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Abstract: Background: Neurological disorders. The authors reports 3 case series of neurological disorders affecting individual of different ages, wide variety of clinical manifestations thus affecting their activities of daily living. The cases included in this case series are on stroke, pineal gland tumor & on Guillian-Barré. Each patient in this case series showed functional affectations limiting their role performance. Occupational therapy's task-oriented approach has showed improvement in functional participation thus improving the engagement in role performance. The task-oriented approach is highly individualized, client-centered rehabilitation approach. Materials and Methods: 3.....
Keywords: Stroke, task-oriented approach, functional independence, mobility
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Abstract: Background: Foreign body lodged in the soft tissue is fairly common in the road traffic accidents or industrial accidents. The immediate closure of the soft tissue wounds become the emergency treatment for the control of bleeding. Penetrating or perforating injuries of different origins in the head and neck are rare but poses potential threat. Minor wounds such as abrasion wounds, minor lacerationsare generally contaminated with gravels, dirt etc. but......
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Abstract: Background: The study aimed to evaluate the level of knowledge and awareness of glaucoma and their possible determinants in a group diagnosed with glaucoma and in a population-based group without glaucoma. Materials and Methods: This prospective, observational, hospital-based study included 102 patients presenting to the ophthalmology outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital in Kashmir in the month of October 2022. Written informed consent was obtained from all participants after explaining the nature of the study.A well-designed questionnaire was used to collect the data of the recruited patients.The questionnaire included socio-demographic characteristics......
Keywords: Glaucoma, prevention, awareness of glaucoma.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Use of ACT on patients with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Laxmi Narayan Rathore |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2203013238 ![]() |
Abstract: Aim: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is known to be basically characterised by presence of obsessions and compulsions. With life time prevalence rate of around 2-3%, OCD possess quite a challenge in its management. Existing literature sufficiently advocates use of cognitive and behavioural strategies in management of OCD. With the propagation of newer techniques like Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), it is interesting to see their effectiveness in treating patients with OCD. Present study attempts to use ACT in managing obsessive compulsive symptoms in OCD patients. Method: Pre and post intervention with a control group design was made to conduct this study involving 20 patients having a primary diagnosis...
Key words: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, YBOCS.
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Abstract: Patients with respiratory infections in the intensive care unit pose a challenge due to the presence of animmunocompromised state,hyperglycemia, and the presence of nosocomial pathogens that are resistant to common antibiotics.1,2. Patients withcommunity-acquired pneumonia who are hospitalized also pose a challenge since their arrival at the hospital are preceded by the use of several antibiotics contributingto the development of high antimicrobial resistance.3 Hence it is imperative to choose the antibiotics with care when treating patients with respiratory infections in the hospital or intensive care unit (ICU.)The choice of drug for empirical antibiotic therapy has to be made based on knowledge......
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Abstract: Introduction : A vesicovaginal fistula (VVF) this is a condition where in there is an abnormal communication between badder and the vagina1 , this leads to significant morbidity in female urology. Immediate diagnosis and appropriate timely repair using appropriate procedure are essential for an successful management of these VVF cases1. Treatment for a VVF typically involves surgical repair to close the fistula and restore the normal separation between the bladder and vagina. The method of closure depends on surgeons and the main complication noted is recurrent fistula formation2 . Material and Methods.....
Keywords: VVF, Vaginal route , Catheterization
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Abstract: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the commonest endocrinopathy resulting in anovulatory infertility in young women. Recent years have seen a significant rise in women presenting with PCOS and a concomitant spurt in scientific interest to understand the syndrome. Several studies have reported on ovulation and pregnancy rates in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). However, relevant data on endometrial receptivity are limited. This study was conducted to compare endometrial receptivity during implantation windows among letrozole (LE), clomiphene citrate (CC), and natural cycle, and to assess the predictive value for pregnancy of observed indicators.Themain aim of the study was to evaluation of......
Keywords: Ovulation induction, polycystic ovary syndrome, letrozole, clomiphene citrate, endometrial receptivity, embryo implantation
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Abstract: Background: Diabetes can also be caused by a combination of these two inabilities. Diabetes is characterized by elevated levels of glucose in the blood. Diabetes can be caused either by the body's inability to produce insulin or by the body's inability to effectively utilize insulin when it is present. Aim: The present study aim is to determine to what extent, the128-HztuningforkdetectearlyDPNinanOO andT2DMpopulation? the 1-g and 10-g monofilaments detect early DPN in an OO and T2DMpopulation? and will the three instruments differ in their ability to detect DPN in OO and T2D populations? Material & methods: After debate, the institutional Human ethics committee approved........
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Abstract: Background: In the realm of medicine, it is general knowledge that the femoral artery can function as an entry point for a broad variety of diagnostic and investigative procedures to be carried out. Aim: The present study is to determine the anatomical variations of femoral artery in the site of origin of femoral, superficialcircumflexIliac, superficialepigastric, superficial& deep external pudendal arteries. Materials & methods: The Institutional Ethics Committee gave the go-ahead for this work to be done. After it was approved, this study got under way. This was the cadaveric study that was done on a total of 60 embalmed and formalin-fixed remains from the anatomy departments of Index Medical College & Hospital. Sixty bodies that had been preserved with formalin were used....
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