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Abstract: INTRODUCTION: The novel corona virus disease 19 is Pandora box of trouble since it came into existence.
Corona virus is still a mystery which need to be solved and every factor and its association is important since it
aid in reaching the goal. Convalescent plasma therapy is one of the modality for treatment in only handful
available options. Blood bank plays an important role in plasma therapy from donation to issue i.e. vein to vein
and hence should be prepared for such situations. Here, based on the requisition received in department of
transfusion medicine for convalescent plasma we have classified them in ABO system.
Aim: Aim of the present study was to evaluate the demand of convalescent plasma and correlating it with their
blood group type.......
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Abstract: Background: Of the 330,000 HIV-related TB deaths among adults (aged ≥15 years) worldwide in 2014, slightly more than 40% were women, accounting for about one-third of all AIDS-related deaths among adult women. The aim of this study is to describe the epidemiological aspects of Tuberculosis in women of reproductive age. Materials and Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study from June to December 2015, all women of childbearing age seen in a DOTsCentre of the National Anti-Tuberculosis Centre (CNAT) of Niamey (Niger), 115 female patients in childbearing age belonging to age of 16 to 45 years were enrolled. Results: Out of 456 patients enrolled for tuberculosis treatment a total of 115 (25.21%) were female patients in childbearing age. The average age of the....
Keywords- Tuberculosis, Women, Reproductive Age, Niger
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Abstract: Introduction The incidence of low birth weight neonates in India varies between 25-30 percentage.Very low birth weight (VLBW) babies comprise between 4-8% of live-births. These babies are at a high risk for morbidity and account for one third of mortality in neonatal age group. Optimal nutrition in these newborns improves growth and good neurological outcomes and also reduces morbidity and mortality . There is a great deal of heterogeneity of practice among neonatologists regarding feeding VLBW infants. Adequate nutrition is essential for the optimal growth and health of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Enteral......
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Abstract: Osteochrondromas, also called exostosis, are the largestgroup of benign bone tumors arising in the bones preformedby cartilage. Commonly seen in the long bones of the lower extremity. Ilium is a rare site. We present a 19-year-old boy withswelling in the right side of waist region for 9 months. After clinical and radiological evaluation, it was diagnosed as osteochondroma of right iliac wing which was managed by En-bloc resection. This case is published for the rarity of location of the osteochondroma.
Key Word: Exostosis, Osteochondroma, En-bloc excision.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Skin Manifestations and Covid 19 |
Country | : | Morocco |
Authors | : | A.Moujahid || M.Khalidi || Sk.M'fa || A.Ouardi || N.Hjira || K.El Khatib |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2009142125 ![]() |
Abstract: After the first confirmed case of Covid-19 infection was reported in December 2019, the SARS-COV-2 virus has
spawned one of the most diagnostically and therapeutically complex pandemics in recent decades. The clinical
manifestations of covid-19 remain polymorphic, predominated by respiratory involvement. However, skin
lesions have been of significant interest because of their frequency and diagnostic orientation, despite the initial
difficulty in establishing a direct causal link between these skin manifestations and the diagnosis of certainty by
Covid-19 infection. The various studies conducted have led to a common classification, including five main skin
manifestations seen in SARS-COV-2 disease: Urticarial rash, acral lesions, vesicular and chickenpox-like
lesions, maculopapular rash and necrotic lesions.....
Keywords: Covid-19, cutaneous manifestations, SARS-COV-2 infection, skin.
[1]. Carrascosa JM, Morillas V, Bielsa I, Munera-Campos M. Manifestaciones cutáneas en el contexto de la infección por SARS-CoV-2
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[4]. Lai CC, Liu YH, Wang CY, Wang YH, Hsueh SC, Yen MY, et al. Asymptomatic carrier state, acute respiratory disease, and
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Abstract: Background. Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is an evidence-based, multidisciplinary, and comprehensive intervention in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is recommended by all the available guidelines. Pulmonary rehabilitation improves the exercise capacity and quality of life (QoL) in COPD patients. We evaluated a six-week pulmonary rehabilitation program in a resource-limited setting. Methods. We studied the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD. 115 patients were considered for the study. 100 patients fulfilled the criteria. They were randomised to receive standard treatment plus a 12-week pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) programme......
Keywords: COPD, quality of life, pulmonary rehabilitation, 6-minute walking test, SGRQ.
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Abstract: Hyaline vascular type Castleman Disease (HVCD) is a rare benign disorder characterised by lymphoid hyperplasia. Mediatinum is the most common site of occurence with extrmeties being rare. We describe a case of HVCD of upper arm in a 35 yeras old female presenting with predominantly a soft tissue, superficial swelling in right arm and excised as soft tissue tumor.
Key Word: Hyaline vascular type castlemans disease, extremity, Soft tissue tumor.
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Abstract: The increasing trend of caesarean section in the last two decades not fest in developed countries but also in developing countries like India. Due to more advanced intrapartum monitoring lead to an increase in emergency caesarean section. There is a big challenge to obstetric anaesthesiologist as parturient have physiological changes during pregnancy as well as effects of numerous drugs and techniques on parturient and foetus. The neuraxialanaesthesia used for caesarean section are single shot spinal anaesthesia, Epidural anaesthesia &combined spinal& epidural anaesthesia.
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Abstract: The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) may be associated with a wide range of disease patterns, ranging from mild to life-threatening pneumonia. A wide variety of bacterial and fungal co-infections may exist and may be associated with already existing morbidities (diabetes mellitus, hypertension). The disease even after its cure, is producing wide array of complications such as Mucormycosis, which itself is a grave disease that is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality of the patients associated with it. This disease is usually caused by numerous Phycomycetes organisms of the Eumycetes(true fungi) which include Rhizopus, Mucor and Absidia. The Rhinocerebral form of mucormycosis.....
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Abstract: 11-year-old female came to emergency department with alleged history of road traffic accident a day before
with GCSE1VtM3 bilateral pupils sluggish reactive normal size. The patient was intubated in view of poor GCS
the patient was kept on ventilator support in Paediatric ICU. Chest x-ray was done and showed a foreign body
in right side of the lung field the patient was tracheostomized two days later in view of the prolonged
ventilatory support as the diagnosis of DAI stage II with right leg distal tibia fibula fracture was made .The
Patient was taken up for Flexible bronchoscopy in operating room for foreign body removal once the patient
was neurologically better. The foreign body was localised with the bronchoscope but was finally removed with
the help of paediatric cystoscope and its stent removal forceps. Surprisingly the foreign body was the metallic
detachable bulb of the laryngoscope.Post procedural events were un-eventful.Patient vitals remained stable in
ward and tracheostomy was closed 2 days after.
[1]. Altuntas, Bayram et al. "Foreign Bodies in Trachea: A 25-years of Experience." The Eurasian journal of medicine vol. 48,2 (2016):
119-23. doi:10.5152/eurasianjmed.2015.10.
[2]. Dhar V, Al-Reefy H, Dilkes M. Case report--an iatrogenic foreign body in the airway. Int J Surg. 2008 Dec;6(6):e46-7. doi:
10.1016/j.ijsu.2007.01.004. Epub 2007 Jan 30. PMID: 19059136.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Penetrating Foreign Body through Palate |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.C.Vardhini || Dr.C.H.Venkatasubbaiah |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2009145356 ![]() |
Abstract: Foreign bodies are common in otorhinolaryngologic practice, usually in children. An impacted penetrating foreign body can be one of the most challenging emergencies. Penetrating oropharyngeal foreign bodies are rare mainly seen in children falling with objects in their mouth. Here we share our experience with one such unusual case report of a foreign body penetrating the palate. Management should be done quickly& carefully as it can also lead to neurovascular complications, airway compromise.
Key Words: foreign body, penetrating the palate.
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[4]. Powitzky R, Cordero J, Robinson M, Helmer R, Halldorsson A. Spectacular impalement through the face and neck: a case report and
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Abstract: Introduction: In the era of rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) and drug resistance, Cartridge Based Nucleic
Acid Amplification Technique (CBNAAT) came with a future of early and easy diagnosis for TB. However,
microscopic examination of sputum sample remains most commonly used screening test and Lowenstein-Jensen
(LJ) culture method is considered as gold standard. Aim:To diagnose tuberculosis among pediatric age group
by CBNAAT and compare the results obtained with conventional methods. Materials and method: Present
cross-sectional study was conducted during December 2016 to November 2018 among 120 consecutively
selected children with signs and symptoms of TB. Detailed socio-demographic history, clinical examination was
done using a pre-tested interview schedule. Tuberculin test was performed and sample was collected following
standard protocol. The performance of CBNAAT including resistance to Rifampicinand smear microscopy
among samples obtained.....
Keywords: Drug resistance, Gastric aspirate, Paediatric tuberculosis.
[1]. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report 2016. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2016.
[2]. World Health Organization. Global tuberculosis report 2017. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization; 2017.
[3]. JenkinsHE, YuenCM. The burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in children. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 2018; 22(5):3-6.
[4]. Kunkel A, Abel Zur Wiesch P, Nathavitharana RR, Marx FM, Jenkins HE, Cohen T. Smear positivity in paediatric and adult
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[5]. Sharma SK, Kohli M, Yadav RN, Chaubey J, Bhasin D, Sreenivas V et al.Evaluating the diagnostic accuracy of Xpert MTB/RIF
assay in pulmonary tuberculosis. PLoS One. 2015; 10(10): e0141011
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thalassemic child`s Bones, joints and skin |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Nibras salim || Soad S jabur |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2009146265 ![]() |
Abstract: Thalassemia an autosomal recessive disorder, it's the commonest monogenic disorder, its name derived from Greek words thalassa "sea" and haema "of blood", it was described in people lived around the Mediterranean, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia, but due to migration, now be found across the world. The pathophysiology of the disease and its subsequent treatments affect almost every organ system, so the severe anemia, growth retardation, skeletal disturbances, iron overload, cardiac and endocrine abnormalities lead to shorting the life of thalassemic patients, bony and skin involvement is common but poorly understood ,affecting both younger and relatively older patient, presented diagnostic and therapeutic challenges.
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[3]. Lo L, Singer ST. Thalassemia: current approach to an old disease. Pediatr Clin North Am 2002; 49: 1165–1191, v.
[4]. Higgs DR. α-Thalassaemia. Baillieres Clin Haematol. 1993;6:117–150.
[5]. Arlet JB, Ribeil JA, Guillem F, et al. HSP70 sequestration by free α-globin promotes ineffective erythropoiesis in β-thalassaemia.
Nature 2014;514:242-6.