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Abstract: India is known as the diabetic capital of the world. One of the common complications of diabetes is foot ulcer. It can be prevented by proper glycemic control. Many tribal populations in India are devoid of basic medical facility. So, good glycemic control in these population is a distant reality. This study aims to analyze the prevalence of foot ulcers among tribals with diabetes
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Reasons for Apicectomy and Treatment Outcomes in Enugu, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Linda Oge Okoye |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2009010510 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: The purpose of this prospective study was to analyze the reasons for apicectomy and to evaluate the treatment outcomes of the apicectomized teeth in patients attending the dental clinics in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku Ozalla and a private practice (Dentslyn Dental clinic) in Enugu State. Material and Method: Fifty patients who presented to the clinics within the study period, requiring apicectomy were recruited, having met the inclusion criteria. The teeth were treated surgically. The participants were followed up for one year. The outcome of treatment was assessed both radiographically and clinically. Results: Patients were aged 17-65 years, with half (50.0%) of the participants significantly within the 20-29 years age group (p=0.001). More than half (52.0%) were females. Sixty percentage (n=30) of the participants were of the middle socioeconomic class (p= 0.001) and half of the participants were civil servants (0.001). Majority of the.....
Keyword: Apicectomy, apical surgery, diagnosis, symptoms
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION- COVID-19 Pandemic knocked the doors of our country India, in early 2020. Since then, our doors have been shut and our house is also our school. Adding to the already existing sedentary lifestyle, online classes have taken a toll on children's physical and mental health. There is a need for a rigorous awareness program among the youth in preventing the onset of type 2 diabetes mellitus. MATERIALS AND METHODS- This is an IDRS questionnaire based study circulated among 120 school going adolescent population in Chennai.
Key word: IDRS(Indian diabetic risk score), School going adolescents , Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, physical activity, sedentary lifestyle
[1]. Pradeep A Praveen 1, Sri Venkata Madhu 2, Viswanathan Mohan et al Registry of Youth Onset Diabetes in India (YDR): Rationale, Recruitment, and Current Status J Diabetes Sci Technol 2016 Aug 22;10(5):1034-41.
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[5]. Dr. Gayathri Dilliraj and Dr. A. Jamuna Rani "Prevention Is Better Than Cure" -A 2020 IDRS (Indian Diabetic Risk Score) Based Study, Among The Budding Future Physicians At Times Of Unexpected Pandemics Like The COVID 19. wjpmr, 2020,6(10), 198-201
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Abstract: Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with a state of decreased insulin sensitivity along with increased body mass index. It has been studied that serum adiponectin produced by human placenta and adipose tissue has profound insulin sensitizing properties along with anti-inflammatory and anti-atherogenic effects. A decreased level of serum adiponectin is an independent risk factor for future development of diabetes. Conversely, increased level of serum adiponectin reduces the chances of Type 2 DM. Aims & Objectives: To study the association of serum adiponectin levels with GDM.........
Key words: Adiponectin, HbA1c, GDM, GCT, OGTT, cholesterol,
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Abstract: For labour induction, artificial rupture of the membranes sometimes called surgical induction- can be used and always implies a commitment to delivery. Elective amniotomy with the intention of accelerating labour is often performed and amniotomy performed at 5 cm dilatation accelerated spontaneous labour by 1 to 1 ½ hours. Amniotomy is a commonly performed intervention thought to accelerate the labor course through the increase in the release of prostaglandins and oxytocin.[5,6] Amniotomy or artificial rupture of membranes is usually implemented to induce and support the delivery process, internal electronic fetal heart monitoring, intrauterine recording of contractions, meconium detection, and uterine dysfunction. On the......
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Abstract: Background: Suicide is a matter of global concern. Suicide is the result of complex interaction among biological, psychological and socio-environmental factors. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a chronic disease that causes significant distress and often marked impairment. Hence, there is fair chance that patients of obsessive-compulsive disorder may experience suicidal thoughts and may even involve in suicidal acts. There is sparsity of data in this context. We conducted this study to assess suicidal behavior in patients of obsessive-compulsive disorder......
Key words: Suicide; Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
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Abstract: Background: The aim of the present study is to know the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in cases of primary hypothyroidism.
Materials and Methods: Total 195 patients were enrolled in the present study, out of which 17 were male patients and 178 were female patients . All patients were underwent investigations triiodothyronine( T3), tetraiodotyronine(T4), thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH), 25 OH (hydroxy) vitamin D and serum calcium.
Results: the mean age of presentation in the present study is 36 years. 179 out of 195 patients (92%) had either vitamin D deficiency or insufficiency and 16.......
Key words: vitamin D deficiency, primary hypothyroidism, 25 OH vitamin D, serum calcium
[1]. Makariou S, Liberopoulos EN, Elisaf M, Challa A, Novel roles of vitamin D in disease: What is new in 2011? Eur J Intern Med 2011;22:355-362.
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Abstract: Background: Peritonitis is defined as inflammation of the serosal membrane that lines the abdominal cavity and the organs contained therein. It is often caused by introduction of an infection into the otherwise sterile peritoneal environment through perforation of bowel. This study is an attempt to analyze perforation peritonitis according demography, clinical presentations, investigations, anatomical sites of perforation, complications and outcome of surgical management. Methods: 100 patients of perforation peritonitis visiting the surgery department in last two years, more than 12 years of age, were included. Demographic details, chief complaints, past, personal and family history, general physical and local examination, hematological and radiological investigations were performed......
Key words: Perforation; Peritonitis; Peptic; Appendicular; Ileal
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Abstract: Background-Rhinosporidiosis is a localized infection of mucous membrane caused by Rhinosporidium seeberi. Ocular involvement occurs in 10% of infections.Common sites of ocular involvement includes conjunctiva, lacrimal sac, sclera & lid. As it thrives in hot and tropical climate its endemicity found in our locality. AIM OF THE STUDY-To study the risk factors, modes of presentation, clinical features & treatment outcomes of oculosporidiosis. MATERIAL&METHOD- Retrospective study conducted in dept. of ophthalmology & dept. of pathology for a period of 2 years. All oculosporidiosis cases both clinically diagnosed & confirmed by histopathology examination were included. Among total 68 cases.....
Keywords: Rhinosporidiosis, oculosporidiosis, DCT (Dacryocystectomy).
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Abstract: Background :Bacterial vaginosis is a polymicrobial disorder characterized by decrease in the number of H2O2 producing lactobacillus and overgrowth of several facultative anaerobic bacteria like Gardnerella vaginalis, Haemophillus vaginalis, Mycoplasma, or anaerobes like Bacteriods sp, Prevotella sp and Mobiluncus sp. Objective: To determine the prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in women presenting with preterm labour and term labour and determine any association between bacterial vaginosis and preterm labour. Material and Methods: A cross sectional analytical study study carried out over a period of 6 months on the patients admitted and delivered at our MDM & Umaid hospital, Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Dr. S.N. Medical College, Jodhpur. The clinical diagnosis of BV is made in the presence of three of the following......
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Abstract: Pleural effusions are relatively rare during the course of multiple myeloma and most often occur with non-specific disorders of the disease. We report an observation of myelomatous pleural effusion; the diagnostic was ascertained by the pleural biopsy.the evolution is marked by the rapid deterioration of general condition .Occurrence in the course of multiple myeloma of pleural effusions due to infiltration of the pleura by plasma cells reflects aggressive disease and indicates a poor prognosis.
Key words: Pleurisy - Multiple myeloma Myelomatouspleural effusion
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