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Abstract: Insulin resistance and relative lack of insulin factors lead to persistence of increased blood sugar level which contributes to the causation of diseases including cardiovascular diseases, stroke, chronic kidney diseases, and peripheral artery diseases.However, according to our knowledge, there is a lack of sample study in Bundelkhand region regarding the relationship of Body Mass Index (BMI) with uric acid and Random Blood Sugar (RBS).We have taken the criteria of WHO to divide the subjects into groups. Therefore, in the present study, we have taken the opportunity to investigate the relationship of BMI with uric acid and also with RBS in this pilot study. We observed marked significant difference in the mean values of BMI, RBS, and uric acid when compared between leprosy....
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Abstract: Background: RAR (recto anal repair) is a minimally invasive technique which includes haemorrhoidal artery ligation and rectal mucopexy. Objectives: 1)The purpose of this study is to identify the initial and 14th post operative day follow up results. 2) To know the early benefits, and complications that are associated with FGHAL-RAR. Materials and methods: 40 cases of hemorrhoids (both internal and external) admitted in Department of General Surgery, KGH, Visakhapatnam from March.....
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Abstract: Introduction. Thyroid dysfunction is one of the leading endocrine disorders. Previous data show that about half of the population with thyroid dysfunction remains undiagnosed. Advances in thyroid disorder diagnosis have created new thyroid disorder categories such as subclinical hypothyroidism and subclinical hyperthyroidism. Objective. The purpose of the study was to detect the prevalence of hypothyroid disorders (clinical and sub clinical hypothyroid) among UAE adult population. Subjects and Method. A retrospective (single centre) Community Based Hospital audit study. Patients from ages 18 and above were randomly selectedwho had attended HH Family Medicine OPD and tested for periodic screening, chronic disease or obesity workup. Descriptive statistics were studied for continuous variables and categorical variables such as age, BMI, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus......
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Abstract: Introduction:Tobacco use is a global public health problem. One person dies every six-second due to tobacco use. One in ten deaths is caused by tobacco.During the last century, the number of people dying from tobacco is approximately 100 million and is expected to rise to one billion deaths during the 21" century. Globally tobacco use is rising. Tobacco use can lead to various life-threatening ailments, and heart diseases are a major part of it. Regular tobacco consumption can also have a great impact on the financial side. The present study was conducted to observe the health hazards of tobacco consumption in a rural area of Bangladesh. Aim of the study: The......
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Outcome of Covid-19 Infection in Pregnant Females |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Pinky Balotia || Dr. Hanslata Gehlot |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2009152325 ![]() |
Abstract: AIM- This article presents the analysis of current data in relation to COVID-19 in S.N Medical college and hospital, Jodhpur from January 2021 to June 2021 and its impact on pregnant women including symptoms and complication of disease........
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Abstract: Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is a screening test used to identify thyroid nodules and aid in subsequent clinical management. However, the benefits have been overshadowed by the variety of reporting systems and nomenclature used. The Bethesda System for Reporting Thyroid Cytopathology (TBSRTC) was developed in 2007 to provide the world with a uniform thyroid cytology reporting system that would allow clinicians to easily interpret the data. In this paper, we examine the status of thyroid FNAC in India in terms of the various reporting systems used, as well as a conceptual analysis of previously published data. Using internet search engines, a thorough review of the literature was conducted. Thyroid cytology reports with detailed classification systems were included.....
Keywords: Cytology, Fine-needle aspiration cytology, Thyroid FN, The Bethesda System, Malignant.
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Abstract: Background:-The purpose of this study is to assess the diverse presentations of diabetic foot, to evaluate the role of various surgical interventions like debridement, minor/major amputation and to advocate prophylactic measures for prevention of diabetic foot. METHOD- Study and data analysis were conducted over the period of 1 year from August 2020 to August 2021. All diabetics presenting to the Department of Surgery in our institute with complains of lesions in foot were included in the study. RESULTS- In our study, the minimum age was 40 years and the maximum age was 80 years with mean age and standard deviation being 58.02.....
Key Word: Diabetic Foot, debridement, random blood sugar, necrosis, amputation.
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Abstract: Port site hernia is a rare but a serious complication following laparoscopic surgery.We present the case report of a 65-year-old male patient who had undergone robot assisted laparoscopic trans-peritoneal radical prostatectomy for adenocarcinoma prostate which was uneventful. After 3months patient presented to surgical emergency with the chief complaints of pain abdomen and multiple of vomiting from the last 2 days. Clinical examination revealed swelling in the right lumbar area at the scar of previous port site, swelling was soft,tender,irreducible.Abdomen was distended and tender. X ray abdomen showed multiple air fluid levels, with dilated small bowel loops suggestive of small bowel obstruction. USG revealed defect in the right lateral ventral area with herniation of bowel loops.Mini-laparotomy was performed, hernia contained viable bowel loops, hernia contents were reduced and fascial defect was closed.Patient did well post-operatively and was discharged on 4th post-operative day.....
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dying declaration and the medical practitioner: A review |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Sujan Narayan Agrawal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2009154043 ![]() |
Abstract: The dying declaration is a statement made by a person explaining the circumstances of his death. The meaning of the word dying declaration is self-explanatory. This is the statement given by the person who knows that the death is eminent, and tells what he believes the cause or circumstances of his death. The dying declaration is considered credible and trustworthy statement. It is based on the general belief that most of the people who are about to die "do not lie". Section 32(1) of the Indian Evidence Act deals with the admissibility of dying declaration. Rule 33 of Criminal Rules of Practice deals with the manner to be followed by the Magistrate while recording Dying Declarations. It is mandatory that the deceased must be in a fit state of mind and capable of making the statement at the.....
Key Words:Dying declaration, Cause of death, section 32(1) of Indian evidence act, rule 33 of criminal rule of practice, Landmark judgement, corroboration
[1] Section-32(1) of Indian evidence act, 1872.
[2] P. V. Radhakrishna Vs. State of Karnataka
[3] Uka Ram v. State of Rajasthan, A.I.R. 2001 S.C. 1814.
[4] Rule 33 of the criminal rule of practice
[5] 2010 AIR SCW 5494.