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Abstract: Introduction: Bone marrow examination is an important diagnostic tool to evaluate various hematological and non-hematological disorders. The two most important techniques used for the diagnosis are bone marrow aspiration and bone marrow biopsy which play complementary role with each other when performed simultaneously. Aims and Objectives: Study was done to compare the results of BMA and BMB and by that to prove the complementary role of both techniques to each other. Material and Methods: We evaluated total 74 casesin central laboratory, department of pathology, at tertiary care centre. All aspirations were stained.....
Key words: Granulomatous inflammation, MDS, Flow cytometry, IHC
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Abstract: Background: Diabetic Foot Ulcers remain a major health care problem and is challenging to the health care professionals who attend them.These create a major cause of morbidity,mortality and/or disability being the commonest cause for lower limb amputation.In recent times, biological dressings are becoming popular and gaining importance but none of them have become gold standard for treating diabetic foot ulcers.Collagen dressings have many advantages when compared to conventional dressings in terms of ease of application and being natural. We compared the Collagen granule dressing with conventional dressing in treating diabetic foot in terms of number of time taken.......
Keywords: Diabetic Foot Ulcer, Collagen granule dressing, Conventional dressing
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Abstract: Résumé Objectif : Rapporter les aspects Épidémiologiques, Cliniques, Thérapeutiques et Evolutifs ostéomyélites/Ostéites observés au CHU de Brazzaville -Congo. Matériels et méthodes : étude descriptive, rétrospective sur 13 cas, conduite 1er Janvier 2017 au 30 Septembre 2020(3 ans et 8 mois). Le diagnostic des ostéomyélites/ostéites a été retenu sur la base des données anamnestiques, cliniques, para cliniques et évolutives sous traitement. Résultats :13 patients (30,9%), dont 6 cas (46,2%) d'ostéomyélite chronique, 2 cas (15,3%) d'ostéomyélite aiguë et 5 ostéites (38,5%). 7 patients de sexe masculin (16,7%) et 6 féminins (14,3%).Le sex-ratio était de 1,2. L'âge moyen était de 38,5 ans avec des extrêmes de 18 et 77 ans.4 patients (30,8%).....
Keywords: Osteomyelitis, Osteitis, adult, Brazzaville, Congo
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Abstract: Conventional Tracheostomy tubes have a disadvantage of stagnation of tracheal secretions above its inflated cuff. These Secretions act as a medium for microbial growth and increases the incidence of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in ICU Patients. A modified Tracheostomy tube with additional above the cuff suction channel prevents the stagnation of such secretions and can help to decrease the incidence of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia in ICU Patients.The Aim of Our studywas to Compare the incidence of Ventilation Associated Pneumonia between two groups.40 patients were equally divided in two arms. Randomization was done beforehand by the principal investigator. Arm 1 – Patients with Conventional Tracheostomy tubes (without suction aid).Arm 2- Patients with.......
Keywords: Ventilator associated Pneumonia, Suction aid tracheotomy tube, Subglottic secretions
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Abstract: Background: surgical site infections (SSIs) are among the most common healthcare associated infections (HAIs). Post Lower Segment Cesarean SSI result in maternal morbidity, longer hospital stays, repeated admissions and greater healthcare costs to both patients and the healthcare system overall. These are preventable through infection prevention control measures and good surgical practices. Materials and Methods: In this prospective study conducted by the Department of Microbiology and Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology all patients undergoing Lower Segment Cesarean section were observed for postoperative wound infection for 30 days period. Samples were collected by sterile cotton swabs and processed by standard microbiological techniques. Surgical site infection rates both in emergency as well as elective cases were calculated...
Keywords: Post Lower Segment Cesarean SSI; SSI rates;SSI.
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Abstract: Background/Aims: In developed country coronary artery disease (CAD) is considered as the major reason for occurrence of death. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) comprise of STEMI, NSTEMI as well as unstable angina. The risk factors leading to ACS includes diabetes Mellitus, obesity, smoking cigarette, high blood pressure, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance. Diabetic patients are prone to have coronary artery disease that later result in the form of widespread atherosclerosis. Acute Myocardial infarction and Diabetes Mellitus are considered as bad prognostic factors leading to increased heart failure incidence resulting in higher mortality in hospitals. This study is conducted with the aim to determine the prognosis of patients with ACS comparing admission blood sugar and HBA1C values..
Keywords: Acute coronary syndrome, Diabetes mellitus, HbA1c, Random blood sugar
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Abstract: Background:The appendageal tumors of skin encompass a wide variety with histologically distinct features, commonly seen in head and neck. The aim of this study is to determine the pattern of appendageal tumors in skin biopsies. Materials & Methods:This is a one-year retrospective study of patients of all ages and both sexes who attended OPD in department of DVL, SMC, GGH, VIJAYAWADA who were diagnosed to have skin appendageal tumors andconfirmed by histopathology. Results: The total number of cases in the study was 25 - 10males and 15 females. Tumors with eccrine differentiation constituted the maximum, 15 cases (60%); followed by tumors with hair differentiation, 5 cases (20%); tumors with sebaceous differentiation......
Keywords: Appendageal skin tumor, Syringoma, Trichoepithelioma, Nodular hidradenoma, Eccrine spiradenoma, Nevus sebaceous
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Abstract: Background: Intestinal obstruction is a common cause of acute abdomen worldwide. It is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality from all causes of acute abdomen17. In spite of tremendous advances in medicine, bowel obstruction still remains a question of good clinical acumen. Bowel obstruction poses great dilemma in both diagnosis and management. The pattern of intestinal obstruction varies between communities and in different age groups1. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study is conducted on the cases presented with pain and distension of abdomen with constipation/obstipation to K R hospital for a period of 1year from June 2020 to May 2021. This study includes patients with intestinal obstruction managed......
Keywords: Etiologies, adhesions, sigmoid carcinoma, obstructed inguinal hernia
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mucormycosis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | kaustubh kumar |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-2009076263 ![]() |
Abstract: Mucormycosis is a devastating infection with high mortality rates despite recent advances in diagnosis and treatment. It caused by zygomycetes infection by a filamentous fungi of the murales class. This is preferentially affecting patients with diabetes, neutropenia , malignancy ,chronic renal failure , AIDS ,it can affect the immunocompromised hosts. It occurs mainly through skin, trauma ,with contaminated soil or intravenous drug administration. Lipid formulations of amphoterecin b are the mainstay of its treatment with aggressive surgical therapy.....