |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Komal Jadhav || Mrunalini J Vaidya || Vibha Hegde || Sahil Kawle |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2007093540 ![]() |
Abstract: The major challenges associated with endodontic treatment of teeth with open apices are achieving adequate access to the wide canal, complete debridement, canal disinfection and optimal sealing of the root canal system. In the absence of a natural apical constriction, it is imperative to create an apical barrier and allow three-dimensional adaptation of obturating material within the root canal system. The aim of this review is to discuss the aetiology, anatomic features, diagnosis and management of teeth with immature open root apices. The contemporary concepts of management of immature non-vital teeth include either apexification or regenerative endodontics. Single visit apexification procedure aims at formation of an apical barrier using bioceramic materials like mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) and Biodentine against which the obturating material can be condensed. Regenerative endodontics is a biologically based endodontic therapy that aims to promote normal physiological development in immature permanent teeth with pulpal necrosis
Keywords :Nonvital teeth, Open apex, Immature teeth, Apexification, Regenerative Endodontics
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Abstract: Ovarian sex cord-stromal tumors are relatively infrequent neoplasms that account for approximately 8% of all primary ovarian neoplasms. Due to rarity of this neoplasm, it may be difficult to determine the tumor type preoperatively on radiological findings. Sex cord stromal tumour is distinctive from other sex cord stromal tumors because of its unusual clinical presentation at an early age and lack of hormonal manifestations. We present this uncommon case in a 17 years old female highlighting the importance of histopathology examination and immunohistochemistry (IHC) in the diagnosis of this benign ovarian neoplasm.
Keywords :Ovarian tumor, sclerosing stromal tumor, Pseudo lobular pattern
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Abstract: Background: Occurrence and prevalence of bronchial asthma varies geographically. In West India, there is paucity of community-based studies to determine the prevalence of asthma in children in mofussil places of residence. Aim: To assess the prevalence of asthma in children in rural areas of Karveer taluka in Kolhapur district and their associated risk factors. Methods: Eleven schools from 12 villages in Karveer Taluka, Maharashtra were approached and 1250 standard ISAAC questionnaires......
Key Words: Bronchial Asthma, prevalence, children, Rural, Risk factors
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Abstract: Background: The importance of fracture neck of femur has increased manifold because of its increasing incidence both among the ageing population and young adults. Its management is a great challenge to the orthopaedic surgeon as there is no single method of treatment which can consistently give successful results for this fracture. Moreover, in the younger population, management of this fracture is a really challenging task. In developing countries like ours, it still remains a major problem where the patients seek treatment after many weeks or months following the injury either because of poverty, lack of health infrastructure or faith in local bone-setters and quacks. In spite of recent advances, non-union is still reported in one-third of cases of femoral neck fractures with displacement. Methodology: This was a prospective......
Keywords: Valgus osteotomy, neglected fracture neck of femur, double angled barrel plate
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[4]. ELzohairy MM, Eid AS. Meta analysis of different methods used for joint preserving procedures in the management of delayed, neglected and non-united femoral neck fractures in young adults. Trauma. 2016 Oct;18(4):245-9.
[5]. Khan AQ, Khan MS, Sherwani MK, Agarwal R. Role of valgus osteotomy and fixation with dynamic hip screw and 120 double angle barrel plate in the management of neglected and ununited femoral neck fracture in young patients. Journal of Orthopaedics and Traumatology. 2009 Jun 1;10(2):71-8.