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Abstract: Background: Whorled pigmentation is defined as streaks of pigmentary changes i.e. either hypo/ hyperpigmentation along the blaschko lines due to heterogenicity of skin cells. It is also called pigmentary mosaicism. It includes Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis, Hypomelanosis of Ito and Incontinentia pigmentii. Most of these are commonly associated with extracutaneous involvement predominantly involving central nervous system, ocular and musculo skeletal system. Aims and Objectives : •To study the clinico-epidemiological aspects of the patients with pigmentary mosaicism attending to our out patient department, Government.....
Keywords: whorled pigmentation, Linear and Whorled Nevoid Hypermelanosis (LWNH), Hypomelanosis of Ito (HI), pigmentary mosaicism, extracutaneous manifestations, blaschko lines.
[1]. Pinheiro A, Mathew MC, Thomas M, Jacob M, Srivastava VM, Cherian R, Raju R, George R. The clinical profile of children in India with pigmentary anomalies along the lines of Blaschko and central nervous system manifestations. PediatrDermatol. 2007 Jan-Feb;24(1):11-7. Doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2007.00325.x. PMID: 17300642.
[2]. Metta AK, Ramachandra S, Sadath N, Manupati S. Linear and whorled nevoid hypermelanosis in three successive generations. Indian J DermatolVenereolLeprol. 2011 May-Jun;77(3):403. Doi: 10.4103/0378-6323.79742. PMID: 21508598.
[3]. Pascual-Castroviejo I, Roche C, Martinez-Bermejo A, Arcas J, Lopez-Martin V, Tendero A, Esquiroz JL, Pascual-Pascual SI. Hypomelanosis of ITO. A study of 76 infantile cases. Brain Dev. 1998 Jan;20(1):36-43. Doi: 10.1016/s0387-7604(97)00097-1. PMID: 9533559.
[4]. Nehal KS, PeBenito R, Orlow SJ. Analysis of 54 cases of hypopigmentation and hyperpigmentation along the lines of Blaschko. Arch Dermatol. 1996 Oct;132(10):1167-70. PMID: 8859026.
[5]. Hogeling M, Frieden IJ. Segmental pigmentation disorder. Br J Dermatol. 2010 Jun;162(6):1337-41. Doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2133.2010.09702.x. Epub 2010 Feb 15. PMID: 20163411.
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Abstract: Background: Glaucoma is a leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) disproportionately affects individuals of African ancestry. Many gene linkage-based studies have identified several genes with varying contributions to glaucoma; one of which is mutation in myocilin gene. Identifying genetic biomarkerisdesirable for screening of high-risk individuals and early management to avoid vision loss. Objective: The aim of this study was tofind out the relevance of mutation in myocilin gene as a genetic biomarker of adult-onset primary open-angle glaucoma among indigenes of Rivers State, Nigeria. Methodology: This was.....
Keywords: Myocilin gene mutation, Biomarker, Adult-onset Primary Open Angle Glaucoma, Rivers State
[1]. Abdull, M.M., Sivasubramaniam, S., Murthy, G.V.S., Gilbert, C., Abubakar, T. &Ezelum, C.H. (2009). Causes of blindness and visual impairment in Nigeria: The Nigerian National Blindness and Visual Impairment Survey. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci., 50(9), 4114-4120.
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[3]. Allen, K.F., Gaier, E.D. & Wiggs, J.L. (2015). Genetics of primary inherited disorders of the optic nerve: clinical applications. ColdSpring Harb Perspect Med; 5: a017277.
[4]. Awoyesuku, E.A. & Ejimadu, C.S. (2012). Visual disability in newly diagnosed Primary Open angle Glaucoma (POAG) patients in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Medicine; 21:78-80.
[5]. Aroca-Aguilar, J.D., Sánchez-Sánchez, F., Ghosh, S., Coca-Prados, M. & Escribano, J. (2015). Myocilin mutations causing glaucoma inhibit the intracellular endoproteolytic cleavage of myocilin between amino acids Arg226 and Ile227. J Biol Chem. 280:21043–21051..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Conjunctival Nevus: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lakshmi Prasanna Peruri || Anees Fathima |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2203031518 ![]() |
Abstract: Conjunctival nevi are the most common benign melanocytic tumor of the ocular surface with a mean diameter of 3.5mm. Large nevi with a basal diameter of more than 10 mmin diameter called giant conjunctival nevi (GCN) are rare andaccount for 5% of conjunctival nevi. A 10 year old male presented with a pigmented spot in left eye which was there since 7 years, with a history of rapid growth in last 6 months. AS-OCT suggestive of hyper refractive nodular, temporal ocular surface lesion and base of the lesion was well defined with no evidence of intra lesional cysts. Excision biopsy was done with application of......
[1]. Shields CL, Regillo AC, Mellen PL, Kaliki S, Lally SE, Shields JA. Giant conjunctival nevus: Clinical features and natural course in 32 cases. JAMA Ophthalmol 2013;131:857‑63.
[2]. Tóth‑Molnár E, Vizvári E, Skribek Á, Vörös A. Giant conjunctivalnevus in a 12‑year‑old child. Case Rep Ophthalmol Med2017;2017:8414352. doi: 10.1155/2017/8414352.
[3]. Tomita M, Goto H, Muramatsu R, Usui M. Treatment of largeconjunctival nevus by resection and reconstruction using amnioticmembrane. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2006;244:761‑4.
[4]. Shields CL, Fasiuddin AF, Mashayekhi A, Shields JA. Conjunctivalnevi: Clinical features and natural course in 410 consecutivepatients. Arch Ophthalmol 2004;122:167‑75.
[5]. Esposito E, Zoroquiain P, Mastromonaco C, Morales MC,Belfort Neto R, Burnier M Jr. Epithelial inclusion cyst inconjunctival melanoma. Int J Surg Pathol 2016;24:562‑67
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Abstract: Backgroundand aims: Increasing the cross-sectional area (CSA) of the right internal jugular vein (RIJV) facilitates cannulation and decreases complications. Purpose of this study was to investigate response of PEEP and Trendelenburg position on cross-sectional area (CSA) of RIJV using ultrasound in adult subjects. Materials & methods: Fifty patients of ASA grade I/II aged 18-58years of either sex undergoing elective surgeries under general anaesthesia after clearance from institutional ethical committee were enrolled for study. Transverse and AP diameter and CSA of RIJV were measured in response to supine position with no PEEP (SP0) and compared with 7 randomly ordered maneuvers: PEEP of 5 cm H2O (SP5), PEEP of 10 cm H2O (SP10), PEEP of 15 cm H2O (SP15), 10° Trendelenburg tilt position with PEEP of 0 cm H2O (TP0), 10° Trendelenburg tilt position combined with.......
Key words: RIJV, PEEP, Trendelenburg, CSA, AP, Transverse diameter, Ultrasound
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Abstract: Background :Self-medication is defined as the selecting and utilizing medications to treat self-recognized symptoms or ailments without consultation from a physician. Objectives: 1.To Estimate the prevalence of taking self-medication among medical students during COVID 19 pandemic 2.To Assess the perception of self-medication among undergraduate medical students . 3. To Identify the contributing factors of practising self-medication among medical students during COVID 19 pandemic......
Key words: Self-medication , Undergraduate Medical students, COVID 19
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Abstract: Topical steroids are one of the drugs commonly prescribed for a variety of skin conditions. But misuse of topical corticosteroids, especially over the face for cosmetic benefits is an increasing problem in India. Lack of awareness and the over the counter availability of obtaining topical corticosteroids without a scheduled prescription are important underlying factors. As the upcoming prime person of consultation, the young budding medical students have an important role in controlling topical corticosteroid abuse. This study is basically aimed to evaluate the knowledge and attitudes regarding the use of topical corticosteroids in different classes of medical students and interns. A cross-sectional survey was carried out among medical students and interns using convenience sampling method. A total of 150 peer reviewed questionnaires which included questions analysing the.....
Keywords: medical students; topical corticosteroid; topical steroid abuse
[1]. 1.Rathi SK, D'Souza P. Rational and ethical use of topical corticosteroids based on safety and efficacy. Indian journal of dermatology. 2012 Jul;57(4):251.
[2]. Lahiri K, Coondoo A. Topical steroid damaged/dependent face (TSDF): An entity of cutaneous pharmacodependence. Indian journal of dermatology. 2016 May;61(3):265
[3]. .Meena S, Gupta LK, Khare AK, Balai M, Mittal A, Mehta S, Bhatri G. Topical corticosteroids abuse: A clinical study of cutaneous adverse effects. Indian journal of dermatology. 2017 Nov;62(6):675.
[4]. Saraswat A. Ethical use of topical corticosteroids. Indian J Dermatol. 2014 Sep;5.
[5]. Bewley A., Dermatology Working Group. Expert consensus: time for a change in the way we advise our patients to use topical corticosteroids. Br J Dermatol. 2008 May;158(5):917.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effects of laparascopy on liver enzymes |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. J.Prasant || Dr.B. Raghavendra Srikanth || Dr.G.Sarath Babu |
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: | 10.9790/0853-2203033943 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Laparoscopic procedures have gained popularity in recent days because of advantages like small incision, less postoperative pain and discomfort, short hospital stay, early ambulation and early discharge. Very few studies are available to correlate Laparoscopic Surgeries and liver enzyme elevation. This effect may be due to either CO2 pneumoperitoneum, diathermy extruding liver, injury to branch of the hepatic artery or general anesthesia. Objective: This study was done to evaluate the changes in liver enzymes pre-operatively and post- operatively following laparoscopy. Methods: This prospective study included 103 patients who underwent various laparoscopic surgeries over a period of 1 year in Alluri sita rama raju academy of medical sciences , eluru,India. Serum AST, ALT and bilirubin levels were measured preoperatively and on post-operative day 1 and post-operative day 3. Patients.....
[1]. Kiely JM, Brannigan AE, Foley E, Cheema S, O'Brien W, Delaney PV. Day case laparoscopic cholecystectomy is feasible. Med Sci. 2001;170(2):98-9.
[2]. Hameed F, Ahmed B, Khan AA, Dab RH. Impact of pneumoperitoneum on hepatic functions after laparoscopic cholecystectomy. APMC. 2009;3(2):100-6.
[3]. Marakis G, Pavlidis T, Ballas K, Rafailidis S, Psarras K, Symeonidis N et al. Alterations in liver function tests following laparoscopic chole- cystectomy. Internet J Surg. 2006;8:245-7.
[4]. Singal R, Singal RP, Sandhu K, Singh B, Bhatia G, Khatri A et al. Evaluation and comparison of postoperative levels of serum bilirubin, serum transaminases and alkaline phosphatase in laparoscopic cholecystectomy versus open cholecystectomy. J Gastrointest Oncol. 2015;6(5):479-86.
[5]. Tan M, Xu FF, Peng JS, Li DM, Chen LH, Lv BJ et. al. Changes in the level of serum liver enzymes after laparoscopic surgery. World J Gastroenterol. 2003;9(2):364-7..
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Abstract: Aim and objective:To study the role of EFAST in detecting pneumothorax in polytrauma patients admitted in TAEI ward in GRH Madurai. In this study we evaluate the accuracy of EFAST in detecting pneumothorax compared with CT chest or chest X-ray. Materials and methods: It is a prospective study conducted in GRH Madurai for a period of one year. Study population includes 100 patients with history of blunt injury chest of both sexes admitted in GRH during the period of 2021-2022. In all patients EFAST was done and compared with chest X-ray and CT chest. Observation and results:....
[1]. Baily and Love, short practice of surgery,27th edition.
[2]. Schwartz's principles of surgery, 11th edition.
[3]. Sabiston textbook of surgery 21th edition Townsend Beauchamp Evers Mattox.
[4]. Detection of pneumothoraces in patients with multiple blunt trauma: use and limitations of eFAST Thomas C SauteSimonHoess, Beat Lehmann, Aristomenis K Exadaktylos, Dominik GHaider.
[5]. Extended focused assessment with sonography for trauma (EFAST) in the diagnosis of pneumothorax KalyanaC.NandipatiabShyamAllamaneni.
[6]. eFAST for Pneumothorax: Real-Life Application in an Urban Level 1 Center by Trauma Team Members Steven Maximus, M.D., Cesar Figueroa, M.D., […], Matthew Whealon, M.D., Jacqueline Pham, B.S., Eric Kuncir, M.D., and Cristobal Barrios, M.D. smaximus..
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Abstract: The aim of this study was to identify risk factors for mandibular third molar impaction and to evaluate the predictability of their eruption using parameters on orthopantomograms. Panoramic images of 160 patients of both sexes, aged 16-28 years were selected and the position of 220 MM3 were analyzed, before the orthodontic treatment. The subjects were divided into four groups, depending on their degree of impact or eruption: group A (fully erupted and developed MM3), group B (partially erupted, fully developed MM3), group C (unerrupted but completely formatted MM3) and group D (unerupted and partially formated MM3)......
Key words: third molar impaction, orthopantomogram, retromolar space, linear parameters, angular parameters
[1]. Jamil G, Syed M, Baber H, Abbas Z, Khalid M, Rehman SA. 3rd Molar variations via radiograph, Biology, Engineering and Medicine, 2017, 2(3): 1-6
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[5]. Lauesen SR, Andreasen JO, Gerds TA, Christensen SSA, Borum M, Hillerup S. Association between third mandibular molar impaction and degree of root development in adolescents. Angle Orthod 2013;83:3-9.
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Abstract: Osteomyelitis is an inflammatory process of both cortical and medullary bone. It can be seen more commonly in mandible as compared to the maxilla. There are several causes of osteomyelitis of the palate. But in this age of advanced antibiotics, it is usually curbed in the initial stages itself. Rarely does it progress to the stage where surgery is required. Especially in maxilla where there is sufficient collateral supply. Mistreatment and neglect are the main reasons for this disease to advance. BIPP (Bismuth iodide paraffin paste) has proven its mettle in various types of healing scenarios and also in our case.
Keywords: osteomyelitis; palatal fracture; maxillary osteomyelitis; BIPP.
[1]. Prasad KC, Prasad SC, Mouli N, Agarwal S. Osteomyelitis in the head and neck. Acta Otolaryngol2007;127:194–205
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[5]. Brodie BC. An account of some cases of chronic abscessof the tibia. Med Chir Trans 1832;17:239-249.
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Abstract: Over the years there is increase in rate of overweight and obesity which has really been surprising which is a great threat to the health of the citizens in developing countries like India. The reason or the cause behind this havoc probably because of standard of living of the people are rising particularly in developing countries because of industrialization and urbanization. Due to mechanical lifestyle and competitive living style people are running out of time , so shortage of time leads to adaptation of eating rich.....
[1]. Adhikary G, Hossain FB, Chowdhury A.B, Chowdhury AB, Shawon MSR. Association between body mass index (BMI) and hypertension in south Asian population. Evidence from nationally-representative surveys. Clin Hypertens . [Internet] 2019 Dec. Available from URL: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40885-019-0134-8
[2]. Kaushik D, Chawla GK. Correlation between blood pressure and body mass index among university students. Int J Health Sci Res. 2019; 9(8):394-8
[3]. Bhattacharjya J, Goswami B. Prevalence of Prehypertension among the Medical Students and its Correlation with Body Mass Index. Int J Sci Stud 2016;4(7):13-16
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Abstract: Malnutrition refers to inadequate dietary intake, infectious disease, or a combination of both. Worldwide about 2.3 million children's deaths are attributed to malnutrition which is nearly one-half of all child deathsper year. Malnutrition affects cognitive and educational development of children, which cuts future earning and reduces global economy substantially. Proper feeding practicesand early childhood are fundamental for normal growth, development and survival of infants and children,The objective of this study was to find out the pattern of complementary feeding practices and related factors among mothers of 6-23 months aged children. A cross-sectionalstudy was conducted at Dhaka Medical College Hospital and Maternal and Child Health Training Institute,Azimpur,Dhaka. 187respondents.....
[1]. Isaka, A. I., Agho, K. E., Burns, P. & Page, A., 2014. Determinants of inadequate complementary feeding practices among children aged 6-23 months in Ghana. Public Health Nutrition, 18(4), pp. 669-678.
[2]. Ahmed T, Hossain M, Mahfuz M, Choudhury N, HossainMM,Bhandari N, et al, Severe acute malnutrition in Asia. Food Nutr Bull 2014 Jun; 35(2 suppl): S14-S26. PM:25069289 PMID: 25069289.
[3]. Bangladesh Demographic and Healh Survey 2017-18
[4]. Senarath U, Dibley MJ. Complementary feeding practices in South Asia:analyses of recent national survey data by the South Asia Infant Feeding Research Network. Matern Child Nutr. 2012;8(1):5–10.
[5]. Saha KK, Frongillo EA, Alam DS, Arifeen SE, Persson LÅ, Rasmussen KM. Appropriate infant feeding practices result in better growth of infants and young children in rural Bangladesh. Am J ClinNutr.2008; 87:1852–9..