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Abstract: Medicinal plants are natural resources that produce valuable phytochemical that are frequently used in the treatment of various diseases. A substantial part of the population in developing countries, use folk medicines for their daily healthcare. For this reason, research is carried out, to determine the toxicity of medicinal plants, the aim being to develop effective new drugsthat are non-toxic and inexpensive. The phytochemical screening of an aqueous seed extract of SwieteniaMahagonishows the presence of all metabolites except glycosides and tannin. The phenolic content in alkaloid rich fraction ofS.mahagoni seed extract was highest yield in chloroform. The antibacterial activity is carried out using disc diffusion method the maximum activity was shown against gram positive and gram negative bacteria was E.coli and S.aureus. In MIC method the plant extract shows maximum activity against B..subtilis and S,aureus. Antimicrobial mode of action using leakage of membrane and biofilm inhibition method maximum inP.aureginosa and in E.coli.
Keywords: Antibacterial agents areimportantforfightingagainstpathogens that causediseases. Exploration of suchsubstances from natural sources is the need of theday. With this objective Extracts were prepared from aqueousandthe chloroform of the seedsofSwieteniamahagoni were tested fortheir antibacterialactivity
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Abstract: Background: Perforated peptic ulcer is the most common indication of emergency gastric surgery with high mortality rate. Scoring system was developed to predict the prognosis of perforated peptic ulcer patient. American Society Anesthesiology (ASA) score is a well-known scoring system to predict the mortality in perforated peptic ulcer patient. Practical Scoring System of Mortality in Patients with Perforated Peptic Ulcer (POMPP) is a scoring system which is more specific in predicting patient mortality with perforated peptic ulcer. Objective: The purpose of this study was to validate the predictive value of ASA and POMPP scores on the mortality of patients with gastric perforation who were subjected to percutaneous......
Keywords. Comparison, ASA, POMPP, Gastric Perforation
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Abstract: We report the case of a nine-year-old boy presented to our consultation with blurred vision in his right eye for 5 months. The symptom immediately happened after child's game when the boy staring at the laser beam for a few seconds . Examination of ocular fundus with slit lamp showed yellowish lesion in macula in his right eye. CNV was confirmed by fundus examinations and intravitreal ranibizumab injection was performed.
Keywords: choroidal neovascularization, laser
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Abstract: Hernias may be generally defined as a "Abnormal Protrusion of a viscus or part of a viscus through an abnormal opening in the walls of its containing cavity'. It has been said that the history of groin hernias is the history of surgery itself. The surgical treatment of inguinal hernias evolved through stages to reach modern and successful era. Hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed surgical procedures worldwide. An ideal inguinal hernia repair should be, tissue based tension free with no potential damage to vital structures, complications or no long term pain and no recurrenceses. Though lichenstein prosthetic repair using prolene mesh has being popular lately it is not a tissue based repair and hence cannot be ideal. Though this method of hernia repair is simple and safe, at the slightest moment of the mesh from the sutured area is leading cause of......
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Abstract: Resume Introduction Pellucid marginal corneal degeneration (PMCD) is a progressive, non-inflammatory disease of the lower cornea. It is often confused with keratoconus because of clinical, histological and topographical similarities. The aim of our work is to study the clinical and topographic characteristics of the disease, its differential diagnosis and therapeutic strategies through a unilateral case and a review of the literature. Methods We report the case of a 37-year-old female patient, without any particular history, who presented a progressive decrease in visual acuity of the right eye without any notion of redness or......
Keywords :pellucid marginal degeneresence , corneal topography, pachymetry
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Abstract: Anorectal Manometry (MAR) is an examination that analyzes the two main functions of the anorectal region, continence and defecation. This exploration is necessary in functional anorectal pathology: constipation and fecal incontinence. The MAR is becoming an increasingly used examination in children of all ages. The aim of our work is to determine the indications of anorectal manometry (MAR) and to evaluate its contribution in children in our practice. Materials and methods This is a retrospective study over a period of 38 months, (January 2017-February 2020), were included 120 children who have benefited from a MAR with AIR system, in our service. Epidemiological, clinical and manometric data......
Keywords :Anorectal manometry, Constipation, Encopresis, Child
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Abstract: Introduction: The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the stress and displacement pattern using slow and rapid maxillary appliance in unilateral cleft palate. Materials and Methods: Three finite element model of a young human skull with Cleft Lip and Palate (CLCP) was generated using data from 3D scans of a dried young skull. models of skull and maxilla with unilateral cleft palate with extensions into alveolus, alveolus and premaxilla, alveolus, premaxilla and hard palate, surrounding structures were modelled using the Solidworks software. The model was then strained to a state of maxillary expansion with the application of 2N and 7N forces to simulate slow and rapid expansion......
Keywords :Slow Maxillary expansion, Rapid maxillary expansion, Finite element method
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Anthropological Use of Sabmal to Treat Malaria in Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Abue, Andrew Donatus || Benjamin Amodu |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2007055258 ![]() |
Abstract: Malaria is a mosquitoes borne-infectious disease that affects humans and other animals.]Malaria causes clinical features that typically include Fever, Malaise/Fatigue,vomitting and headaches The key point here is that malaria does not exist in a vacuum. Medical anthropology looks at all of the different factors that influence malaria transmission and why people do what they do. Rather than focusing just on curing an individual, we seek to understand the broader contextual and structural issues that can help or hinder health-seeking behaviour. SAABMAL is a phytochemical product produced at the Halamin herbal centreAbuja.It is composed of lemon leaf,sesameseed,Garlicbulb,bitterleaf......
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Abstract: Organophosphorus Compounds Inhibit both Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and pseudocholinesterase (PChE) enzymes, resulting in overstimulation of muscarinic and nicotinic receptors.1-4 Serum pseudocholinesterase enzymes levels are routinely measured in OP compound poisoning. Studies by Goswamy et al.5 and Chaudhary et al.6 states that the estimation of PChE is useful in predicting the prognosis in OP poisoning. Estimation of serum pseudocholinesterase enzyme level is costly and is not routinely available in all the laboratories. Majority of the OP compound patients are poor. Due to limited availability of facilities and resources in health care systems and economically restrain patients, it is necessary to relay more on clinical features to assess the severity of poisoning and to manage the condition.......
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